Exeter Times, 1875-6-24, Page 2cAtia4 Alta.1/4.. crEtki.r.t!'r,
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•P1315,11SD JUNE 24, 1875
041Y Liheral?Ecuseryative Journal in (iou
Huron, • • -
Coati Peter), prepayment of peetaee'
, .
neevepsseers t sites place on. and after
eQotobee next, As we have no intention
of prepaying poetago int any who are
ars eare for subeceiption WO EXE,
TEE. S, we intend ,to strike' 'off the
11ames of eel and withent Nether
notice "wild take' rnessn to eneure their
`"olleetion, The names of those who
ver o vesia arreare will be
ctr ussieleoolts at the First sif Sep
ieueleer. 'Thosie'eyho are linaer tw°
years in arreoee willahave to the last of
epteMlier te. ps\sst\Ieeraselves rieht. We
-,s,tand lies,cefoath to;\11.),ere strictly te
s cast IN Am-V.5•40D nrincepee We "y voluilte,ys
40end lia Mee terticle leet
week " Itow to keep looney at
,iftene."' That's avian; sy•eie,- going to,,,trel•
I ) do lifter ehie---gilienstve into get gone
geneeisereenie, Beeore the departure
of 11/1re, Lund from Exeteri,'„'stii Mein.
:bore of-lear eleate in tho Sei 0
1?),.,e'ontiia net 0:tk?, TO, heti% fill*
'awns nbotogeapli of theeeneelows,' in
1,'ne m note -ere tit Tito Addtnytel!Repoyt.
er, Nio$srs, Pappa BetY,, are
both te ultra tIll(1, ilaVO'',410
4?tibt, they Wia irinakdoenotigh to buy'
papee Dollar the first yeer."--Wood.
stock The secood Year, heee',1,1'
tura it ' '
Weiels we sit 'nil the 'ragged 'edge Of
a" braes galley ior half an bohr, Malts
ing a suitable ,puff 'one or nor elousie,
11008' 111.8l1, it mugli to lake one's
hair grow gray with rage, evlsen we' fina
that Like following week We Erabro
Planet uses it (Li original for one of its
own advertisementa..§top, ere it be too
ixoter attd
ti1 Fe ,g,r°,,11).• .; s e
i Maenrke"Arevalei ie an--,./igain
and (ha 141' ''G rY lila
Store' peke th soli,' , dont tho ,
lie, louthia It' tertiseraent-WtMetlie" Do
late for insertion in tine istue, Ilow-
ever,,,tee rippese it's .01,1 account of , the
litta,ktineee that 4.,Offeracaueleehargaine
in teas sugars.; etc. aria then it's eo
hice to have his'etYlieh express wagon
drive around to your dooe op( deliver -
the guids free of eliarge,
1. O. O. F. --The addresses of Rove.
MesSrs. Greersway and Godwin were
lietened s'o with deep interest by the
Odd ifellows'of Exeter and a unenber
of tile tsuinitiated, in the Isall'occupied
by that liodY. Mr. De ;johns, was,unan--
imously "elected to the chair, anclIn an
able manner explained the'cause of the
sneeting, and then introduced Rev. Mr.
Godwin, the first speaker,- who, in an
excell'ent'epeech, laid forth plainly the
great amount of good to be obtained by
beebining affiliated tu the orgstuieation,
hnd defended its position to the Inst."
Rev. Joins Greenwa'y was neit 'called'
&ern, fachsia." Cornect,
Toesnar. "Like rein ?" "Yes."
THE C0111) ty Coun 011;4 13 W session
THE principal streets haTe been
A PERIDATE'rf0 umbrella tinker SO -
3 o timed In town a few deye
The street coininiseioner is busily en,
gaged enlaroinglhe village creek,'
hands durin'the past few dayS.
eptam, Howard and hie toms
• 1
1111 -ten tne
two biac
a , by Miss Mar
4 by o refugees too
until 1110, eloeing.acene,
d nitUbliS" choked Mr.
bis epelling atid ndaced
arks opposite lila mime.
Masa ISItsay arling his only remmung
tor antagoui4te'Wir. \Visite having gone
dowu oupeilletenymy," dealt M y'e"
ineteakof n-NtikV and that being her
third iniee, Mr. POwell carried loff the
belt. It would ecareely jatitiee to
stating-H.11A Missee S. Grigg, S.
Macdunnell, 'Carliug, Caeling,
M. MePhillips,' A. Kilpatrick, and
Mesdre, Bolton, and Verity fouglit 4P-
celdiugly well; aud showed thet it took
a' big 'weird to everwhelnied t.them,
Many of the' ethertnengaged were'real•
V ooed epellers, and we ore proud. to
say that we thinks let the same Itides
joiu, it would take a powerful enemy to
110080treathem: Mach intertiPt Was Mani'
ouid therefore urge npon osireubecrib. Tuesday l'aete,,,.
• ' l'assen'Tnis000n.-Ofie morning last
s the neeeseitY of pieying up ; we
eatiefied that they will respond with
'she money wheu we inform them that:
out of several hundred subscriptions
commencing nu the 1st' ef ',September,
nnly a few a-0;e.en have aS yet been paid.
- To those who haVe always paid ses in
, ,
elvanc,e, We return our eincere thanks,
and. hope that they as well as we are
penefitted by the system. Furthermore,
eve have in contemplation ,some impur-
lant Or bilges and impreVement s the
paper, which will greatly add to, its
value,,• but we cannot take any ia eps
towards the completien of our plain:
while 81,Iberibers enlothers are so dila;
y in settling aecoun '
THE, Rot 1.ir.
At a ineeeting of tthe ratepayers held
in the hall ois Thusectoy evening' laet,
for the peirpose of 'discussing the le -1
inainier of building a drain, on 'Ma n.
st., the mai: business of the meeting
were lost: sight of, and the "eleief
rpint of discussion appeared to
upon wiletiier_EI, drain noinn,i snla, oieepaper, and la clear type.'
sveek number of pielliOlf ars
from Dlenehard passed, throughthis
lege on their way to the pleasurable re-
treats to be found at Gran d'Aend;
Seaawanewe FnsTivat..---Qn the First.
of `July a Striabeery Festivatis io
held in the grove te the nOrth 'of the
Methedist eiturch, for tire,benefit of the
-Methodist Sabbath School: See post-
FinueR Whitlock events you to get
the best organ made. Fisan11 Mean
jadg-e, and. his opiniola 'about Musical
Struineuts shouldn't be rui,ler,rated.
His ware -monks aee at Senior' 4 ithot.fs:
graph gallery.,„• ee, ' •
'TFIE Bernee.--Woeltmen
are now engaged building the bridge
on the line of railroad- aitrass ,tite Sable.
Ors Tuesdoy last iessine paeetia up with
the necessary tools Tor its nonsertietion,
such as epile-driverS, 'engine; ete.
