Times Advocate, 1994-01-19, Page 12Paps 12 Times -Advocate, January 19, 1994 SPORTS__ Trip of a lifetime for local hockey players STEPHEN TWP. - What do cookbooks, volleyball tourna- ments and ticket selling have in common? They are just a few ex- amples of fundraisers that helped some Stephen Township boys have their trip of a lifetime, In 1991, a novice -age group of hockey parents and players were approached about a possible ex- change trip overseas to Sweden. , After a year of fundraising the destination was changed. It was suggested by the president of W.O.A.A. to change the goal to a Canadian -American exchange be- cause of the declining number of participants and the stateof the economy both in Sweden and our own country, On December 28, 1993 that goal became reality after another year of organizing and fundrais- ing with the young boys working hard. With the professional and pre- cise work of Nancy and Mary at Ellison Tours, the encouragement and help from Stephen's own mi- nor hockey executive, the dona- tion of Canada coats from the Ex- eter Legion Branch 167, and lot/ of local donations, the local Atom -age Stephen Township boys and parents' bus pulled out in the'early morning bound for Pittsburgh, Penn. Ten hours later, the boys began their exciting schedule. First, they had the opportunity to check out the local professional hockey action to get some tips from the Pittsburgh Penguins who played the Philadelphia Flyers at the Ig- loo. The next morning, bright and early saw the boys trying their own brand of hockey against a lo- cal Pittsburgh team in their first of three friendship games. Hockey was found to be very different in Pittsburgh. The Ste- phen players, who have probably been playing hockey since they were five or six or at least on skates since they were four were playing against players that start- ed hockey when they were nine. "Canada is definitely the hockey capital of the world" The Golden Mile Ice Centre where the boys played their games was a privately -owned are- na and participants tended to be in the upper class. You would need to be in the upper class to play hockey there as registration was approx. $500 and the total season costs were approx. $3,000 to $5,000. Ice time is hard to acquire for the Monroeville players. Some Stephen parents felt quite happy with their own minor hockey sys- tem as their counterparts have to practice at 5 a.m. Hockey was definitely not a high profile sport in Monroeville, a suburb of Pittsburgh There were only five arenas for the area with a population of over two million and that includes the Civ- ic arena. Mario Lemieux and his brother had just built a double ice pad arena which will be the best in the area and will also help the lack of • ice locations. The American hockey competi- tors during the friendship games were very impre with the way the Canadians cou play hockey. Right from the preliminary cheer, the shaking of hands and right down to the passing and play - making were watched closely and videotaped by the coaches of the home teams for later perusal and discussion. One of the coaches grew up in Sault St. Marie which was a hock- ey environment. The tradition and interest is very different for him trying to coach in Pittsburgh. The Stephen atoms played three friendship games against Monroe- ville players starting at their age level and by the third game were playing boys three to four years older than themselves. During the games, the Stephen team outscored their new friends by a score of 45 to 1. The boys had a great time with the Pittsburgh players. They pre- sented their Canadian heritage with pride and not only had memories for themselves, but had alsc left behind some great mem- ories for the hockey players play- ing "those Canadians". The Stephen t consisted of Jeff Rollings, att Foran, Adam Cyr , Bra ord, Brad Glavin, Luke Hayward, Cal deLange, Shawn Sherwood, Chris Glavin, J.R. Davies, Danny Mosurinjohn, Scott Davies with coaches Paul Glavin and Dick