Times Advocate, 1994-06-08, Page 10ASSORTED EVERGREEN 2 Gal - Reg. $12.99 le Page 10 Times -Advocate, June 8, 1994 CQMM1JNJITY Rec Centre sign wasn't being used, council told EXETER - The decision to re- place the Main Street sign pointing the way to the South Huron Recrea- tion Centre was challenged Monday evening. Councillor Robert Drummond said he was approached by one rate- payer disappointed that the sign near Beckers Milk is being moved. He said the sign was a benefit to those who rent the centre, because its movable letters could advertise their event. "It was decided to be changed be- cause it got to the point where it was deteriorated and was hard to look after," explained councillor Dave Urlin. Urlin also pointed out the Recrea- tion Centre doesn't have a high -lift truck to change thr;jettcrs, and leaves that resttinsibility up to the renter. "The board decided it wasn't do- ing any good any more," said Urlin, and said it will he replaced with a sign that simply points the way to the South Huron Recreation Centre. Councillor Ervin Sillery asked what it would have cost to update the sign to make it easier to use and change its letters. "It's got to be so high up off the ground, and if it's any lower some- time the kids change the letters around," said Urlin. Deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller said renters didn't realize it was their re- sponsibility to put up the letters, and consequently it just wasn't being used at all. Are ball diamond lights safe? EXETER - Are the lights on the town's ball diamonds safe? Recrea- tion Centre staff wilbte determining that later this week after a safety scare over such lighting. Last August in the Ottawa - Carleton area, several people com- plained about painful eyes after playing evening baseball. Appar- ently, the glass shield on a diamond light had broken, allowing harmful ultra -violet rays to pass. The Huron County Health Unit is asking local ball diamond operators to check to make sure all such light- ing is marked as type "T", which au- tomatically extinguish if the glass cover is broken. "They were a little concerned," said deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller about the Recreation Centre staff. She said facilities manager Cam Stewardson "will have a report for Thursday to see what is there, if there is or isn't a danger." Councillor Dave Urlin pointed out this problem occurred at a ball dia- mond that had 50 or 60 lights "and there was only one had one". Those complaining of eye prob- lems aftcr the Ottawa -Carleton inci- dent reported their problems cleared up within a week in most cases, however, prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause permanent eye dam- age. Fire services trade show The Lucan-Blddulph and area fire department sponsored a very successful fire services trade show on the weekend at the Lucan arena. At the left is Katelyn Fairless, grand- daughter of Claire and Lois Stanley of Lucan, at the wheel of a fire truck. Above, from the left, fireman Brian Ankers, Ron Klueskens and Bruce Cornish check over equipment with Al Kenney of Depend Emergency Vehicles. Gill Road project may exceed grant GRAND BEND - An infra- structure grant program offered by the Ontario and federal govern- ments is being considered as the source of funding for the Gill Road drainage project. The project cost, which is es- timated at $110,000, is to paid in part, $37,500 by the village, who have set aside a portion of the bud- get to be applied to infrastructure programs of this sort. However, residents in that area are concerned that if the entire pro- ject is not funded by the infra- structure grant then taxes will in- crease. "We haven't sat down and ear- marked our infrastructure dollars," said Paul Turnbull, Grand Bend Clerk. "In May the washrooms may need them." Cam Ivey, Dep- uty Mayor, explained that Grand Bend hasn't put money into a road systems for a long time, "if we wait it won't be done this year," he said. Council is concerned that if the entire project is funded by the infra- structure program that a dangerous precedent will be set. Council did point out however that similar pro- jects in the past had been complete- ly funded in this way. Mayor Tom lawson proposed that council wait and determine next years budget before making a