Times Advocate, 1993-11-24, Page 6Page 6
Timet -Advocate, November 24,1993
Ooff - Leonhardt
The wedding of Cheryl Irene
Leonhardt of Toronto and
Robert Allister Goff of Toronto
. and formerly of Sarnia took
place this summer in Port
Credit, Ontario in the Church
of St. Mark. The bride's.par-
ents are Wm. and Irene Leon-
hardt of Brantford and the
groom's parents are Glenn
and Jean Goff of Exeter and
formerly Samia. Those assist-
ing at the wedding and recep-
tion were Charlene Leon
hardt, sister of the bride,
Janet McAllister, cousin of
the ._groom, Tom White,
-James Clarke:and.Lanry-Ross,
:cell -former. ;University: of West -
:rem Ontario classmates of
:both the :bride : and •groom. A
-reception -was he/d:at-the Ar-
.gonaut -Rowing.Club . in Toron-
to followed by. a -wedding-trip
to -Australia. The.couple°isve
• siding in Toronto .where:both
are employed.
DenOtter - Ulch
Lisa Diane Ulch and Jeffery
John-Denoiteiwere united in
marriage September 25,
1993 -at 'the- KIrkton tinned
:Church, Wirkton. The:ceremo-
•nywas off elated =by%'Rev.:Bill
Jones. Lisa is the fighter`
of John andSandra Inch of
Kirkton, and Violet .Ulch : of
Hanover. Jeff is -the :son sof,
John and Toni .DenOtter ruff
•Kirkton. Matron 'of honour
-was. Joan':Gere, -sister: of :the
bride.'Bridesmaids were - Tra-
ci Tryon, friend:of the bride;
Marianne altatywary, sister -of
the groom; and Trish Bader,
friend : of the :bride. The flow
-ergirl was Melanie Vanden -
::berg, cousin of the groom.
Best -man was (Roy Nalywary,
•brother-in-law of the groom.
Ushers were Doug Patterson,
friend :of the groom; 'Steve
Uich, : brother of -the :bride;
and Mike Fletcher, friend of
the groom. The ningbearer
was .Greg Vandenberg, cou-
sin of the=groom. 'The:soloist
was :Kris JReiddMahling, friend
of the bride, :and 'Maria .Urqu-
hart played the -organ. Read-
ingswere : done by Sonya
Fletcher -Hicks and Him :Rup-
... - ,atom -Matt
' Gen and .Louise -tart and
f :Ken and Marie:Broom wish to
-announce '-the :marriage ?of
• :their children, .Darlene Rose
to Donald Kenneth on Oclo-
-ber 30, :1993 with Rev. Wil-
cox : officiating :at Mandaudin
:United. Church.
Kirkton-Woddham Community
Centre with Traci • Tryon,
friend and bridesmaid hof the
bride, as master;of ceremo-
nies. A great time .followed,
and then the couple were,Off
to Playacar, Mexico for their
honeymoon. Jeff :and Lisa
now reside on their farm at
•RR1 Woodham.
A Times Advocate community featur
Prank ists
Frank Kints has been volunteering with minor hockey for
about nine years and was the first ice convener for Exeter's
This task involves organizing ice time for exhibition games
.and any games that have w, be rescheduled.
It's a time consuming job since Kints has to juggle schedu
to make sure ice time is used as efficiently as possible. "It in-
volves a lot of hours on the phone," he said.
The Woodham resident has decided to take a year offrom
this task but is still active with fundraising events.
Kints said volunteers are an important part of organized
sports in the area.
"There are so many. people who volunteer a lot of hours to
awake minor hockey a ,success,",he said.
Imrnaculate Heart
wit sail
B j1lt ta''WaIker
GRAND BEND - The council of
Immaculate Heart of Mary of
Grand Bend held a potluck supper
in their parish hall on November 9.
Members of other CWL councils
were invited, with nearly 400 mem-•
bers in attendance, from St. Boni-
face, Zurich, St. Peter's of St. Jo-
seph, Mount Carmel, Sacred Heart
of Parkhill, and St. Chnstophers of
Forest. Grand Bend president Lia
Vandenberk welcomed all the
members and a few special guests
'from the London Diocesan execu-
tive; Muriel Murphy of Goderich,
Spiritual Development Convener;
Gladys Davey of Forest, Communi-
cations and Public Relations Con-
vener; and Trucie Cornelus of Ailsa
Craig, treasurer.
After everyone enjoyed a deli-
cious meal, past -president Cathy
Vrolyk introduced they, guest speak-
er, Giselle Ireland, mother of four,
fanner, insurance agent, author of
five books, and wife of "Super -
wrench" of Teeswater. She is best
known and loved for her articles in
the "Rural Voice". Ireland shared
her wit and wisdom with an appre-
ciative audience, about the pres-
sures rural women face as they try
to juggle.Jarm, family, and outside
:jobs. She .suggested some unique
methods of coping.
After her presentation, many la-
dies purchased copies of Ireland's
books, which the author signed.
After all the guests had departed,
the Grand Bend council held their
monthly business meeting, chaired
by president Lia Vandenberk. She
thanked everyone who helped to
make the evening such a success.
It will be the Grand Beadaasun
cil's turn to host the World Dayro
Prayer .in March of 1994, with a
-program written this year by the
Palestine Christian women tin .4s-
rael. The ladies of Greenway Unit-
ed Church are hosting the Christ-
mas Ecumenical this year, on
Tuesday, December 14, at -7:3
Toni Vandenberk is in chapgc o
the Christmas41rets, and is mak-
ing up her list -'of parishioners. If
anyone has suggestions for some-
one who should receive one, the
White Gitt Sunday collection will
be held on December 5 at the week-
end masses, and repeated on De-
cember 12. Gifts for children
should he wrapped and labelled
boy or girl with the appropriate age
group. Donations of boxed or
canned non-perishable food arc
also welcome.
Everything will be collected by
the- Grand Bend Lioness Club, to
help make up the Christmas baskets
for our community.
The CWL will cater 'a special
luncheon for a priests conference
on November 30 at 10 a.m. in the
Parish Hall. It was deckled to sup-
port a project of a Parish Photo Al-
bum, with parish family photos ses-
sions to be scheduled after Easter,
in April 1994. The next meeting
will be a Christmas Party on De-
cember 8, with a mass at 7:15 p.m.
to celebrate the Feast of the immac-
ulate Conception. All members and
their husbands are invited to attend
and enjoy the fun.
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