Lord. After Pittsburgh, the bus trav- elled to Detroit where they spent New Year's Eve watching 'the great one' Wayne Gretzky' and his Lo; Angeles Kings team take on the Deiroit Red Wings. What proved the trip to be a success was when a Pittsburgh mother cautioned Stephen's par- ents, "If you find an extra person on your bus, that will be my daughter. Her goal in life is to play hockey in Canada - Canada is definitely the hockey capital'of the world. We are definitely com- ing to Canada" Or as another father put it... "we had a great time, you were great sports; but come back in July and gel show you how to play base- ball". Adam Cyr (middle) and Chris Glavin (right) accept exchange gifts from a Monroeville player af- ter fter playing a friendship game against their team. Mirror hockey scoreboard Exeter Minor Hockey Tyke Little Hawks January 15 llderton Hawks 3 at Exeter Hawks 4 Goals: Corey Bilcke (4) Assists: Hayter, Seip, Thompson, Elder Tyke Little Blues January I� Little Blues 6 vs. llderton Mighty Ducks 1 Goals: Jordan Darling (3), Ian Osgoode, Scott Loosely, Ben -Willis Leake Assists: Justin Stacey, Jared Anstett, Zach Dougall A solid effort was received from all playas and steady goaltending from Chad Taylor. Lucan Minor Hockey UM Tyke January 8 Lucan 6 at llderton 3 Goals: Michael Noyes (6) Assists: Jeff Latta (2) IJM Tyke Liehtninrt January 13 Lightning 2 at Strathroy Major Tyke 5 Goals: Michael Noyes, Michael Jacques UM Tyke Thunder January 16 Thunder 1 at Strathroy Major Tyke 7 Goal: Michael Noyes Shamrock Atom AE OMHA January 15 Lucan 4 at Parkhill 3 Goals: Mike Pletch (2). Tyler Heywood, Daniel Harrigan Assists: Rick Sullivan, Matt Rushton. Wes Revington, Heywood, Mike Pletch, Dan Pletch January 16 Lucan 1 at Watford 0 Goal: Dan Pletch Shutout: Craig VanKasteren Shamrock Atom January 7 Lucan 1 at Parkhill 1 Goal: Jolene Heffernan Assists: Man Thompson, Tyler Silver January 8 Luccn 1 at St. Marys 2 Goal: Stephen Wraith Assists: Johnathan Smith, David Park Atom Dundalk Tournament Game 1 Lucan 6 vs. Chinguacousy 0 Goals: Ben Duskocy (2), Heffernan, Park, Thompson., Adam Thomson Assists: Ryan O'Shea, Silver, Thompson, Trevor Smith, lohnnllwt Smith. Wraith Shutout: Joe Dobbie Game 2 Lucas 4 vs. Oro Station 2 Gosh: Thompson (3), Darrell Parson Amish: Thomson (2), Duskocy, Thompson 'A' championship game Lucan 2 vs. Shelburne 1 Goals: Smith, Thompson Assists: Wraith, Duskocy, Thomson MVP: Mattpeon Fin goaltending by Dobbie. Shamrock Peewee January 8 Lucan 4 at Parkhill 4 Goals: Shawn Smith. Eric Yeo, Andrew Stansell Assists: Rob Silver (2). Mike Herbert (2). Kent Hardv. Yeo IJM Peewee January 17 - Peewee tournament in Norwich Game I Lucan 4 vs. Norwich 1 I Goals: Mike Eagleson (2). Jeremy O'Shea, Ted Chatterson Assists: Shawn Smith, Derek Fifield Gargle 2 Lucan 5 vs. Norwich 11 2 Goals: Adam Ryan, O'Shea (2). Brad Ank- ers, Philip Revington Assists: O'Shea, Revington, Dax Biondi, Cole Rleming, Jamie VanKasterer 'A' Championship Lucan 3 vs. Waterford 0 Goals: Jay Funston, Ankers, O'Shea Aulsts: Revington (2), Biondi. Adam Ryan, VanKasteren Shutout: Marc Williams UM Bantam January 13 Watford 4 at Lucan 2 Goals: Jamie Cathcart, Jamie Riddell Assists: Trevor Lce nders, Dave Hickson, Ryan Thomas, Ryan Dukeah re Shamrock Bantam January 12 Lucan 4 at Si. Marys 2 Goat: Chad Greenlee, Marty McLaughlin, Kurt Hardy, Adam Duskocy Assists: Ryan Carroll, Ryan Thomas, Chad Morrison. Josh Appleman Andex Novice Steelers AE January 13 Steelers 2 at Zurich 0 Goals: Cain Murray. Andrew Sedlak Assists: Geoffrey Duckworth (2). Tony Ens, Sedlak Goaltender: Cory Lawton January 14 Steelers I at llderton 3 Goal: Michael MacLean Assists: Melissa DeYoung, Tim Snell Goaltender: Lawton January 1?