Times Advocate, 1994-06-01, Page 9Times -Advocate, June 1„1994 Page 9 Fourteen years of service Graduate - Jill Harburn of RR3 Dashwood graduate with hon- ours in Agricultural Business Management from Centralia College on may 19, 1994 and received the "Muriel Mack "/Stephen Township Scholarship. "Congratulations for a job well done." Love from Kevin, Elizabeth Harburn (mom) and family Graduate - Scott K. Hodgins graduated on May 20, 1994 with his diploma in Ag- ricultural Business and Pro- duction from_ Ridgetown Col - 'lege 'of Agricultural' Technology. Scott is returning to Ridgetown to further his studies in Grain Elevators. Congratulations Scott! Love: Dad, Grace, Dennis, Pete, Sandy Grandpa and Grandma (Harvey and Lois) Hodgins Graduate - Bob and Jean Crawford, Exeter, are pleased to announce the graduation of their daughter, Kimberly Ann (Purbrick) from McMaster University, Honours Biology/ Pharmacology Co-op Program with a Bachelor of Science Degree. "First Class", "Deans Honour List". Kim is presently employed at IBI Canada, Fergus, Ont. Congratulations! "We are proud of you!" Love Mom and Dad Village starts budget number crunching HENSALL - Now that the pr)- vincial government has set its bud- get for 1994, the Village of Hensall will begin preparing its own. Councillors agreed Monday night to hold a special budget meeting on May 23 to do their numher crunch- ing. • Councillors decided to what until after the NDP budget so they wouldn't have to sit down and deal with the Village budget once. Ausable River Nomad's co-ordinator Marie Brunzlow re- cieved a plaque and pin in honor of 14 years of service. Left is Margie Jury on the right is Suzanne Barron. Brunz- low has been responsible for the organization of the Red Cross Blood clinics. St. Patrick's church celebrates 134 years Several former mem- bers attended anniver- sary service. SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's, Saintshury was decorated with spring flowers on Trinity Sunday to celebrate the 134th anniversary ser- vice. A number of former members joined with the present congrega- tion to celebrate the holy Commun- ion Service at 11:00 a.m. The ser- vice opened with singing "Morning has Broken". Rev. Stephen Emery spoke to the children on the Patron Saint Patrick who travelled about telling the good news of God, and of how much God loves us ar'i will do great things for us. Following the singing of the children's hymn "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", the children went to Sunday School with teacher Suzanne Davis. Courtney MacGillivray and Mar- garet Carroll read the scripture les- sons Isaiah 6:1-8 and Romans 8:12- 17 for Trinity Sunday. As thc offer- ing was being received the congre- gation sang the hymn "The Church is One Foundation." Following the Great Celebration Heather MacGil- livray sang the hymn "Holy Spirit Hear Us". The service ended with the singing of thc hymn "Blest he the Tic That Binds". A time of fellowship followed in thc Parish Hall with the visitors discussing many happy memories from St. Patricks. A picture and ar- ticle written for a paper 60 years ago about St. Patrick's was passed around. The congregation was rep- resented for the first time at the Di- ocesan Synod by Patrick Jameson in 1860. The first services were held in people's homes. On April 2, 1860 half an acrc of ground was donated by John and Margaret Smyth for the purpose of erecting a church. Religious activities in this community in the northern extremi- ty of Biddulph Township was traced back to settlement days when itinerant clergymen visited the vicinity and held services whenever convenient. In 1861 a log church was built and in 1874 the present Krick build- ing was erected. Courtney MacGillivray and Crys- tal Davis ushered for the service. Doris Mullins and Ruthann Phil- lips of London were evening din- ner guests with Ron and Margaret Carroll, also visiting with Eileen Carroll at the Exeter Villa on Sun- day following the church anniver- sary. Michael and Suzanne Davis, Crystal, Harley and Travis attended the Holiday Weekend Spring Mot- ocross Classic at Eagles Nest Race- way with Harley placing fifth over- all in the 60cc Pcc Wee Division and placed sixth in thc 60cc Pee Wcc at Farrington MX Park at Bar- rie on Sunday. Crystal Davis at- tended Kirkton's Beef Barbecue on Sunday. Suzanne Davis, Travis and Starr attended the baptism of niece Amber Jean, daughter of Tom and Kathy Dittrich of Crediton at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on Sunday. There will he no service at St. Patrick's on June 5. St. Paul's. Kirkton arc celebrating their