Exeter Times, 1875-6-10, Page 1QWNINE 1444, ibir,''.9(4 t soriebelirs; Gales 00,0 tteQr nerth Fauber. R. W, Bums,' allege, ;Welber t;o1., "WS, XuviNo, B 'Of t tyculloge, Member Col, riltA047 t1ritutittl.4 kIll,4004k4,0n, 4.41 ret114PAStktti.Xiitei, Out , Iteers,-0 ft4Q, tion0..and 7 to 10 iu MOttiVs•P4). liozmeopatIlltie reestefeelek etereeen. sese-Stext 42 Ilawden's nuirbl 410NRCE--,090,trat e woi s, pirttetklar attel'Olteu void. to chroule on os, es Oft1114promptly Otteu(1ed,ativiofi free, 'q EASit04,,,,I444,r0h ' ' ; 82,1 Its LANG. M. I)., L. R. C.. ..., s, 0, Gtadtlia\ , ' Trinity College, Mein - her of the college of r ,yalsons teat surgeons et 4,1titario, offlec—Brffg r fiSOXe. >lulu St, Granton _and is also,prepriet,or Of tile Dreg store, inal, coil- ii.taatly toi'eps, ea baud a largo stock of puro drugs Pa,44.ht24dtC11400,, alai t)ye stuffs. .. ' Graviton Juno 18,1874. Sitg'411, A RDING & RAIDING, Barris 14.11.1ezS,, ttoraeys, Solicitors, Commissioners tt, rEetC—HLITTV.S'S 11LOCIt, Water Street, it. I last E. 11,th1Mom. 11, W. 11A1nEco 'XiIFFSSRS. JONES & McDOUGALL, .11r, Darristors, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors in :thaneery, Conveyancers, Commissioners jo Q.B, toil Notaries Public, St, Marv,s,• , OPIRVE—Rattmeti Blink, Water St.. St.Mary's N'sr ItleDIARMID, B.A., RIR R lSTER, NOTARY, CONYEYANER, Ltrami.,(3.w. WILSON, ISSUER OF • Marriage Licenses nnder the new Ao t the 1'3st Office store, Zurich, Out, 40-tf. aio T4, PuhIk Alletionver, • WitioIlelseit, Sales promptly it ttendou to, rn roosonahlo, Witteholseit, Oct. 15, 1878. SPA CK,If A N;, 'LICENSED .A.UCTIONEER 2--41 For the County of•Hurou, itEtillSENCE, EXETER, Oil ALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CIIAU(ES M01)EllATE. ote1s. f AN S LON 1 t*,)t1Sh, RS. ET Eli _111 ()NI... W. liA\V11411 A W, Prollriet,n% Thi now 00111 1(1 „fitted up tio•oulthout with first -furniture. '1 he Ic.st of Li.mors an1t tho choicest or Cuntrs ttt the Th o !mitre is capable of tieecnoissintit t el E oFtg. Ex.celleut st,ables 1411d an attentive hos- t tors. (31.1y.) 1JOLL, LCA. \V "•:-Af. nDOWNY, Peoprio tor. This first -elm hotel II t...oly changed hamls ((ruin IV. 1.1s to ro.-cy), 11.1111 bi fate. t with eow fur itnro thr..*Free 1.ns to and from the n statio Anat.., for tItu now nue tic 'tuissos nem.. '1 he bari r.plete with the d Ira g- 3•Atri ;IA:, 111S. F011 ell*" .c.cu ...lc room. t I &tabng liand atteitt • . :12* I'II:131,1N 1 ltit'SE tellNEItclF • .Prank nlid Vtk m titroct, London. 'rho above ':otcl has been routed 1.2. 30, ,pat• tool toroogli4 retittod or 1". ..w,10. ,,r tn, trv aen.44,•- (m,s; liquors a. 0 vir, 1.).tel.r. Attentive hostler ttlnItht _ \rat 15. 1875. tommaustastiFresrammerre-serm=e-,.... otrsE AND i,(yr FOR SA.1,1).1.— 1 A .Tood o Ile-, torc,' tram • I °use. containint- Z roo ; ^Is.,j nor.. of land, adjoinicg the 3derlcet lil,,oter. On the lest wc,i1 +I; w p arlieulw:s al,ply to E .,,er. 77-tf. 1411,11,1AL FOP. , SA.1, E tllt twriltey eghistsete, 11011. lIsborne. emit:int:le m.re, of exvelleet 1 imd, acves)c11.:Lrea, tbttc ‘,.11 1 it g lienfee, barn and (..t.rble c _ tho prim tises. ill AO to good young ore, oird (.1 graft I nit and a. tic A•er-failing gyring. 11k1,11t Exet,r 1,111: it lit, flirther parr ieulars :i1-10'.\ to ,1 11M1' pro)rieror. F.xeicr 71-tt. EXET/Eit FrMr F.ttl't)itY 1%.1- AIN one door smith of .11. tile Britunnin House. .T. SOUT.FirOT1' s 4.11 hand It nutoher of I mops. Orders filled Ou tta• shm.test SatiSfactital10111r:slit ,ed 1,03 riv. tn wo,apd material. (1)Atniit •irf 0 bleb j Ftn if for nuinienrkers' f(17 ,t, bit, .7()IfN St) 'TILIVOTT. Nov. -43--- I. - t).1-1. N(.). .94 2,:b.o.1 or -moot- o- or). mouth, ley and ritanCsis. Visi- ting 11 rethren invite(' to, attend. CATEN NV;Nr. JOI IN ',VII rr secretary. 76-1y. • BISSETTS' Liyery and Sale Stables 'LII epaucction v..ith the Central Hotel). RY t.:: 001) -11011SE S AND COMFORT - ,....s ABLE vehicles always on haild. Favorable rirrangetrienis in ado With co.ui n Orin o 1 till Yelers. All orders left at liissett's Tinehop Will bo promptly attended tor . i , lF.., .t. 1'. BISSETT Prop, • • t Exeter. St:m:4.187:h '(11' ]YTJ11LISH14T) I,GEORGE ,S. CHILD'S illagtrated Catalogue of ,Yarm,Plewer & Garirden Seeds $50.06,c GIVEN 1.,:ciyiiyis IN , sPECIAL '14N?Tecg7tall;hVgleatrii Of GIITEN AIVAT gond for a copy atone°. ' GEO. J. CIIITA), The London Seed Store City 11a11, rti8hrnon114t, London, Out, London, March 18, 18/1 61.thn ,Xeoelt L.1.1EVAD. 140.22. Ilere 1.0er Clatliteg to Fit roe contiOrtebtv alriatify. Co, fttlly owitre,otthe fact that the people of Emit - Of and gorietAihditigdountry hiute 10 taste for that it 0041irptt4Ib1e and neat, end more cspeci. 11) their clothing Apparel, have, in order to ineet,thiik deniand opened 011t to •Oente" urii&1iiiig et Tailoring Establish.1 in the fitand hitt'iy °connive! by Mr, ,7. Ohete thq Intend keeping constantly on hand, 0. Wel-nsedittid steel( of the latett styles of IrWEElit C.OATINGSI E -C. 