Times Advocate, 1993-11-17, Page 6x MARrtlan Yd. k,. 1...N1) Yw•. e -•w, Haw ,_ *sew ..•._• Page 6 Times-ArivoCate, November 17,1993 Forthcoming man e - To- gether with their parents Ingrid Hurkmans and Glenn Hayter are happy ' to an- nounce their engagement. The wedding will be held on December 11, 1993 at Exet- er Pentecostal Tabernacle. A closed reception to follow is at Oakwood Inn, Grand. Bend. Gower=►ritchard "The wedding:of Carolyn Ann -Pritchard and .Daniel James Leroy-Gower'took place Octo- .ber 2, 1993 at Crediton. Unit- ed Church, .Crediton officiat- ed . by Reverend Ed Laksmanis. Carolyn is the daughter of John and Marilyn Pritchard of Crediton. Daniel is the son of Carl and Phyl- liss Gower of RR1 Centralia. Maid of honour was Judy Crown, c,f the bride. Matron of honour was .Deanne Robinson, friend of ithe bride. -Bridesmaids were Victoria Gower, sister-in-law of ,the. groom; Nina -Pritchard and Charmaine Pritchard, sis- ters of the bride. Best man was Dave Lovell, friend of the groom. Ushers were Joe Gower, brother of the groom; Howard Neeb, friend of the groom; Dennis Gower, . broth- er of the groom and -Bob Ford, friend of the groom. ?Ringbearer was Matt Pritch- -rord, cousin of the bride. Can - ;.r lelighters were Troy •Robin- .aon and Travis Robinson. A ,-rersoption was held light/se Kirkton-Woodham. Community Centre. They Are now resid- ing in Exeter. Dan and Caro- lyn would like to thank their families, friends and every- one who helped make their day 'cry special. DenOtter - filch Lisa Diane Ulch and Jeffery John DenOtter were united in marriage September 25, 1993 at the Kirkton United Church, Kirkton. The ceremo- ny was officiated by Rev. Bill Jones. Lisa is the daughter of John and Sandra Ulch of Kirkton, and Violet Ulch of Hanover. Jeff is the son of .-:John and Toni DenOtter of 4i (irkton. Matron of honour :occas Joan Bete, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Tra- - ci Tryon, friend • of the bride; Marianne Natywary, sister of the groom, and Trish Bader', friend of the bride. the flow- ergirl was Melanie Vanden- berg, cousin of the groom. Best man was Roy allatywary, brother-in-law of'rthe;groom. Ushers were.Doug Patterson, friend of the groom. Steve Ulch, brother of 'the bride, nand Mike Fletcher, friend of lithe groom. The ringbearer was :Greg Vandenberg, cou- sin of?the:'groom. The soloist -was Kris 'Reid-Mahling, friend ofithe bride,.and.Maria Urqu- hart played:the organ. Read- ings were -done by Sonya Fletcher - Hicks: and Kim Rup- pel, friends of thebride. the reception was held at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre with Traci Tryon, friend and bridesmaid 'qf the bride, .as master of ceremo- nies. A great time followed, and then the. couple -were off to Playacar,,,Mexico for their honeymoon .4off and Lisa now reside 'onr;their fan, : at RR1 Woodham. HENSALL - What an exciting %mac at Queensway! The morning was fun and fitness time for all of those energetic people. Many resi- ,kllents played bingo in the afternoon 3iind then proceeded into the activity 0400111 to watch part 11 of the ua vie 'Fried Green Tomatoes". Rev. Julie Bender, from Zurich, was the guest pastor for the Tues- day uesday afternoon worship. The service .,,tryas very inspiring; Beaver played 401c guitar and sang for.the residents ;tis well. Thanks to Joyce Pepper for playing the piano. For Novel ber 11, Queensway held a Remembrance Day Selcvke. Helen Wells Lead the ,poem "h Hight" and-ctiace.Dianey -tired "In Flanders Fields". Ilial home hied some of his memories and experi- ences cif World Wax i. jief;,, si-. dents touched on mammies Yof- World War II. ' Friday afternoon was ressorJor Men's Coffee Hour. This .ytas a really inn. time for the men millet together And ,talk. The main Imic old cars - and this tgJiy some hilarious stories - mrrstly About car. Ircnitthies. Stephen Central Pabllc School field "their student council lection recently. Shown above are: Julie Hearn, secretary reasurer; president Heath Palen and Kerlann O'Rourke, ice president. Direction of church farnily discussed LUCAN - On Sunday, •Novem- .>ber 7, Dr. Bill Davies of Parkhill 03+1was asked to speak to the congre- 4sgation of the Living Word Congre- ,gational Church in Lucan on .his thought' of direction for the church family:During the past few months, Dr.Mravies spoke at the Sunday worship service on several occasions. After the service this past Sun- clay. Dr. Davis presented a format ,Sof ideas -for the church to consider ::liow-they could be of service to the :;community of Lucan and the sur- rrounding area. He emphasized the .,:necessity of being relevant to the -steeds of society. Teaching ses- :,sions for the development of lead- ers and other in -church ministries would be an on-going procedure. As an outreach to the communi- ty at. iarge,..Dr..Davies. ,s&Aangly recommended holding lecture/ discussion workshops on a regular basis. These sessions world cover a•wide range of family and person- ality problem areas. Topics such as dealing with fail- ure and low self-esteem would be high on thelist. Pre -marital coun- selling sessions would be held, starting with youth groups. .Later on Sunday, the congrega- tion unanimously agreed to ask Dr, Davies if rte would be their pastor. .Both Bilt and his wife -Toni accept- ed this call to help for