BARNUM IN LOND0N.B1 reference to
advt. it will be seen' thee Beisinim the
great bliowinan is to be London, on
8,ttiirdaY 'next, `the 2ttli inst. Excur-
sion'tearas will beend, to itccommodate
the sielit'seere.
iipors, and M a roanner'to be ,appreci-
ated took upethe ground left untouched,
by the preyious spealier. The caose of
Qad-FellOws"hiP was so justly and fair
lyelealt wiee as to leave eao 1'0013'1 for
doubt in ilia. Minds of atke, of the belie-
fits of the ordee, ;•The financial state:
Aleut of Eketer Lodge waserdacl by the
cheirman silo te • se, - -13,
-very prosperous condition. The speak-
eis,, at the cloeo, eeceived a•hearty VOie
of thanks. '
TEACHERS.Y01.1. 811004 pse the
authorieed Monthly Reports. "Seed tO
us amisee how 'reasonahli we fiernish
them sent to eny address free of post-
. -
aee A loV just printed -on splendid
not. The council at a previous meet,
nag had passed a inotion that a dram --
be . built, but "did not' then define' the
s =Of- drain. This motion was
gra,, 110;1 in ,answ'e.• to prayer of over six-
ty ratepayerS, t who Lad asked for it,
they being a..majority of those largely
interested in As stated the discus--
sion was principally of a ,foreign
os e se -re se enenee,
the meeting, according to the inotion,
of -the ,Couneil. A feeling teeined to
Feist in tlie minds of 'some that the
eize of drain (2 ft., sq.,) proposed by the
,Councilewoule not be of sufficient cone,
pass to 3arry off the surplus,- water in
the village. Mr. darling advoca,ted
the building of a large sewer, which
wonld cost a vast amount of money,
andityllieli the village in its present
position, it was,stated, woe slot to
pay. As the matter of drainage is one
of coneiderable importance in many
ways if was advocated that it would be
a wiser plan to enter upon the work
immediately than to allow it to remain
linclone for a number if yeers. As it
is the (101.111 Oil Will go en 'with the work,
as they have never appealed to the pee-
eile in the matter, but nether • the, , peen
pie to them, uolees as to t,he kind of
drain, it being proposed that the cost
was not to exceed about $2,000.. As
this sure reaches ey,er. numher of
years, and tliearnount to be poid eaeh;
year will be a large anionnt, it will not
reri)..juw.,..seem. so heavy to pay as some
eisagise. We should like to see such a
NOT DEER EN01.10,1L-A correspon-
(Tent, sends us word that the contrac-
er the railway company are being
guZ"elled le,Y those Who :tie sinking the
pbst-holes in the township of Hay; call
tnein dug at 18 inches instead of three
feet, as'required by agreement.
BE.AR1NE,-It is not only"Well prepay-
ed and in every way a neifect hair
dressing : eters well thae itisPrePar-
e want Or a nerateere, veal- ,invigtifer-
ting and plea,sapt dieeshig. Sold.
hy all druggists. - . - „
A HAY-IiNI.PE'S WORK.r- On Monday
ovening last, as Mr. Jehn Henley was
assisting in moving a baili in the vici-
nity of Bethesda, a hay -knife, which
was sticking unobserved in one of the
beams fell; cuttine Mr. Henley's left
ear ahnost off aicni ;gashing his face.
Tinder inedieaa treatment, it is,hoPecl
lie may seem be „able to net around.
, ;
DON'T FORGE1.-We want our read-
Fine. -e -Thursday night last was a
heautiful pne,, sled the meeting -
its the 'Scheel Hall waSil't-,'"o,ver MAP it
-was iadarly midnight: " 15,ot one of
those whbee plith.liorne led",thein across
tbe Sable bridge' Saw the-...„leaSt 'sign, of
fire around. Mr. Iiilpatricit's 'Woolen
mill. But Fritla'y 'morning mune, and.
where it had stood ihere was a 'blank;
and the villogers were astoniehed..when,.
daring tile elay they heard. 'it waS burnt
ao1VD, fer.scarcelsnanY had Seen. the".fire
sspejeare that* the Mill. Was -worked on
T.httr$day eVeuing, aS',1ung as' the fire
reMaining iu the 'filer:lac:a WOUld drive
the engine, and; when week was' over,
the coals were eireved to the rear ,of the
furnace, so as to aSSI.st in kindling the
flee the sleet morning. About two &-
Clock in ihe inciThine, Mr. iiiipe,trick's
daug'uter told hins She tliongnt Mill
was oil Ere, andlie inshed out ko find
that the coviser 'of the' enill fartheSt
. .
Ors to distinctly understand that it is
'to -day (Iihursesay) that •the•-reamrnoth
•pie-nic is to .be held iu Mr. Coughliu's
grove. - The suceees of the entertain-
ments given by the Catholic body in the
past, is, o suffitaent, ignitrituwe
Sheuld the ttseatner prove_ unfavorable,
it will bs.i postponed until SittUrday.
Bnosinkr.-An„ advertisment of
.extensrve peopcntions. ,reacbes 1.18
BlId1411, at New, Yerlt, :with a
'request to.- publish it,. and- hecetit as
payment horOle ef,,ihe institution., nWe
wish Kr. Backlin.. to -,„,-undertitanAkthat
.We' ese''''''inlhitr7' way -
Sena .yoor adyertismentethrougfeeome
'esP90.eileni0 ag91aeY
Oil 'or ,S...1\1e"..Pettinillg's`.and it will have
our censideration;,
Lund,'Methodiet Minister' of,the ',Exe-
4rain' Car42g sPake of, built if ter Circuit -delivered eer-
neeetictible, elthinsgli a great many mon to bis Exeter congregation, on
141t 62' saying it Would be a" super- 'Sunday morning last- ; and .ReVt. Mr.
nity, and that a two foot drain will, Godwin, On S114(1a3, evening addressing
himself more pareieularly, to.,the
"'TY °ff tile grea''ter'll'Prti'''-'9f 'tile Sur- reu of the Sabbath,' School Who were
121118 water of the village. arranged in classes under theirrespec-
Cy teachers -and seated in` the t
rza a ;7' et?..11S.1.13 G '7. row of •-
Dor BM,L FOR Sete. -A due, bill 011
By a perusal of our lope' elomOns, it, • • . • ., . .
Messrs,. Pelt & 0o., manuracturerseot
re. ill be seell'IliTtoa great I -11111Y "i4iAlen PS 15: melodeons and pitteoe Guelph
oe a s, ,
awing the, past week hatie token plaeel
..ent., the 'came beinggOod. for 40 pee.
at the eaisings of' b,arns. It ' is not cent, on the esetail price of an- iiistru-
necessary that these accidents should ment of not less than $120 ; or will be
feta() place."' ea,"'t it 's d received as one-third payment on their
ea, or ins aneeoti porehas-
iirobable too,,that not a building of ally
sort, other then the ordiniteet balloon
worth G200. This Valuable document
franie, will be erected wiehont aecident will be dispoeed eof at' what modern
as long as racing is allowed ley law,
The government hae pageed a law
ageiest t noshing. machiee Owners al-
lowing couplings of the niachine to re.
