Times Advocate, 1994-01-19, Page 9EAST ALL-STARS' POR Nominations open for awards`- BXE'lER . Once again the Exeter Times -Advocate in co-operation with Mk, - is sponsoring the Community Coach Recognition Program. This is an opportunity for local sports organizations to nominate a deeming coach whose involvement has benefited the community. All coaches i the coverage of the Times -Advocate are eligible for the award and following the deadline for application, March 1, two recipients will be an- nounced. The 'winter sports' awards will be presented at a date and place to be determined by the selection committee. Nomination forms can be picked up at the Tirnes-Advocate, the South Huron Recreation Centre and RSD Sports Den. Rec Centre may have to up rates to erase deficit By Fred Groves T -A staff EXETER - Members of the South Huron Recreation and Community Centre Board will sit down on Jan- uary 26 and try to come up with a new rate structure - in other words there is the possibility the cost to use the facility could he going up. The reason, as announced Thurs- day night, was a deficit of $10,880 from 1993. Rentals were about the same last year but it was the lack of sales at the concession booth which caused the shortfall. "The sales were way down and it put us in a bad deficit situation," said rec director Lynne Farquhar. As of Thursday, the rec center's 1994 proposed budget was $494,748.00. But as pointed out by board member Dave Urlin, South Huron's centre is one of few which thrive from high revenue. The local facility generates 66 percent revenue while others are usually only about 50 percent. Rec centre chairman Mike Sol- dan said some reasons why the con- cession booth brought in Tess this year was due to smaller crowds at hockey games and the fact that McDonald's opened in November. "We have a little more competi- tion and crowds are down," said Soldan. Katherine Ens, a member of the board and president of the Exeter and Area Figure Skating Club said the concession booth may have to expand its menu. She admitted that on certain nights, the club will get a Targe or- der together and have sopieone go to McDonald's. "You have to ask if the conces- sion booth is worth operating," questioned Exeter mayor Bruce Shaw. The rec centre was also victim of provincial budget restraints as they lost an annual $6,000 grant. Stephen Township reeve Tom Tomes suggested looking into the possibility of having the rec centre reap the 'bar profits from events such as weddings which are held in the community centre. However, it was quickly pointed out that if this did happen, then hall renters would simply take their business elsewhere. Vandalism: During Thursday night's meeting, facilities manager Cam Stewardson reported continual vandalism especially in the ladies washroom. The board felt strongly that a lot of the vandalism is being caused by young girls during the nights that figure skating is being held. It was decided that although the club has been spoken to, a written letter would be sent -as well. Primarily, damage was caused by scratching graffiti into the paint in the partitions which had to be re- painted. Shaw suggested that in the letter it should be stated "we are not a ba- bysitting service and the organiza- tion will be responsible." Soldan said in the Watford Are- na, there is a sign which says the arena is not a babysitting service. As far as the damage is con- cerned, Tomes said he heard of fi- berglass partitions which can not be scratched. "I heard it would cost $10,000 to do a washroom. It's good stuff but it's pricey," said Stewardson. New member: Thursday was also the night the board held its election of officers and welcomed its newest member Chan Living- stone. There were several applicants for the position vacated by Phyllis Johnson. "I'm pleased to see there was an interest in the community to serve on this board," said Soldan. Soldan was re-elected the chair- man and for the first time since 1991, a vice-chairman was named, this year it is Ken Oke. Junior Development League All-star game Saturday in Lucan Shayne Robinson ...Hawks all-star Greg Dalrymple ...Hawks all-star 11'I:ST ALL-STARS No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.- 9. 10. 11 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 30. NAME Dana Duskocy Greg Dalrymple Jamie Allison Mike Uytterlinde Craig Brown Todd McCann Glen MacKinnon Greg DePrest Steve Bax Jeff Tubman Karsten Carroll Shayne Robinson Paul Hendriks Paul McLlwain Jamie Dance Jason Dunlap Jason Wagner Jeremy Smith Blair Maclnnis Elliott Faust Darcy Ballantyne TEAM Seaforth Exeter Lambeth Belmont Lucan Mitchell Lambeth Lucan North Middlesex Mt. Brydges Seaforth Exeter Mt. Brydges $caforth Belmont North Middlesex Alvinston Mitchell Alvinston Mitchell Mitchell Greg DePrest ...Irish I -star A What: OHA Junior Develop- ment All-Star game When: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Where: Lucan Arena .11ore Jr. 1) - page 10 CAN - Four players from local OHA Junior Development League teams will participate in this year's all-star game to be held Satur- he Lucan Arena. epresenting the Exeter Hawks will be rookie deT'enseman Greg Dal- rymple along with the west division's leading scorer, winger Shayne Rob- inson. From the Lucan Irish, there will be blueliner Craig Brown and last year's league leading scorer, centre Greg DePrest. The Irish will once again be well represented on the bench as coach Ken Needham and trainer Pat Rid- dell make return trips to the game. • The game begins at 7:30 p.m. and there is a banquet and social hour be- fore the game. The West All -Stars are players from the AVinston Flyers, Belmont Pests, Exeter Hawks, Lambeth Lancers, Lucan Irish, defending provincia! champions Mitchell Hawks, Mt. Brydges Bulldogs, North Middlesex Stars and Seaforth Centenaires. That team will be coached by Mitchell's Jack Chaffe and Needham. Making up the East All-Star team will be, players from Ayr Centennials, Burford Bulldogs, Hagersville Hawks, Langton Thunderbirds, Pt. Stanley Lakers, Delhi Timberwolves, Tavistock Braves, Thamesford Trojans and Wellesley Applejacks. The East will be coached by Thamesford's Steve Watson and Dave Hallman of Tavistock. In last year's game, played in Thamestord, the west won 10-7 as Exeter's Sean McCann and Alvinston's Greg Garside each had three goals. McCann was named one of the MVP's. Craig Brown ...Irish all-star Ken Needham ...Irish coach No. 1. 2. 3_h 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 30. NAME Brad Joworski Mark Locker Wayne Waller Terry Martin " Darryl Smith Scott Faulkner Dave Miller Joe Haughian Dan Cassidy Brad Scherer Todd Demillc Richard Krumpf Darryl Homick Jeff Brown Bill Huitema Shawn General Matt Smellie Brett Hislop Ryan Weber John Rcehill Adam Driedzic TEAM Pt. Stanley Delhi Delhi Wellesley Tavistock Pt. Stanley Burford Pt. Stanley Langton Wellesley 1lagersvillc Ayr - Langton Ayr Thamesford Hagersville Burford Tavistock Ayr Thamesford Welleslev 1Litiit Sfl�W!I! } r , tr9alpnrcaOy designed control panel puts controls nn front 04 operate. 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