Times Advocate, 1994-06-29, Page 14Page 14 Times -Advocate, June 29, 1994 This Week in Sports... Golf roundup - page 15 Speed boats coming to Grand Bend - Page 16 Sidelines By Fred Groves New coaches will bring new ideas Fresh. Fresh ideas, fresh at- titudes. That is what both the Exeter Hawks and the Lucan Irish of the Junior Develop- ment League will have this fall when they head into the 1994-95 Junior' D' hockey season. Dave Revjngton returns to the league after spending the past five years with the Exet- er Senior 'A' Mohawks. After waiting patiently for the sen- iors to come to practice, and wondering just who will be at the next game, Revington will get a chance to put his expertise to the test. He has a lot of hockey knowledge and I believe he'll get a lot of support from the executive and -the -community -.- as a whole. One .thing he brings to the Hawks is the ability to handle pressure. The Mohawks have been in some pretty tough jams the past five years and he is ei- ther able to get them out of it (most of the time) or the odd occasion, step aside grace- fully to the other team. George Pratt had pretty good teams the last couple of of years but when it came to pressure, especially the playoffs, he couldn't get the Hawks to perform. In Lucan, Ken Needham walks away after five yew and he is going to miss the Monday night practices, Wednesday night home games and the weekend bus trips. He has never brought the Irish a title, although he has come close a couple of times. In Lucan, it's time for a change and Scott Bogart and Jeff Dalrymple could be start- ing a very successful junior hockey coaching career. Bogan, Dalrymple and Revington are firm believers in discipline. Revington has been kind of hard pressed to exercise that with the Mo- hawks, but Bogart and bal- rymple who have coached midget in Exeter have gained a lot of respect from the lo- cals because of their will- ingness not to show favorit- ism. For regular followers of both teams, look out because the rivalry will really heat up. You will have your regular supporters of the Hawks but you will also have quite a few who will go down to Lucan on a regular basis and watch Bogart and Dalrymple in ac- tion. From the sidelines:... Con- gratulations to Dave Boltz- mann of Exeter who recently broke the course record at Bayview Golf Club. He also holds the record at Iron- wood...I would like to thank thc Times -Advocate pro- duction staff of Deb Lord, Barb Robertson and Laurel Miner for their assistance in making the T -A sports sec- tion the third best in Canada. Thanks... Imperials win two at own tournament Owen Sound played six games on Sunday and beat St. Marys 6-0 By Fred Groves T -A staff EXETER - For a team that was put into the tournament almost at the last minute, the Exeter Imperi- als did very well on thc weekend. Usually there arc 16 teams in the annual Exctcr Imperials Men's Fastball Tournament, but this year there were only 13 so Exeter went into it to make it 14 and won two games, just missing a trip to the di- visional finals by one run. They opened with a big 10-1 win over Belmore on Saturday morning and later in the day edged Mitchell Juniors 2-1. On Sunday, the Imperi- als came up short 2-0 to the St. Marys Nighthawks and were elim- inated in the double -knockout tour- nament 4-3 by the St. Pauls Gener- als. "We've had so many games can- celled, we've only played eight league games. Playing four games made us sharp," said Exeter coach Fred Cook. Winning the tournament was Owen Sound • Mooney Grenon Fuels who easily beat thc Night- hawks 6-0 in a short five -inning mercied game. It was the fifth gamc in a row and sixth of the day for Owen Sound who were led by the consistent pitching of Trevor Wardell. In thc final, Wardell struck out 10 of the 21 batters he faced while allowing just two hits. Wardell was named the Most Valuable Pitcher of the tournament while Owen Sound shortstop Paul Qvcsncll was selected as the Most Valuable Player. This year's tournament had a dis- mal start as Friday's games were cancelled due to thc bad weather and there wcrc rain delays on Sat- urday which pushed the action into the late hours. Pick ups help: The Imperials picked up three former players for the tournament as pitcher Greg Wise and outfielders Darren Neil and Sandy Hyde returned to the Ex- etcr lineup. Exctcr opened with a big 10-1 win over Bclmorc. This game only wcnt four -and -a -half innings as the Imperials plated seven runs in their half of the third. Against the Mitchell Juniors, Ex- ctcr went ahead 1-0 in the bottom of the first inning when Dan Hey- wood singled, moved on Neil's sac- rifice bunt and scored on Hyde's rbi base hit. But the Juniors' ninth batter, Dar- ren Fuller hit a