'MC tfight bag fun ChalitO 'Of the tltilhring do' Valet, nett beitteeesite in 110, linen vi e re - 14110106 tt ett6ter*. Pattie,: bitying Cloths may golf bit Pure/000 knern es cheap 1314 eYer they ilinrchlifted good0l Iiixoter, beeidos having, 'Ztl'IElt (XT. FREE OF CHARGE e.t.a:- A perfect, ilt georontecti 0'7(`( arch IS, la75, rt ItTIT ,DD E.4 SE X SDAY, JUNE 10, 1875. L. 2, NO 4), WHOLE NO. 93, The Dominion Laboratory Go to the Pond:don Laboratory if you want PURE QRLIGS! Chemicals o r D y e Stuffs 11 you went Condition Powders, :or Horse Medicines, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, PAINTS OR OILS go t thel DOMINION LABORATORY A. Frysli supply of I3EARINE, & VAN BUSKIRK'S SOZODONT, The New Brilliantine Hair Cream (hie of the Finest preparations for promoting the growth of the hair, and giving it A „Fine Glossy Appearance All at the Lowest Rate. N. 11 —Prescriptions and Veterinary -Fortun- a parefnlly disponstal, Exeter, April 6, 1875. PIIBIIC CAUTION. Oilltment are neither lo minim:Lured nor sold in any 1111t of the United State,, although they may be (Mtaitti (1 in theli.N. At it...vicar!, Provinces. 8 twit pot luta hex boars the )1riti$11 (10rer son en Alt tilt; words, '110,10- 130 'ti lill',111111 Oinutioht..1 minton,..mgravod there- on. It has I.ektoroe necessnry to 11 1,1 titim aMPOMI- et.lbeat, beenutie the NeNs 3:01:1:4, hen 1 hod Company (who in.y nolant finding et lett that their name 1111.1. (Moll oxposed. 1:nye assimied the title of ' IQ o ;" WM. t,11V will tiny their inedieMes dirt et how them, so t' int they .t100 1e10:10 arrut.pomobts to 81:3.1,1y tx(ilusivoly Me firm tit Messrs. 11.01113 & Co., Of NC W lurk, with .,eir so.,•;‘,M•o " 1l,,1 il13s11`.•0 Pills and Ointme nt." itia presum,d tont tionAllo 1,,0ge connexion 3I,i. henry ,v Co. nave 111 the British Provinces and tile public b: 1ils1`13t.0 be i1ei,04cd upon by ultpeAlinlitii:!; :ilia otherth unk, exereim, groat caution lt; prevent their being 1o1'.11.11, 03' litulit;i: the, 0 In edicin1 ti befOrillg a e1einp with tin. Lame 01 • 31.(11ovoiy it Co., New Cork,' printed tl,ere on. litory resrectable firms ti. the It. iti$}1 P1.011,111.3.H10111. Obtain My Illt`cliCITICH 111.0et 1'1'0111 brill, 101.0' very properly suggested mat 1 should, for the bemilt of themselves and clic public, inseri tlwir names tbo 'papers, Quit 11 01133 he to town that mod icinc• can bo had genn- me front thoni. The fene‘.ving is 1011111 of thelirms • Iltulca to; asill I partienlitrIy IccOlomeml those v;.., desire to get my medicines to apply to sofne n the 1,11111u4 1111111e41: -30e1111113. Avery, iirown. co.. Its lifa x, N,,14; 711tssrt.. Forsyth & ree., N. 8, Uessrs, T B m. & Sons, St John, N 13; Mr. T Des 31, isay, C1111riot-1n Town,P 1; 1; 'Messrs. Lang- Ity ,0 Vieturin, 11(4IlmaNr8.1100re 10:CO.,V10- tcria, 3111r. eietit ranee ciettanos n etessre settee h. , Mo.i.troal; Blesers.J ll'iner. ch Co., ,nitito•,; 11.) Bose, Toronto; Aft. A. ((hip. 1411110 sholtit, 1117 Mr. John Bond, Goder- ich; o• u., Tel earo 1Thairmer, St .401M, : ssis. Haminiton Bros., St John 5.1111, 11,1,11y, 1,',..holsor; Airs Oryon, Atorasa, .N; Aft Cieorge But 0,, 3r., F.( edriekton, N 13; 1131-. Wilfry:FrOthielii(Ya.:•.; 13: Atogis u 'Montreal. The medicines are sold at the lowest wholesale nett prices, in rInantities of 1101 101141 than wortlt—vix., 8s. and Ns. per dozen boxes of l'illt or jots of Outtment, for which re- inittanee lutist be sent in ally nee. nor,now, cnismiste a1n7 oth.r vendors of Holloway's gen- nine l'ills awl Ointnient umy have their Mime!: lagertotl u tlte Meal papei•sif they will pleatie to a Nay here 503, Oxford-st., W art 03.0., 1,, February. 38,1675 77-1n6 New Tailor Shop. W. 1,417.o.6.7.:.1. TNEV' PEGS to intininte to the inhabitants Of 'Exeter and Viciality that 140 has opened% New Tailorbhojl IN BEAR el DiVitieS ihileher-ShOp EXETER. where by strict attention to business lic ;hopes ;to 11101)1 10 fair Shore 0: patronage. A GOODFIT GDAAANTEED. .1 .VT -0 UrITV 6' A SPRCIA fa Y. W. MoARTNEY. ()MINION GUN SHOP AND RI- ! ! 1'LE FACTOltY. . W. SOPER maitufacturer of and dealer in Rat les, Spar Guns, Itevoiver's ristolg, Fishing ,Taclde, and Hunters' supplies Gun -stocking done in first -doss style. -Pin -fire Owls altered co CentralEire, Sign of the Gun and Golden Rey, CLARENCE st.,hotween Dundee slid Xing, London, 7.1.1y. L. B. 500 MEN WANTED. to carry away BREA AND ALL LINOS 0E' CONFECTIO:NT311-'17- • (Plitiri Ana ormtreentai) BRIDES,CAKE MADE ,TO -ORDER • Special Attention paid to Orclers for Parties, etc The Subilariber would also onnoithee 1.o the people of Exeter and vieinity that lie Ilas on hand 4111 kinds of GROCERIES Tens 'mot cannel, be sarpassN1 for their quality and flavor. Sugare, thirrants, Ilaisine, To- baceoes, etc. ,ALC, all kinds At 1)6'1..11C4.1asgSWan Sinallevnee, "theye, (deg All Icinds of .l'roattee tal.en in exeltengo for goocIS, Uncinher the plate—NCO decor to lYitig Store, .131'ee4 ilefieeeed in alleiarte of the teete free et ellargo, , BELL. eels 1 87,:t T R OTT Fashionable Boot, &'Shoe WAXER. 30001diuforal ,,,uo people that lie has Commen- ced bnsiness in the above line next doortoBell's Bakery and Confeetionery. He has on hand to spiel', id stock of Leather of all kinds, and from his general knowledge of the business, nee do- ing first, class workhepee to obtain a large pus - tom. Sewed work 'will receive his spteial attention. Repairing done with neatness and des- patch, and moderate charges. • IV. H. TROTT. Exeter, May C, 1875. 