Times Advocate, 1994-06-01, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, June 1, 1994 LQ�1 M 11 NITY Comedy act benefits public pool Show raises funds to , help renovate town swimming pool EXETER - Receipts aren't all in, but a comedy show Friday evening in Exeter should a few thousand dollars to the fund to renovate the town's public swimming pool. Comedian Sunny Knight en- tertained a couple of hundred peo- ple, whose tickets were purchased by town businesses. Recreation di- rector Lynne Farquhar said she was disappointed more didn't show up, particularly since the hall had seat- ing for the 400 tickets that had been pre -sold at $10 each. Knight's humour was well- received by the audience. including his frequent good-natured jabs at Hensall. During the evening, Bill Mac- Gregor of the Exeter Lions Club presented recreation board chair- man Mike Soldan with a cheque for $2,000, the first installment in a $10,000 pledge to help rebuild the pool. The Exeter Optimist Club has pledged the proceeds from its Country Road Show, and the Odd - fellows have promised another $500 towards the pool. Sunny Knight, (above) a dead -ringer for George Carlin kept his audience laughing at the Exeter Pool fundraising comedy show Friday evening. Mike Soldan (below left) re- ceives a cheque for $2,000 from the Exeter Lions to help with renovations to the town swimming pool. Kippen East WI review wedding pictures KIPPEN - Kippen East W.I. met at the home of Dorothy Bell for their May meeting. The meeting opened with the Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and a poem "My How Well We've Done". The roll call was answered by showing your wedding picture and surprise! one of our members is getting married again June 4, 1994. The members are invited to Zu- rich W.l.'s 80th anniversary on June 6 at 2 p.m. The District Bus Trip has been cancelled. The Offi- cial Opening of the F.W.I.O. head- quarters is August 21, 1994 at 1 p.m. Kippen East is to -take dessert to the picnic in Crediton on July 5. Dorothy Bell gave a Smile. nCirt � A" I / MANUFACTURERS/DISTRIWTORS Int. Phyllis Parsons introduced the guest speaker Joyce Doig of Eg- mondville who showed slides and gave us an indepth insight into Chi- na especially the Dam Project on the Yantce River. She mentioned a few places to see in China. The Summer Palace, The Long Walk. The Great Wall, The Markle Boat. and Beijing. She noted there is no garbage Tying around China and there could be as many as 50,000 bicycles a minute at an intersection. Thea Wisch read a poem from a book given her by the late Margaret Hoggarth. After the contest and courtesies the meeting closed with the Royal Anthem. 'DIRECT TO YOU" ,4 "le 44. "WE HAVE IT ALL FOR GREAT CASUAL LIVING" • For Outdoors • • Garden Areas • • HAMMOCKS • ARTIFICIAL PLANTS. TREES and FLOWERS • SHADE HOUSES • ACCESSORIES Pools Sunrooms k '3-41.11 IIA lu .1ri. ,. IIA' I•t't fY6Ylr/ Rr.,n (immure 11.1 1111......1e 1lrQrnf UYtJ...n 1 unng PURrt WICKER I1„11n, 1 i4 .)-?t, •LO4, Lulte Simply the Finest II �• 1 �l( 1 crow ` , Lloyd /Flanders a`otto. ` 1/mlrflons In Wulf. 091° 361 A 1)ud,hon In Wrought Iron 41.42,1,440, WE ALSO MANUFACTURE, UMBRELLAS, REPLACEMENTS CUSHIONS, FURNITURE COVERS LONDON Hwy. 22 & Wonderland (Just West of Masonvllle) 474-7220 •Ol.•I Yen ,"p, 104 • I. 104 • 1.1 101 +1,00,IKr GRAND BEND Hwy. 83 E. (2 miles from the water plant) 238-2110 Mon Men r• I 10100 • I. 1000100 SARNIA Confederation Sq. Plaza (1070 Confederation SI.) 344-8448 . 0lOt Yen h,r1 104 • M 104 • to 103 GARDENING IS AN INVESTMENT 'It adda ualue td rear fes. Come to Te -em Farm because nobody has colour and selection like we do in annuals, hanging baskets, geraniums, perennials, vegetable plants, herbs, etc. &Qas*/ 7de4u 9Ldus at '7e -eat, 9aftot We will plant your planters for you with your choice of dowers! r, TED'S TASTY TOMATOES ARE READY! NURSERY STOCK • WINDBREAK TREES TTED CONTAINERS & COLOUR BOWLS Wholesale and Retail 9edd /nee to matt as euattOiic "Beautifying Huron County Since 1981" IANDSM.V' . PINS Av.;I IABI I NEW FOR 9t If Noma Noose telelb* alaswieid to r OUR ASPARAGUS S READY TE RN, et iartieNee .r Parads6 OPEN 9 toon. to Fri., 9 to 6 Sat. & Sun. RR #1 Bayfield Ted and Erna Ont NOM 1G0 (519) 482-3020 yonder wooden 2 L. Pop Each Save 300 Straight Cut Only Somerdale French Fries 1. Kg. Save 300 Janes Frozen Chicken Breast FiIIets 2 Ib. box Save 3.00 IGA White Vinegar 4 L. jug Save S1.40