Times Advocate, 1994-06-01, Page 25coivtmumTY____- Thies-Advocate, June 1, 1994 Page 25 :.v Hensall kicked off Fitweek last Wednesday eve- ning with a friend- ly game of musi- cal chairs and tug of war. Above: only three kids were left in musi- cal chairs with Da- ryl Weiss and Panayese Fragis- katos, far below declared the win- ners. In the mid- dle, Alex Irvine heads up his tug of war team. "Curtain Calls" cookbook presented The first copy of the book was piped in on a silver platter. By Roberta Walker GRANDND - Members of the Huron ountry Playhouse Guild rnct at Oakwood inn on May 25 for their monthly luncheon meeting. Guild President Shirley Platt chaired the business. The highlight of the afternoon was the official presentation of the new cookbook "Curtain Calls". The hook itself. the first copy, was car- ried in on a silver tray by Oakwood chef Frank Zipher, preceded -by a Scottish hag piper Carl Mills, in full kilt regalia. Such a grand en- trance drew standing applause from the assembled members, as the cookbook committee chair, Mary Margaret Prowse presented the "fruits of the committee's labour" to Guild President Shirley Platt. She cul the gold ribbons, admired the contents and congratulated the committee for their months of hard work. The "Curtain Calls" cook - hook not only contains recipes from Guild members, actors and lo- cal restaurants, but also presents historic tidbits and playbills of past Playhouse seasons dating from its opening play "Two for the Sec Saw". The book is a treasure trove of interesting facts, and illustrates past play logos as section dividers for the different food categories. It's a perfect combination of deli- cious recipes and delightful memo- ries of plays gone by; an ideal gift for someone, just waiting to be pur- chased at the Playhouse Gift Shop and a few select local outlets. Members of the cookbook com- mittee are: Mary Margaret Prowse, chair, and Jacqui Krech, historian; Mary Edwards -Metcalfe, Margaret Clancy, Marg Thompson and Ro- berta Walker. Bill Metcalfe acted as a valued consultant on market- ing and advertising. Kay Stollard is now stocking the Gift Shop with items for sale and Musical Jamboree planned for Zurich Zurich Firemen are sponsoring the jambor- ee along with a beef and pork barbecue at the Community Centre. By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - A bike rodeo will be held for children at the Zurich Are- na this Saturday from 10 to 12 p.m. sponsored by the Optimist Club. The Zurich Firemen will be hold- ing their annual fund raising event on June 12 with a Musical Jambor- ee at the Community Centre Pavil- ion Park beginning at 1 p.m. Bring your lawn chair. They will also be sponsoring a beef and pork barbecue in the Com- munity Centre from 4-7 p.m. the same day. Tickets are 58.00 for adults and 55.00 for children. St. Boniface School P.T.A. will be holding their second annual Fun Fair on June 12 from 1 to 4 p.m. There are lots of interesting things planned for the children and their families such as a treasure hunt, story -telling, face painting, crafts, fish pond, limbo contest and games. The next K. of C. meeting will be held at St. Boniface Parish on Wednesday, June 8 downstairs in the hall beginning at 8:00 p.m. Three babies were baptized at St. Boniface church on May 29 by Fr. Wronski. Welcome to the parish family Luke Gerard Pennings, son of Gerry and Debbie; Ethan John McCarroll, son of John and Denise; and Patrick Michael McCauley, son of Joe and Catherine. The grade 7 pupils from St. Boni- . face School spent Monday and Tuesday at Camp Sylvan near Park- hill. Several school children from all around the area went to Huron Park Friday to see the aircraft dis- plays and model planes in conjunc- tion with the air show in Grand Bend. Correction The meeting being held for the 'Minor Athletic Association on June 7 at the Arena is not only for par- ents of the children playing base- ball this summer, but for everyone involved in sports in the communi- ty. It begins at 8 p.m. Personals A bridal shower was held for t K. Ili Schroeder on Sunday after- noon at St. Peter's Lutheran Church Hall, given by her aunts. She received many useful, beauti- ful gifts and everyone enjoyed lunch afterwards. Kelli is the daughter of Ron and Sharen Schroeder, Zurich and fi- ance of Dave Consitt, son of Bill and Marjorie. The couple are plan- ning to be married July 9. Best wishes for a speedy recov- ery are extended to those who have been in the hospital recently: Marilee Ayotte, Gerry Kane, Annie Van Raay, Mary Richardson; and also to Bill Bedour who is a patient in the hospital. Best wishes also to Marg Suplat who had surgery on her hand. Happy 25th anniversary wishes to out to Phil and Patty LaPorte on May 21 and to Dave and Marilyn Durand on May 31. Gordie and Jeanne Hay are cele- brating their 39th anniversary on June 4. Leona and Clare McBride, Gode- rich, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday in Holmes- ville with several friends and for- mer band musicians. Willi