a season to establish this new direction. .Dr. Daviesbrings to this postion a backgroundsof teaching, mission work in Haiti.and, of late, public speaking on,family'life matters. He will commute to the Lucan based church from his home in Parkhill. The Living World Congregation- al Church has been meeting in Lu - .can -:Public School and soon will tat nUholaoilities.of'St. James An- glicanChutch in Clandeboye. Dr. Davies .told that one of his goals is .to help the congregation find a permanent home of its own. Remembrance topic for children By II. Davis SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's cel- ebrated the Holy Communion ser- vice at 11 a.m. November 14. Rev. Emery spoke to the children on Remembrance Day and how we should all be true to our country. With the ainging of 0 Canada, the children went to their classes. Lisa Carroll was server, Cheryl Carroll provided the music for the service. This Sunday St. Patrick's.wilifal ebrate, the Holy Communion : Ser: ,I vice at 8:30 a.m. Reign of Christj Sunday (Year A). Scripture Read-:: Ings to be Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, Responsive reading Psalm 23; The Holy Gospel Matthew 25:31-46. 1 Margaret Carroll and Hazel Da- yis attended Great Chapter at : St• Jaynes Church, Stratford on T,tpa- clay evening representing .St. 1-; ricks. Linda Durran and Lucas of Au- burn were weekend visitors .with the MacGitlivrays. Next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. I3y the Grace of God, The Right Reverend Jack Peck, Bishop of St. Clair will ordain Patricia Carolyn McLean Dobbs Luxton, Priest in the Angli- can Church of Canada at Holy Trin- ity Anglican Church, 12 Blair Road, Cambridge, Ont. and a recep- tion .will follow in the -Parish Hall. Patty would be greatly honoured by your prayers and presence. SThalome I� 235-0782 Owned and Operated by Sheri Beattie CJ00ll oda Gulf lYgliJ II®D Receive a FREE 16 oz. bottle of shampoo or conditioner •(Value $8.) with a regular perm ($45.00) Wednesdays and Saturdays only Nov ober 20-Deoert+er.4/83 4 1:::t N G LE *43311111pin St., Exeter .;tfeetivthoya t2 21.1993 Like New 240 into ,Ultratrim, convenience size I-Iuggiels Diapers Our Entire Line Sea ze Ctairesse ass't shades liaircolour tiiewelr Mousse 150 g. or Bel 125 ml-Awir; packs 'final Net All purpose dealer 600 ml. 'Windex.c,figor 'french r- . "'' " rri ;only 170 g. iaatd Air relidoses 1 REPRINT SPECIAL Print it! Again, Again 8.prin 4 11110111.118 4111190A GRANTON - Over 400 people enjoyed the annual beef supper at the Granton United Church on last Wednesday evening, November 10. Many local people attended the annual Lucan craft show at the community centre on the weekend. Lots of people also took in the excellent local craft show held in the former Granton Country Store on Sunday. The humourous "Odd Couple" play 'by the St. Marys Community Players 'which opened Thursday night, November 11 at the Town Hall is quite entertaining and worth many laughs. The spaghetti supper for Com- munity Outreach sponsored at St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday was a real spaghetti eating chal- lenge, well worth the effort. The Anglican parish Bible study was held at the home of Mary Jef- feries on Wednesday afternoon. The St. Thomas' Anglican Church Chancel Guild enjoyed breakfast at the Westover Inn, St. Marys on Tuesday morning, No- vember 9. A short meeting fol- lowed led by, Muriel Lewis. Rev. Stephen Emery said the blessing and closed with prayer. At the St. Thomas Anglican Church on Remembrance Sunday, November 14, Rev. Stephen Em- ery's message was about revenge from generation to generation and the inability to want to forgive. Muriel Lewis assisted as reader. At the Granton United Church on Sunday, Pastor Normalie Voakes' sermon was entitled "Risky Investments" based on the lessons from Judges 4 and 1st Thessalonians 5. During the chil- dren's time Marilyn Humphrey, Peter Blom, Sherri McRobert, Mary Waters and Wilfred Riddell told a modern version of the Para- ble of -the Talents. The choir sang "I Know Who Holds tomorrow." A Remembrance Day service was conducted by members of the Lucan Legion on Thursday, No- vember 11.at 1:30 p.m. Len Maslen was in charge of arrangements and the Rev. Stephen Emery led in prayer and gave a briefm e. Wreiiths were laid forthe Prov- ince of Ontario by Bill Smith and Robert Parkinson, accompanied by Sid Daley; for Branch 540 by Gor- don Clubb and Ralph Smith; for the Ladies Legion Auxiliary by Ann Craig and Aline Quinn; WAV. II by Prank Daley; and Graviton UCW by Elsie Dann. Val Middleton took the salute, accompanied by Muriel Lewis. Heb imp Red Cross ready. Camrose Black or Brown serious Defrosters are guaranteed waterproof and salt/stain resistant And they make a statement At Kaufman, we are as serious about style as we are about our guarantee Seriously (P) A t. * FASTER COOKING! * TASTER DEFROSTING! * FASTER REHEATING! NN -2501 NN -2501 •.c0W 6Pwer L«rs • k U Cu FI Wen Crawl • ..611, t"",,,,,.1133.Me., • 146.661,3 cook Meson oma.. cure -1611066164 • 44966166616.poP w•w,•o•a can • AMlogolpMY soak 1 a l oaoers • Raw. erm«r ♦Aire Sao • 7A, • 3 *o. voYw"nwy • Block a Wire Ni#%48S53 • oou W • Power l.r.a° • 1.1 Cu. FI CN.., Co • FMnu..srna Retro.* • prow. Sarna Coo. • WOO. 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