de- cision. Parking behind the Legion may soon have a $10 fee imposed. A parking and law enforcement meet- ing held last week determined that by also keeping the lot open, on a XSpnngers Cks MADE IN ENGLAND Available in 10 colours Sunbeat (OTHER STYLES 1 AVAILABLE J Exeter, Mitchell, Simcoe, Stratford & Woodstock 235-1933 Win up to $1000 cash in our Beautifu! Baby Search! Portrait Package includes: 1- 8"x10"*, 2- 5"x7"s* and 16 wallets (2"x1")* Portrait Package offer available to all a ! es. 19 Portraits REGULAR $12.99 Approximate measurements Package offer features our selection (I pose) on traditional blue background Limn one special per subject Is) 52.99 sitting fee per subject (not included in advertised price) Addmonal portraits available et reasonable prices To win, the parent or guardian of the selected child must first answer a mathematical question See complete rules and regulations in store Brittany Cousins Our Beautiful Baby 1994 rhotc+graphed by Nebel SATISFACTIOM'1WARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED, FAMILIES WELCOME. Promotion dates: June Fr1.17 Sat. 18 Hours: 10-8 10-5 ' ;! Father's bay Portraits 11 Good Idea! Ste �t Store Q $ 311 Main St. Exeter 8► Store Department Where Service Is Always In Style 235-2811 trial basis, over the July 1 weekend, until 2 a.m.. The Grand Bend Res- idents Association expressed con- cern that by leaving the parking lot open bar patrons would be more en- couraged to wander the streets. Lawson says that it is simply a way of serving the business sector bet- ter., and to allow time for em - i ployees to close up after 1 a.m. Your Views Letters to the editor Hay histories wanted ..Pictures of families who lived ir, the town- ship, etc. needed... Dear Editor: To commemorate Hay Township (County of Huron) Sesquicen- tennial in 1996, a history book is being compiled. We are looking for former residents whose story or history would be included in the family history section. Pictures of families who lived in the township, of churches, schools, hamlets or of township or family activities would be wel- comed for the book. For information, please contact any of the book committee by July 1994. Nap and Val Cantin 236-4641, Elaine Coxon 227-4069, Claire and Margaret Deichert 236-4130, Heather Klopp 236-4291, Ian and Shirley McAllister 236-4034, Glen and Donna Thiel 236-4060. Yours truly Ian McAllister Chair of Hay Township History Book Committee. !ba'e la 4e 20ariliii, in a swim suit Dazzling Offer Lose your extra weight • Medically supervised • Taste test parties • No pre-packaged foods eat regular foods • Diet plans based on Canada's Food Guide • New clients only • Excludes product & enrollment fee 26 EXETER Thames Rd. E. 235-3355 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • 1 1 1 1 O I) 1 1 * + 411k EXETER CO-OP GARDE\ CEXTRE SPECIALS T1IUR(, 1 R1. SAT. JUNE 9, 10, 11111 .g sftl 4. F r� 1 RF • Maples • Birch %.• Dogwood • Redbud • Flowering Crab • Mountain Ash 4.. • Fruit Trees • Weeping Trees • Linden 30 % OFF EX. RED MAPLES ONLY $30.00 ASSORTED EVERGREENS 1 Gal - Reg. $5.99 $ 99 a RO'II ', #1 Container Grown Reg. $11.99 ONLY $777 -„� t� I I (%VI Rl\(; 5iiIZURS .54 { e\' • Dogwood ,• �;I lkp7• Smoke Tree • Lilac {„)1Y • Rose of Sharon • Potentilla • Hydrangeas . • Sand Cherry • Almond Spirea ,• Forsythia • Burning Bush • Weigelia • Rhododendrons • Yucca Congratulations to RALPH BATTEN on winning the Blue Spruce i our Home Show Draw % OFF Reg. $11.95 8 up ONLY $8.9 - & u VISIT THE FIREMEN'S BREAKFAST ON SATURDAY 7a.m. to 11 a.m at the flrehall Support Retailers who support your community Packaged Reg. $5.99 ONLY $3” VI\I ' • Dutchman Pipe • Engelman Ivy • Boston Ivy • Virginia Creeper • Bittersweet • Clematis • Hydrangeas • Honey Suckle 25% OFF t� 0 $ 799 1311)1)1 NG I'I.ANTS 89` BOX (MOSTLY 6'S) or SS99 FLAT HELP SUPPORT THE FIREMEN'S FOOD DRIVE Bring in a non-perishable food item and you'll receive a chance to win our nurse stock rchase or e HENSALL w.u,'�':"m'. s:�om. � :��G�. Support Retailers who support your community. Shop In Exeter. HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 7:30 a.m. • 5:30 p. m. I DI7 /RIV I Sat. 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. l CO-OPERATIVE 206 VICTORIA ST. EXETER 235-2081 # );;( Or --- A- A . 1 +. 1 1 E c ,t - A A- ,' - h• 1.