Times Advocate, 1994-04-13, Page 7Ground
broken for
new church
Times -Advocate, April 13, 1994
We're glad you
Acfri" o'&117
CENTRALIA - It was an exciting
time for the congregation of Faith
Tabernacle on Sunday afternoon as
the official ground breaking cere-
mony took place for the new
Rev. Harry Wuerch, Secretary of
the Independent Assemblies of God 1
for Canada ministered in the morn-
ing service and Reeve Tom Tomes
was also part of this evqqunt.
Afterwards, refreshrhents were
served at the church.
Saturday the women enjoyed a
retreat in London entitled "Vessels
of Honour". Anita Pearce was the
guest speaker and she will be min-
istering in May at Faith Taberna-
cle's anniversary weekend.
Winners of the "Count the Siding
Contest" are Ben Parker, Cecelia
Dinney and Matthew Prout (tied)
and Patty Wood. The winning num-
ber was 341 pieces of siding which
Al Harvey used in the making of
the church model.
W.M. will be meeting Friday
night at 6:45 and Nancy Mills of
London will be the guest speaker.
All ladies are welcome.
Tonight, Wednesday, the Adult
Bible Study Class will be looking
at the question "Who is God?" as
they begin a new series on Wednes-
day nights.
Centralia family tour New Zealand
By Mary Peterson
CENTRALIA - On Sunday, the
congregation at Centralia United
Church welcomed Rev. Deb Carter
to the service. Rev. Carter's mes-
sages included experiencing "The
Waterfall of White Light". In her
sermon, she related modern para-
bles to illustrate the impact of the
Easter miracle.
Bacon and egg breakfast
Rob Essery reminded everyone
of the upcoming bacon and egg
breakfast April 16. Tickets are
available now, and will be available
at the door. The Stewards will meet
Frjdgy At 7:30 p.m. at the church to
prelfare4for the breakfast.
Country Jamboree
Ross McFalls and many others
will provide old-time music at a
"Country Jamboree" April 17 at the
Centralia Community Centre. The
music will begin at 1 p.m. and end
around 9 p.m. There will be a col-
lection and potluck lunch. Every-
one is invited.
On April 4, there were 10 tables
of euchre players at Heywood's
Restaurant. Eunice Patterson
(High) and Helen McDonald
(Lone) were winners in the ladies'
division, while Harry Noels (High)
and Betty Smith (Lone) won in the
men's division. Rhea Beatson won
the Special. All euchre players are
invited to the next card party on
April 18 at Heywood's Restaurant.
New Zealand trip
Brent and Jean Caslick took their
sons Greg and Danny to visit New
Zealand last month. They left To-
ronto February 15 when southwest-
ern Ontario was cold and stormy
and covered by large snowbanks.
Twenty-four hours later, when
ent's sister met them at Christ-
urch, New Zealand, they stepped
into summer. Brent's sister lives at
Ashburton on the Canterbury Plains
of the South Island, where the ter-
rain looks very much like south-
western Ontario.
Danny and Greg enjoyed meeting
their cousins and playing baseball.
They attended school for a few
days, and want to write letters to
their cousins and new friends in
New Zealand.
The Caslicks also travelled
throughout the South Island. Fur-
ther south of Ashburton, at Dune-
din, they visited a nesting colony of
Royal Blue Albatross, a protected
species. Yellow -eyed penguin, the
rarest penguins, are another protect-
ed species. Near the albatross colo-
ny, a farm has been created to en-
courage these shy penguins to nest
and there were about eight to 12
The Caslicks drove through
(rrlpuntains and lush, tropical terrain
with palms and ferns. They hiked
over glaciers, visited a seal colony,
and while fishing with their cousins
at Remarkable Lakes, caught a bar-
racuda.. In one, ,area they counted
240,curves in thp.road ,during a,45
minute drive.
During their return to Centralia,
they spent a week in Waikiki, Hon-
olulu, and experienced the Polyne-
sian culture. On an unusually
windy and rainy day in Waikiki,
they took an underwater trip in a
semi -submersible submarine and
were amazed by the beautiful ma-
rine life.
The Caslick family returned
home on May 24.
