Times Advocate, 1994-01-19, Page 7Times -Advocate, January 19, 1994 Page 7 Jv(jj y Iird l This Tranquility artwork by Les Didier will be the early bird prize for the 1994 Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation dinner. Shown above are Foundation director Ted Jones and Matt Clarke, owner of Exeter Chrysler who is sponsoring the painting. Dinner tickets purchased by February 16 will be eligible for this draw.' Fun and fitness in Hensall HENSALL - This week has been full of activities, starting with fun and fitness every morning. Last Monday, residents enjoyed a fun af- ternoon playing their weekly game of bingo. On Tuesday, they had a special guest minister for the church service, Rev. Henderson from Exeter. On short notice (three hours) Rev. Henderson delivered a wonderful message on "Good Cheer". Joyce Pepper was also on hand to play the piano on short no- tice. The Men's Group met on Thurs- day afternoon for coffee and an hour of chatting about old cars and sports. Later in the evening, the Calvinettes paid a visit and enter- tained with music for the night. The week ended on an even more exciting note on Friday afternoon. Two teams battled it out during a Balloon Volleyball tournament. Hensall news Horticultural Society makes plans By Liz Sangster HENSALL - The Hensall Horticultural Society stet last Monday, at the Hensall United Church. Pres- ident Kathy Mann opened the meeting with a New Year poem. The business portion of the meeting then cOmmenced as secretary Diane Geistenkorn read the minutes of the last meeting, which were passed as read. The executive had several important subjects to discuss with the members. A motion was passed to raise the membership. This was seen as a fair adjust- ment, since other horticultural societies charge up to $5. The society also plans to have -a table at the Hen- sall Annual Yard Sale in May. The society is altto planning to participate in the Minor Hockey craft show in November. The guest speaker for the evening was Sheila Re- ahurn. Sheila demonstrated how to create decorative "roses" using dried apple slices; which are then used in crafts and bouquets. Reaburn generously donated her creations to the draws. After the demonstration Diane Gerstenkorn thanked the speaker. Dorothy Kipfer then conducted the draws. The evening ended with another poem and lunch followed. Last Wednesday, the Hensall Legion Branch 468 held their regular monthly meeting. Donations of $50 were made to Big Brothers and Sisters Bowl-a-thon and the Huron Adults Day Centre. Coming events include a crokinolc party to be held at tflegion hall Saturday, January 29 at 3 p.m. A bus trip to the museum in Goderich, is planned for this Sunday to sec the military display. Anyone interested in this trip please contact Betty Simmons at 262-2106, for reservations. The bus will leave the legion at 12:30 p.m. The last date for the display is February 7. A meat roll was held Saturday. Winners were 1st: Pete Zwaan, 2nd: Dave Smale, 3rd: Joan Beierling, consolation prize wcnt to Jan Ingram1 Anyone interested in talking with Mel Harper, Pro- vincial Service officer, may call Larry Uyl and an ap- pointment could he set up for February 16 at the le- gion. Veterans who would like a game of cards or just a social afternoon may meet at the legion February 16, at 1 p.m. Coffee will be served. Legion president Larry Uyl and ladies auxiliary president Iva Reid, would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year. The annual meeting of the Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held on February 3 at 7:30 p.m. The Hensall South Huron Agricultural Society an- nual meeting will be held tonight, at the Hensall Community centre. Supper will be at 6 p.m., the meeting begins at 8 p.m. The speaker is Jane Muegge O.M.A.F. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Michael qnd David and Meghan Elizabeth Collins, -children of David and Debbie Collins, were baptized at Hensall United Church by Rev. Henry Annen on Sunday. Hensall United Church board meeting will be held tonight, beginning at 7 p.m. for committees, with the full board meeting at 8 p.m. The community of Hensall, extends sympathy to Duncan Cooper and family in thc loss of Corrine Cooper. Legion Auxiliary The Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary held their meeting Tuesday evening, January 4, in the Legion Hall. The Legion charter was draped, in memory of the late Hilda Smale, who will be sadly missed by mem- bers. Thank you notes were read from Life members who received poinsettias at Christmas. Auxiliary members donated two hours of ice time. at the De- cember meeting, towards free skating, at the arena. A donation was made towards Huron Adult Day Care Centre at Huronview. A Penny Sale is to be held this year again in May, draw to be on June 