88-nell• The Peoples' • STOnE, rin HE 'UNDERSIGNED WOULD ACQUAINT sa, the inhabitants of Exeter and surround- ing country, that he has opened ont 1)1 Broderick's Old Stand - it large stock of Ea= BOOTS c& stioEs ETC„ ETC, niol trom the facilities that he possesses lie has been enabled to purchase his goods in thil Cheapest Market ! and he is bound to lot those who favtir him with their patronage have the benefit. A eallis only necessary to convince that I can sell Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Raisins, Rice, Etc. and evegthing in the Grocery Line at London prices, midthat my stock of Dbots&ShoesConaplete -in all its departments. Farm Produce taken in Exchange, and the highest:price allowed. On hand a first-class lot of 134Mon. CRUNICAN Exeter, May 6, 1875. 88 rr 11 E OLD ES T ABM -SHED HOUSE rc Thanking my numerous enstoiners for their pat- ronage in the past, and would solicit of thoir 'kind remembrance in the future, would beg to remind them that I have nzmovEn niy stock in tho New' and Commodious Depart - merits of the Brick lock at the south of the old stand, where will be found EVERYTHING ir THE GENERAL BUSINESS LINE consisting' of • Dry Goods, Millinery, - Hardware, G-roceries, .Crockery, Boots & Shoes, Ready-made Clothig Hats, Caps, 8cc, Ihn.ve also added a Ilret-Glaaa TAILORING. Domtrtment in connection. My motto:in, ' Good Goo& at reasonable. rates." Comment is unnec^: eu.ry ; the goods ale hcre to speak for themselves Hi&hest Market Price paic for all kinds of Produce. Remember, this is 'the Oldest Estab- lished House in the County. Opposite the Post Office, Exeter, May 6, 1875 17 AT-tMERS And. Stool: -13reecle0s. 771 M. SWEET, 17. s., tlraditate Vetert• 09'4 ease- se, e•ee, Ontario College. Has removed his office to ono door north of c. Eacrert's harness shop, arid nearly oppositc Johl Tinsmith shop. Veterinary Medicines al- ways on hand, Calls promptly attended to. 11001e41 examined as to their souridneils Angus t28111, 1878, 4)1' the /Airy 44t CzietiCei, / eltiet•ieo aut74 felt' .--..fitved6inegti .46.11111441; q'aie,tkeiti 000 000 , , edicitee .07tene/ it) ss ..V.:Itotly40d .06 414cYrOei ,-..."50#fied feel eted , evict i‘tero ant/ 6 ee,Y1t4 Aet t12222f4P,,, eteeye, ernii9,ejte rett1t c t e ler i01,10'1 WOW-, *3.1 EX.ETEB ONI11.A.RIO, TR BONYAN", '- Bunyan the Pilgrim, dreamer, preacher, Sinner and soldier, tinker and teacher, For heresy-, scoffed, scourged, put in prison— The day of tolerance yet unrisert-- Who heard from the dark of Lis dungcou lair 'The, rev old tumult of VitnitY Fair, And shadowed man's pilgi imago forth with fash- ion Heroic , le God -guided poet -fashion, Has now his revenge ; 1343 looks dc'iwn ou yon In a cl nertily-conimissioned statue -- A right geed artist gave life anti go to But his name`.s not BoeLm, and rhyme says " no" to it -- And tho Dean of Westminster, frank,and fluent, Spoko Broad-Chureh truths of the Baptist trann t Punch likes the Duke and ho likes the Dean, As tlio summer airin the summer green., When the Anabaptist poet and clown Was sot tip iv the glory- of Bedford town ; But decal and decanal folks shouldloarn That to day with the past is of small concern That light fur the clay's life is eaeh day's wed, 'Thot the Tinker Teacher has sown his seed ; And wo want our Bunyan to show the way Through the Sloughs of Despond that are round: us to -day. Our guide for straggling scuds to wait, And lift the latch of the wicket gate, The e'linrches /1030 debate and and wrangle: Strange doubts theology entangle ; Each sect to the other doth freedom grudge, Archbishop asks ruling of a judge. Why comes uo pilgrim, with eye of fire, To tell us where pointeth min'ster's spire, To show, thotigh cities may sneer and seotT, The path to • fit:Laud that is very for off?' The people are weary of vestment vanities Of litigatiou abont inanities And fain would listen, 0 Preacher end Peer, To a voice like that of this Tinker Seer ; Who gnicled the pilgrim up beyond The "Valley of Death, and the Slough of Dt - spend, And Doubting Castle, and Giant Despair, To those Delectable Alountains fair, And over the River, and in at the Gate Where for weary Pilgrims the Ang ds wait, —Punch. SAFE -UNSAFE; on. THE MAN MIME CALIFORNIA. 1131 li,I0111,0111). CHAPTER VI.—Centin tied. "Good avenint, Mr. Gwiler. I was tould that you wanted to see me." "Alt, Flynn, are you there ?'' auswer- ed the merchant, lookhes up. but mak- ing no proffer of a seat to his humble to • .;..Yes, dia Want- te-night„ but you had better been two Weeli8 ill coming. I am not in the habit of waiting, and you know it." "If ye plase, sir, 1 w111 busy till late aud cohldn't get away," apolngized the eerier ; and then. he added, looking drormd nervonsly, as one who had rea- son to fear people lying in wait at every corner to pounce upon him :— "Are ye ell alone about the house, Mr. 0 wiler 2—it's for a reason I have that I do be askin'." 