"Bettering our Best"
Secretaries Day Conference
Wednesday, April 27 - Festival Inn Stratford
Thursday, April 28 - Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend/Stephen Twp.
Time - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
9:00 Enjoy some coffee...
9:00 - 9:15 Welcome and Introduction.
Meet Jane Farris
9:15 -10 Participant & Facilitator
Meet fellow participants, share
backgrounds and goals and
expectations for the worlcshop.
10:00 - 10:30 Topic Introduction:
Bettering Your Best, Workplace
Wellness, and Balance
10:30 • 10:45 Break
10:45 - 12:00 `Take This Job
and Love It'.
A guide to getting more pleasure,
satisfaction and productivity from your
work each day.
12:00 -1:30 Lunch
1:30. 2:30 Finding the Balance:
Having It All
A series of tips, skills and action, steps
to enable you to better your best.
2:30 - 2:45 Break
2:45 - 3:45 Finding the Balance:
Having It All continued
3:45 - 4:00 Workshop Closure,
Evaluations, Goodbyes.
Jane Farris appears regularly in the television
media and has recently written a book, Finding the
Balance: Having it An which is a guide to juggling
career, family and personal initiatives.
Jane has a particular interest in coaching women to
embrace their unique talents, skill, and power. In
this capacity she is often asked to speak on women
and self esteem, and workplace wellness.
Conference Notes:
Balance is the buzz work of the 1990s. There has
never been a time when so many people have had
so many obligations and challenges and seemingly
so little time and so little energy to meet them.
Men and women alike are constantly being asked
to better their best. The many demands placed
upon women, however, make it especially
challenging to strike the balance between career,
family and personal time.
Topic: Better Our Best
Workplace Wellness
Take This Job and Love It
Cost $80.00 + GST per person with special
discounts for businesses sending 2 or more
Door prizes - special displays
Contact Gary Eagleson, Manager Business Training and Counselling at
Stratford FBDB
Phone: 1-800-265.4594 or 519-271-5650 Fax: 271-8472
l .t iwem�... Bs qu. KdOr.l.
Oevrloparertt flank de divNepnt
The Centralia Faith Tabernacle
congregation officially turned the
sod on its new church building
Sunday afternoon. Located just
off Highway 4, the 7,300 square
foot church will replace the cur-
rent 3,500 square foot structure
after construction starts in May.
From left for the sod turning
were Stephen reeve Tom Tomes,
Rev. Harry Wuerch, Douglas
Parker, Cathy Prout, James Park-
er, Gary Kline, Rev. Murray Ford,
Kenneth Parker, Pastor Bob De-
graw, and Rev. Jake Turksma. At
left, is a scale model of the fu-
ture tabernacle.
Funeral Home
370 William Street,
Exeter, Ontario
(519) 235-1220
Page 7
The Medic Alert Program Is a national, non-profit organisation that provides
a clearinghouse for (nfomtation on special health problems of its members.
Each member, is supplied with a small medallion on a chain or bracelet, en-
graved with information about his health problems. For example, the jewelry
may be Inscribed 'allergic to penicillin' or "wearing contact lenses*.
In addition, the organization keeps on file additional Information on its mem-
bers' health. In the event of an emergency, medical workers can call the na-
tional organization (it is located In Toronto) to get this information. It could be
vital In medical treatment. -
We can tell you where to write to find out more about the Medic Alert Pro-
gram. Please call us for more information.
Exeter, Ontario
Crowe to
01 Tart ( the
Every year, in memory of their daughter Stephanie, Steve
and Audrey Skinner unselfishly give their time and effort to
organize the Walk for Sick Kids, an event that has become a
major fundraiser for the Children's Hospital of Western
Please get your pledge sheets today for this worthwhile
event, which will be held on Sunday, April 17th.
We are proud to show our support by providing free hot '
dogs and Pepsi at the Halfway Point on the Walkathon for all
participants. It's just our way of thanking you for your help!
And thanks to our customers and staff who have paid 254 a
cup for the coffee we have at the store. You gave us a total of
$403.75 since we started collecting for the Walkathon, and
100% of these proceeds will be donated this Sunday.
Thank you, Steve and Audrey for letting us be a part of your
fundraising team!
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