Times Advocate, 1994-06-29, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, June 29, 1994 Graduation 1994 McGillivray Central Public School McGillivray Central School held their grade eight graduation ceremonies this past week. Above, 1 to r, Justin Collin, Jamie Cornish, Greg Cunningham, Melinda Drury, Michael Eagle- son,' Rick Feltz and Derek Fifield. Middle, 1 to r, Susan George, Ryan Holden, Tony Isaac, An- drea Lee, Erin Lee, Shannon Milley and Mark Ramsay. Bolton, 1 to r. Mary Catherine Rock, Lindsay Thompson, Scott Thompson, Amy Trevithick, Jay Wilton and Eric Yeo. Toddlers' Inn Nursery School graduates held their ceremonies Thursday morning to celebrate their last day. Here in front, from left to right is: Kelsey Hem, Lindsay Jane Hayter, Natalie Hayes, Jake Hormbth, Lisa Coxen, Brittany Meidinger and Brian Martene. Middle row is Shan- non DeWeerd, Tyler Miedema, Becca Rykman, Taryn Anstett, Tiffany Hern, James Marsden and Blair Cooper. Back row is Tyler Knip, Angela Lozon, Kyle Prout, Ryan Jacobe, Anthony Wilts, Tristen Caldwell and Heather Amerongen. Absent is Molly Hunter and Evan Dougherty. Story Hour graduates from Centralia celebrated their final day of class last Tuesday. The chil- dren are,in front from left to right: Ryan DeBoer, Gregory Lovelace, Amanda Post, Jessica Grant, Annette Clarkson, Michelle DeRuiter, Joanna Knip, Kristy Pavkeje, and Megan Pavkeje. The middle row is: David Clarkson, Kevin Mulder, Steven Masse, Lisa Cosman, Kendra Wind- sor, Zachary Thomson, Benjamin Toomstra, Katlyn Adair, Blair Finkbeiner, Amber Borden. The back row is, Trisha Pavkeje, Lisa Neevel, Tyson Christie, Jack Northcott, Nicole Deruiter, Ab- igail DeWeerd, Nikki Miedema, Joey Pavkeje, Adam DeBoer, Jennifer Kuhar, Crystal Lan- gendyk, Katelyn Vanderoek, and Kevin Ha. Zurich Public School Graduates from Zurich Public School are front, left; Connie Gingerich, Julia Geiger, Ali- sha Estep, Becky Kirk, Melissa Miller. Back, left; Nick Boshart, Richard Desjardine, Brad Brown, Darren Desch, Ryan Morrison. Id McCurdy Public School Celebrating their Grade 8 graduation on Monday night were staff and students at McCurdy Public School. From front left are: Mandy Harris, Craig Angyal, Patty Wood, Jennette Walk- er, Julie Forrest, Kirk Tatara, Jodie Levasseur and vice principal Marg Allen. Back left are: teachers Dorothy Coo'man and Maryann Topp along with Brendan Walker, Brian Huxtable, Sen Chansamwe, Joe Graham, Jesse Hartford and principal Mary Ellen Walsh. Hensall Public School The Thursday afemocn class of the Toddlers' Inn Nursery School gathered with their parents to hold their graduation ceremonies. In front from left to right Is: Danielle Ondrejicka, Kartlln Krahn, Katelyn Oke, Amber Lee Overholt, Kristen Hefley and Logan Moyer. In back is: Rachel StoJkovlc, Kyle Bryson, Tim Burtch, Scott Varley, Marc Denomme, Bryce Halpenny and Amy Lightfoot. Absent from the photo Is Warren Elder. Newish h Public School graduates for 1994 are, front, left; Jon Campbell, Tara Ingram, Bridget Wuerch, Amy Wood, Karrie Consitt, Nick Bird. Back, left; Lorne Rideout (Grade 8 teacher), Jim Seaton, Jeff Rathwell, Darren Firman, Justin Shaw, Ryan Munn, Mary Mof- fatt offatt (Principal).