Times Advocate, 1993-10-27, Page 25LIUCAN-BiDDULPH
For Sale By Tender
1978 G.M.G. Value Van with
'400 cubic inch small block
lengine. Former rescue van.
lCan be viewed by contacting
the undersigned. Offered "as
is, where is". Tender closes
Nor/amber 8, 1993 at noon.
Aon Reymer A.M.C.T.
Secretary -Treasurer
Lucan-Biddulph Fire Area
P.O. Box 449
Lucan, Ont. NOM 2J0
Times -Advocate, October 27,1993
Biddulpii selioof celebrates 30 veaF\
Bid ulph Township Central School celebrated fts 30th anniversary last week gathered outside the school for a huge group portrait, which also Included sev-
with a special assembty program last Monday afternoon. The students also era! of the school's original teachers, invited back for the occasion.
For Sale
14 8RNGUS COURT - S174,900.00 GST included
New home in Exeter, featuring spacious living room, 3 large bed-
rooms, 2-1/2 baths, ensuite with jacuzzi, spacious eat -in kitchen,
main floor laundry, central vac, high efficiency gas fumace. Deck,
brick drive.and.aodded lawn. Contact...
:Bregus Construction 235-1647
in Exeter Valued at well over $200,000.00
Priced at $173,900. For limited time only
Don't miss this opportunity to own a new home
- 2205 sq. ft.
- 4 bedrooms
- open oak staircase
- main floor laundry
- 2 1/2 baths
- oak kitchen cabinets
- ceramic foyer and
- brick drive and landscaped
For showing call 235-3293
Stoneyridge Developments Inc.
Please note that the following has a specific date and time for
site visit to view the work. It is MANDATORY that contractors at-
tend the site visit. Contractors to meet at ODC Administration
Office, Huron Park
Site visit - Friday, October 29, 1993 at 2:30 p.m.
Alterations to Building No. 5 West, Huron industrial Park.
individupliyapad Tandem tor the above oontract will be re-
cobradmilll ititaatIANaNday,Wovember 8,1993.
Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Develop-
ment Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario
NOM 1Y0.
For further information regarding these tenders please contact
Office at the above address or telephone 519
the Huron Park Ot ice p l )
-The Ontario Qpvemment intends .that *mailable employment
practices be supported in the private seatOr and encourages you
to take an active role in achieving the goals of employment equi-
Corporation of
Clerk -Administrator
The County of Huron needs to acquire
three four door sedans.
Sealed Tenders will be received by
the undersigned until 4:00 p.m.,
November 15, 1993. for three vehicles
for the -Huron County Health Unit.
Particulars and specifications will be
provided on request.
AswestAir any Modena*esiesfsarlly
: • J. A:Murree,
Secretary -Treasurer,
- .Huron County Board of Health
Court House Square.
;(;oderich, Ontario N7A 1M2
-:a_- Mkt:524.83W -SrreeCade'(9t9)
Annual Local Calf Sale
Thurs., Nov. 4th
at l p.m.
800 calve* on offer
To consign or for information call office - 666-1140
Brett Coulter Bruce Coulter
294-6164 294-0585
To be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Ross
McNichol of Hensel) plus additions
tursel Oic m.
Whirlpool fridge nearly new, onol�_Whirlpool
30 30- abatis stove with Wade glass
oven door nearly new, Inglis clothes washer nearly new, upright freezer,
microwave, floor model colour TV, 14' colour TV, antique flat to wall
cupboard with mustache pulls, treadle .sawing machine, antique drop
front desk with 4 drawers in bottom, upright piano, chesterfield with pull-
out bed, recliner chair nearly new, apt. dining table extends from 20' to
6 ft. like new, 4 matching dining chairs, 2 pressbac k chairs, cedar chest,
electric sewing machine in stand, rocking chair, 3 drawer sewing stand,
china cabinet, coffee and end tables, bar and 2 bar stools, porch swing,
baby buggy with large wheels, 2 bedroom suites with box springs and
mattresses, chest freezer, sausage press, 10 gal. crock, lantern, skill
saw, hyd. jack, 4- vise, socket set, 14 piece combination wrench set,
hand and garden tools, MTD 11 HP °ding mower, MTD 11 HP 33"
snowblower. 2 push gas lawnmowers, gas wall furnace, step ladder, 12
place settings of silverware, bedding. dishes, glassware, pots and pans,
plus many other items too numerous to mention.
Terms Cash or cheque with proper ID
AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-78a8 Clinton
Household, Antiques
and Misc.
Emir u tiro° c tro, Exon
Dispersing household effects, antiques, collectibles, and misc. use-
ful items from the homes of Mrs. Harvey Eagleson of Grand Bend
along with additions for Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Willem.
HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUES: 8 pc. dining suite incl. ext. table, 6
chairs, and sideboard, 3 pc. bedroom suite with boxspring and mat-
tress, Barye ojan I, gate lag dining table. 6 pc pine and
upholstered chesterfield suite with matching tables, china cabinet,
chrome table and 6 chairs, frost free fridge, May Tagauto washer,
elec. dryer, wooden desk. 12 cu. ft. chestreezer, T 80 computer
with business programs, exercise bike, elec. ty writer, good dee
couch and chair, Kenmore auto washer and dryer, single twc
sofa bed, vacuum, 2 pressback chairs, stereo, 2 drawer file co/�
net, lawn and patio furniture, sewing machine and stand, ooftee and
end tables, upholstered chairs and love seats, bedding, chest of sil-
ver, blankets, quilts, kitchenware, knick knacks, china and glass,
lamps, National Geographics, blanket box, 2.3 HP Johnson out-
board motor (like new), Evinrude olio motor, hand and garden tools,
step Ladder, decoys, snowshoes. wheelbarrow elec. chain saw, -B &
S lawn mower (1yr. old), P)
uou�t in 1993, roto titter, c air, est r apse ar, corn to
aod hot tub and assembly.