Anni- versary Service. Scripture readings for June 5 are Genesis 1:1-5, Acts 19:1-7. Psalm 29, The Holy Gospel Mark I :4-11. Hearing Aid Clinic Repairs and sales of all major brands available. Financial assistance available Location: Exeter, Big V Date: Thurs., June 2 Fair's Hearing Aid Service 240 Ontario St., Stratford Registered vendors for Ontario Ministry of Health assistive devices program J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1�1 1 1 1 cx CIL Dull'R t. / 4- EXiE.RIOR SUPER ACRYLIC PUT' 1100 SERIFS The extennr paint that's mote than a beautiful mat finch it's the long- lasting protection the outside of your house needs' EXIERR►R SUPER ACRYIJC (.1(1CS 1100 SERIFS Here's proof that a pant doesn't have to he oil fused to give your home beautiful, IoMg.lasting protection CIL Dahl' RIC)R Al, : pc( Exeter Decor Centre 15 Gilley St. Exeter, (behind Bank of Nov,► Scott,!) 235-1010 Dulux ✓. /.l./. /./:/../—/..C/Z., /—/"/.../../../.. /../J:/—r /../1.,/. /.l f I d 1 0 Attendance pins presented Certificates and pins awarded to children during service at Hib- bert United Church. STAFFA - Sunday School chil- dren were presented with their at- tendance pins during the service at HibbertUnited Church on Sunday with minister Irene Richardson in charge. Following arc the recipients of the attendance pins: Nursery class with teachers Melissa Dearing and Denise Holliday - Melissa Pushel- herg, certificate and first year pin, Katie Docking, second year pin; Beginners class with Betty Anne Christie and Mary Ellen Docking teaching, Sarah Christie, certificate and first year pin, Matthew Scott and Megan Weber, third year pins and Angie Docking and Brandon Wettlauffer, fourth year pins. Primary Class with Gail Holliday and Jim Holliday teaching. Aman- da Anderson certificate and first year pin, Robyn Lusk, fourth year pin, Dan Docking fifth .year pin, Ashley Wettlauffer, sixth year pin. Junior Class with Sandra Kemp and Nancy Dearing teaching, Ian Scott, sixth year pin, Melanie Docking and Rob Docking, seventh year pin, Brett Dearing and Tim Kemp, eighth year pins. Senior Class with Joyce Fell and Sharon Dunsmore teaching, Scott Holliday, third year pin, Adam and Carla Bennewies and Greg Dear- ing, eighth year pins. Participation certificates went to Luke Christie, Craig Docking, Sa- rah Butson, Harry Thomas, Tim Butson, Alcisha Lusk, Eric Scott, Casey Kemp and Dana Worden. Rev. Ernest Dow will be guest minister at Hibbert United Church's Anniversary service on June 5 at 11 a.m.. Staffa WI Staffa Women's Institute held their meeting May 25 as a quilting party at the home of Esther Smale, There were nine members in atten- dance and everyone enjoyed a day of quilting. • Joyce Miller presided tor a short business meeting in the afternoon, when Kay Smale reported on the recent Perth South District Annual held at Kirkton on May 10. Smale reminded everyone of upcoming events including a bus trip to the F.W.I.O. house at RR 5 Guelph on August 21. Miller reminded everyone of an invitation to attend the 75th anni- versary of Goulds Women's Insti- tute on June 9. The June meeting will he held June 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the town- ship hall. The program will be eve- ryone telling about a trip or holiday which they have enjoyed. Members are to bring any articles they have for the W.I. display at Mitchell Fair. Treasurer's report was given and the collection and fees were taken. Miller adjourned the meeting and the group quilted for the remainder of the afternoon. NrattWe Numbers In the TA Phone Book for Dlnney Furniture and Dlnney Funeral Service were transposed The correct numbers are: Dinney Furniture 235-0173 Dinney Funeral Home 235-3500 COUNTRY BAKERY Special of the week Buy 1/2 dozen of our delicious pastry and receive FREE 1/2 dozen buns of your choice ORdER YOUR DAd ONE Of OUR MOUTIIWATERINq CAkES fOR FATTIER S DAY. Ask AbOUT OUR SpECIAITy CAkES TI -IAT ARE NOT ON dispky. All our baked goods are baked fresh daily in our own store. Open 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily. Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. 367 Main St. Exeter 235-2525 Dem 0 etas Opa aa p 0 e 0e >>e0oe f s =::;:.:. Ali Terri, Kim and Vicki from The ettlitig eOinrt would like to extend a sincere Thank -You to all of those who helped to make our First Year of business the best imaginable. We would like to congratulate the draw winners of professional hair products: • Josh Masse • Gerry Glavin • Betty Glavin • Susan Grubb • Pat Hackett • Gladys Talbot The lucky winners of our 3 Gift Certificates wt're: • Jamie Haines • Tim Moore • Peggy Ducharme