Exeter Times, 1875-6-10, Page 2cresou eat f',oieet r4.0, atuaollyz.T. fz.)• reier antlitione, "Ii0Pea Franc, A. 13tet unlike' the itidetAhudept sPgghholLoci.""11'h Gerulai) power elle hold mit the bait of 51.. 8,0e 1.40; eastern eohqueet to lteseta ae oho like- 7.ee reAtte: 1„Y ti? (,,d/ta:ill the latty,tr as en ally, and r, se5i. en Ill Order TO seetere 1,110 Aceptieeeenee of 5'17 Atieteia tho hope of att exteneiOn of territory in the Principalities Wee lucludged in, Vely eieditable, to Tinr,5is, tv4- iu the matter, eyen cee ter (41 tor designs cohtrery, 'what they eau, ;rale 1, 1,970. B, la.POOMOIMANI.Moornm..D14.r ,t ter ,C',117:e„5 TRWISDAX, JUNE 10, 1875 Co E,,ndrem r /*., tiln/Q,/fr eeems somewhat strange that. inen edepting. and professedlY living up. to (very consietent Principle of whet just,. right,:and luir„ eo her fer: get ,fleear boolthe to diseard the Peecepts °nee St"'"' 'lie° Was betweee •and Geri -pony, and haV- Ine; the power to rectify itditrSte.' Eng- land, by Ler ettarded diploMaey, hes ted auethee etualuentah etediggle, saved her nouteality andheet'iteeti eZen- eiette Of peace hetweewita0torher ueigh- bor powers. 1.Alt, LOrd DerbYeays, the 'dangers Of 'a war haeleuen averted, should be, Sim refttsed to allow the ttlanquility el tbe eolith:Ikea to 'be bee/k- en, etelexander, to make his reee- 1 lution more effective, called in the in- terverition of the I3riti;11 Government, with, oreou vett, what result might mane - ally be expected. The' latter etw taught in it the very mi.lute their au- i:lieuce has retired and they Aro left to thertmelveee Suet) is the preeent po- sition of our Loctd Legislature. Dur- ing tho time which Sam:Weld Itlec- tlonald's gtivernmaitt tultuinistered the afiftire of the Province lie 80 1111; (levity ted from the time -worn custom of gi yieg governmentepatronege only 111 govern- hut wily los a ti,lle, Frenee is daily gsowiug stronaee. and as( steels is the ease ao does the jealoue feeling betweeu h at pow et., end Ge any btio °nee More hardened, And more td break forth. The'.4recenl, intereeiew of the tl.rees Emperor no doubt brought etnise etrange thneets to light, and *as the euPPorrers as to hand over a oor- tian to tile opposition. Certeduly it was a .mnaller 'share than that receive(' by his eupporters. But. even 'had lie withheld aud allowed them none his that ke and reward would beve ',' -en the same. 'Rely -wiLetett - re eemeeien iilLtOli (101.1q5unfig notk5s, taley coma eel doey ‘1, eat Xtlet ere Aite r- w"id nave lloen otPAa-IL ee-Lat ecuret4 be lettew fertee'int) time. division. When f,u.111. thee t, , Precodented detained on a, gov'eceenerit Ile twiee ten is twenty hoWIS it. that with which they were Continually feuo- twice eleven ie tweuty-mo ? and Men, uelightuess were Ls- , Toe difference between news and -I 'eyed andleumpand weed tLet thew_ Money just at present is that one is eelVes took ()tribe. it, was not 01"1.0.1 alai 6 Opt.itvii.1 Urn:, tinAr tivoteed Tue Globe Keys Eon. Wm. McDougall A, °Uhl carriede,ut. for it. wordd 1,ever (teens his mouth hat what, he rmet4 uureastmalue liaVe tooldel: for ems hie foot, in it. 11 it had said as it. .T0 have kept the vainieli bright, much itbout its maneger wc, woulduht, ;though, sninedatenipt, no matter how heve believed it - :feeble, ehould have. been made to. keep . „ their policy good. • But none was._ TOE Eineardiue Reporteiesayi that _Sven Stoecifieid's liberality tem- tbe Premier -will make a splendid emi- ards opposition wee frowileci upon, g-ation aeent. YeS ; but.he ehould re - the old euetonnof heseiming patronage ape"? supporters eevived, and ev- eign his portfolio first. He dou't an- ,eryticing tralu4erred &um iboi‘.6 who swer.very well for a yrime 1\1:mister. . support the govereinent theee . wh„ did. The supporthig, thuse who AT her Majesty's; drawing -room, on support us, is correct idea 1111C1 e the, 7th ulte, Miss HoWland, daughter accordance with the well -kept views ,of oft the Eon. W. P. HoWland, C. B., ex, every libegally minded indiyidual, and Lieutenant-Geyer:eel.' (if' Ontario, was it is only venal the cieounistatmes it, kresented to the Queen by her mother, ; eminent are Considered tbat we find fault with it at all. We -116,e been Hoe. Edward Blake was, en ,Thiers - speaking more particularev of the news- day last eiected to his seat in the Com - pee er patronage for it is that we iutend 112011S, tO represent South Bruce. Thus dealing with. , We have admitted that , Euward takes a chair in .the Cabinet any government has a right to dispense without any opposition. He left Walk - its own patronage as it chooses, hut erten on the evening of the nomination wheu the head of that goVernment ima- nines, that; from his poition, he. can THE enunciators' at spelling matches ' use the art of dictation,' wield his arm of power over the Province, and autho- if he uon't happen to hear the speller rize the Council of this Coutes, and the distinctly, mustn't asktliien'tt`d " please Council of that that they are to have spell that word again," but must chuck their adtvertising done only stieh pa- his inouth fuit of calte,anl leminh' pere suPport the. governmeut we at hiM as loud as he ,ettn. It fetches think it riitht that such high-handed them every time. work shlId he M au e u o Wet. Au in- stance of this was manifested some time Aer,Ameeican fishinie, boat arrived in .e.ht &lit' fo enif g the Goderich harbor'a. few days sinee: laden Connty Cotineil of the County of Fron- ,•te quantity of fieli Owing to tenac that '.the County advertising a ' the glutted state of their own markets, ehouid be &Mein the goVernment organ they limed they Could diepese,ofttolect-• in the. County. Naturally elioneln the ter `advantage in the ()aiiiiellan Council thought. it rather a C001 piece of business, and, no doubt, tumbled ig' TEE petition againet Mr. Hay (Re- nominiouslY out of the cloak of hide- . pence theylead formerly known. Ehey former) as member of the .Ontarie Leg- - rallied suflidienily, however, to