'Alone? Yes! What are you shrinking and peeping at, like a fool as yon are ?" roughly answered tbe em- ployer. did not know but there might b somebody here with eat —a lawym maybe, that you'd be truethe Ver much wid the things that we know of. :said the porter, fumbling his hat 1.1 the while ; "and I thougat•I'd take th liberty of askin' you to be more careful a bit, if it was all alone to yourself y wee talkin'; for the whidy is down th breadth of me two hands from the top and up at the bottom and such word as ye do be spakin hni. be awleitteFfo ather of, us if aeybody should have th luck to hear thim." John Gwilor intensified his gaz upon the speaker until it expreesod ilt extremity of scorn and no small ad mixture of hate; but he merely answer ed in a monosyllable: "Why 2" "Bekase," said the new-coiner,rathei creeping than walking. nearer to th nerehant, and speaking in a husky vhieper, that if it ceuld not be bean without, wits still audible over the •oom—"beletee I'm thirikin' that, 'the noney I took from Richard Sawicki. - son,' 'the money that eate,' and somethin' about havin' Alr.'Saunderson in yer power and buyin' Ins daughter, hul he bad words for overheerin' iii the strate, if the etas wasn:t me own. My humble service to you, sir ; bet I do be thinkin' thet same, all o' rueself 1" "Poli 1" at iswered Joh (+wiler, stretched out atfull length in his chair, both hands in his pockets, and jingling his keys by ‘vay of eolphits:s, tvhile his glance, ecorn and contempt might better have been concentrated upon some toad or viper than anything lannim. "Humph 1 did 1 speak so loudly that yon could b sar me outside? Well, What if I (1l? There is no', much da ger of any one understending the words, even if he did hcar them, but you ; and there ie not mech danger of your telling the story, I tithe it 1 Eh, you blockheed r and, sitting itS he was, he slappod the poor mini on the ehoulder with atestuve and an ex- preesion which mule the touch rather it blow than the rough liberty taken by a, familiar friend. "No, sir, the heaYetti be me bed! there's not nmeh danget, Mr, Gwiler, that be, sityin' word about it !" re- plied the portm, enticing even beneath the blow. "But there might be oclh ors, I do be thinkin'; nncl hope you will 1101 1)8 hard, ripen Poor mai; for srty, in' that wish I'd been dead tmel gone to me rest lAidoht btone nie head Or a daisy to the foot, before' I'd hu' been thinned to do the mime that we knoth." "Fool 1' spoke John Gwiler, with ft eree and hater aecont Which seemed to terminate in hies. "You tat whimpering hgein, gre you ?" "Iodate en'," said the humbled teed brohen man, "1 Comet help it, the 0 • saints bego to 1110 it" 1 eau! Ivory- 1.5 . ,1, thing 1121,8 5e lled tO go so wrong wid. tile 0 Mr. Satnider, ,, ri stiice the onlitolcy day that we roble 1 bile!" ' This too, like the other word); on the sivine dangerous subjeet, which tile new -coiner ldtd spoken, corning in ft hoarse will per as a eccurity for eon- cealinent ftont ttny ono withoot the rooni or 14- t"tjtance. But behind that large ikteltid d chair ood the child, Me ' frig, ned,eif , than she lead een When- Joh* 1 Wileit ..Sa .first turitedg eetvey from, the., gleSss-- .fl:r6ognlit tetillieed '12)t. ellf-1.9, (ett'''..'941111;i1°t'w:112.1-'11'v.'1'4'!Ye. of crime and 'veil,/ S.lisihrhIlie;:-pqors of g004 110'0, :,„1,404,401,;141.teeli.• ttni p11071,t11e!Ifil0A1ilti.s.t'jVatits the, Mote in the eye is to agonize . that, Organ.. to Bemire its' eepulsiene , Maidenhood feelgthe same' shock when , the hand makes tho tiret approaeli 040 would brash awey the peach -1)1001u: from its beautiful modesty ; manhood When the first temptetion is offered to walk in thee tortuous and selfish paths, the end whereof will be in removal from id1 thet is good and true. More than Mice, the little undeeling lied heerd her,father's name, once she had heard her sister's, and coupled withboth had been the words ',robbery" and "crime" ---words intelligible and Leanne- .tt meaoing, even to her. ''Are these bad men, it d have they been dpieg bed to my pa ?—darn "ein 1" was the question that lied already begun to eleepq itself he her mind, eyeu, if dimly as the images lie in the dropping coals of the grate, and the flitting chola; of the sky; and more than once, \vendee and curiosity overbalencing fear, the elfish eyes looked fer siu hist ant around theback of the chair, so weirdly iatelligert% diet if the Men of crime could have seen them, they must have believed in the presence of ifoine sonar - natural dwarf of the fairy hooks. John (+wile), had been sitting during all the interview, until the utterance of poor Tom Flynta's last words. But be- fore they were faiely out of that unfer- tanate person's mouth, the merchant was 011 his feet, had canght the porter by the coller, and was shaking Lin) like a reed. wordoamgaii:ilyir0 1" he hissed, "use that v d 1 IN ill save you any longer need of repeutitece. ' Remember - to whom yon are speaking, fool as well as thief. Nearly four years ago, you committed a burglary upon my pro- Portd'--the property of my partner and myself --the safe in our conntiug-room. How you clid it I don't think there tem be any . occasion of my telling . you. Yen committed the crime, 1 say—a—n you, do yea hear me ? I had a right to open that sth, if I hial chosen, but 1 did not, Sohedeeneunderstand that.?'" suspenNilt buthie hands yet upon the 4 John ,.