, main .uncovered while at work.
eo proveiit:loss, of life,andlif it lays in the
pc -yr tr of fbe Goyorntnent to, pass a la'w
to the above effect foe the protectioo
of life, it is equally as just to raise a
law prohibinng the racing always in
dulgecl Jn at' taisings, for tvliere one i$
hurt or killed by the former ten suffer
by fitiS latter, Those `cylto delight
its the man ltilling proeeee, say that
they would novet" get. a frame pp, if
racing wes not the ,prinoipal ferture,'
put we srongly contradict it.
from Old engine' W'Ra in a blaze. He
initnediatelY &tele. d en a windotv and
tried to'enter, ,eave soine of
the wool nearest the doorehut was Ma.
niediately, harled hytorti hy , the shiolie
and ilathe worse note spinading
with geeat'rapidity, So in alum, ble
was the material, and so greedily did
thetfiery. fiend ileybur th.iti, ‘half
an nennernin the tiine the -fire wnedfir`
seen, it was all censumed. The loss
Will,be over $3,000 ; insurance about
NEARLY Kinntie.-' The 'followin re
the oarticulare as far as we could -
tain them (4 a runaway and iteci e t
which. occdired a few days sinee.,
span of horses ran away with w
laden with 'sheepskins, and, so great ves
the duet they catised, they could no be
seeu distinctly and a cotiple of gen Is -
Men meeting them did not know wl'tb
'Side of the read to Vorn mit at na
wore censetinteritlY thrown oat, one a
them being rendered insensible. r
Hutchinson; Of Kiilton, ,wholapp
ea to be passing by, examined 141110
Imolleea.nawlaiTseitilioecleLetlellyulheutl•riaieuclb ttoffiret'oire'rj
can. His,name arid present conditiei
we have lipt heard.
$800. It Was causect either by an in-
ceAdittry pr byline of' the many strag-
glers who. ore ' now prowling around,
having Caken.rest.on some wat4e under
the mill, and lighting his pipe.
r, M 011, tbat guta Of $400 be
api4opi3ated to the Porth eAndary
line, providing the Townehip
ley gave att oenal artieunt ; anti that
tO the Sonth Bountiful' line to ta°°t tit°
els° the galln Ot $400 be appropriated
4STO°114:11"1P4e0nt ay12:,y.--thowarrTifi91.48141ovel
bv Mr. McOoll seconded by Mr Kahn,
fleiseh;1.11rat this Council do now ad-
journ -,to meet again on Tuesday July
0, at 10 o'elook, M. --Carried,
e Hume Teova, , San
. Clerk
PEDSONAL.-Mr. jolm Q'.0rien, eon
of Mr P -O'Brien of $raisinith is con -
hoed to hie room, owing tip an attack of
inflamation bis steniaeb- friende
hepe Ms speedily recovery.
Tuesday evening, a very interesting and
pleasant evening was aniseed at the
house of Mr. Lammie, at Sexsenith.
S. 2' 4111.EJt".
4 QURIOSITY.-A curiosity was re,
peCitly found near ,Fairfielci., w
plowed' diet ofn'the,,giseemd,, and appe
to be the 'Pate -bond bf nian; probal
that of acane.noble red who, in t
busy 'han•not, life: the, bygone a
yielded up his OWD, and• yas enisged
none. ' •
'terra/en:a-On Taiesdity evening la
'Mr. G.sTapson. of Stelihen' was in
stable•attending, to horses,when: o
of than, a "violdies beette, _attacked lin
in the 'stall, knooking him "down, an
tranipling upon kicking:him. in
horrid manner. waS conveyed t
•the house, and' Drs*.'Browning and' Tr
vihg, dunamoned, When,' it 'Was foun
that ,soene ribs -were' liroken and '
-face considerably Mangled., He is ser
'iously hurt. ' -
NvOttict do much good to the keruels
01 the grains. 'Tho fruit crop, if un:
inollnited l?y the graesliopper, promisee
to be a fair crop. Bootie and vegetables
oleo suffer froin want of eain.
Too LATS.-11re liave received an itc-
count of an examination held on Friday
lest, at the Anderson public sehool,'but
t90,10.te for insertion in this iseue ; will
appear in our nexte -
Gong SOJSUIte.--131aushord com-
pany of volunteers,urfder the command
otPapt. White, left their drill kihed on
V' 0#4ax )ast, and. proceeded by way of
, Milts for Guelph to put in the
annual drill. Thid is one of the best
comparlies in the Batt., and is a credit
to the isaptaio t9 the township,
0:1114.,Ir Tex..
AttligerEDir--Two parties' named
About lifty 9f the friends and Th°41 rarker were arrested' on
eeighiMre of Miss Jane ramose, provid- jai;1 for breaking into and robbing the
hal;le:utrsle•stvetlhl afitlleadi thweatlaibotiviee tailor shop of 0. M. Webb some time
livened etre and after disposing of tlae
same, or 'lowed themselves into a pre-
eentatieh` "paety, end, presented. Miss
Laminie with a splentlidsilk dreass and
Bible as a token' of their esteem and
regard,for 'leis as a faithful teacher in
the SOX8Mitli 'Methodist Sabbath
School. Mr. D." McColl was chosen
chairman, and opened the proceedings
with 'some well-timed remarks, expres-
sive of a high esteem in which -Miss
,Lamie is held by all who know her, as
h teacher in the Sabbath School. Mr.
ger:rum:wee then peeeeedea tar rtata - the
address which was responded' to hy
Miss Lamie, in a 1;ary impressive man -
ner, until overborne by feelin,s of deep
emotion. Mr. W. Chapman followed
in a speech testifying tu Miss Lamle's
faithfulness as a teacher, and express-
ed the hope that. she would long be
spared. te prosecute her noble work. -,-
Mr. John Northcott made some remarks
in the same strain. Mr. S."Datv, the
superintendent, made a telling Speech,
in which he appealed to parents and
friends co streng,then the hands of the
teachers by their presence and prayers
Yr. M. Eacrett, of Exeter, gave an ad-
dress expressive of his high regard for
Miss Lamie, and approv of' the man-
ner in which the friends showed their
approval,of his friend and fellow -work-
er, and hoped that as 'they 'began they
would continue to reward. merit 80 far
as in their power to do BO. ,r Alrf. C.
Eacrett said the matter of,such an ex.-
prresion towards Miss Liunie was
thought,and spoken of by him years
befoie, and lie was glad the time had
at last art ived. Iluston, Misses
uston, and others entertained the
faltering during the iatervals between
ieeclles, with einging sorne beautiful
ections from the Sabbath School
mn book iu good style. Vietes,of
were then tendered to the chair -
an, the eingers,and Mesdames Me,Coll
Weilneseitty, and lodged in Stratfcrd
ago. The -goods were found in posses-
siou of Thorn inMitchell. Also a large
lot of engineer's toole, stolen from Work-
Man. ,
Lodges and Divisions are requested- to
attend early at the demonstration on
Doininion day. Delegations from
each expected to take part in the pro.
eession. -Alarge crowd, goladdresses,
amusements, refreshments and niusic
are certain. A band concert at night
by Lucien brass band, assisted by -, cora-.
petent amateurs. ' •
Peon and
We Imp o woOoodo,
1091) a lark° alai
Ponev Dry.Goods and
044 'what la still beter E'en 1:04" F09" Ohet113
_ Note 049 fPl
Good Black -silk PPM* only 89 15
G ood 8ilk Drool, may 0 al
OQPd Blaok AlPaoa, only 20 and r..¢ c,ts. per semi
Good White Cotten 8 anal 10 fads rer"Yarsi
eoed and extra Wide Shiruing 1.2 cents per yard
12 yards Factory CotMn'for $1 OR '
eged "rints 8 awe se °onto por yard
A f Irst-class Cotter alwayS. On the Pr
0 la and exanituo our extensive stook No
el:lasing; early, remember the old name 21
tfr. J. T.,Savaget two deers from McLean's' he
tol has been appointed our agent for Liman and
veinity ; is authorized to receive orders for sub-
scriptions, joie printing, &AL, and to collect accounts
and give receipts for the same. .