let the islature for North Perth ie to bee with - Government know that in that wiee drawn. The petitiou agaiust the re - their own judgment, rot that of the .turu of Mr. A.. E. Macdonald, for Corn - Government would be ueed. They also wall, to the House oP Commemsnhas correspondedwith other municipalities also been withdrawn,. which had likewise ,hade the Govern- ment's paternal'adViee ringing :heir Anoter the tallest yarn going is one ears, and, in conjtinctiou, they memca which appears in the N. Y. 8/ ' t 111 e rializee the Government- in rega,ed to eraphic columns, averring that .the -their dietatiOn. Perth eenneil, as well grasshoppers in the westehave,eaten 'as Erouteilac have taken the straieette . that they could get, and forward-couree, and now each paper in ey°rYth.ii'g that a hex days einee; they attacked a the Conley, is treated alike. to work foe, ee. train of green care and tdeniolished all which. 15 net specially tendered but the wheteleeandeettelOs- NoNeettite Will be seen by the following ree;du don St. Mary's eertms can have a .trial. passed at its meetiug Straiferd 'laet week : Trincioderieh te;tar acke Crooks :to '1.1tIovee by- Mr. Davis, seconded by Weve been agitating oUrselves Mr. :A,4cDerrnott, That the Clerk. of 0;1 . ozer tne question,can there be any mer - Peace be instructed hereafter to • I lish the listof convictions in the. Stret- cenary motive undeelying this request' ? ford B ecieoit and ;Hera d , the Mitchell Deus the Star c•dito'r hope ta eriunp eldeocdte fill el 1.4StO.Vel. Bariffee/ nttd. that Croek,' boista ? If eo, he may' as Well case of hie.failing to do .se the andit- bee Ig down 1.1;8 head and weep, :Toe we ors of 'Quarteni •Seeeielie accome, r e re- heve for some time thonght how niee- quested not to entertaiu any eceetoets w8 could fill the effici of 'Tvea , emu for such OA kW:ft), id 118 Will stand.- /le sigh , 5•L'i.11.911 111ey W118, Will ing would t be granted, their disap. earce and the other hard to get. connection with the eetion of Ote goy- ilrs. Howland. This step- which the geevesament if a W,h'z'e tuan seeK8 . „ has taken witle.ite eyes wide open, but Messet 1.1felCollte Ct4ea1-ti ere top plainly shows to what trilling mat- • ' • ' ' ill stoop to modffin it is reported, to be shelved or thrown tors its members w with in order to crush 0 political foo.--- overboard, as pou choose. The former With equally the, smite justice might it as he treitds the furretV alone, behind leterfere irl tee. Imeinoss of the town- Lie plow, "1001-51.1 0110 Cie Sltiltliti on the sdlipe, and with the juaiee mitcht ty of Wentworth, whilil the other .., • ite Lott...date eay to., ehont ,,11:,' m,0 tract. rests all erne tele' on the horeete-eteid the . , ,, . of aoy mitnreeveici. it e ee in the oenu- Innen waiting ior word to quife'ettula It e,ilta power to 1,,,et„„slieteld be given. .Ct, ie life gild 1111<e up tete telirieveltriebnliness poesible tliat the Enron c,ouneil will Tlie latter—probably awaits etigeep other have received orders .similat to these sheriff to ellufile off this nioettil,,coil. - given to toe enemies above "Token of. Is„--,„,_,, , If so we feel eliat its me -miters will iiet re - L....TANCULLOT4 Spragg, in. delivering hesitete in aeserting the independence . e t " ii ell . 1 1 g .1 ill gnien On , le 11880 Oree 1011 Sal( , 61,tliae, body. tesees-sez•----,== F .0 criLI1411.41...1' r. • ,That spec of war which wae brewing, eorne week since between France and Geetetaily, and which was repidly Work- ing itself inticee,,Ituge butcheriug, and entanglitig ite satigninary folds, Ratssiit, Austria, Frf, e, England and Germany has, at leet, we trust, blown over. Affairs,were really ,more threat- ening a' feve.weelse since then we Were 16a us to b.li,ovo, It is a trite sayitig , and, a true One, that one tnay quoit' letit not subdue., Even so is it in the os56 of Gel -twiny and Prance,. It Was never beloved Oen by Gorinany that the late war had conqs1,4 France, and the moVemente Of the letter luta been *watched witla very jealous eye, It vas bard for a country to forget Se. olan, tttid the Prussians know ite Al. thottglt rattdo protested, that it Wart belied hi oblivion, that tily Iirtd fergotten and forgiven, and Weee het itrrnittle fer eer and revenge, Gets any 1.11,,);1/441t other% ise, cold looked tk.J. th,2 aggTessivo, end Llight. that "a iireetece rnore delneraliz. " nag 111511 die system of treating in the. ellanges made tiI0 anpoirainents " vogue could geareely dtwas ,011 rile Exeter Aletlio dist circuit Bey. " pity that public sentinteittall'hus in W. Livid goes to NVeetininist,eie his o the. way it, gees. A Imo go(e„gaoto q, place being stipplied by Ii,ov. Wil - Lavelle and it, seolne to:be eX16-ei;ted ot son, of Mitchell. ReV. W. Godtvin o Lem, es memer,cf course: te'ett. he goes to .feigersoll, bis place beiog sup' (///4ieter and tri 0115 t11919Wer etep ; lefolly, ott ',ALP etop ebeee, 0aye 010 tor boucle -tot to bhlet, Aeked we to mato lter glove; Them of course, 1 eetteezed haud ; Talked altolttyty wasted lite ; if 1 (weld only. win, estene true woman for leie litete- I'd love here-werk tor her Itaxid in hand through lifelyeq make- otm over eered Takee eirl—thet of talk, OtOLT511. ' lievedet 1 should thhet, he wee Wily, 1. thought I'd 111170. to laugh When bei kissed a lloteee he took, Looking, oh I like suet, a calf, 1 fipppoo hots sot it now, Iu a wine elites oe sleeves; It's a niestery to me Whoir men will deceive themselves. Tnr: (try is rah). \Vs:alums nee moderated., . „Tap, cricketers ...tatted. soitie. time eines> to \Nicht:the willow. 1\111. Pistilli's racing horsea ariived 1101110 011 Friday eve11111g last. Tee (hiving pads is being rapidly prepared for 1150 011 the First of' july, titne of tile great raeee. Vie Ito tice that Mr, Kingelon, e who hite beeng colained hise Iturate. for seine' titne'is able to walk. `,iiboutt and is recovering slowly. Gnotton Sanders will have 0 change of advertisement next week, and tell you somethiug ,to please yon. bode -water feint unfit will be in„ opera - Lieu Seturday next. GET IT.