- Tara Tournament Game 1 Steelers 9 vs. Lions Head 0 Goals: Shane Gregoire (3), Sedlak (2). Snell (2). Duckworth, MacLean Assists: Snell (2). Costa Kollias (2), DeYoung (2), Ens, Nevin Hodgins, tsrendan Buchanan, MacLean Goaltender: Lawton Game 2 Steelers 3 vs. Aurora 2 Goals: MacLean (3) Assists: Snell (2), Buchanan, Hodgins, DeYoung Goaltender: Lawton Game 3 -'A' Final Steelers 5 vs. Tara 1 Goals: Gregoire (3), MacLean. Duckworth Assists: Ens, Buchanan, Gregoire. Duck- worth, Sedlak, Hodgins Goaltender: Lawton Steelers were tournament champions with a total team effort, great goaltendingpy Law- ton and excellent passing and positional play. Congratulations to all the Stetlers. Next game: January 21 at Parkhill. 6:00 p.m. Novice Waxers January 16 Lambeth 2 vs. Exeter 0 Atom Broncos January 16 - OMHA playdowns - Round Robin Game 1 Dresden 3 at Broncos 1 Goal: Jared Bourne Aaht: Tyler Taylor Goaltender, Ryan Sullivan The game was scoreless until the third peri- od when Exeter scored to go ahead. Howev- er, Dresden scored two goals in a minute and 10 seconds to take the lead. The last goal was an empty net. Next playdown game: January 21 in Ridge - town Seaforth Optimist Tournament Game 1 Broncos 3 vs. St. Thomas 2 Goals: Bourne, Overholt, Martin Assists: Martin, Taylor, Parsons, Bourne, Bilinsky, Groot This was the St. Thomas 'A' Atom team. The Broncos had a number of opportunities in the first period but couldn't beat a hot St. Thomas goalie. The Broncos never tet up. Brandon Martin scored a beautiful goal from, the faceoff dot in the circle to the right of the goaltender. His wrist shot caught the bottom left hand corner. Game 2 Broncos 3 vs. Simcoe 1 in overtime Goals: Seip (2), Bourne Assists: Bourne, Groot (2) This was also an 'A; Atom team. It was a very tight checking game. Ryan Sullivan played exceptional throughout the game. In , overtime Jared Bourne made a beautiful end to end rush and stuffed the puck into the bot- tom comer of the net to put the Broncos in front with the eventual winner. Mike Seip put the icing on the cake with an empty na- ter. Game 3 - 'A' finals Broncos 2 vs. Seaforth 3 Goals: Rasenberg, Bourne Assists: Mauer. Groot The Broncos played a very strong game but ran into a very hot Seaforth nein ander. After a 1-1 first period, Jared Bourne made an- other one of his patented end to end rushes and put the puck in high under the cross bar to give the Broncos a 2-1 lead. However. Seaforth scored to tie it a little more than two minutes later. It looked like overtime was on the horizon for the Broncos again but Seaforth put in the winner on a goal mouth scramble with 1:02 remaining in regulation. The Broncos pulled their goaltender imme- diately after the face off at center ice and ap- plied pressure but were unable to ger the ty- ing goal. Thanks to Jack Mauer in leading the Broncos home from Seaforth in a con- voy of I 1 Exeter Bronco vehicles. The weather was blizzard -like which took every- one a little more than an hour to get home to Novice WOAA Turbos - January 15 Brussels 3 vs. Turbos 6 Gose: A.J. Ferguson. Ryan Ducharme (2), Rob Erb, Man Martin (2) Assists: Danny Moir (2),William Oud, Dueharme, Gordon bailer, his Thompson fir- rerfiluirtisr Peewee Storm January 12 Storm 6 vs. Mitchell 1 4 (baht Jarrett Jeffrey (4), Brad Brown (2) Allstate: Jarrett Jeffrey, Brown (3), Jopp- bus, Jennifer Jeffrey, Jason Plaltheiner, Malt Amazon:Gersitenriert Darryl Smale Teas retard: 14-1-0 Exeter Legion had Its hockey appreciation night last.Wednesdey and as part of the ceremony, Legion first vice-president Bill Wilds. and Dorothy Pfaff, preskf'nt of the Ladies Auxiliary. drop the puck between Exeter Bantam Legionnaires captain Jeff MacLean, left; and the Forest cap- tain. - Exeter - it was a day to remember! Atom HI Mustangs January 15 Mustangs 3 vs. Strathroy 4 Goals: Aaron Heywood, Mike Dietrich (2) Assists: Dietrich, Joshua Fields. Aaron Hey- wood (2) Good game guys, keep it up. Excellent goal- tending. Peewee Legionaires January 12 Legionaires 6 vs. Forest 6 Goals: Jason Grenier (2), Jeff Campbell, Greg Geoffrey. Cam Dougall (2) Assist': Campbell, Geoffrey (3). Dougall, Chad Monteith (2), Tyler Bourne, Brian Par- sons Lasers January 15 - 6 game round robin OMHA playoff