Times Advocate, 1994-01-19, Page 3.. TWTJ-TFTVFWS Apiece 0f U.s'Imrfl(' History At what Usborne Township school was this photograph taken? Local historians are hop- ing to add this picture to an upcoming pictorial history book, but are seeking help in iden- tifying the school or the people in the picture. It is known that the fourth girl from the left in the front row is Verda Kellet, an Elimville woman. If you can help, contact either the Times -Advocate, or Fem Dougall at 235-2407. Water meters seen as way to cut need for sewer plant Millions at stake in bid to buy Exeter growth capacity EXETER - Representatives from the newly -created Ontario Clean Water Agency visited town council Monday evening, and even though they brought encouraging news, an underlying message was that the price for new growth in Exeter will be expensive. Exeter is not only looking at put- ting in a three million dollar pipe- line to add water capacity for the town's services, but also is considering a joint sewage treat- ment plant to link to sanitary systems in Hensall and Huron Park. Such a plant would replace the present la- goon sewage treat- ment system with a mechanical treatment plant. "You're in the mil- lions, or tens of mil- lions of dollars for a total change out," said Bruce Bo- land from OCWA. Consequently, Boland said one of the main concerns for the town would be to maximize its present system - to make sure water isn't going into it that doesn't need to be there - and maybe a new plant won't be needed. He said water conservation meth- ods, elimination of leaks, and find- ing storm sewers incorrectly hooked into the sanitary system can reduce the need for new sewage ca- pacity. "Th yo in may c mind -b COMMi thi I have seen a 20 to 30 percent reduction in water use just by putting water meters in," he said. Reeve Bill Mickle said he wanted to know why the sewer system Ex- eter upgraded years ago is not capa- ble of being expanded. "The prices you have indicated it may cost are just mind-blowing for a community of this size," said Mickle. "We put in a lagoon system which we felt was going to serve us for a consid- erable period of time, and there have been changes at the minis- try level that have not allowed us to use it to the maximum." Boland agreed since the system's last cer- tificate was issued 10 years ago have things changed. "Each time we go to do an expansion the rules get tight- er and tighter," he said. Boland lifted a glass of tap water and said its clarity resembles what is discharged from Lucan new treatment plant. "I wouldn't drink it, but that's the level of treatment we're obliged to provide." He said New Hamburg is using a "black box" filter on its lagoon sys- tem which is working well, al- though no one knows why. Boland said it may be adapted for other communities, perhaps Exeter. He said the "black box" solution e prices u have dicated it ost are just lowing for a unity of s size." Zurich residents still have to shovel own driveways ZURICH - Village residents who find their driveways walled in after the snow plow passes will have to take care of themselves, ruled Zu- rich council Thursday evening. Reeve Bob Fisher told council he promised several residents who complained of being walled in he would bring . up the issue •up at council. "They asked if Dennis [Regier, works superintendent] could plow out the driveways for the seniors, they thought they deserved that much," said Fisher, who noted a former village employee used to plow out driveways. "I've had calls too," agreed coun- cillor Barb Jeffrey. "They're al- ways the older people that com- plain, and we have had a lot of snow dumped on us at once." - However, councillor Marg Deichert-Holmes said she had no- ticed many advertisements around town lately to plow out drives. Council agreed their final deci- sion on the matter would be to leave driveway clearance, even af- ter the town plow has walled them in, up to the individual property owner. might cost only $3 million, as op- posed to $10 or $12 million for a new treatment plant. Paul Isles, also from OCWA, said Grand Bend, Stephen, and Bosan- quet Township do have a serious problem with the costs involved in their—joint sanitary sewer project. He said they are looking at infilling septic systems, and they are also faced with development proposals that can't go ahead without the sys- tem. He said bonuses are being exam- ined for incentives to have joint municipal systems, such as.the Ex- eter-Hensall-Huron Park plan, and the Grand Bend-Stephen- Bosanquet proposal. Such a bonus may be an additional few percent- age points of grant funding from the province, recognizing that joint systems have the potential to save millions of public dollars. PUC commissioner Roy Trieb- ner, present at the meeting, noted that present town water rates are only $12 a month for households. He said rates would have to be in- creased substantially to make me- tered water expensive enough to encourage conservation. Boland said his metered London rates work out to about $200 a year, but point- ed out meters do virtually eliminate abuse of water - such as those peo- ple who excessively water lawns. Town administrator Rick Hundey said his draft water conservation proposal should be available by the next council meeting. 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