—For seventy-five ceets you can Lowe thc Times —116 a local poper without, 41 SUper101. county—to the end of the year. Seta anywhere aud to tun y address. TEAOHERS.—Yout should use the authorized Monthly Reports. Se) d to us and see how reasooubly we ftfrnish them sent to any addret;s free of post- ttee. A lot just printed—on splendid paper, aed in clear typo. LIB. CON. Associatnren—The regular auntie' meetieg. of the above Association fur South HuroO will be held at El.- liott!s Hptel, Brucefield, on the 14th inst. , ise fell attendance is requeSteire Diseeme L. 0. L. ---The Biddalph Dietriet L. 0. L. will 'Meet at Moore, ville :-.011. Monday netit. A full attend- . ' .ance tie pertieularly requested, as Im- portant business is to be ttaneacted. E. ", CO. Comte.—The Co. Court and Quarter Session are now being held in Gtiderieh, Some of our villagers figure , , nothin, 1 on kuesuay evening last. The atten- there this weeltas jurors,. 6 I dance was large; and the Ipeettramine else. ably and setisfactoeily filled Yy MeesrS. , Seneenamis.--It would be 1 well for POwell-and Kilnatrick , The tterange- the pater-familias of the tvilhhee to keep ments for the fortheorniug spelling their doors and wiedoWSeeyell 'fastened, were then completed with the following. while there fir0 80. tniditie"Strategles•s result : 'Loaders, Dlessrs. G. K. Powell about. Do not leave tlie: .ildei.k to be 1 and. Th o ne as M. 'W, bi t o, ' • D r. `B re wn - locked after the [torso is .'ithe':' , , ing, enuumiator ; Rev. W. Lund, refer- SPEMLIeke MAT011.5—.A. Spellinorr. tuatce ee ; half hour's spellitig aim then spell is:to take place between the mehelters down with three. misees. The following of Exeter DivisiOnS. Of Te mixt :Monday • - eveni.ng. Ev'ery mettaber.istdeeit•ed t to clued that Dr. Browning should choose turn out, :mid enjuey it, as this is the .enc words : fastt"spell t' in Exeter. , „.. the bdggy. oa driving horse 'Ka bitched in. when by some ,mealia 41/.0 of the eracee became unliitelted Whieh FIONX(4---.CrOW4 8011101yliffyilie911O0110(.1 t110 hoeeet which Divieion S, of 11., vurrese holding a started oil on ft, 11111,, In tilt:fling the corner at the eideroad, the bogey up - ret, its oecupents. Ileppily the other tree° now beeame unhitched, elute freeing the lioree, In the upset, Eacrett awl lier baby` enflered some serious hijuries, which it is hoped may not prove fatal, A traveler coming alotig shortly after 010 accident, pieked up the ledies and' brought there to Exeter. WHAT .? is THes MATTEI1,,--Your looks (ley and deed, it breaks off, anti is falling out, You dregs it with ala 'al- cohol and oil mixture 01' 80111Q advertised, Hair Restorer, T,he bait': is poisoited, it is killed, If ',you wticad reslore it, creel, away ' thee° ,thingset go buy a buttle of Bearine which can be tortmmoelt pie mo -au d. prohibition dem. oustration on the 1st of july, - A, lir0- 00$401,1 Will be 01'4104 et 1 p, 11.1„ and proceed in t.,ompany with 0. et Tweet P.,G, W. Poutorth to the grove. This, 110 doubt Will be the largest temperance gathering held lo the west'. for pone° txtue. $'et) posters. G IC4,1 r AU 1)011IN/ON91)4/4C11LEDUATIONeee'Thepects pie of Grand Bend have dbtermined to have ft grand celebration on DoMinion Day, when they will engage 111 n9rse racing. foot racing, jumping, throw- ing stone, 80). A number of prizes will be compked for. The yatcht " YOaug Elizabeth," eapable of carry- ing 100 passengers, has been engaged had (natty Druggist, and will guarantee (ttottierleltileigailliallexbeatstrle)looeitel ielt;ceerlyy ulA), where so leclinect may trip the " light faitteseic toe." (11'0C1 )11t18 i0 Will be Provided. , Lgif.ale,8112 .4 a ehange for the better at onee. „ itiAISE OF 10/ AGES. -5-011 T1.1 Qs(1 ,of last week the wages of both men tined teams, woeking on the London, Ifuron and Bruce Railway, were advanded ,the men frein $1:12,4,,, a day ,tos'$1.2t'sg.. a man aud team froin $3' to $8.25.111 It woald beevell if' the men would ttke a note of 'title, tte the advance ie given because' tile late piiee 1101 Sff ent te .eettrect enough labor. to fulfil the contreet in time, thus showing ton. elusively that it is the law of SU pply and demand that rules 'the price`Of 10, bor. ' A USEFUL HINT.—T using Paris green exteeminete the potato bugs, the poison should be mixed with the' cheapest grade of flour, 000 pound of green to ten uf flour. A good way of applying it to the pleas is to tflke fin old 2 -quart tin limit cen, ruelt elf the top, and put a woodeu head, in which insert ar broene-handle. Bore a hole. in the head also, to pour the powder in, aud then punch the bottom full of holes about the size.of No. 0 shot. Walk along side the rows when the vines are wet with dew or raM, and make one shot at each hill. ' • • Heere Cane—Mr, John Robiusoh, of the 8rd Line, Blanshard, reports iniving sheared ft, yearling Cotswold ewe, acid received hems it a clip weigh- ing over eighteeu pounds. This is from the same sheep that produeed the leng wool spoken of in the TRLINS last ',WM- ter, arid which Mr. Lati,gford of Bid. dulph claimed to have beaten. Wleet does Mr. L. say now ? pee -Gees sT. Juan FIRE—At 10:80 on Theiesday evert- ing last, a five was discovered in the carpenter -shop of Moore's foundry, 00 ton-st."", which spread eo rapid, ls that nothiug in 111111' department down the show -room fire thou the stealth Mr. Pat- . The loss could be saved. Be pulliug blacksmith's shop the large ant' office es nee ed . The spread south, and soon -doming rinds, owned by erson were totally consumed RANTON'S.