(From our own Cerresnondent).
ARRESTED. --The Mitchell town con-
stable alleged a man named _John,
Thorn, on Wednesday last, charged
with stealing a number 'of tools from
his shop -mates working iu Thompson
&Williams.' foundry. The articles were
found his possession as well ad a lot
lot of clatbin,g' stolen from a firm id
Dusan. The prisoner said that he re.
ceived these articles from a youno man
named Parker. This person was
brought to Mitchell', and the two wor-
thies, ap eared before Mayor Matheson
fand Magistrate Sarvis, who, after hear-
ing the evidence, boinmitted them to
the county jail to stand their trial.
s w___,
P n II'
on Thursday, be protested in ,London.
We noticed Mr. Gurns.sy iu -toe n on
Tuesday'delivering the summonses for
the Lucanites who were charged with
unfairly working up the large majority
,itt, the last .election, resulting in nn -
111r4. Andrew Muir; ef Rodgeryille. 'seating Silent Snut I. the foimer Grit
' h member. 'Tit paesing stigma° that
d O'Brien, who got up the 'present,
hen the company -dispersed. The
llowing is the address :
Miss Jane Lantinia, Bezsrnith. Itospectect and
1.4rarr Priena.
U.5110113' E
Dnkru.n-We regret to learn of
,the. death in Toe:nate t e 2n ns
of Mies Ellen Mitirofourth daughter of
1.1 di t
Mies,Muir had eone to Toronto foe t e
purpose of having a very large `tumor.
a'emcived frem her person The opera-
tion , was Successfully performed, and
she was recovering 'remits effects when
lock-jaw set in mid eaueed her death.
Misii'Muir was 28 years of age, and her
sad death will be a' seriOUS blow and e
and. a large-eneehe,,,,Cf reratives and
a He remaine- -neon yea
ye, yens friends of Sexsmitlfavail ourselves of
t opportunity of presenting you with this small
seut ns an expression of our sincere thankful -
s for the deep interest which yeu have mani-
c' in the welfare and ; rospority of our Sab-
School and for the religious training of the
-en of this place. We do not present this to
cause it is customary so to do, nor as a re-
, d o k
-geee...L.bei_eeeavement to her aried mother
home and entered in the Itoclgerfine
&letting alai cites. coin eterYs
tion for 5 our ar uous °nor° w r
1 and consider that if any person ever
a 'present it is you. We cannot allow
and benevolent actions to pass unno-
inost of the wilts are for Lucanites or
parties nearby., This spettlts Well for
the few stray Girts residiug here who are
evell known to have been long hunting
for some office. Possibly some obscure
P. 0. has been promised to ahem. (lie-
quieseat in pace).
QUERY. -IS there not a binlaw to
compel ownere of pigs &c., to keep
them off the streets.
neneenso Maron.-The retut n match
,Omvperto talat that )' our life mu y long be spared
te the great and noble NVOI k which you tONVI1 SCh00113 cense off on. Friday even -
between the pupil' s of Liman' and Irish -
toes or TEMPERANCR. theT'EPteliecEv act°huriSecelitio°onl-- a tsYti lice&
Aaa may you at last hear from your ing laet, 18th inst. in the Town Hall
unfit -welcome sound, " -wen don.° thou Luelin,in.."1,,,torneja„,%. 4c,4g4A vAja,i,4A, c.0
itthwirtv-A-7,20tr:. arpilall,Luogrna-intr rkt,ent ecrittclaitsrigii9ahrii,,istcolics,, ah et e ms beOektline,a
cult words (including proper neinet)
to Le found in the Fifth Reader were
emmeiated by Mr. Ratcliff and written
slown by the pupils from each school.
When this part of the programme was
got tnrough with, the scrutineers 1)r.
Suttim and Mr. Jenniegs proceede'd to
examine tale papists, The spellers
were then arranged promiscuously, ten
on each side and spelling down com-
menced, continuing Until the scrutin
un -'s had 'firnshed their work. The
result of -the written test was a major-
ityef Ave for Lucan sc000l. Mr. Me -
Taggart of LUean school as well as the
scholars deserve great praise -for their
success. We' would greatly adtise
the -master at Irishtown to be more
careful in future 'as regards casting
slurs ,m the partiality of the clergy,
also that his infaliability in spelling and
Pronunciation are questioned be those
:competent to judge, not mentioning
his etiquette sbo vu on the oceesion.
in the lecture room- of t e Methodis •
Church -on, Monddy night. Met, abO tit
eixteen , -.members, . participating.
Sides, wereechoeen by pr. Lying and
Mr. George K. Powell and Mr. Thue.
white was thoseu enuumator. . The
first jIlo n111111toS 'Was Si...entail spell-
itig against biefee, and resalted 10 My.
Powell's, side naiseing oine, words, -Dr.
's side four: Then
- •
menced the,s• pelling down match,. IN,tr.
Geo. PoWell 'acting as ,enunciator and'
Mr. Thos.' White' :taking his' plade
leader. Three words missed and 'then
Ile • C. Sncill sho wed lie wee
ijot ii21 philosophical by puttih
phisolophical, Aliss Dymond retired on`
putting ie in-cunceite shoWsing elie wag
not at ettneoncened. Navigation:1'011111
bnpne succumb to its `feede,,
but one' yoneeg lady declared, she' `could
not"nayigate-alidels hinger-e--Which woS'
densidered ravery good pan ilia eolemis
aseemblage like the Temperetope Society
sled way- eneeeed. Sbine stiekieed
gan to go itroonecl ...and Twill, aboo,„,
.1 dulled-, 0-"'iViitery` grave for o deluded
victim. ,','COnecientious retired' another,
eignificsult that. Dr., 'IrVing
retired:, bellieterant "nes ,
was.: etopped On lie Oath ;dealing
dion bY Thos. Whiten , lltlesers.
Grigg ,an`d",Bertiti, 'Grigg were' ,11,en 'left
oh the eield. ef Dr. Irving' ' Meeers.
13. Swine,SIOnelt. Veritie, and K.- Whii6
and :IVIeesra. ' So.Whitletk; '
White, and C. Snell on the opposite-.
§:Jae. miss Buell, the,next to retire
itud then the geddrie.'"Geigie Were 'both
extinguished on the word- dissatisfac-
tion Th4'n eoinmenced a ,,matcla
tween those, remaining ',one one. eideo
. .