„ „ Itereptteesec , 0.. s nett g c tiler ofthe other--paneed and looked closely hito the pained and suffering countenenee before him, os if he might be calculating how far ha could go in his tyranny, ard what power of resist - (t'700, if any, was loft in his victint. If he really had that motive in the entr- vey, the ailsWer was satisfactory, for there was no .litaid, put np ler defence) and the phor man Showed even too little spirit to wag an eyelid in anger et the ill-treetnient 'No, the saints be good to MU trial' yer spelcie', Mr. Gwiter-; it was inoself that did it, end not you." "And 1111111 11 not quite all, if you re- member," added the mettle:tilt, taking his hand from the collar of the other, but keepiug his • threatening position. "You not only committed a burglary, (encl you bare rno meets of proving that I inch:teed, yon to dolt—your word Would not be taken for a half -dime against teine)—yon not only commit - 1 $1,50 PE R .A.NNUM darn say not," half sneered er, "But as it milts• me to toll Jon ust now, and as 1 lave sonatithnig. more to do in. that . very direOtion, I do not Mind satisfying you and iiasing your egligetenon." "/Ls1n' me console -tree vid be it good thing to o, Mr. Gwiler; but—" "1 h as much need of Rieherd Saunde t,,fOn'e being poor as beiug rich myself:it: went on John, Gwiler. • Five Yet go I determined to make Lillie Own my wife—" , et'that's youtger than your own son by near .a 'dozen of years ! 011, wirra 1 whoa 1" was the 'comment, theugh it is to be believed that the other did'notheeir it. "Gins'ar'e-foolet Always, and Rieleard Saunderson'st daughter was a fool among the rest. She lied a lover, and I needed to clear her of him as well as to make her fathee poor and myself rich. See how ensile, I managed it with one little operation. He went away disgraced, the loss of the meney kept her father $o low that he -could never get out of my clutches again, end now I hold him, and her, in my power. Within two weekhe s swill be my wife. She dares not refuse to marry rue, if she would, because she knows that if I spoke the word her father would be worse than a beggar; he daves not even allow her 11 choices, for the same reason. Do you understamd now, Toni Flynn, that nothing more has happen- ed them I wish ?" "Yes, the saints be good to nie—I understand, now," aSseuted • I he porter, with the air of one who acknowledged the intelligible reading of his own death warrant. But sure, Mr. Gwiler—" "I want no suggestions, but obedi- ence, from you, Flynn." loftily con- tinued the merchant. "Now, if you have recovered your head, for what I have for you to do Richaed Saunder- son has dared to wince a little within the last day or two—he needs toe have the cords tightened i. stead of loos- ened." "Oh, that ye may niver die, Mr. Gwiler 1 --but it's not harder ye'd be makin' it for the poor man—" "It's harder I'd be 111(11(111' it for you, Tom Flynn," replied the other, mimick- hig the few words, if you dare to offer your a(1vice. I think that you heel) been up the North River as far as Sing Sing, and you knnv best whether you'd like to quarry and cut state there for the balance of your life; and by --- Ph send -you there if I hoar anther word out of you except to ask my plea- sue re nd to it." "II do what ye order. and ax no more questions—you know that I must," was the hopeless reply of the poor fellow. liV "Vertryilrwell then—now listen, if von iee ted it burglary, but purjery. Yonder 111 that safe lies your deposition, which I took care that you 'Should sign 'and swear to, declaring that itll you knew you had toid, and that you knew noth- ing about the tithing of the money. Do )'Ott remember that. eniveler ?" "The Holy Vergin Fetich me, but I do !" he replied, feebly and vacantly. "Rouse up, then, and no more of this," spoke the eeiployer, sharply, almost fiercely. "Be a man, or some- thing as near to 0120 106 yen can." “After ye've token ell the man out of me, Mr. Gwiler. It's a very hard thing 'or tayin', sir, and a, heed thine to do," ieterrepted the '1101221)11I if I have taken any- thing out of you, Tom Flynn (and the Lord knows there 131(18 11,011 11111011 to take) I will put it in again," said the merchant, his words a compound of sneer and command. "Rouse up, I say ; and when I order yeti I expect to be obeyed. Thole is nothing to be sorry for, you sAiveling fool ; and if there W118, it is too late to begin now." "Nothing to be sorry for, Mr. (inviter, when Mr. Sauuderson is so near ruined that, 'the byes mrty bo playin' • jack- straws on the tomb -stone of his name as a merchant, any day ; and when Ins navvy (nephew) has been driven away 417101106111'over the wurruld, for years end years, for Botnethin' that 110 Wag as innocent of as the babe tinhorn ?" "Nothing,--1Id yen, nothing," re- plied Jelin Gwiler, with less of a, 1111800in his tones, but even more- command and exultation, "Nothing—and if you are not it bigger fool than1 over took you to be, you will believe me tte well as obey iny orders. See here, Flynn" and for the first time be shoved a chair toward the porter with his loot, (11)411n- dicated that lie might occupy it --a, permission whieli the other accepted to the extent of eitting on the very edge. "See hero,— do Neu, euppose I wanted to see `t,olt here at my 110118e for the purpeee of heating, thee° it/Lines ? 