-L-- Whoever says bourteav in both 011108 is heavy. It spread . , acid good goods haven't their. reWa-rd rapidly to the aujoining houses, and the Methodist church ;Lethally caught in should live aletheie days in a eave, for they know nothing about it, nor hover roof, but was immediately extinguish, met John Renton... The course et& ed.. The large steck of Air. Moore s line of business ,adopted end pursued 1j3r nieterial was mostly saved, but the him has won him much custom 'and 'a machillerY which' was verY valuable was totally destroyed. But little vide was good trade. If rumor is correct, lie in the mill at the dime., The larg,e emoke expects to consider -41)1y extend his bus - stack, whieh steed through the coufia- iness in time for the fall' trade. grateon, felliwith a crash next, foretwou, change of advertieement appears ih other column. comiug across the roof of aelother bnil Y. P. C. A.—The regular meeting of ing, making it a total wreak. The loss will amount to probably $25,000 or th'is kssociation was heid at its rooms $80,000, not more than $3.000 or $4,0d0 of which is eovered ineu ranee. . sides were chosen, it Intvine been de - Thos. Whitc,17. C. Poulton, w. Whito, Pis:FL—The vendors, of this article, Tienetlitt°11),,?i\tIttm. Itttsebrugh NT. swirler.tan, OuntNr1 who principally' hail 'from the iteltrand. 1,1 IV( -;t -jar -N": Bella, or other lake shore villages, ti,,e°,?iii.'„e;re Als.cdouell'. 11. seem to be eoeng a brisk trade in the ge,fi,e. Vr'. ifgs'ivineyton, J-01111 t, 0 W a.t present. The catch this year ,.,.."1-t-eitet‘I'L-3Ne. jjet‘;'n% iiiC°11{,a16t11.46c'it iS Said to be very large. w. .0. Grigg., 3ohn Boll, Mesdames DeeF,11.22petrieit, •-lcsee eqeceoaaling Mottle • Conitecerimet--The eiexte., meeting of iv, -- liettlowell.., - -,''''•'"-- ' . ! t4 ,L. 'the B. O. ' keetual impeovement Society ' THE FAVORITE , BETURNING.---C11,1•S- Will be held on the evening of the 15th well, who gave such enliven sal satis- haste. and not on the 29th as stated last faction to the people of this neighbor - week. The Secretary requests am early heel, when he delivered his lecture in att en dun de,. - this village last summer, has, after 000- S:tee-lent SCHOOLS.—In London coo, sitlefable labor on the part of the cpm- ference there are 498 Sunday 'Schools, inittee, conseuted to visit us again; and 5,753 teachers, 89,800 scholars, and favor us. with another lecture. During 2,90 child) en converted during the the past winter he has been lecturing year ; 3,801 110W full membeus ; $17, in the States, and bite, no doubt, added 023 were raised for SabbathSchool pur- greatly to his fuhd Of hnformation. A pose. . frimal who heard him 51 few days since, GIVOMBLEP.S.—We notice sane of our to , substantiate the, above, says that exchangee grumbling because the street tile lecture l'e hear() trim deliver was as cormuissiouer allows the nails to pro- in uch tamed of those he elelivered here truckle -oaf the sidewalks. If the nails la.‘it 8"mmer as 11'051 ivel;e "cad of the cio stick in our sielewalks we won't leetures we geuerallY '1144 say a Worc --not, untillwe oeit the -ide sa)''Illf; a "rod dealt • The. etilinnittee walks. wdeiell eoneists of smote of the lesch.ng -r n !nen of the village lets secured 1,is set. Noe e ,11,0111CL auvise our • - • , vices to lecture m the school hale, reseleee to peruse our advertielug col • • some tune this month. 11111115 neat week. Mr. John Bell, if we aiu't greetly mistaken intends to sav something nice about his bakei.y, We Cto Sae sg. rather think he's getting proucl.lteettuse he-bakee good bread. However we'll The council met, pursuant to ad- jourement. at the sell000l house, Exe- RENT2D. —Mr . E. Diew "lifts rented ter, cm June 31.ele" the north store of his block to two ve,ry --The Reeve, and Councillors, Verity., enterprising yotteg men of GrentoiL 'Abets and Ross'eetesent. We speak from experience when we say The minutes of4the previous meet - that, i‘lei4te s. 'Stanley and Jermyn are iisfe reed and confirmed. meet in which the public can piece con- By -hew No. 8. fer 1875 to appoint J. fidoece, and we welcome them to our Gill collector of statute labor commute- \ illege. May peosperity succeed. tion from persons whose names do not SAVE Youa Burrest,--Now that the aapear on the assessment roll of the. eemen. weather is ab hand, we tlenk villftee of Exeter for the,year 1875, and amount of wool delivered at Elimville lowing method of keepine• butter cool : was duly yead and-paseed, on motion of A Goon YIELD. Mr. Peter Moir, of , FROLLI POVERTY TO rIFFLUENCE.—Mr. William Wright, who has,been susteined by the Council of Weet Nissouri for some time past, has fallen heir to a. verellauge fortene by the death of (u) uncle in the old country. Some time ago an advertesetnent anpeared New York pitpe r see ein e formatiou of three him thers emened'Wright, oue of .whom has turned out to be, Correspondence was at ,0000; cerninene- ed between him and the executors of toe whieh led to the gratifying ha- telligence that an enormous stun of money had fallen to his family by rea- son of dying without iserie. Mr. Weight after making many enquiries 1 0- zarding the affair, made areangemen to to go and If -its -pile," the bette) to satisfy the Mincls of the peoPte af home, who, it may be remarked, have 'been d earning to make it* Wit thil fill the family are dead, he has tithe with himMr. J. Eletmedy, ,enIthis town, who will be able to testify that he is the man. They left by the after 1.1 00 train on Tuesday of hist week, And will sail by the Le ehor Line fUten New Yore en Saturday. We miderstand that the indigent of the east will "recoup," when he becomes the millionarie, the municipality of West Niesouri fore all the money it hes spent in providing fur him the necessaries of life. Otte of the three broth rs died only a shcrt time E010, 20 that William's, portion will be considerably augmented. We nave Do doubt imt filet 'Mee Wright will come back agaie to.Niesonvi, tied spend _the declining ytiars in); life amongst those Who have seen him ia adeereity. A SILVER ill -anti --At the examina- tion of the 'University of Toronto, Mr. L. 1-litrstone,son Mr;41. Hastdne,:st. Mary's took ft silver medal. lie also :obtained the degree of M. A. a . A. Beird'of Si. Mary's tpoli a prize the ()rental langunese.' II S130 11.4•1.7 — Witersee--On every post, barn, tree, or other aVailable spot throughout tne township ere - pasted Groenway's etreamers, announciugglat he is pre - Taxed to pay the highest figures for any heusekeepers will thank QS for the fol are liable to, paY Shell' cointanitation,• or Centralia - set over the dieh oontoining it a, laree D. Johns, seconded by J. Ross. etheeee factory, now sends 440 ponnuls . ., ., IJsborne, a 'patron of the RodgerVille flower . pot or unglazed eartheneeZe I By-law No„ 9, for. 1875, 'to promenu crock luvcrted• Wrap es wet cloth, the firing or setting of arecraokers, tor', er ,ent, A ,, v to that factory. This atound the oovorine, vessel, and plate podoes, &c., on tho public streets, WaS "yri'ilVis"" a-l'etisuken from. 11 Cows iln .1 .. 