MISS M White managed to': get it on
. „
being unaccustomed., to,' tlieeevord Etc:
csntomed. Misses Veritt: andt Swiner,
ion, not baying kilned very inihnate
'aCetiamtance with ..the -painful warriors
of the prairies,. Came to grief -oli the,
word, :wampum, ',Then there
'remained tsvo to spell, mid after a epiritn
centest of a- few,' mintrtee the word
aleatiss was given, to Mies Whitlock
Who pat it abatus, beina the third
info a $600 itialio the due bill would be
• ,
'I after:tripe Outlet Dank lime' ems.
resided ; lontave litavaii't lost a cent by
uv fight ittst,.110t,'Put tight Or
will take ail we pan get,
Tit arlo tbe, c tint ins a pr
11 t f ,iientena
WOralnisse4 ber,:igt.....Aite
'declared in .ignoran co of 'the word'
Advertisers:Call airernendeous stiortfice
by vuttiog os, deeleired mem
While; its., validity xtreqUestionable,„
Apply. ot the. TimBa
PE1,1 AND Peowe-This tv at;s excel.
, • .
lerit p'aper copies this month freiglitee
with cheiee selentiOne tor the ent:.
ture bf L6 mind and"ctilture 'of the soil:
Being eteVoted more espeeially to in-
truction prim the best" methods of -
treating the soil, it gives side, by side
with this knowledge valuable,and useful
reeding matter. It iS it paper that -1W
always practiced • instructive and inter-
esting, fool' its ,peopriet,ors promise that
wilicentinue so,. The Pon and Pion,
is sent from the fitst instant to the end.
of the year on receipt Of fifty centS by
the Pen and Plow Ptsb. Clo,, 164 and
106 E. 16th St, -New, York,
I,,H.,&13.-Owing toiths. °Ise 'Weather
sybiele we'hilve autiug, the present
Blattner, the eOntraotors one'. the
road have been cable, to plish tpoir work
far ahead of what, they thenAelves hitd
thought possible, , Noarly0he Whole
length of roa,1"frern LondDie to Clin-'
ton is nove ready toy ti4S find rails.
The grading Sr' performed, We
believe, in te ladtory trianner,
In the dOtileor' tOorittiet
that,b,eingetlie,first-',Word misspelled by
the:word peiumican'pessed
1itin,'Whieh on. sabsequerst in vest,iga,tion
*ad, referenee, te'rtuthoritios;was ` 'found
ihe.';ileierect way• of Spelling it., Spelling
41,4'enjoYecl throughoni,, and the 'mote
ltidicirous the mistalce, the tisorei.ttner.
riment, Ssaaa,eansed. ' •
`'' v. r. t.. A
Jqn_g t,allt94 ot toolf;
place oar 1.1108tiay evening last. 'A
large crowd waa in attenslitiiee.. Dr.
gecire acted as referee and' Mr. "'loins -
*Ai enniaciater. After an hatliestr
snell in:which the side, dinison
T. White canse'off viCterlottii the, t back
seat": affsir tool; Place, and' fhe
rection was ,greaf,' Seats, seardstraaily,
lteptfUr inns thine, hut ht last:the con,
teetekae reaiieed to four on Mr. POW-
eli's side and five on ,iMr. ,White*s..
lyrr, 'Whit6 being . cynically in-
clinekrefused to spell the word eynid
withellt an s,'' and he niirched to' 1;4
seat amid groat applause (Iiinght6r, yot
know), Then Isrise left seven,'" toifp
onea6 volto ereittettno- eireall 444440
tint eOiredett OfIrrtheir
altillti;0436ery etvitOtil the
liteit 10: &to
held au Friday last. The tables were
epreaci in the.gruve to the north ,of
church, eVerybne enjovinci theinselv`'-,
and the Sabbath School titling in libo t,
, MAIM Cora' SO±,_,D•-A few days ,since),
Mrs,. Thos. Worry, of Usboroe, seld
splendid nSeotch Mirticle 1" colt to a
gentleman. in Tuelteremith for the, very
n sem slitiri of $50,0. -
Kioitnn.--A- report reaches us that
sow oi the Rev, Mr. Reid of 1cl:edition,
tvhile svorkineeewith. a span of horses in
the Countfof Peel;execeived • a :severe
kick in tise etomach fr,o ai one ofetliens,
which for a time -rendered his poeition
a dangerous one.
. ,
, LARGE Eoo.-.--Mr. Robert Carlisle of
lias a duck's ,egg, meeeoring 8-e-
incheeby,7 inches. .
Comwa, Paoannnrnos ---A.fter the,
close of Ahe nut of Reidsien the
Council uaet,for .the deapatch of busi--
netis. All the members preseut, The
Reeve in the chair, After reading and
approving of the MillUteS of the prove;
,oud meeting, it was moved by Mr.:Wile
sonoSeconded ley Mr. Kalbfleisch, That
by-law No. 1875, , appointing the,,
Loan Fund, as now reeir
the third, time be r, passede-Carried.
Moved hy Mr. 'Wilson, seeondellsy Mr,
Geiger,„ That the Clerk be instructe4
to correspond with the Government of
Ontario respecting the Municipal Lone
Etilld,, And. forWard a copy - of - by- aw
No. 3 - , 187-5 to them.---Carriel I aid summoned when et was found that
Moved by•.Mr. Wilson secended by NIrt. I one of the bones was hrolteao lie will
Geiger, That William Hollings.head. t'e soon recover. , , ,' -' ' , , .
,allowed.tho, sum of .$10 to clear out the ,, AtToTHEB RATAING 13E8,,poilgmr,,E,__,We
1 pit on We' of Lot, 26 Con. 2e'L- have en record anothei accident. wins.
Carried., -,' lVfoved by Als'.. IVIcColl, Be" ed by raising a barn. On Friday last,
,coodno4necniis-bs,3:0:fier„.srKtottirb:::::Ittiort,14,tiehdmaetrit':'01,if:Oortl-: : tr-01:1: :1N171.1 ei ill eosa' „tolill.0 0 fw"th1,)ecci7p6ircliitMe;l21:ipf.Pil.,:
ia Which grsitel shall °be tailton oat, Of ..eet4. inSensible.' On Snnday last he tekt
lpoiti esee' Pe°t1'6,2',c)o2..'2,T1,hV°n1""1.1)(18°a1m1"p1T1'1;;,-"'ff0dit' ii.'`e0;we'llese- lizootistutin8.t-:anAtlYveltrlYilevda.:1-un'ble Inft'ire
the' follewing, persons be ,appointed from, off one of the top, plates' td,. the
tild' several pi.ts in ,the townshiP dliri,•bg taken -home. 1-Iis 'lei:every will be
the'season of 1875, viz. : Foe Pit' otl, soinevvhattedious. 'Ill!e wonder ii that
pit en lot 1s, con. ,8',, C. Sli foal, beltinging to Mr. Wm. Grahain„
10)nit.iTt liost?4C,oNn .. c113,,o.3„I.J0ol,r1Ti ,Ailja. 7 w; ifiesio. .i: ,20tintsilycjoini j.i„trBelaatatsflemwrdd,aywsctsagio-a,,thiterhas4r14-.
