Times Advocate, 1994-06-01, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, June 1, 1994 e Sacrifices made by Canadians have changed the history of the world BRIAN'S SERVICE CENTRE Eit:31-lus varnaii, FOREST& GARDEN LAWNMOWERS • TRIMMFRS • CIIAINSAWS Dashwood 237-3322 Vinneg FUNERAL HOME INC. z• 471 Main St., Exeter r.. 235-3500 DIRECTORS: William Dinney • Robert Dinney 271 Main St., Exeter 235-3500 EXETER 1 HOUR PHOTO & FRAMING Sam the 14eoriMan we 301 Main St. S. Exeter 235-3713 ALGOMA TIRE (Exeter) LTD. Tires Sales & Service over 25 years experience • DUNLOP TIRES • Sales -Balancing -Truck & Farm Sery ce 235-0330 - 246 Main St. N. Exeter For your convenience call 1-800-265-424 7 Haugh Tire Inc. 265 Thames Rd., Hwy. #83 E. Exeter 235-3752 262-2926 Carl Hicks Rob Bryson 24 Hour 1-800-265-9255 Service Pager#1672 Is MEm�h LIN :eriding aA�CM�our tNrs. ver 1 HTECK el4,0cf 84441gea Your Home Environment Professional • Refrigeration • Plumbing • Electric 002 £ Urlt.II Stns. 235-4770 e Fax 236-7499 MERCURY LINCOLN lr sic am Lincoln Mercury be fj Sales Ltd. 185 Main Street N.. Ezeter, Ont. NOM 1S3 Exeter (519) 235-1380 - London (519) 227-1020 Facsimile 235-1401 iti /,fil /0` fry.�� /r b %, The pages of the June 8, 1944 Times - Advocate reveal the price of war Wounded in Italy Mrs. J. C. Snell received word on Thursday of last week that her son Pte. Charles Snell, had been wounded in Italy. The word was received direct from the hospital and stated that he was only slightly injured. Pte. Snell has been through th Sicil- ian campaign and took part in the invasion of Italy. After his experience in the rain and mud and the hard fighting in the mountainous reions, Pte. Snell would not doubt feel some re- gret at not being present when the Canadians invaded Rome...." A later report confirmed he re- ceived a shrapnel wound to the foot. Prisoner of war Mrs. Minnie Sangster, of Hensall, on June 1st, received :word through the International Red Cross, that her son, 22 year old Fit. Sgt. Douglas Sangster, missing since May 2 after an op- erational flight. is wounded and a prisoner of war... Missing PO Francis Gerrard De- vereaux, RCAF is reported miss- ing after and operation raid over enemy territory. Word was re- ceived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Devereaux RR4 Seaforth on the Huron highway east of the town. 50Th' ANNIVERSARY CELEBRA'T'ION 1944 * •JiJNE air " * 1 994 John Gunness with a photo of the HMCS Algonquin, on the bridge of which he was standing on the morning of the Normandy invasion We appreciate the contribution Canadians made to preserve our freedom. RR1 Dashwood Custom Built Homes & Renovations 238-2742 Missing in France Mr. and Mrs. James Nichol of Exeter, formerly of Walton received official word Tuesday that their son Tpr. Gordon Nich- ol. was reported missing in ac- tion in France June 11.... Pte. Wilfred Scott dies of wounds Mr, and Mrs. John Scott of Cromarty, received news of the death of their son, Pte. Wilfred Scott, who died of wounds in Italy on May 24th. he had been overseas since February 1943.... In June 15 lsaue Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindcnficld received word from Ottawa Sun- day morning that their son, Fly- ing Officer Alvin E. l.indenfield had been killed in action over seas on Thursday, June 7th, the day following D Day Local veterans took part in Grand Bend's Air Show parade Sunday afternoon as part of the recognition of 50 years since 0 -Day.