1,1)0 who'd where thOre.i.,4 a (10 -aught of read ata passed, on notion Or J. Ross, , , ( lb everiese of forty pouncle from each air, , see°1'ea. bY 1). j°1illse, 'bo'ti, besides what is kept at lioine fol. , A petition from 11, et. Moore, 1\1. D., , . several other 15a,trons cf Tete) Fence Pume.---We omitted to , . ,, „. fermi y use. mention in due tithe the change of Mr. mutt sixty other ratepayere, praying the tlic.f.:Ictory curue pretty nearly ,, up to . , . G. 13ottiton's ativeetiseirtent, 13y see, e°1Ancil t° ennsLmieb a' 11141i11. draill '''''' Mr - Moir, but thee Tare his yield, per jug our adverti8ing, ntiges it 1,vill be se'irer from tile river Aine Sable to the ,, t -t exceeds the others, 1,triedegls,dsuotrnitontiooflporictiliv.'vd.?..1 joit.elv, eal,.ititsy,resteteel,‘, ''''...' sx'V',' .r,.. ,LLING Mx,rom_on. the evenhig fotind that a partnership with IV.tr. 'Mutt - singer t;f Caironbroold, has been made he of Monday the 31.st ult., e, spellimer lent still receives orders at the old stand, onded by J. BOSS, WIIS ordered to filed end. that tho council take implode% ,1411t0,11 '',v" heeld, ill ,thea,,T,Ilttroes 'load AIVOINI'MENTS.—T110 f0110W10 0' are ' c - ' e ',1.-resoyteriati tent r el u o • d . 0 ate steps to grant tile prayee of the pe- ' '. ,. 1 a ., 8 01110, 11 n ei etlee auspices oftlie Sons of Teintieranee, " should give ardent spirits to what- Plied by En'. W.' Watson' ‘` ever piteous were there present, and Go To Cottancoz.--The following are " unless he deee 80, he is considered of the lucky ones sent to college tins yette " a mean and niggardly diatioettion. by ,the London Methodist Conference : " The consequence ems the very wide a. M. Hodson, J. G. Fallis, C. Pi. Mor- " spread evil of intemperance., There row Wm,. tottiewell, A. McCulloch, ‘, was a ease Will011 edit 0 before him in Richard Hobbs, j, Livingston, Robert " which this evil had not forced. 111- Burns, George Daniels, S, Sollery ,T. " elf upon hie attention, audit. was one Guest, Wm. Beugh, " whioh prevailed its parts o f the Two rinymo Rev. j6hti " country alike." Greenwtty ocpects to visit Exeter in the bPgintling of 11 01it week tile Od.d Fel- COSVOVOOOti ow,g of thig plago libpo to secure hie 26tbf COrt• 6', Hallett, had elio,,w11 the services to deliver a free leottne on Odd .1Yete Reg eslarV Wool Of', s'Olodt 1.111 dor their auspieeee The uttli the bladoe tees feet tone itichee ovoteme nor place of meeting las Dot leugth.0.and of gopd, litielthe'igkovAil. yet been decided, lent it is ettppoeed it, 1%-ts°, r°"' cipvel'•al'd tillt°t1137, till) Will be 641 ftstesdety or Wednesday even. thnothy one Coot nine limbos in leng,th, ing be I w , gt f a511(1 the) 010VOI` et'Lify1;00o in ehbg, Stttona A,d,Otbr,Nz.-.A rather seriotts A Barrio niob a few daye ago demob. aooidont obetivrea 1‘115'85 (l• EaOrett ishod and a-fterwarde burned tt house ,,,.1,11d hel" two §1'014,111,1,1,t8,,t. ocettpied by several foteitlee of a loome al)Peal'8 11),,,a(3'rett.41)3 011110" OlVirr5latei'v lynchere Aeted tinder ren'llnd'beeo, „AL"' eounternmee of tile owner of the build. Weed, ,of 2hit ceta, sbolete, ffilt1 Moved by D: Jolene, seconded by J. John mou6,0m, and Me, Paul Attatigo, followed by their respective ad. Ross Tliet tbe Reeve b tintliorizei to ' nereets sylto numbered eight. on each eieploy a competent pereon to make _theoititereieeseis.ary °etiolate, a,sgessinent,&e. • '44;elellitnogo'iHtellociroilstiiititIliaeydiolflosr. sAonfiteertittilliee, 11,Ioved by D. Jeliris, seconded by 1\111-:-M'ulge's side Was deefill'et1 tile Vie - ROSS That this council' adjourn 01101 te'rs,th.° other the great6r the call ee tele Reeve, ' number of black marks., But to vary m.F.,,Aontri,,r, clerk. monotony, ainid great enthusiasm, the spelling down contest bc,,gan, and one 111r1.0 of' the eontestante eheeominotroman- ageable, he .1VILS O01111)0110(1 , retire (nem oulf own Dorreslionelinit,i that peace Might be restored It, was, et. „ , • ACCIrli*TAL 1),R() WNT.:1 Go --- „teeters, unevaning, tor a earner, wits in waning of this villa.ge accidentally dtowne for two yeung ladies teriti ail officer ed on I\ loHdaY 11101:11ing 111 0 a: 111'0 far ft 11111'd. A. permaiient sol y while crosghig tho Sable River at'Port nansel foto: mote tenth:ea when they Franl<s in a enmoe, tvhieli eapsized, lin,d 011008 6 teaeaeg, ..paittacie .01 Wag a shoe,tattlzer Lro,clootticin, steatly their atubition ; innumerable and so - industrious man, aud 111113 115 paystAion followed, when three more Ple Good Tell1Plars' ,Liodge here, Ile wore tteecenotodated evith ft, back sent,' lovas a large family to znourn Volentarily proved en obstacle 10 t sudden death. Way of two, and almost simultaneous with these, five proved themselves on. 11:4111"; iy amateurs,' After.