'f°" !Pit on lot 1-.D$ eons 13' 0,_,':°;'w,a1I„-: been kicked on' the stifle joint. n It dit
'Carried. A/loved hY, Mr. ' kJe"go't .'--, of eplendiel. etock, it's dem 'being- tohe
concled beeMr. Wilson, l'hat , the, sum, ,
nest- prize tevo.year-old heavy ,draught
'of $8.0 be granted to pay- offtlie debt on mottsee,,andliffekrn Nutv a se, a enxe Ai 0 lal 0 vn it 0 .4mx qp 0 it, tneed
A, grief' 4.1 , . ,
' ' lt rel -Show groends.-- Patried, '1 '. "*.' 0 '''' .e '' '1' ' ''''''` '.' r ' '
Moved bY 14ri noColis seconded by Mr: toat, if, it ii,ved tintii fall.
Iihl bfleis eh, . That Siltioeli 111,ollicie be itp.
Pointed-Pathanaster en eon:, .6, and that lioixixo,ku-ItecTI:ilepeto.--eurtAb ttientlicienstirrfigtiol:ys,
Pb P,I,' Manilla° pathinastor'in place of , ..
Ain/ RAIMNG.--Ill eager ant icipa-
n of abundant crops, a great many
fa'plers are erecting largo and.' co mino-
Ibits barns. On Satuida,y last, the
traele country -side turned out to the
nanber of about two hundred, specta-
Ufa and workers, to assist -11,1rn
harn'of, the townline to erect hies
iage frame barn. This is a very ex-
teisive building, having stable and loot
liOelioneatheight feet in hight,
tle'full ground size Of the barn. The
v'an,e of both barn and stable are exc,el-
ANOTRER RAISING. -011 Friday last,
:gr. John Wiles. of the townline, also
erectea'a litege fraine barn on a stone
foUndation, .:The building of soniany
barns in this fi:optiou Speakwripli foe the
industry of these fariners,aeit also does
ler the, value of! Blau Is ard •
- Acerniterr.A rather serig
ens -ieDident, .some what, mareea,,,,the
pleasu e xi sting, at. Mr. Graham's
-barn-raising on Saturday laet. As is
the nrual hut 'very dangerous practice,
sides were ," cheison; and,.: of course, a
contest between the competitive sides',
eiltas the result. , In the.- excitement of
raising the main -plate,' Mr. James Mur-
ray, a 3,oung married rnan, got his leg
laelie4th if, the Men continuing to push
it aleng nntil the pox Glalf8 cries tom
them something was- wrong, when the
evorkmen stopped, and released him
from his dangerous posititin. He was
at once taken to his home and medical
()LM crSic
'To swop E
We Boll W1301001* & Rot.*1
assortol stook of ,
Olethiny, and ilPlirnishingsp
for Cash.
sewing Priciest , '
Varney Ficurkel'shirting 2004440 colto pPrYar4
6 ya da lace eustaiii nee fee 11)1 oo
Carpota and Floor Oil cloth eerie Oman '
Go eit Tame Damaak ouly eentoper esee
Vowelo 1'11140.'041y 70 cents per dozen
Nice 411-v*Oca, tWoode, only go andee eeuta Per Yd.
,Suit ilwrio,d,l'oady, and won modes only 018 76 , •
ernhieS to"att0i(to ordered Clothing -
trouble to shoW.our goOds,_^ no offence for not.pure
years established. , uniseinnin acct. ,
Sign, of tbo aarlking'0.100/ir oeeeNiteinarket loltP
While Sam Cole's eil'CUS was exhibit-
ing in Niagara, on Monday night, of
last week, two young men, volunteers
forced their way into the ladies' dress-
ing room. They were speedily ejected
when they rallied some of their corn -
rodeo and announced their intention to
'clean out the circus.' A military pat-
rol graird was got Out at once, and the
disturbance quelled before any large
gatWhehliilaegozhwadotfaNIkern. eFe. Kemp's lit'
tle,girls was visitking near-Picton on the
8th inst., site with another girl, were
standing 01) a fence picking soine flow-
ers off a high blush, lost her balance,
andIalling to the ground struck her
head upon a stone, causing death in a
few hours.
The Waterloo Garonie/c, the organ of
tile Grit party in that, country says: -
"De 1110Dougall;Itegister of this county
has been appointed -a Canadian Conit„
tnissioner to the '-tOelifiennial exhibition.
A worse apPointinesiCcould hardly have
lie'en made' *na.',"'We` confess extreme
surPrise that the Gevernment should
have selected a man so thoroughly un-
qualified for the- post., 12 there are
mony'more suchtietlial e ublic will have
have need ef pa 3e.
Irina , ()limo:mow,. i.eeignea,_c oleo, Init. ' The Weather in the Morning Was
Mewed hy' Me, Wilson, tectnicled by Me, not the niost',Pronitionti, but, no,teeitik:
Itittlbfleisell;That the followingitecounts RtaDding „ in; .the' rtiteneeit, a gOodly
be' ritia...tz, : John Allan, graVel; ' t t''••••', :intrib'er w48 'PeesPnt, alla ollsid°rIttbie
85 ; til.en Weber graVel $6 ; Henry fiAti,,da. aficlett to ...the .', qabDattl' ' 'S'ehog
Grelee worl ' is $T wn kali $12 e,--. treinntil. ' ''''n- . ' ' nn ' .' ' ' '.'
,Carried. Moved by afie ,Kallifielsch,, Dia Cuoi* Amp Tut Ditoveine.-4Vor
seeondea bY Yfr, Mccloll; That tlio fel, $6tyity,Atiy$Iiiiet the deope -in thia rice-
lowing,sinese be appropriated te-'impren, ,tiOn .6teonntry hale:made seareely auy
, . .., , , .
ve the tc,atig in the 'township, viz. : Oki ,pregfese. : The fall, ,wheat, of Wts,itin
,11110:betWeen eons, 0 atu1 .84 $40 ; coliii4 -lpttlittle has..been 'oxpected 'since, 'ifs
IS apd,4i,-$80 ;enone. 4 and, 5,' $544, atiiWback in the,sPring; does tio,,t4pear
costs' Catity7t17,0; dons, 14 asstl 10; ,to he 4oeePtsvee, In softie' felallitil# t,.
'; , i itat'etkie ataeSte .$05 ; on has'.elone very Well ana eanno ti ff
. Slieneting:int0 ht.O.de S)StilArelP, :
'ire 'FA;
. , ,
1. bouri y :011040iVt' atitft*, ',#,r,tilell' 114, gc,0
‘,..8.4,1t0t,grOiNtV lit -114g ilati g9,01' ,‘
g 10 tOl :'.
&;..cdri.e.,& kiSO it IS ati Prekent, no, 'arileinst Of rain
,,, , . ,
shut' ' ,Nviw etoutottti lAtruw tot any of the grains
iii. Shell' to the swine .hight de ill
a ,60 $210 ;
25 and 201
On..2, $15 ; con.
eon. 10,,1$20; at
Orin st tsf do*.
ai it4
• The New York Sun thinks it wouldbe
caesulldienbdoiaintittliiciendg toifeothQeueeuvell': itcot°It'litae
United'States al the. Centennial cele-
bration of next year. It would have
immense effeet upon the public senti-
ments of the American people towards
Old England.
