Times Advocate, 1993-11-03, Page 16Page ;6
Times -Advocate, November 3,1993
Lucan delegates "sport on municipal convention
LUCAN - Reeve Tom McLaugh-
lin and councillor Rob Brady at-
tended a convention of the former
association of counties and regions
of ontario recently and made their
reports to council on October 26.
McLaughlinaaid two speakers on
long term care and social services
reform spoke of need for reform of
social programs and the need to in-
tegrate them ie., one cheque for
They also mentioned the need to
Ivan Hearn nominated
for warden's list
LUCAN - Village council will be
presenting the name of the late Ivan
Hearn as a candidate for the War-
den's List in Middlesex county.
Hearn who passed away a few
weeks ago was reeve of Lucan for a
total of 21 years and represented
the village on the county of Mid-
dlesex council for that length of
After receiving a report recently
on the Middlesex Wali of Fame
from administrator Nigel Rellcham-
ber, council decided to discontinue
the program. but will place the
scrolls and photographs of Bill
Stewart and Keith Riddell to state
that they were indeed agricultural
builders of the highest order.
In the future, the outgoing war-
den will each December select up
to five candidates from names sub-
mitted by local municipalities.
The successful candidates each
year will be added to a permanent
plaque that would hang in the area
adjacent to the aforementioned
scrolls and photographs.
At the same meeting, council re-
ceived a request from the Ontario
Municipal Recreation Association
for nominees for their Volunteer
Service Awards p
A letter from OMRA asked that,
"Your recreation committee and
your reeeve take the time to nomi-
nate one or two volunteers from
your community for a 1993 award.
In suggesting that the arena board
make the nominations, reeve Tom
McLaughlin pointed out that these
awards are in no way connected to
the Citizens of the Year awards be-
ing planned by council for the first
time this year.
The annual meeting of the Huron Historical Society was held Friday night at the Brucefield
United Church. Shown from the left are a past president Joe Hogan of Exeter, president Paul
Carroll, guest speaker Kathryn Hamilton and vice-president Ron Latham. Hamllton spoke about
the Gentlewomen of England and their experiences in Canada in the early 1830's.
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control costs and said new legisla-
tion may be introduced by 1995
that will eliminate the need for the
county tofiave a home for the aged.
Three provincial ministers spoke
at the convention in generally very
vague terms and were a disappoint-
ment to the delegates.
According to McLaughlin the
only speaker that had any relevance
to Lucan was Gary Davidson of
Huron who talked about new initia-
tives in municipal economic devel-
opment. Davidson indicated the
county must play a lead role in eco-
nomic development and spoke
about how Huron county with 26
municipalities has grouped into
four development areas and this ap-
pears to be working.
Brady told about a trio of spokes-
men on the Sewell report. Most of
the commentary was very negative,
perhaps even too negative. Howev-
er, many good points were raised.
All seemed concerned that that im-
plementation of the Sewell report
as presented would actually worsen
the situation regarding planning in
Ontario and make turnaround times
even longer.
On recycling, different views
were offered on who should pay for
recycling, ie., manufacturing, pro-
vincial government or municipali-
ties. Two speakers strongly con-
demned user fees and tags for
garbage, but one inunicipality
spoke strongly in favour.
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