- exigencies num. „ bored two stinong ttlo slag, It 0110 found , lltoansr Willi:1M that only ono it,1 re &mind ro., Lewia of tliis township the other, day iriraoca, who wag ,01400 vr'oei,t/hied sheared a two-year old,ehoop, and took victor, Aftet the eiteging of the clos- off twenty-one awl ItAttlf pounds bf oclo 11,0 niooting hrolto rt hap, tiliWtiShed W0014 '1,1110,t/2 W4 0111 py having spone suet an agreeable ,4eysoodr Wits dr:i'ving thein lietre in 0 r '0(1 , • !VOning, COnWr 11481SION. he Oeurt et Itevisieii opened according to notice duly givon. All the members sworn by the clerk- After hearing appellants and Assessor it was rnove(I by ;1,,, seconded by R, Monteith, That John Heyweod's assoosinent on lot 18 con, 8, be reduced to $4,200`; coPe'land'A personal. property to $800; Thomas Stecey'e assessment on 'lot 16, 1,2th 000., to $6,800; J. Iltmter's assess, merit iot 9, 6th QOM tO ,f0 200 Keddy's aseessinent, on'N 21:3,, con. 8, to $1,750 ; and that the appsals of $. Farlduson, W. Jacques, R. Vrayne, S. Dtkrie, W. Quinton, J. Brownlee, arid ',P. Heywood be dismissed---Carricd,--- Moved by D, seeondect by 11, i'donteitli, That tho E -3/4. of lots 20 and 30, 2nd con., be assessed to R. Blatch- ford instead of T. Cornish ; that 1,133/4 - :terns of lot 1.8, 0012- 1, be assessed , to E. Drew instead of J. Hill ; that the W of lots 29 and 80, in the 2ud con.,bce assessed to' Jas. Woods iustead of It. Case ; thet W. Gardiner be assessed as occupant on part lot 19, N. It 11.; that Jamee Brytuts asseseet1 11,8 OW11OP of lot 18 hi the 14th con.; that eight ace of north nalf of lot 10 in the 701 eon. be assessed to John Halls; that the roll so amendedbe confuesuedatind thee the Court of Revision be now closed. --Carried. COUNCIL rilOCEED1NGS.---Aftep the ()Oda of,Revieion the council met, tall the members being present. • Minutes previoas meeting, edad and coufirm- ed., On request of Mr. T. Heywued, on behalf of the Philp/tile Patrons of Husbandry, it was moved by D. Millar, seconded by W. Brock, That the Pat- rons of Husbandry be allowed the use of the Township Hall `toliold meetings in, provided they *do not damase the premises iu any way whatever. -Car- t•ied. 41eved by J. Halls, eeconded by De That a grant of $6 be given to Alex, Smith, provided he put in a covered drain for about 30 rods along the side of the gravel road, thereby sees - hos the building of a hulvert.—Carried. Moved by W. Brock, seconded by R. Monteith, that this Council grant $10 to the Exeter and a like atnount to the Eiukton agricultural society, provided Stephou peat to:former' and Blanshard to latter ail equivalent suni.--Carriede- Moved by W. Broeli. seconded by It, Monteith, That lots 8, 9, and 10, in the 8th and 9th cons., form a' road beat, and also lots 1 1, 12, and 18 in 'the 8th and 9th coos. form another road beats —Carried. .Moved. by D.. Millar. sec- onded by R. Monteith, That no action be taken at present on the request' of W. Martin, asking the eouncil to he at the expense ef diggine. a ditch across the front of lof 5 in 5th COIL—Car- ried. Moved ty seeouded .by Ih Tliat Mrs. Magee receive $7. LON CHISH DUNDAS /tames agates eere tea to rirsir 0 We 1149rt our own 009d9t We keeP atrge Fancy Pri/..0004 iota axe Whatis *till beter eell our geode ObeliP SMALL, PROF' 1 Note the 101 Good Plack 1"11; Press, only 0 75 Good Silk' poplin Dross, only 80 50 Good Black Alpaca, only 20 a lid 25 etc. per yard. Good White Cotton 8 and 10 tents por yea.' GoOd'and extra Wide Shirvillg 22 cents pa yard Yarde radtory Cotton for 81 00 • ' Good,Prints icand,10 ()mite Per Yard " Pirst-clasi caner sj,ways ou the Pr t•-•-• id arid examine our .oxtinoiive Stook No Cnasiog 0011,,nkr/Y. relnelubor tho old name 21 . . iti4u anti Peus:I mr. I..Y. SeVago, two doors frein McLean.* ho tel lida been ,ippointod our egent for Lucan and ja4tiparniiic.:ii,ter.,e4/0141.17.) co!.?ieerest JeoLitulabt; and give receipts for the Baum. , 11Frem our oWn COrrorpoiadent), FATAL AcCIDLNT.—.A.bout ten o'cloOlt on Friday night ae Mr.`„ SProat, G. T. Wa,c1.9a.n at the tuttiti street crossing, Liman was:, proceeding down the track, when tihouti three miles.from thisplace eiVeiclentally 1'611:Into a culvetts.' , a Ad iuslan'iy' 'Deceased 'leaved' a, wife tind•. large fitintly. It appears it,firellesel broke oat somedistanee down the Musk, about 9 o'clock in the even- ing. \Mr. Sprees's attention being drawitete the eame, be with •his usual diligetice, proceeded to to the spot. On his Way „possibly throueli excitement . end elle darkness of the night, as he 70 to pay the ien.way faTe Of Willett.. Magee to and from the Belleville Ins- titutione-e-Carried. Moved' by R. Mon- teith, seconded by D. Millar, That Mrs. Sonlie receive $5 for relief.—Cartied. Moved by D. Miller, secoeded by R. itIonteith, That the petition of ,George A.udrew and others, prayine the conneil pass a by-law adieu ezing''the deepen- ing and etreightening of a water conree tbroueh lot 10 the 7th. con. of Uee., borne hi terrus of 26 Vic., Cap. 39, be granted, and that the Clerk 'write 'fm. the Co. Engineer to come and make the necessary surveys and tissess the property assessed. Council adjourned to first Saturday in ,Tuly. S. P. BALLS, Clerk. Honse Dre.e.—Oa Sunday hied. Mrs Char lefi Perkins. lost ' es,. very valuable borse. teo.stit tibout $130. This is the seeend horse lie has lost this spring. -- Inflammation of the brain was the cense of the cleath of the le e 1. Seceozooree,--The spelozootic hes wP.,4 P,Oariug the ecene of tho fire, plunge el. headfirst into a stone culvert stone 18 teet deep. As he was seen falling„ parties near hurried toithe spot,lmt when they. arrived life was extinct. Ins fun- eral on Sunday was largely attended, 110 niquest was the coruner not deeming it'', necessary. ' • Woos, MAREET.—W001 market lies opened up quite Six Buyers be- ing po ,the streets, Great competition aniong them as hi):11 as forty cents, be- ing naid for choice lots. . - BASE BALL, -A match. was pleyed 011 the 5.11).. June, between the Tomlin - sett) club of Locan end the Sere Pop club which xesulted levee. of 't comet - Beth 36 to 21. Sloes OF IIIFFLO-VEMELI: s.--7-Despite, the °makings of outsider:), Lacan still seem.s on the improve. Mr: Hooper having started to halide 0 new grist mill da gentleman from Baden _ elect opening a flax our city fathers having granted bonuses ,for the same, tints keeping up to the times. • STOPS.