Times Advocate, 1993-12-01, Page 7Wo{kIOp VBGellnn Grand end -By Catherine O'Brien T -A staff GRAND BEND - Bill and Mary Metcalfe recently returned from a six-week trip to China were they had the opportunity to see the sites, meet new people and most inr- portantly share some valuable in- formation. The trip was put together by iian the Canadian Executive Services Organization of which Bill is a member. In return for volunteering his time, the organization paid for travel and living expenses. This organization, referred to as CESO, was formed in 1967 and helps stimulate economic and so- ciat growth in developing nations, Aboriginal communities and, as of 1990, in the new market economies of Europe. Bill signed on with CESO in 1988 when he decided to semi - retire atter a long career with Owes expertise Champion Road Machinery in Goderich. This was the second project he has worked on. Previously he spent share the expertise I've gained over the years," he said. "It's a chance to give something back.,, And what he has given back is "We were breaking new ground, not only for the company, but that area of China." time on a project in Czechoslova- kia. "I thought it would be great knowledge in marketing and adver- tising. to He was sent to a company locat- ed in Xiang Fan, in Hubei Province which is in central China. Since the trip was for more than five weeks, Metcalfe s wife was :.able to accompany him as well. She gent her time as a volunteer teach- ing conversational English as a sec- -•ond language to students studying to be teachers. Before going to China all Met- calfe knew about the company was that it makes medicine and chemi- cals. He said it was difficult get- ting detailed information on the company because China has not been an infonnation society. Upon arrival he learned the com- pany was formed in 1988 and . the owners wanted to expand within their own market as well as into in- ternational trade. "But they had no idea how to do it," Metcalfe said. "Marketing is a brand new con- cept even though China is business oriented. "The challenge," he said, "s as.to bland Mary Metcalfe browse through some photos of -their six ekiiarking rip-in'Ghina. 9wile staying.tbere, _Bill-warked4with a business'tryingito expand into new markets. His wife worked as a teacher for students learning conversational English. Both volunteered.their ser- vices. ThistevAIPANNie, ®OootMaler 1;1999 INVESTMENTS GIC/RSP 1 Yr. - 4.625% 3 Yr. - 5.375% 5 Yr. - 6.25% Segregated Funds 1 YR, - 22.12% 2YR. -12.17% 3YR. -15.65% I : 'J Gaiser-]Kneate 235-2420,238 to Gic rata subject to change. Short - diem rales aveaiiable. Segregated jwid smset reflect actual past performance. Future returns will vary. figure out what to say to people who know nothing about the sub- ject." What made the project even more challenging was that no one else spoke english but his translator. "You live and die under the quality of the translator," he said. Metcalfe said their enthusiasm to learn about the subject pate the challenge easier. He believed his mitttatingrlefni- nars were the first ones for the } company he was working with. "We were breaking new ground, =fit only for the company, but that of China." And no ground breaking event would be complete without the me- dia. When the couple arrived at the airport, there was a crowd and news media waiting for them. "The hospitality was unbelieva- ble," Metcalfe said. And a lot of this, he said, had to do with the work a famous Canadi- an did in China many years ago. Dr. Norman Bethune, Metcalfe said, is a highly regarded figure in Chinese history. "All the children learn about Be- thune at an early age. In China, he's like a mythical character, so Cana- dian's are treated like royalty," Met- calfe said. • "That was one of the many heart warming experiences we had in China," he said. Common Sense! 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