Times Advocate, 1994-06-29, Page 11Alin( Times -Advocate, June 29, 1994 Page 11 Seniors entertained The lntermedlate choir at Exeter Public School entertained the seniors at the Exeter VII! last Tuesday. Here Frank Braun leads the students in a song about friendship. Stewardship is theme for W.M.S. Cathy Elliott asked everyone present to recall some special memories of their grandmothers. By Roberta Templeman STAFFA - Mary Elliott presided for the June meet- ing of the Marion Ritchie W.M.S., held in the church basement on Tuesday evening with nine ladies present. Betty Lou Norris accompanied the hymns on the piano. Worship service was prepared and present- ed by Jean Carey, based on the theme - Stewardship. Roll call was answered by a verse on Stewardship. Roll Call was answered by a verse on Stewardship. Roberta Templeman had the study book, telling about the United States involvement in the Caribbean from the late 1890's to the 1970's. Cathy Elliott had the special number giving a read- ing on Grandmas, then asking everyone present to re- call some special memories of their grandmothers. Peggy Kerslake presided for the business . Members discussed how and when to entertain their twin branch Cranbrook. Jean Carey reported on the recent bus trip to Swain Gardens and London. The ladies will assist at a wedding reception in late July with Peggy Kerslake and Elliott heading the com- mittee. A social hour followed the meeting. Cromarty Church Anniversary Betty Lou Norris, at the organ and Carol Ann Scott, at the piano, provided prelude music prior to the anni- versary service at 7:30 p.m. with Bruce Whitmore the guest speaker. Whitmore based his message "Making a Difference" on the parable of the three servants. He also had a story for the children. The ladies choir provided special music for the eve- ning. Everyone was invited to the basement following the service for lunch and a social hour. Personals Three former F.W.LO. Board members, Grace Campbell, Iona Station, Betty Ann Mollard, Parkhill and Roberta Templeman Staffa, met for a reunion lunch in St. Thomas on Wednesday. They also toured the Trillium Studio and the museum. Bonnie Wilson, Dallas Texas, is visiting for a couple of weeks with her parents Cliff and Margaret Miller and other friends and relatives. Mrs. Jim Souter, Seaforth and her daughter Ruth Carter, London, visited recently with John and Marjo- rie Drake Staffa. Fifteen ladies from the Hibbert United Church Wom- en, enjoyed lunch out at the Three AAAs Exeter for their June meeting. Guest minister at Centralia Ue Heather Smith is to lead the July church services. By Mary Peterson CENTRALIA - Rev. Maurice Platts from London was the guest speaker at Centralia and Zion West United churches on Sunday. The scripture reading, from Daniel, dis- cussed King David and the theme of "oneness". In his sermon, Rev. Platts asked the question "What is the best congregation?" and an- swered with a focus on "oneness". Following the service, a meeting was held to discuss the possibility of paving the parking areas adja- cent to the streets. Although this will be an expensive undertaking, the congregation voted in favour of paving these areas when Centralia streets are repaved. During July, Heather Smith will lead the services at Centralia and Zion West. Regular services will be held at both churches on Sun- day, July 3. Joint worship services will then be held at 10:00 a.m. at Centralia on July 10 and 24. Zion West will host joint services at 10:00 a.m. on July 17 and 31. At the Stephen Township Coun- cil meeting last week, one of the items on the agenda was the library in Centralia. The Huron County Li- brary Board has recommended clo- sure of the library. A few individu- als attended the meeting to voice their concerns about the closure, and several letters have been writ- ten to Council by concerned resi- dents. Reeve Tom Tomes asked if maintaining the library at Centralia was the best use of tax dollars and why more residents hadn't ex- pressed their concern about the possible closure. If you'd like to tell Council your thoughts about the closure, call Larry Brown, Clerk Treasurer of the township of Stephen at 234-6331 or write to him at Box 100, Crediton, Ontario NOM IMO. SEARS Canada's National Catalogue Over 3.0 Million Canadians Already Know We Strive for Perfection! Here's Why: e98% of All Calls Answered Before the Third Ring We offer a New Phone Service that is not only fast, but will confirm item availability so that we won't disappoint you. Our telephone Sales Representatives are there to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just CaII: 1-800-267-3277 e 98% of all Orders To You Within 72 hours. 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If not, come in and see us." Expect more from SEARS • Generations are reacquainted Minutes „of the last re- corded reunion held at the home of Jim and Janett Barker on June 13, 1953 were read and much en- joyed. By H. Davis SAINTSBURY - On Sunday, June 26, 63 descendants of the late Richard and Ann (Armitage) Hod- gins gathered at the summer home of Elliott and Audrey McRoberts on Highbury Avenue for the "Hod- gins Reunion" that reacquainted four generations of old and young. The reunion began with a welcome and minute of silence and a prayer in memory of their ancestors by the hostess. Mary Davis led in the singing of Grace followed by a banquet of food and an afternoon of visiting enjoyed by all. The minutes of the last recorded reunion held at the home of Jim and Janett Barker on June 13, 1953 were read and much enjoyed, also a wonderful collec- tion of pictures through the years Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Larry Gardiner, RR2. Staffa ........345-2678 Lloyd Morrison, Mitchell 348-4589 Lorne Feeney, Mitchell 3484853 Jack Hodgert, RR1, Kirkton 229-6152 Joseph Chaffe. RR5 Mitchell .348-9705 Michael O'Shea RR3 Granton .225-2600 - AGENTS Ross Hodgert, Exeter 235-3250 John Moore. Dublin 345-2512 Joseph Uniac, Mitchell 348-9012 Bryan Levis, Clinton 482-9310 Head Office. Exeter 235-0350 A refund from surplus was de- clared for all policy holders who qualify, are on record and in good standing as at Decem- ber 31, 1993. 1 displayed. Tentative plans for the next reunion were discussed and their gracious host and hostess were thanked bringing an end to a perfect afternoon. St. Patrick's Sunday, June 26, St. Patrick's celebrated the Holy Communion Service at 11:00 a.m. be alone. Sunday, July 3, St. Patrick's Morning Prayer service will be held at 8:30 a.m. Personals Harry Carroll, Wayne and Cheryl Carroll, Ron and Margaret Carroll attended the Hodgins reunion on Sunday. Mary Davis, Bob and Heather MacGillivray, Courtney, Katie - Scarlett, Caleb and Corbin, Sus- zanne Davis and Travis and Hugh and Hazel attended as well from Saintsbury. Starr and Travis Davis visited for a few days with cousin Michelle Martin in London. Marguerite Greenlee has been ill again. Thoughts and prayers are with her from her friends and rela- tives at St. Patrick's. 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