home run to tic the game up but in the bottom of thc sixth frame, Exeter's Greg Dal- rymple singled and came home on catcher Gavin Snell's game winning rbi base hit. "Greg and Gavin are playing ex- cellent, the young guys arc im- proving," said Cook. "Rod John- ston and Jim Allison had good weekends:' he added of his two middle infielders. Exeter's third game was against the Nighthawks and their top pitch- er Paul Homburg fanned 11 and re- tired 20 in a row before Heywood could bes'tt out an infield single in the bottom of the ninth with two out. "That's as good as I've seen him play in a fcw years," said Cook of Homburg who used to play for the St. Marys Selects. There were 14 teams in the tour- nament which ineant they went to two divisions and they played a . double -knockout until the final when it was one game, winner take all. Exeter got to the division semi- final against the Generals and lost a close 4-3 contest. "Greg (Wise)started and they hit three home runs off him. Dan came on and shut them down," said Cook. Neil, who hit thc ball hard all weekend had a two -run homer in the fourth and just missed in the sixth when he tripled off the base of the outfield fence. The Imperials were beaten by Milverton in South Perth league ac- tion on Thursday and prepare to head to Tara next weekend for a tournament. Exeter catcher Gavin Snell, left; fires down to first base in the Imperials game against St. Marys. Looking on is pitcher Greg Wise. Kevin Windsor, above; shows some agility while making a throw. Below, Dan Heywood slides into third base. Ladies fastball Ieague dying? There are now only four teams - Crediton, Exeter, Kirkton, Sebringville By Fred Groves T -A staff EXETER - Over the past few years, ladies fastball has faded to the point where, unfortunately, it is nearly non- existent. This year, the Huron -Perth Ladies Fastball League has just four teams - Exeter, Crediton, Sebringville and Kirk - ton. In recent years, there have been entries from Mitchell, Winthrop, St. Marys, St. Pauls and Dublin. The Exeter Greys, once the elite club of the league had to put posters up around the area just to get enough ladies to come and try out for their team. Fastball for ladies; at the lower level anyway seems to be alive as Don McInnes, coach of the Exeter ladies juvenile team says his players are quite enthusiastic. He says his players are looking forward to going on and playing in the ladies league. "Eighty percent are interested in going on in fastball. A lot of them play slow -pitch as well," said McInnes. Slow -pitch has taken many males and females away from fastball but it seems the Huron -Perth ladies league has suf- fered the most. However, while slow -pitch may be purling some away, there are those like Crediton's Brenda Wilds and Exeter's Patti Down who are very loyal to the game of fastball. "1 think it's a shame all these younger are players going to slow -pitch," said Wilds who has been with the Crediton la- dies team for a dozen years. Now the coach of the Classics, she has tried slow -pitch but came back to fastball. "1 quit one year and went to slow -pitch and said it wasn't for me," said Wilds. McInnes pointed out that slow -pitch is not the only factor that is seeing the Huron -Penh ladies league dwindle. "They go away to university and get jobs. 1 think society has a lot to do with the demise of fastball," he said. The Classics easily beat the Greys last Tuesday and they did it with a couple of players who also suit up for the Exct- cr juvenile team. Wilds said her team's roster is not as big as it has been in the past. "One year we wcnt with 14 or 15 and everyone com- plained they weren't playing, now we have 12." While McInnes is fairly optimistic about the future of la- dies fastball, Wilds says the Huron -Perth league is close to becoming extinct. "The way they're talking, there might not he any fastball at all next year. 1 know Exeter is having problems." The Greys did have a rocky start, looking for players is something new but the dedication of Down and a fcw other veterans is keeping that organization together. McInnes' juvenile girls play in the seven team Parkhill- McGillivary-West Williams league and Sunday had little trouble in beating one of the two entries from Licury. That increased Exeter's record to 7-1. He said the juvenile league seems to be solid which means there could be some re -interest in fasthall in the fu- ture. "There is enough interest there, the guy from Ailsa'Craig recruits in London." The interest is there, that's evident by McInnes' team and hopefully even when they do go on to university and get Tema VanRaayof the Crediton jobs they will continue to play fastball. , dOwn a bunt In recent game. Classics lays A