George Reynolds WaS found. guilty of
bigamy or polygamy at the last term of
the District comst of Utah, 'under the
U. S. law of 1872, punishing bigamy
in the erritories. This being the first
conviction in till& territory under that
Arrangements llaVe been completed
for another "in tern a,tion ' ens Miming
match for .$2,000 and the champion-
ship of the world, between S. B. John-
sen, the champion of England, end T.
Coyle, of Chester, Pennn., and "cham-
pion of America." They are to intim
from Chester so Philadelphia (sixteen
riffles), and the one who gots nearest to
Philadelphia to be declared the winner.
oTfliaeneir. test is to take place op te
Says the Bowmauvill,"5":8';'-'2'
isernaraoll, siislytternf:swhIVInitatt,
has made ine-nappealitoce in immense
shoa.lh-arthe harbor ; wagon loads are
being canglik, and having tried them,
111:.rS0.1. 111c proDa limes are t la they
are the product of Amerieen pisci-cal- The Danbury Ne
The 'nomination for a new election
in North Perth takes place on -the 1311i
The death occuired hi London, on
the 17thref a lady whose age is vonched
for by her sarviving relatives as. being
100 years and three monthsa She was
the relict of the late,Mr. Joseph Jaynes
aud up to within the past two yeaes she
resided betweeu the towoline of Lobo
and' London, froni which plite,e she re -
/leaved toi London. and lived to her de -
pease with lier daughter, Mes. Carey.
- Some le:mates of the Dlind
AsylUM,`Brantferd,' were in" the river
swimming, one of of 'the blind -boys,
Chas. Carr, was drowned. The body
was found a short ilistance from where
lie,wits armored. .
- Ito remembered that about a
year• ago „ apt, Schoen of the United
Slates briny', was Said t'o have been ac-
cidentally drowned by falling off the
Steamer gomg to`luebec, When his
body Was recoverec cuts wore found on
his head which were attribated to blows
from the loaddle wheel, Since the sif.
fair 'ecti.ctirete,tances happened which
exeite sminicwo. The to aptain was a
diamond eetter, and it was bruited that
Ise was Murdered for the sake 'of some
diamonds ne had bn him. For the past
six months a member of the States
Secret` SerYiee has 'been in Montreal
1r2- EEP constantly on 115E41 tb0 746rgast an4 t
,11. Best Assortment of , ,
DYE -ST -El -FPS j
Patent Medicines !
Teeth, Nuil, Hair, and. Cloth -
*SLC •
School Books, Toy Books,
BlankoBooks, Magazines, , '
A linuneFancy GoOds
Pencil Slates, Lead Pens
eels, &c.
-10LE Agents for LAZARUS, 1101IR1S,
C`o.'s Celebrated Perfected Spectacles an
Prescriptions and Beeipes quickly and iseen4,,,,, ,
rntely dispensed. liemember the, Place -Di,. ' '
rectly opposite the Ceneral Hotel,', Main.et., ' 1
Exetet. C. VANDUSEN J.: Co. ,,'. I
Exeter, January 7,1874, 71 -yl. ' k,.
a ' J.,. Dry (.10000 titotO. Apply at this office. - ,
T.:101 -t SALE, ,AN FXC'ELLENT .
..L FARM on the Btli concession of Bay. 80,
m;(69 cleared, with good bumilditinugs.,v6:jr,F.raii:a, ,..,,,,,..„, ,, /....-
6:111e;: "silo. .1:9;610 .:11:111:fete°'i6:110:13:C11:;:teit:::Hi tit, 41\ *Ti:ei:Irrotilb:':114 tr ailslual 1):: 41 -1.7(). 8:1::;1 gl:ti:a. udliglrii:tt81,1130;' 8. ,' ":1:11,01:S159;ILAg:f :1 'ill: !:;,eur- tnr::ra'171:::r;".) e:Irl. . i .i. tic', 4/i,h7a I:8 1;:o -B1:1' .ov:e°' 1:11 re:1,1;11111 i. v::::_' bliiait,118eleily arl" :;'rslat34t1:112,:h10' t'fif,"5111:Ptuc, ,°::a31:eleAlgelelit4:41: irce:::sliav, 1 6?..°N. .1Roat::::1 ' ' ' . : 'J'' \ ,' ,
1:C?I'l?'"'VE Pe?! '5'.!.11.'!,-.;,-!.',2L.e.12e,..„t9.s.....;._ ' Si -
ifagi-ai°4:1XYL:„,„.„;beiretOk ranting time-a:11k the lot, '1\
t,il_draloVt,,r,..ci-aiia isee. Good brick`-hirase and
Ira `... I e, 2!.e. tpFtotorr fttiorthoerNpAarLbti•rpubityr!
La POPILI N., 10110: 11,1ga'erarl \14. 119 e ,:s,
.....-------. 96.ati ,. ,. N,
. , • .
Containing every week. trOlITY CuL
choice readiiit Mattleit,optiapterd.
s°11eand is contribpted to by a lane ultra_ besorrrool. p
tv'lln an d eht lianbay
NEws is o
lout wrilers, whoSwill furnith fresh bot ato,
ollff Prc!
tb e leading Citioe, and oontri
e o
. The News has its own, Scientific, Faehion.- Chosa
'a'ud, Puzzle editors, rniblishes tale beat
matter, the best miscelIairy,..rinl the frealleave,nd
"best Stories. In all ita pepartmenta ft .1e.tidItc4 '
0:.tintrathhpSoc;bo'ulep. 4Butalioupsi co a:oep, ya.mi. 15, in consentioiaoss one
Family Journals' published. • Bend
The OWS,16 no new venture, but long ests.b.,
lished irond„ficZe emacem. • °
-..enaietie sonscrurertrar, . •
ture. ' —
Mr. George Kettlewell. met with a
serious accident Ekfrid on the 8th
inst. 'He ,Was brushing off o
when. the animal kicked' at Another
herse whieh was i_ia.ssing the stable
doois and iu "doing so etruek Mr. Ket
N‘ ell in the iilidomen; inflicting eever-,
ale:juries. For several 'dans- 1
was ,desPaired pf, but anderBr.,Billing-.
ton's skilful :treatment he is.nPW,pro-
gressitlg favorably towards eecevery: :
A man named johu Avery, in " the ONE YEAlt, ',, ',,, - . " - $2.10, se
employ of Mr. John Fotlierg-ill, 111.111e Postage Fievaid. Spacial rates 10 Clubs, '
1,Rvocii4pd .e.... sNaettlysobny, ecnottnilinlgliitttiescltijrsortaite.ideTohn - , 7ALL,gY e4D,,,D4AN3.11, 6,,N1;», ,. '
inStr111110/1t used was the stamp of an Itself Its On1v Fir& lel ,
old jack-knife with' which lie cut his , n _ , - ' '
throat from ear to ear, mangling it in
a horrible manner. 'He had lately F.
coine, out froin En oland. Dr. ktieltard-
son held an inquest on -tile renianis, and • "'- ., ' " "
the jury brought its a yeedict,accordino
to the above facts. '' -• , It .
e ..