Lasers 5 vs. Parkhill 3 Goals: Mike Wilhelm. Greg Young, Robbie McIntosh, Jim Seaton Assists: Young, McIntosh. Ryan Ralph. Ke- vin Hogan --i Goaltender: Jeff Gooch Slow start but a great finish. January 16 - Exhibition game Lasers 4 vs. St. Marys 3 Goals: Hogan. Wilhelm. Ralph Assists: Wilhelm, Tim Mauer, McIntosh, Bob Hamilton Goalteodert Gooch Bantam Legionaires January 12 Forest I at Exeter 4 Goals: Jeff MacLean. Ryan Beckett, Dave Farquhar, Wes Regier Assists: Gavin Poole, Jeff Sararas (2). Ryan Soldan, MacLean (2). Regier Goaltender: Jason Lindenfield League record: 11-7-2 Next action: OMHA round-robin playoffs January 19. Lambeth al Exeter. 7:40 RSD Midget Generals January 10 Exeter 3 at llderton 1 Goals: Chris McDonald (2). Gavin Snell Assists: Snell (2). Mark Bell. Bill Hodge 3 Stars: McDonald, Snell. DeBruyn Stephen Minor Hockey Tyke Mini Kings January 8 Mini Kings 24 vs. Belgrave 0 Goals: Mathew Marlene (9), Kurtis Masse (6). Tim Sheridan (3). Craig Sommerville (2), Andy Springall, Ryan Masse (2). Ed- ward Hearn (first goal) Assists: Marlene (3), Kurtis Masse (4). Sheridan, Sommerville (3), Springall (3), Runes Sterling (2), Masse (6), Hearn Shutout: David Desjardine January 11 Mini Kings 9 vs. St. Marys 3 Goals: Marten (2). Ryan Masse, Kurtis Masse (6) Assists: Ryan Masse (2). Hearn (2) January 15 Mini Kings 1 vs. Bayfield 9 Goal: Kurtis Masse Assist: Kent Nicholson Goaltender Andy Springall Tyke Mighty Ducks January 15 Mighty Ducks 16 at Brussels 2 Goals: Jason Thompson (6). Jeff VanBergen (5). Greg Thompson (3), Justin Knee. Ryan Heywood Aalats: G. Thompson (8), VanBergen (3), Travis O'Neil (2). Knee (2). Heywood, Shawn Wilson Goaltender: Curtis Pfaff Novice Kings January 13 Kings 5 vs. Zurich 1 Goals: Scott Davies (2), Jesse Schroeder (2), Roman Wilson Assists: Jason Stuckkas (2), Wilson (2), Brad Schenk. Colin Sander, Kris Plnkbeiner, Davies Goaltender: Dan Michielsen January 14 Kings 13 vs. Brussels 3 Goals: Davies (5), Schroeder (2), Sauder (2) Wilson. kue son, Kenny Shawn Thomp- Asslsts: Schroeder (3). 'Thompson (2), Da- vies (2), Sauder (2). Finkbeiner (2), Stuck - leu, Wilton, Schenk. Tilky Gositender: Michlelsen Next posy -January 21 Atom Sonics January 13 Stephen 1 vs. St. Marys 1 Gen Shawn Sherwood Assists: Denny Mosurinjohn,Brayden lord Goaltender: lavin Slater For 12, Against 20 January 13 Stephen 3 vs. Godedch 2 Goals: Maarrigjohrt (2), Hatay Pfaff Assists: Sherwood, Bryan Studien, Jeremy VanBergen Shote: For 14, Against 12 Atom Black Knights January 14 Black Knights 7 vs. Mitchell 6 Goals: Brent Tatara (4), Jon Schenk (2). Ben Parsons Assists: Cal Delange (2). Luke Hayward (2), Parsons, Adam Glavin, Tatara, Jeff Rollings, Adam Cyr Goaltender: Gary Sauder January 16 Black Knights 6 vs. Lucan 0 Goah: Tatars (2), A. Glavin. Cyr. Parsons, Matt Foran Assists: Jon Glavin (2), Foran. Schenk. Cyr. A. Glavin (2) Shutout: Sauder Bantam January 10 Stephen 2 vs. Milverton 1 Goals: 'rim Morgan. Jeff Glavin Assists: Jason Hartman (2) Goaltender: Jason Glavin January 15 Stephen 6 vs. rich 14 Gosh: Matt Glavin (2), Jeff Glavin (2), John Rutter, Darryl Parsons Assists: JeftGlavin, Rutten, Ian Becker, Morgan, Jeff Glover, Jeremy Slater Goaltender: Jason Glavin Team record: (league) 10-3-2 Next game: January 22 vs. Clinton • January 16 - Howick Twp. Tournament (Conic) Stephen wins the 'B' tide Game 1 Ayr 5 vs. Stephen 4 in overtime Gosh: Greg Hendrick. Morgan, Jeff Glavin Assists: Morgan. Ben McCann (3). Kurt Mills Game 2 • Stephen 6 vas Monkton 3 Goals: Jeff Glavin (2), Man Glavin, Mor- gan, Slater, Derek Swietzer Assists: Matt Glavin, Becker (2), Parsons. Hendrick. Glover Game 3 Stephen 3 vs. Brussels 0 Morgan (2). Rutten Assists: Rotten, Jeff Glavin (2), Swietzer Goaltender: Jason Glavin - also stopped a penalty shot in the final game againstBrus- sels. Senior Girls Janudy 11 Stephen I vs. Ripley 4 Goal: Jayne Rowe Aaslsti Tina Glavin Goateender: Amanda Glavin January Blyth 12 C`a•IstJody McGee Assists: Jan Smile, Rowe