11 you do, I hauet teach sons hotter, thai is all. 'You, ere huaing mouths oyo tb6,‘ fate ,of ohl Hanniievrion ; now, when tell you that fie lets 'grown no poorer thee I trt,h04 him be, per - baps you wilt hold 70(11' pt•ate," ,of w so' coeldel, believed that of )3eti, Mr, (+wiles' 1-1 mane that I see why," answered the porter, sedately ceneladitig hie SOU- . tenet ea he hogion :nein tt home 031 aceonntes61, sick/fees to -morrow ; I will see that il'o' one goes ft 1.1p from the store to look after you. b To -morrow morning take the six I o'clock Camden and Amboy train for a rhiladelphia going down with as few persons seeing you as possible. -At Philadelphia, call at the offide of Hunt liaslem, the lawyers, Sixth street, between Chestnut and Walnut—you have seen Mr. Hunt at the store, have you not ?" "Yes, Eur—I re/limber him. He lets been there several times to do ousinoin with Mr. Saunderson," repli- ed the poster. "Right for once," exclaimed the em- ployer, encouragingly. "'Well, call at the office, under the pretence of having boon sent on to collect a little bill for the firm—end ask Mr. Hunt to give tylbol. nya deed of mine that he Las been preparing." "Hadn't you better write a word, sir ?" asked the porter, very reason - "I shall not write , a word—do the business as I order you," sternly re- plied the inerchard. "While ,getting, the paper, Manage to heve Mr. Hunt —or Haelem if Hunt is out—get into conversation with you—you have tongue and wit enough when you like, you seoundrel—and hint ito him—not mentioning my name, and yet so that he will believe the hint COMO8 from me --that Mr. Saunderson seems to be low-spirited, and that there are rumors of times being tight with him. Say that to him, and nothifig niore. Do you enderstand me P'' "I think I do, sir ; but what good will that do, at all at all ?" ore reply. "Now go, But stop, yeti will n y q; ubeusttioititsi,atfiosol 11t yDbuutv 1 01111,1 swixanotf ItIlhOlinleYw.illiiieterrerea,ryeotttentlide0re119 7;1 and report to me here to -morrow Tom Elynte not yours," was the severe four will pay yoor othee expen8es: Off house in tWenty-four hours." itLjllel with you ; do what I have ordered, claimed the mane aghest, foreclose the motrgage on Saunderson's answer that 0110. Will melte, hitn "And he will be ruined intirely," ex - more security, generally, in deal with ft tinnottglnpaced ttilCi celeulet seoundrel than with at", honest -int tiorsed feol, because to lie former 11 tires eau be presei and a line pet•sisten11 t action 6 while 'w ing lug ell - 1 the hatee there is at any moment Ch gor of a superior adverse pressnre 10 th(1 dleastroite coneseercee. No su thoteglietroubled the uccoesful more ant and schemer, hokeveee his e had never been brighter, Ins prospe of continued and' increa8ing 81,10.81 uever clearer. When hisesubordina 331118 cut of sight down thedlusky stre ho lit a Began threw up the night -1a11 so that he would not haye the tronb of putting his hand luta his pocket „thudietelnkey on /14111reilui11, and stro ed down file steps and. out Into street for a well( that Was not likely extend betvend the next corner but oi The instaut (Mee, Ret Saunderson etnerg,ed from her come 11110311.11110311. behind the chair. The child w "frightened almost to death," mo literally than the saying geuerally co veys an actual state of 01111(1 ; and her eyes had been wild and elfin wli she aortght that place, of concealinei they were now round and staring wi 'wonder and alarm ; but it was bayou question that she had accidentally be amassing a store of information closti ad to work serious changes in the de tinies of others than herself. Inform tion bearing, fl,bont the same relatio to a knowledge of what had really o (mired, that a wilderness of furnitu just Oro n miscellaneouslY into house from the carte of the movers, o the afternoon of the first of May. bear to the mane furniture when deftly a ranged in hall and parlor and dining room; and ye,t. capable like that ver furinture of being made orderly an usefril in (100ne time. ' The little- atom stepped cautious] out, after she had heard the closing o the outer door—in her hand the not which she had been sent by her fathe to deliver to his partner, and. to whiel fortunately, she had not been cone mended to bring an answer. Sh blinked her eves, as she stood, like On who had soddenly been bronght out o iitch clarkness into sunlight aud ittle blinded by the glare; and on he 310108011 face was evident a struggle t ring the Intlf-benumbed faculties int ull play and uuderstanding. (To be Continued' Perna le Reatity. What is it? what does it con ist Do tell us, 0 benevolent pre ologist ! for it is a theme of universe omment by the melee, mad r6 some hing unanimouely ,desired. th °males. Is it symmetry of lace an glossy, eneleeseaddeeeheeke, peael. with, languishing, dyes. dark eye -brow, nd towering hair ? If so, then all are eautiful—e es, paragons of lovelinees ndee(1 there is, then, no such thitig a ix "ugly woman." She becomes 111)3111-8th—a monstrosity of the pan, and ell her descendants perished' in the cataclysm of Noah. See one ot our modern Cleopatras on the streets., and what a picture! Sylph -like form and elastic tread, cheeks ruddy as those of a ruraand reminding goddess, anreminding one of the snow flakes in -verbena beds ; lips, rival rosesbuds; eyes like jewels from it seraph's crown ; hair towering un- told stories high, and "What winning graces, what.mojestie mien!! She moves like a goddess, and sho looks a queen." 