GREA.T 'WYMAN - - ,,,--
Air. John Adams, of Canboro in- -
forrns the Monett Reform, Press that, he „Thenn„r1luiln,einust'iTer'''''''''Err"iti'm ,,:,''''Ffee'l'''''' '
lots a receipt for keeping tile potato '''' '''""'''''', * - e' -n, -vrcsnitilite' _
bugs from doing damage,and says since e
,n'op8 fisaritel ieeocghia..li tt Ia'lIroot a ria atbobuolgoriiiii:aaboilebt*tienel;tehu8riees0elpl,cioill. infuolidtilssr ,. ?urn: g,' ri a ti-V:illil.e:::fili:iitit...... ii la, .,,rirtti' ,.
gallons of water, aftertvards speinkling ,it 12 Inianakis vu.mn,...turaorott.wit,dr.u...pleirtmevitovt9..a,
tihi ei e s fool jut rt i po ioi u'onna std 1 sou vf f ti no ce ist Ntforiit.ho' na (71) rancsrhe „ LARGE sT AislrilvzipA.TEE. IN.,
and the effect was all that could be de, . THE ,WORLD. ,
London:, Saturday) AlellQ, Zei
• 0
redo of ThOroughbiedtand Ire ' lit0(05 •;. 'Gilt
An army of Men, -Wokften anto•Ottlittldrert; Iliind-
AA the late sitting of the CMITif V St,uci Gold besprinladd Chiqiut ,and Tableau Care,
antioil for mioaissex a reBonete„, e ;le bona sitverftaaanath.ress.weletairamove.flt40?(Btterifiitto,ngnfraitnat
flasseci for the abolition of toil p, i,Qa, aepr'enllaaliVal; .W"dx Gbge, menYeolb111:141" ' Ili 'a '''' r 1 c it, r:ii,..c.
ta; 14i 30-1:t. re. .1: sti°,, 18 lpil Ileuae° itaatt 1: lin 1:gnglailtat:elibstelttetnftdealtel)(Itsi'bet1":13rtIti'cillolif btlilt:etdrA°014n10118:. ptbdykoiug a griind succession of Inialtectual Sur- 6'
. , ,
40 t,vvo V°.r.3'. 64" rornIt'tePoltutt.boirgalnittitvie'ef411..ititrixt °Abolvillagteltooeagitulrolli
j eetion able systems. That tnie ar. die Towle vorld Ma; coik*A.4fivalof the ,
rangement will lee permanentthere can s'PORTS of ANOI4N litEECE and flOjit:
b6 no reas'on to d.Oubt,fer wherever tells titt"i'aitotitetilittitirtaititasitatit'elini/,:tilirta5.,
arirof:oloroeions illiii0StSlare fit 0/100 1811* Or oeieetive Hewitt -y.1 'ratites). Line et oiat***I0a
:18'"°1iYgellate' _Sirtliti;griere iti......sil:rnd,toirnt pinosa:tilifeesixt'Le,4 ' the NIaiVi'lrmiol,:''''''t:ee:Iei,°1151't:tv"iloVitillo4g,nsl'attb.Ttli:111:,11::::nri.:1.1iibatetilta0411.dAVrtniltitlii0ItIghnidt*:411:!;$
York Sint thus desCeihes the actiOna erf hatiteeien,tittniele. efaiseettiteet4 AeCOn616144 bi tile .4irt.
a As 'haTirakvsanfeaweeartolisePatigiloa, einnt .,,os fy i ,t I i: e N., e w 141::::::::`111:::..:;w::"As:11 iff,_:1:x4:1'ar:s41`.:1:o_lintr:8,3::: s siaja:::::::::::::14!n:IreoGeLtanilD:itilolni:t ta6":::::::_i'nitias:itio°ftl:al rte6Arl on:trthbodi !
Sitattotved by' a Shari;
in the harbor Matanzas when. seolt.t,,ructroarlinsiltr, popthy i.telsi6arttiati,000d6woult, ill aii.h
a poor sailor ; ''" Oa 'Weatie
tile rope sustaining the til. en.eatp insittaatioas, redtleed Ili taata from
sailor WAS paintillft the tides Or a,
mielbe fell into the .;t1tratie 3,Gato 61,60%k seleldithintbearcatplitootirotosh, .
good swilner be eaSily lcePt trulfoftooft 'Elflike in attendenee, , ,
aamiseleawireseten children meat& ili 6isaras 2¢
oonts, leoaatvaddatitaeictra. ; s
pl,..e0;leurter,gPee°11,11°01itititeotgar°11017 ebtil:",vil'aitealotd:iind6a7s6,7nte:epi;o't 'to.
accoedrot,dEtts soli as prefer tOltirold POW
rbyobtaininttlisin,*btint OUNtOrttery a '
a 1,1:4, a ftl* tioketS *111:1130 lett tor Sale atadlt*,{0
We crigt.tellart or;id Exeur810 trairil rD.P, II.
rearteed fare,
Working up a chip, and furtber t, sel
afloat shou ing to hie. nOne , lone 'to
',Will ghorU 140 t Jaya on thriemyet) i
' r ' 11'‘ ' ' ' . e't ' ' ' ' ' " bli ''''t- • ' Is
bower a boat for Irma. By, ea. Iraq,' e
'0ns' Itfe4r: ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ,, ' ' L . ilaa pueliedhie way. tintil ***O. -tit
CtiC 11,foritilty, Mii 81,'st, vsilile " Ivi. t''' tile VOSSel, 'when hi's ctimpatitilie itnita
DaVid 'Atinis, tr'. 'Eteisrb'eSto„.wae iiri..iog him a, rope, At' the inotnent , Of oaten-
fr'orn Toronto with a load of paint, oil :
mg if, arid evisile tliey.,,W,neet, g
als,"ftsrperttisi,e't he .steetele 'et; inateh tie to hattiqiini, up, thO 1,11,14,6ittiflit ,,,
lig,it his pipet The match being 'thin was beard to givo ti, eoreihhe'ot, '
tho brinistorittlArOke Off to& tei tile At thA seedo tithe flee se,,,ekve,e,ae*
bottdm of the wagoit still bitriting, eedaisn e0i0r, 0,nd th
which soon caught Are in tile oil (the
Oil can being leaky) and befOre 'he had
to put nis foot on it thd turpen.
tine and oil 'hpret up in it bitted ao
qttiekly that he had just time to get his
horses off and nOrse to ;spare.: '
Bose Tweed is not at liberty., Ile
complable that he cannot make restith.
beletento lie litts hosts conspellcd to
tty out his money to blackmailing law.
ets. W61.114 th12 tiot lie worthY of the
attehlion of the Bier 48seeietto
f Q bed
The eteitniti ip 0 sa ram, or ue
has on hoard onito 6111i4tithtS
Amtkiwomilitort*batic, bat a fitnely rain freen Rheeitte
man disappeared bolo!"
few seeonde aftet the°
ois body reappeared, tit
an lint -nettle shittk
the water few'
ordered a boat tO
got \Oat resin/64yd,
bat the Sharlagit
ono side and toi0
poor Jack at a sill
0 .1)/6
*13, ZIXO
ege tote -tern We' ainoaid
bral patrOnage. beeteir
Monolog DoSiimen SX
age ha oohaitiora ie'e
he tine 6,rt4
I • to' Oa eu
he Ita firciktird, 6
old Mind, Ord
w tale&
, et