4. Skating party The Hensall Economic Development Committee will be hosting a Community skating party Sunday. January 23 at the Hensall arena. This will be held in conjunction with the Hensall 110th celebrations, as the "kick off' event. Admission for thc event is $1.00, and free refreshments will be served. Skating begins at 12:30 and nins to 2:20 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for the oldest skater, the youngest skater and best period dress. Bring thc whole family along and -Celebrate the 110 birthday of Hensall. Nursery School Tinker Tots Co-op Nursery School invites children aged 30 months to live years to join in the fun, Tues- day, January 25 and sample the morning and after- noon programs. Further information is available from Karen Jolly (President) 262-3207, and/or Ve- ronica Thomson (Registrar) 263-5072. • Fair board The Hensall South Huron Agricultural Society will be hosting their Annual Meeting January 19, 1994. Such will take place at the Hensall Arena Auditori- um. Dinner is at 6:00 p.m.; the meeting to follow at 8:00 p.m. Jane Muegge, of the Clinton O.M.A.F. of- 'f'ice will be the guest speaker, centering her discus- sion around the 1994 Fair Theme - Youth in Agricul- ture. Skating in Zurich By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - Sunday's free skating party at the Zurich arena was a suc- cess. The event was sponsored by St. Boniface PTA . A family get together was held on Sunday to celebrate Paul Klopp's birthday. The gathering was at his and wife Heather's home. Birthday wishes also go out to Angela Clausins and Cliff McIn- tosh last Monday and- to Jerome Sweeney this past Tuesday. Get well wishes are extended to Ed Smith, Art Miller, Blanche Bechard, Bill Schadc and Lloyd O'Brien. Lce and Rose Regier arc happy to announce the arrival of their 6th grandchild, Matthew Donald who was born January 6 to Louise and Brian Trapp of Dorchester. As well Bonnie Schenk would like to announce the arrival of grandson Blain Jonathan, born on Sunday to Kathy and Bill Snell of London. NOTICE Numbers In the TA Phone Book for DInney Furniture and Dlnney Funeral Service were transposed The correct numbers are: Dlnney Furniture 235-0173 DInney Funeral Service 235-3500 Baptism held in Centralia By Mary Peterson CENTRALIA - Sunday, January 16 was a special occasion at Cen- tralia United Church. Michelle Da- nielle Underhill, daughter of Dianne Durward and Terry Under- hill, -slept peacefully as Rev,. Clare Geddes baptised her into the church. Several family members and friends joined the congregation for this occasion, and the choir's music welcomed the baby into the family of God. On January 13, the UCW held an interesting meeting where guest speaker Shirley Prance displayed costume jewellery and described the different kinds available. Doro- thy Rollings, Janet Hicks and Judy Ills took part in the program. Ulrich was served by Donna Smith and June Essery. • Friends -are invited to visit Wilf Huxtable and Fred Bowden who are currently in Exeter Hospital. Communications workshops will wrap up at Centralia Church on Tuesday, January 18 at 7:30 p.m. and on Wednesday, January 19 at 1:OO p.m. Anyone interested in participat- ing in aerobic workouts should call Lois Wilson at 228-6841 for infor- mation. On Wednesday, January 19 at 8:00 p.m., the Official Board will meet at Centralia United Church for an important planning meeting. Confirmation classes will begin Sunday, January 23 at 2:00 p.m. Contact Rev. Geddes at 228-6992 to find out where the class will be held. A reminder that Sunday, January 30 is the date for the congregational potluck lunch and annual meeting. There were 42 enthusiastic eu- chre players at Heywood's Restau- rant on January 10. Winners were - Helen MacDonald, Alma Etherington, Harry Noels and Stew- art Campbell. The special prize was won by Marian Noels. Everyone is welcome to the next euchre party January 24 at 2:30 p.m. at Heywood's. Bela &aut %'ttq 234 Sanders St. E. Call for appointment 235-2323 Call me, the price is ri_ t r Decorative/Tole Painting Classes Learn to paint on wood, paper, tin or glass * No Paints to Buy * Beginner and intermediate classes starting immediately. (Evening or afternoon classes) Joyce Steeper 294-0289 YE Hometown Proud ! McCAIN REGULAR FRENCH FRIES ASSORTED VARIETIES 1 KO SAO ALLEN'S JUICES OR DRINKS ASSORTED VARIETIES 1 99 CASE OF 9 3 X 250 ML FACELLE ROYALE FACIAL TISSUE ASSORTED VARIETIES SOX OF 100-150.1 L _ 1 MEAT CUT FROM CANADA'A' GRADES OF 910 LOIN! TONELESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAK 0R ROAST 2.99.. � 4500 PKG. 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FRESH CRISP ROMAINE LETTUCE 227 Main St., Exeter 235-0212 We deliver P11 u1 , ft, i t 1,1n11 N1m1(I Ion 17 1111111 Sat Jan. 22, 1994. We reserve the right to limit qu,1 1 t