Times Advocate, 1994-06-29, Page 9CQMMIJ N ITY Times -Advocate, June 29, ,1994 Page 9 Children should watch out for men offering rides EXETER - Two men offering to give children rides near Exeter Pub- lic School were reported to Exeter OPP. The men, who appeared to be in their 30's, were driving a four - door older brown car. OPP ask that anyone with further information re- port it immediately. A break -and -enter at Metzger Meats, in Hensall, occurred last Tuesday. OPP report that $1800 in meat and cash were stolen, as well as a .22 calibre rifle. The incident occurred between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. the next day. Holtzmann's IGA reported a pop vending machine was broken into with a person who may have a key. OPP advise anyone to watch for sus- picious activity at other vending ma- chines in the area. A similar incident at Glanville's Garage was reported to OPP June 25. Both cash and pop were stolen from the vending machine. Diamond ring lost on Grand Bend beach GRAND BEND - A Waterloo woman lost a 14 kt gold ring with three diamonds on the Grand Bend beach June 22. Grand Bend OPP are seeking any information about the ring. An outboard motor was stolen from Port Franks. The 1976 Mer- cury outboard 7.5 H.P. was black on colour. Its value is unknown. A total of 30 charges were laid over the past week in Grand Bend. Failing to yield is reason for two collisions EXETER - OPP report that four car Accidents occurred between June 19 and 25. The first accident resulted when Honey Willcroson, of Stephen Township, struck a tree af- ter leaving the road. Minor injuries were sustained by both the driver and passenger. John Whitc of McGillvary Town- ship hit a deer while driving down County Road 5 of Stephen Town- ship. The accident occurred early on June 22. Minor damage was done to the vehicle. Two cars collided Saturday eve- ning on Concession 2-3 of Stephen Township. Timothy Berg of Blan- chard Township proceeded through a stop sign and struck Cory Eveland of Stephen Township. There were no injuries, but both vehicles had extensive damagc. Also on June 25 Shawne Traquair of Blanshard Township failed to yield from a side road in Usborne Township and struck a vehicle be- ing driven by Mary Brintnell of Us - borne Township. No injuries were sustained by either drivers. anada Day! Holiday Collection: Due to Canada Day regular Friday Blue Box collection will be post-poned until the following Friday July 8 We apologize for any ancon- venience and hope you have a safe holiday. 1-800.265.9799 Hair today, gone tomorrow South Huron District High School music teacher Bob Robilliard was letting his hair grow long this season as part of a fundraising event for the music pro- gram. At the end of the school's final spring concert on Tuesday more than 25 lucky winners had a chance to take home a lock of Robilliard's hair. Names were drawn from a box and they got to cut the clump of choice. Above, Robilliard anticipates his cut while at right; Jeff Bow- en owen gets down to the business of trimming Robilliard's hair. Below, Chris Passmore, Ro- billiard and Heather Steckle display the end result. Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello Poor -fitting shoes can play havbc with our feet. Bun- ions are caused by shoes that are too tight. Women suffer the majority of foot problems like bunions, hammertoes and neuroma (thickended, painful nerves in the forefoot making walking difficult). The solution? Wider shoes. They may look less fashion- able, but your feet will thank you. How much water should you take with your medication? Actually, an 8 oz. glassful will supply the necessary volume of liquid to allow the medi- cine to dissolve quickly and be more rapidly absorbed. (This means it will work faster.) Speaking of water, most people don't drink enough and they risk border- line dehydration. Symptoms of headache and fatigue can occur. Water is Nature's perfect beverage. It contains no calories, fat, cholesterol or artificial sweeteners. It is quality -controlled and the price is right. A new medication patch containing lidocaine, an anaesthetic drug, is currently being tested. When It is released it will be used to relieve the Intense pain of shingles. a viral disease resulting in painful skin rash. Apet;henary rel 'Your Health Care Pharmacy PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST.. EXETER. ONT. Highway 4 won't be closed for sidewalk sale EXETER - Portions of Highway 4 won't be closed during Exeter's upcoming sale as the Exeter Busi- ness Association had hoped. The BIA informed Town Council that the Ministry of Transportation denied an application for closure of Highway 4 from Huron to Sanders streets. Ministry officials told the BIA that they didn't want to set a prece dent of closing major highways for commercial use. Instead town council agreed to close off portions of laneways and have parking spaces on both sides of Main Street between Huron and Gidley streets barricaded starting on July 20 until late July 21. Louise's Unique Interiors OpENINq SOON 436 Main St., Exeter Pick your Own Strawberries Opening June 22 8 a.m. - dark 1 mile east of Hwy. 4 on Kirkton Rd. and 1/4 mile south of Exeter Golf Club Jeff and Brenda Horn 229.8176 CALL FOR COUNTRY KABLE TODAY! MORE MOVIES! MORE SPORTS! MORE DRAMA! MORE MUSIC! UP TO 100 FREE )_, CHANNELS Allen Stubb4, ...Fi'vtet 9,t Untainted 296-5565 Summatie Now on 20% off All Regular Priced Sandals and bone or White Dress Shoes and Purses Womens Shoes • '19" 52988, $39.8' Womens Sandals Sale Priced From $14" glaff2UTZ sipts*s`' eomeS tr-st— Exeter, Mitchell, Slmcoe, Stratford & Woodstock Main St. Exeter 235-1933