—.Lueartites as well 1.1.'s 'out- siders, will be pleasecleto leant thee the morning express east now stops )11 Int- ean, peaking connection &mem.; d With all' 'titan s. TIT -11 ITS. The Goderich papers say, Mr. John Legles', who* had. a Is /Aden facture. at Hilliard's has 'sold it, aral re- moved -to Wingla.m. " 1104'. A. Bowers Was made the eecip- ient cif a, very letedsome purse at tbe hasid,Fof.the'etientbers of the circuit. in which he has Officiated. during tbe past year, I., He matie 0,feelieg reply, ; his next eireeit Brussele ThaRev. Canon Ellwood preached a very.impressive serrnote te the Goder- ion. Odd Fellows on Sunday, the 3001 buoken out with all its fury. To-inght alt.W.rn. Johnstone. 11. A., tabled the it is the inteution of Winclielsea, to be Luolcuow brase band and „Et number of afflieted. Tbe Sons of' Temperance el eonliict. ellat villege expect tu eugage 1110 BOODULPII. Gail.: cit. ..111EETING council met parmant to adjournment, at llic:Don- ild's G, an ton. All the netinbers of the council being preeent, were cerinecl iuto a Court of Revision ; John 1),Iggin the cheir. Tlie follow- ing alterations were erdered tu trade in the A.esessnient Roll : Pei•sottal prop arty taken off' 1. 1). Stinley's aesess- meta in flee village of Graiiton, the buildings leaving been destroyed by tire, $100 otMaelt Csarrett's dog tax ea- keu .off the. roll,' $1.; John Henry's dog tax takea off'. the roll, Sr.' 'Moved by Jolla Hedgine, seetnicled. by .11/astin Collissoe, That the Court, of ReviSiOn do DOW close for the year. 1875.—Car- ried. The . Court of Itevision being closed the Council proceeded to busin- ess. Minutes of htst meeting evere read, approved of, and, sigeed by the Reeve. Moved by Mr. Lloclgins, sec, oncledby Mr. Stanley, That the ing accottnts be „paid, and that the Reeve eign orders for the . same : Langford, plank in Div . 5, $3; Ratcliffe, 'culvertin. Div. No. 5,„ $2.— Carried. Moved hy Mr. Deer?, second- ed byllr. Collissoin That th.e.'..fulletving accounts bo paid,' and that 111:1 Reeve sign orders for the sante : Mrs. O'Brien, indigence, $5 ; W. Rolliits, drawitig praue 1)iv. No. 3, $1 e, Gerald Fitz- gerald, td11..illegally colle,eted 1874, -$2.---Ottrried. Moved by 1VIr. Ifodgins, see,onded by Mr. Statiley, That the fol- lowing accounts be paid, mad that the Reeve siga orders for,thte seine ;--A. Ceursey, repairing bridgt"i in Div. No. 1, $3,50; Edward Guill'oil, two culverts in. Div No. 1, $4.50; Edward Guilfoil, repairingt bridge 'On „ toWnlitie „tuoity, $8,50 n E. Shannon, repaering bridge, ,$14 eGeorge. Washing- ton tit0itif 00 0•111.,Vel x, 5 ,141oved,by Mr. Dagen seconded, by Mr. Collisson, Tlutt the Clerk be instruCted to answer tho communication from the Clerk of 11IcGilliviay, in reference to `the amt,unt due this lnuniciyality by Mr. John Little, late toll -gate keeper on the Biddul ph and McGillivray gravel road, and that this Council do not feel instilled, in complying with the require.' znents of the reeolntien pessed by' the Counet1.---„Carried, Mcivetl by Mr. Stanley, SeConded Me.Dagg, That the Clerk be instructed to 'notify the Grand Trunl< Pell. Co, tn reiutir the eroSsing'at, the village of ,Granton tvithoot delity.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Stanley, eeconded by Mr, I-Iodging, Tlaht the Clerk be instructed to cents mimicate 'with Ilon, Wni, Coley, to know viler the, balance of surplus 4181 tribubion Which lin refers to in his let, ter of the 4tli of May Will be available for use of the township--Cartio(1. iStoved by Mr, 1).)gg, eeeoucted Toat tins Council do how adjonen to meet a geiti on the ,flist Monday in July, at the Court Room, Village of Ireland, at the hour of ten friends to a grand spread tit the Wads- worth Houee that village a few days §1.13C0. The G-celerich paper., arid clerks very justly complein of the town user- chtutte keeping their places of busioess open uutil Moe o'clock iu the evening, but obleneibly only until seveu o'clock. Tice man itleLeod, of Kiotaedine, Wli.0 .11111:1 some time since %virile tdileping grain is armlet(' egaiu and at hie Kincardine is to have two new school houees suromer. Athorse was killed by the train a few days since white tralellitte• along the' t ail way erect: e oyiug m,orning stroll; on the W. G. ez, B., , . . Two children ,aclopted hy, .efr., John whi.) .re§icles mar Teeswater, ate wild turnip on the evening of Thursday of last,eveels: ,,IJpder the care of Dr. Gilliep (he `little sufferers arc again con- valesoent, fleeing had a narrow esoape from aefearful deatit. 1,)thiox, Clinton, lias been fined t,wicefee, 141.1.11' 011 Sunday. The Past gate justly indig,uant with those who appear to snake au amuse men t oub..of tyitig tiu cans -to the tail Of dogs, cats, and even hartnleee coWs The .lateet,Bi (use's invention in toe ar of ceneltywould) have received a. fisst inetiee tortures of the Liquisititm. It ie thessaeuritting of dogs with 608 oil, for the purpose of setting fire tt them them alive. ,Happi- ly the, tateenpt wile frustrated. Mee J/Fislier, of Colborne, whoei of,tlie,greateet itnpoxters of entir horsee, Inie.etgain Siiffered 'a great los in the death of his tine heavy draugli tallione Jelibl",13tille" which too eke° lagt Snntlay weeleifront inflainnea- tion, wietcelliad 'Only been running a t'ew &ape', eThe loss of " T-(iiig of th Dominion','Aind ," John , Bull," within six niontlismis a heavy blow to Mr. Fisher, ientlet great check to his• enter - prise ,in importing,. The'negottetions for theoitireender o the Black Tillie having failed, trouble is.anticipaied between the whitee and conntry ; it is estimat- ed that thelatter can muster' from, 3,, 000 to 5,09,0 1060 lutlf of them armea with rides,. Tbe GovertiMent will ,en. deavor to prevent adventurers from go- ing to the havin4 some hope' through the ,modiatin of eommisioners to effect alreaty with tile Sioux. A. Lacrosse Club has' been formed at BoWtoanville. 