01- 11(1 eh ky c68 ss te et, eh le i 0- of ith Poor Tom Flynn had not spirit enough left to say 10 single word 'in ex- postulation—not even one in reply,' ex- cept a, subservient good night, whieh was scarcely returned. Ito rose from the edge of his chair, weakly and with hesitittion, like one suffering physical J?' in even that slight effert.: Ile took the money banded him, and stuffed it into his pocket, then turned mid steggored out of' the door and away, the eyes of the merchant, follow- ing him ass coolly and maliciouely as those of Mephistopheles /nay he sup- poeed to have followed Pietist after the min of 'Marguerite had been wrought, and the doom rendered inevitable. ,,A11 invaluable tool," he mused, when the peer felloW nitd eloPed the 110/1 1 door and gehe down the 81e1(8. "A mete shadow --nothing of him -- end the safor on that account. If ho lmad 'strength to rosist pressure )'IOW, he miglef be eventna,lly clangorotte." John Gwiler had yet to leenpees that the people 11)0111. eiteil'et in, Allowed by the 'preseure of f;trolygey wi1bicrYlti1.:t110 safeet—that there is But alas! some one of her esex, let- ting out the secret as usual, says : "Many a face looks exceedingly pret- ty on the street that is made up of bite muth, pen14 powder and rouge, with artifieially pencilled eyebrows, lips touched with carmine, and eyes whose sparkle is attribute,j to it bath of co- logne water or tincture of belladonna. Hair; you know, is bought at so' mich per switeh, and eonturiers make the drosses. Heartless; slanderer, and if sve had nonrated her to proceed she would have disclosed many strange artiticos resorted to (so she says) to fill out, round off, and plumperize the form. 13nt all these allegations aro certainly false, and that "allegator" must have enown it ; and she thereby comes nearest of anyto being an "ugly woman," is certainly a very ugly per- son—or very nearly so. 1.3ut female beauty does not coneist in these things. Tho Venus of Appetles may charm for it time, but soon loses its effect, and why ? Because it lacks soul, animation and intellect. No in- ward spirit beitine cut through the eye; there is no intellectand radiation from an immortal eseeneo lighting up the counteeenee ; no scintillations • of genius falling from its marble lips. Theee and these alone constitute female beauty. The features may be as fait and eymmeArical as the alabaster vase of the wax doll figure, bet unless the animating, ieradiating influenee of a cultivated soul illumintite them, they ttro ft8 powerless to charm 108 tile dull countenance of a corpse. On the other hand the feature4 May be irregular, and at first eight repulsive, but when lightened ep by effalgence of an inner spiritual fire, the face becomes beauti- ful and attractive. No cultivated pereOn can long look without admiration 'linen a face Mated by intellect. Let the young ladies remember th is, and cu) ivitt,o the heart, the eoul, tho mincl—that, im- mortal attribute which gives dignity, glory and immortality to the sex. Jones gave a lawyer a bill to be col- lected to the amount of $80. Callieg for it, after it while, he inquired if it bad been collected, '1 011, yes," said the lawyer, 1100 it all yor." " What charge for collecting r Oh,' said the tewyer langhing, 'I'm not going to charge yOu—why I have lamtn you ever since you were, tt baby,' and -your father before you ; will be abota rieht,' handing over$10. Well, said Jones, as he ten:Meta tipon the trs ns. action, it's darned lucky ihe didn't know my grandl'athor, or 1 elsonlan't hetve got itlivthino s!' t forrittr10440acr°1(.(„)411111.8' :(;vkeeflitln,04111ti°e1r "t!1.17011 on the roett'lead dropped in daily to see o'bv91.57trtldhle'Pgriodttn?'"l4:r1 taut:31'1 tkoinlicd4c/L4L1 st!f t.114170s braktiludit w S a good fellow, and one and all'one nritted 1 site le, tfict hope , that 110 kfo.ctia `pull through. The doe - tor didn't i'egard the cave as dn,ligerot13, but tho 0,0111(.111°13; Was 8(2.1411 the li')11/4dtitenhite 13:011(11 1101 lirt) the night out. A doztii of his ti't4101 ::0'h:inellizt.111:1;i3(elm"").V.