Verberne spent last Wednesday in town visiting with Coby Van de Boomen. Dennis and Winnie Hutton and family have recently moved to Ed- ward St. Joe Risi returned home from a two-week holiday visiting with his sisters and relatives in Switzerland. Happy birthday wishes go to Mo- zart Gelinas Junior on May 31. Barb O'Connor from Lake Bluff, Illinois is presently visiting with her mother, Gerry Kane while recu- perating from a recent operation in the hospital. Karl and Mary Regier attended the graduation ceremonies of their daughter Annette on Friday after- noon, May 28 at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo where she received honours in Business Man- agement. Jim and Marjorie Love, Kathy Steckle, Mike, Helen and Warren Regier, Stephanie Peters, Zurich; Elaine and Gord Hampton, Missis- sauga, and Doris Sararas, Water- loo, attended the graduation cere- monies for Carolyn Love at Wilfred Laurier University May 28. A wedding shower was held for the recently married couple, Lisa and Rick Kuepfer, son of Clayton Kuepfer, at the Mennonite Church on Sunday. Mozart Gelinas Sr. took part in the re -opening ceremonies of St. James Church in Seaforth on Sun- day with the fourth degree honour guard of the Knights of Columbus. Bishop Sherlock officiated. Martha Klopp and friend spent a week's vacation in Atlanta recently and attended the Comdex show (a computer show) while there. Hubert and Vesta Miller and daughter Vicki and family from London recently spent two weeks during May in Florida. They stopped in for a visit with friends Carrie and Dan Eybergen on their way through Georgia. Willy Kilpatrick of Scotland re- cently spent two weeks visiting with his sister-in-law Sadi and Ted Klopp in Zurich and other relatives in the St. Catherines area. Mary Romaniszyn of the Blue Water Rest Home enjoyed spend- ing four days in London last week with her sister Joanne and Bill Merner. Congratulations to Stacy Hicks and Steve Rau who were married at Wesley -Willis United Church on May 28. A dinner and reception was held at the Township Hall in Varna with many friends and rela- tives attending. He is the son of Clarence and Sharon Rau of RR 2, Zurich. Thames Road UCW to meet June 6 Members to bring a flowering annual for roll call. THAMES ROAD - Rev. Jim All- sop 'was in charge of the Trinity Sunday Church Service on Sunday at Thames Road United Church. The Responsive Reading was read from the Green Service Book "The Lord of the Seven Thunders", Psalm 29. The choir sang "One Day at a Time" accompanied by organist Erin Kraftcheck. The children's hymn "God Secs the Little Sparrow Fall" was sung and Rev. Allsop told the children's story. Diane Jeffery read the Scripture Lesson Isaiah 6:1-8, Romans 8:12- f� consignments are coming in. Craft 1 donations arc appreciated from all members, and one more captain is needed for summer store staffing. Nancy Thomas invited all those who participated in the Bridge Marathon to attend the Bridge Luncheon at the Red Gables on Monday, May 30, at 12 noon. Pat Venton is Chair of Catering. She thanked all those who brought food for the Tourism Brochure Swap at the Playhouse. Members arc asked to donate cookies or squares for the Grand Opening of the Playhouse 1994 Season on June 10. His Honour the Lieutenant - Governor is expected to attend. All donations are to be brought to the Playhouse 11 entrance before 5 p.m. The June meeting will be at Oak- wood Inn, and again in August. The August meeting will be a spe- cial event to honour all the past Guild presidents, with a presenta- tion by Historian Barb Smits. 17. Rev. Allsop read from the Gos- pel of John 3:1-17 and the title of his sermon was "Loved, Forgiven and Freed". The closing hymn was "Glory Be to God the Father". Coming events Sunbeams season wrap up is June 2 at 9:30 a.m. They will be meeting at the Exeter Fire Station for a tour and then on to Victoria Park for a play and picnic snack. In the event of rain they will he stay- ing at the fire station for a snack and craft. The Junc meeting of the United Church Women will be held June 6. The program committee is Mari- on Cann, Dorothy Duncan, Marga- ret McCarter and Jo -Ann Rowe. The roll call is 'Bring an annual for the church's flower beds. Group C is providing lunch. Communion Service will be held at both churches on Sunday, June 5. Elimville's service is at 10 a.m. and Thames Road's will be at 11:15 a.m. The Sunday School Anniversary will be held on Junc 12 at 11 a.m. The Triple Trio of Exeter high School will assist with the music. Elimville Sunday School Anni- versary will be held June 19. Personals Rachel, Tyler and Sarah Van Al- len of Crosshill spent the weekend with their grandparents Floyd and Margaret Stewart. Angela Williams of London spent the weekend with Rick, Kar- en, Derek and Robyn Etherington. Enlarge family or team photos to 8-1/2x11 or even 11x17 instantly with our outstanding results. Ideal for business presentation materials, even colour transparencies 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331