Auctioneer: Bob Heywood 235.0874 , Burt Lobb 482-9377
Page 25
Lodge holds
EXbTER - The Ptide of Huron
Rebekah Lodge held its regular
meeting October .20. Gloria
McFalLs and Barbara Tiedeman
will attend an organizational meet-
ing for the United Nations Pilgrim-
age for Youth 1994 in Clinton No-
vember 5. The lodge will be taking
a bus to London to visit the Victor-
ia Rebekah Lodge on November 4,
so there will be lots of room for all
who wish to go.
All Rebekah Lodge will join in
that evening. The Rebekahs will
be watching the Rose Bowl Parade
January 1, for the Odd Fellow-
Rebekahs float which will have the
theme "Adventures through the
eyes of a Child."
Jean Hodgen D.D.P. and her
staff have finished installing the
officers in Brussels, Clinton,
Goderich and Exeter. They also
visited lodges in other districts to
see their installations.
Zurich Diners meet
By Gertie Fleischauer
A tasty pork dinner was served to
the Senior Diners Wednesday, Oc-
tober 20 at the Community Centre.
Tammy Antaya welcomed all
diners and reminded everyone of
upcoming events, Stewart Thiel
was the 50/50 winner.
A poem (Autumn in the Forest)
was given by Kay Hay.
Guest speaker was Pam Gordon
Case Manager for Huron County
home Care. Games of euchre and
solo was enjoyed.
UCW enjoy program
Gertrude Rosser reported that she
had sent many sympathy and get
well cards. Lena Stokes made an
appeal for more quitters to help
with quilting. Margaret Wilson re-
minded everyone to save their can-
celled stamps to give to the Canadi-
an Bible Society.
During the social time Donna
Cox served some lunch and a cup
of tea. The UCW will meet again
in the Sunday School root° on No-
vember 9 at 7:30 p.m.
Craig United Church Women en-
joyed a program on Thanksgiving
when they met for their October
meeting. Mary Scafe gave a medi-
Aation on. Thanksgiving and then
tad group discussions on change,
4he gift of time, and thankfulness.
The Thanksgiving theme continued
with a video, The Giving Tree.
l:Margaret Tweddle, the president,
presided for the business meeting.
k(I cart isc' 1-i c're \1 atch
l'tlllr' 1Btt jit. `"" •i '
Certified Auctioneers Inc.
On Location
Public Auction
Gloors Bakery
Ontario Road, Mitchell
5:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 27/93
Pendrith commercial gas double deck bake oven, 60 quart Ho-
bart dough mixer with attachments, 20' glass display, Acme 88
rol sheeter, Belshaw doughnut fryer, Hubbard bread slicer,
dough divider, shrink wrap, 6' S/S work bench, mobile tray
carts and trays, bakers B/B table, beam scales, dial weigh
scale, proofers, 3 deep freezers, Sharp ER1506 cash register,
cupboards, elec. cook top, triple S/S and double sinks. grease
trap, 100s of bake trays, hotdog, cake, muffin, hamburg, bread
tins, etc., rolling pins, utensils, shelving, racks, fire exting's,
ladder, florescent lighting, fans, doors, exhaust system, book-
case, 36" range, G.E. and Kelvinator comm. fridges, paper
wrappers, ice machine, S/S shelf unit, etc.
Inspection 1:00 day of sale
Col. Dennis N. Storey CA.I.
Auctioneer :Appraiser
510455.5444 or Fax 455.2783
Antiques & Collectibles
aat Sou urort c antro, xoter
We will be dispersing an excellent offering of antiques, collectibles,
china, glass, furnishings, appliances from London and Grand Bend
This offering has several early pcs. well worthy of your attention.
PARTIAL LISTING: 2 pc. blind step -back cupboard with 2 drawers
and molded recessed panels on doors and ends (very good), tiger
maple drop leaf table, pine bonnet chest with resided quarter col-
umns, Jenny Lind cherry side table with drawer, walnut one drawer
wash stand, pine washstand, blanket box, dovetailed orig. paint.
town hall bench in orig. paint, school masters desk, pine stretcher
table in orig. green paint, oak desk, primitives, set of 6 wicker
chairs, (new), early clodkshoff, Windsor captains chair, exc. Boston
rocker with orig. stencil, several wicker pioneer baskets, (Some min-
iature), 8 gal. Glass Bros. churn, crocks and pottery, (St. Jeans),
redware etc., graniteware, brasswares, min. dolls, cradle and loath-
er trunk, silverware, Gem phonograph and 24 cylinder records,
complete hanging oil lamps, beadwork, nostalgic Christmas deoor
and valentine, Sherlock Manning apt. s' : piano and bench. O'Gee
weight clock, Sessions regulator clock, 1:56 ornate metal clock with
eagle, round oak pedestal table with 6 - airs and sideboard, orig.
Lionel train in boxes with transformer,
: a selection of glass, china. 'los • • g ss.: t pans
ts, Lim • • e. crystal, early histories of Mennonite and Amish
amities ..• • • warp antique tools, a ppl
full lino of appliances, nice
.and chair, coffee and and tables, and hundreds of use -
Bob Heywood 235.4874 , Burt t.obb 402-9977