(laltnnlveWriell111131:1di 1,1)1f1. it 1),'21e rissar one of fliC depots, and after the great trucks ited draye tied ce 1 1 , esec to ling ty, the, belltt:# ha, time. short, sbarp whistles nif the'fard enginee soareled painfully loud. '410 patient lied been verY quiet for,jielf tour,• when he endileiely AmoloTed his eye$ and shouted e "Kai -it -me -490 1". , Oneof the igen bruelied the hair lieek from the cold',fereheed, road the bralsemati elesed eyes arid was for a .tiate. Then the Winc1 whirl- ed around tile depot and, haltered the,,, blinds on the tyincictei of leis room, he lifted , his ' letha .401.14% `cried out , 4‘jacksori ! Ihtssengers goieg north by Ili," Saginaw road, clmoge oars l" ' The 111813 runlerstood, The thou( brake- elit he Nt'llS corning. east en the Michigan , ' Central. The effort ,tleelned to have greatly rxhaustedeltim, for he lay Elie one dead er le nee five minutes, awl t't watcher felt bi8 pulse to see if life had not gone out. A brakeman opened his eyes and cane( otittit going dawn the river 4)01111(10(1 he whistle fund and long, and the dyint "Ann Arbor 1" 17 He had been o'rer the 41 and' t , but enlitiit6h his stt0ini 18), Death was drawing a apectral train over the old track, end ho w brake- man, engineer and eondector. One of the yard engines uttered 10 WhiStle of learning, as if the glare of the headlight had shown to the en- gineer some stranger in peril, and the brakeman called ont ‘`Yp•slanty--chillige cars here for the Eel River reed 1" "He's coming in fast," whispered one of the met. ''Ami the end of his run will be the end of his life." said a second. The dampness of death began to eol- leet on the patient's forehead, mid there Wat3 that ghastly look on the face which death always brings. The slam- ming of a, door down the hall startled him again, and he moved his head ancl faintly called : "Grand Trellis Junction— passen- gers going east by the Grand Trunk chenge cars !" He was so quiet after that that all the num gathered around the bed, be- lieving that he was (leach His eyes cloeed, and the brakeman lifted his hand, moved his head and whispered : "De-- s Not "Detroit," hue Death 1 He died with the half uttered whisper on his lips. And the heactlight en death's engine shone full in his thee and eover- ed it with such pallor as nought but death can bring. --Detroit Free Pff33. I Singing- Manse. have in our house 'A. ram avis, unfeathered aml quadruped—a verit- able singing mouse. It sings ita songs with all its meshed trills and se pasty el the* iqi,rlatiorlg-iik„.,the',Itioniririg:_ bird, Early in the winter a mouse . began to ,11 equent one of our bird cages. He climbed up the whitlow curtain anti gained access easily. Ho became so tame and impertinent that he Was finally considered a pet instead of a, pest. So he madehis, home with the bird, and got a new Song' in his month. We could hardly believe it at first, bub when in the long winter evenings', while the bird cage was covered with paper to exclude the ligist; eve heard the canary swig in low, soft tones, floating oat from„„the cage like the gfeint, exquisite eexisic of a dteani" or as if the gnost of some departed canary had come back to interview ite mate, we were led. to a solution of the mys- tery, one we least expected. One eveuing we carefully lifted one eariaer of the paper from the bird. cage,.and there sat our pet mouse singing fla UV& 11101188 8fflig before. Since then ho- is our household fairy, lingering every eveniug, and at intervals through the day, gaily as the cricket ou the hearth, Since the warm weather his favorite cage lits been removed to an- other room, and it is pitiful to see hire hunthig for his feathered teacher. Climbing up the certain to the place where the cage hung, he will look around a moment, and then return to the window, and, perched upon the erossh ail of the sash, pour out his little soul in a song as mournful an that of a dying swan. Then he steps down, and in a little while he is heard qgain in his favorite niche near the clock. --,4 (III.) Letter. .4 queer Di..vcovcry. A MYSTERIOUS BULLET. • eorrespondent to the "Toledo Beebe -writing froln Ilitstings, Mich.., says, "About ten miles south of thie 1)11100 10 farmer, while driving sone cows through a deep forest adjoining his fielde, unexpectedly came acress an ur.• usually la,r;re Intel: Stretched ottt 'Upon the ground, and nanteing teway the last mentente of 1118 existence. The animal was evidently very old, and in a sadly emaciated condition, so the feet thitt the fernier uxnneditt.toiy put a „blind through its head 81tould rather be look- ed upon OA 1111 itet of compession that, otherwise. Juet, as lie wits about leav- ing he observed it round 'nine) on the anitnel's side, which so attracted hie attention that he stopped to examine. Quickie disoovering that close under the elfin wes depoeited Ut enund, hard body, he used hie knife and brouglft light a Silver bullet eneh es wee used it, for thegrrie1 enci108t,tiliirt: ellofr ttl'11'1168tit; to lliS Ilet18e Where after col , 13001)1e he succeeded in tittering; it, etid f gond to his great surprise, that it atined ineeeage written in eipher ti - 011 paper attennated te rt, high degree; Other than thet the teepee Was, slightly diet:010Na (MA 81.11.110101ltly, 116WeVtr1 to Ohlitetitte the ellitMet(4r$) rithir the beillet nor what it 8110108411 bore, any evidence of itselitte surroundinge or of the Strange Vicissitudee through tehiels, it might pr0.ViOusly have gono. Sever. itl men of' science have carethilly itispeet• ed One telee of the pest, and are 113 nt41011 at it 10811 to decipli,ir the itteAsage as to satisfactorily explain when and how the bullet «Mete to be lodged in the side oCttte bt1012.'C '