'Tho teroperttnee p,)Ople ofPeirtee Ed- ward prop Dee tO glc theie Co ty 'Coun- cil to submit the Duuhin Aet to the ,yote ths; people, - 'Two persons in Pietoti County, $., ctore recently tined $30 ttila do$ts for otesuing a moose with intent to idll the aniaml. Sonic interesttng and curious ,telics. • tlio past' .1.mVe been disinterred at Levis!, among thetn a stone kutfo, a small cannon, a female slteleton with gold bractilets and a Male skeleton, 6101001t 4/ot itUtfiX 1/0b6INSy 0004. ironed at tko rtat,s, DON OLNE SG CO. STREET CO 011'0141E. _..._. . , We Soil Wholesase 4 le* , woz 6.8orte4.00, 0 , „ - ,., ototitig, ow( CI 9148e r Itriushings , ,.. for Coati. . 1.7 S p" OUR MOTTO ,, , . lowing Prices: , . e‘toloy ideated esirting lie 4;4'25 colts per VIA , 5 ya ds lace curtain, net fortei re . . ' (torpedo and' VlOor Off Cloth very °Neap 0 e ea gable Done at only 25contO per yard rowels solieeet, eine 70 i:ents per dozen . _ Nice all -wool tweeds, only' 80 arida° O'coits per 74, Suit l'wood, readY and well medo, only ikt12 75 ' emises to attend to orderett tilothing ' ' ' tivablo to cbow our geode; no offenee tor not par- ywkro. established. . ,1,, cal4,440L3ro CO. Sit5n of tho striking elmili Opposite Marko% lane , ..,. , .'ITANDUSEDT': 81;: C' .. KEEr constant -1Y on hand the Largeet ati test Assmement ot . , . PUPE *DRUGS' , ' .CTIEMIC4LS, - ' ' b. -5-e. -8: _ t tT, Pt,i—a. • 0- ., .,.!,,,,,-, . Patent Medicinee''A " ,. , . flORSE A; CATTLE MEDICINES, Tooth, Nail, 'Hair, aud Cloth . , 11 R IT 'SHE S P ENE I -131E hi' TOI I ET- S OAPS \ , -, ' . . 1 4.,\Le. , . ST ATIONERY SchoBoliaBriokoolBtso,oTicosy, 1‘.131,ogenkzsines, ,, A lbumsFaney Goods PencitSlates, Lead Pen:. , cils, &v.. ' , •,, .-.1.4 , • ,. , .--, ‘,.. • , r.„, '' '1 OLD Agents for , TJA Z A EV S MO11111 S & , A , , Co.'s OelebraLed Perfected, Speetaelea aua ,Eye-glassco. _ , ... Pre8erilition's and PocipoS quickly and acdu- lately diaponsed. Ilemeinirer the Place—Di- rectly opposite the " tkuitral Hotel," Main-st., Excite., . . C. VANDHSEN it: "Co. Exeter, January 7, 1874. " 71. -yl. .41()it b A.LE, AN I'XCELLENT A-. FARM tei the Eile concession of Ba " PC acres cluarod, with ,.--,o(551 buildings ere. Y.'" Al.80 nay f.cres in 9th con. Step;:m5. Arply to 111t. B. V. ELLL,OT, ath ;Line, 1875. Solic.tor, Exeter- -' "- ()TICE —A.; 1 II kl,TE 'WITH- .\ .- ' ' ' _. MLA, VV.:, ir(na btlid. ca$ ifl Liman I will -bo obliged try iill parties Madded to nui remittieg the amount of their accounts to' Stratford. 2q- A. 005 VL./10.91-1.. 324 :etA UTNE Rs HIP NOTICE. -- WE tee eteeestettee meet eta -meet fete ea -tiler - suit) f or thc, purpose of carrying on the business of butchering -in the V511age of Exeter. WESLEY .1.11815.5ET3.•, 1V:v. B ALK ‘N. ILL, Jr. Exeter, June, 9,1875. 93-3t.. I'E.R DAY. -Agents Wanted!, All. $5 -To $20 classes of working pco•dle CI el - fuer sex, young ov old, make inure MOW.** al worlr for us In their sp.ire moments, or an 1110 tila0 t4tia a.:4a.n. thing else. Particulars fie°. Pest Lord to States, eosts-but pee, eent. Addrea's ei.' STINSON Sr CO.,,Portland, Ataliii,. 1311-.1y.', • i -N OTILCIE' • The Council of the eteeporation of the County of tfuren vrin meet at the Cilart Boom in tioiter-, reit, 0.1.1 '14. MONDAY, 21sT OF JUNE' INSTese- ieterisR ADAMSON, " County clerk-. County clerk's office, 1, • Goderien, June Ist, 1875. r ' 1-4101{5 SALB--A FRA ME COTTAGE I. L.° tit.Lin ilii/ 1. teems and pantry, vtith kitchen ai iscired. Also part of tue lot on widen tete house re built. 5 apple, trees and d. iimnber of plum and 1 Whirr) troet ell Leo Lot, eill ereariu fruit. Apply to .1 a 0 is, ins Altla ti-, Elltaluecii street, Lreter. 00.tf xT(YrICE TO TRESPASSERS ON • 1.-..1 Tki E CAIN AD A. (.1041.1'.1..r1 it'S LAND ri. --.-- I hereby caution all persons against cutting or removing tamer hour the lands or tile canado. CCrinpalt), aa 1 am tiutuovized to mosecute ail trespassers with the ututorst rigor en tire 110.v.'' jUlt.. sPACIiMAN,_ , • Timber Ageut Clair. elo. , Exetor, May 13, 1873. eadi. ' E -X.A.M.I_ NA.T ION — OF .Public School Teachers. _ The annual examination of candidates for Pub- lic School leicilers' Uneond and. Third Claes cer- tificates `win loi-held in Uoderiehi commencing ea , ' • 111011dfiy, 19t1f,July, at 1.30 P.N.* . for second close; and on • . Tnesday, 20th July, at 9 A,111., for lira class. ---- The examination of •Lcandidater ;for ;third 'dere certificates will beheld at the IMMO place, com• mencing on' , Moaday, 2Gth July at 1 30 P.M.. . 1 • FOIMB of Notice to bo orevionely givenby the candidates. Cab be obtained on,e,pplication to any Inspector. 5, • , It is im ispensable that candidates should. no- tify tee undoisigned not later than the 2.3rd.liine of their intention to present themeelves for exi.. mination. .. Emelt enantsoN,,,,, • Secretary Board of Examiners. Godorieli, Juno Jet, 1875, , 9241, • , • ,PITIVIP F_A_ CTOR.-Y The stibscribere have started a Pump Irattorl in tho Village .of.terroribraok, and also ta the , Township of,Hay . . . I ONEMILE NORTII OF tXETBR,, , , and fie they are in poss?ssien of , ., , ,..,, '0" ' '` ' .'s ' ' STEAIS 1:00177'ICIL they will ho "able to not only, do their work wel but cheaper thai thoiMwlio have to do their worll by hand. Every yeriety of wooden pareps,, in. ' *ding gie s ,, CELEBRATED F9RCE PLIIII", nut,da to order and placed in Wells, all being WAX. ranted for two years.1 ' , , . Ali orders left at the shop ofMr, Doulton one mile north of Exota will receive pritant.t attention. ' " MUNSIX,Gt.R & 1X/111.30N. HAY, May 27, 105-, , ‘, :ici.a. 0, n". E, It• x' , , , FRESI1 OYSTERS t . , .. COUP, AT . SANDER S 6st‘oril itiost °into Iltutidtiso 1 5 A. a5ittoleiltdo41: GTroo013cneArhiccaostlEda,4,n, ,t14, . HCAoncfreGoIti:ttonse r so' ' ' Kit'. Spoetanien supplied witit,Anneututie . ,,,,,,, e , e, 04001 130Olte and Stationery, twin* tials and littgazines,' , ti lit ,,',,, ,..'. rv,' .1, „mu At T LaTE$0, sUANorati, , , , , , ttlotor,:govtililatti.814, 10, ' ,'' 011..ti , , „, , 1301i W.A.11T111) 10 11 Ali, 144 , TING., 'Mina haVe a tax Ezaill oiArgao tiou, autdii at tali anite '