Exeter Times, 1874-7-23, Page 2•
ant of oar
intereelizT stoi'y
Ming Iting," appear
eente teacia, ,
Vo7 Ttnirsday Morning
AT Trtt.„
Ppreeeers;,,,Moeeoes. patele
ace' e
eLal por anulun, P,.-Isble strictly in 9Alyoll90.
Iht ;,4e less tiu bmontna.
R48 .11)17,REt2'1sl,NO
,Fltst loscrtOn per It ne,..... ... ,„ ... „ ....... Se
rikun sumaisquoio insortiou uo'r
Aulyer,tisements of stray ea cattle, artieleeelost or
tint,1,:c„ not excesdint; tea Iine0---flest month
l.00; e4oh subsequent mouth, 50 cents.
N tice4 ot births, warresees end Scathe insertsd
t se,
Athertisements without specific direatioas
meertea end eliereed acoordillOIY,
Advertisements to be monouied by a soato of
a.akt eonpaliet
The te1t:11,411g *'tklet3 WV)/ be elltaged fer yetkriy
JI, vrt1g6tnetivi e-
ms ynatt. e aro*. 3 MOS
Sol It Oka tiVit . ,see ees
attli '" 35 25 15
c.)::witer.... 12 ....„ ...... 8
I aglith " a 5
liasinao Gordo, six name and under, se ; six to ton
2,1 mho, ie.
EXET R, JULY 28IeD, 1874.
'Jutri4..ofwos of the...coutroverted
lootivnsWitt„talte.„ ''.$epteinher„
Tim reialt Q; t.ie vOt0...of the riennina,
tioo oi tint tettolter4' opttevit„tatire
in favor of $angstor,. The v'e$O.,.hein
and Stuitli. '
#*3t ttloa for .hast ljs.kee
phic4 to.,day, and, h, Week. front' .to -day
the edeottort. Tito ecintest.wili he close,
d the resultis aneertaiib
,Vailageriicat or agricultural
Societies. ,
hopetetee see a spirit of reform in -
feted lite the management of our Agri,-
ealtural secieties. Some of thorn, to
be sure, need it much less than others,
butthery :Lee few, probably, that can-
not be hupro. ed. Ws think the .prac-
lice of awarding ho many insigniAcent
money prennume i objectienable and
contparatively useless. A. far better
Plan is We awarding'of bootee which
give the fanner further knowledge of
his avocation ; or. something that shall
endure and be a permanent memorial
of the trial tithe triumph of skill
upon the foe m or in the orchard. Some
societies have edopted the elan of giv
lug the pi eraium in its value:en silver
plate, a plan worthy of being adopted
by all eocieties. However larg- *be
smell these pmeeitims may be, by the
etude every family will have a memen-
to, which, by les elaily use, ited by its
having the mune of the donor thereon,
il coutionelly reminding of the giver
and the ()Neat tar which it was given.
ill niost eta*, When a premium is
awarded, the .nifiaey soon passes out of
eight anti oat a mind, with no pernta-
neet benefit to the reoipient. Again,
in many hats:tees, it premium is award-
te to an individual who cares nothing
its aalow only as ie tells he received
ii kitcli. prethium. And in such cases
witl not•a elipionia, better accomplish
the object desired? A good hint is
throwa out by an exchange on the
onepoiet in the ma
eteleutentot tines whiclehas not recen--
"ed the attention which its importance
"demands. Imitead of the principal at-
" teution of those attending the fairs
" being given to that pertion of the
"show pumas devoted to stock, as
" cattle, sheep, ate:, and to the exhibi-
n idea of agricultural implements, there
"is a tendency to allew the exhibition
" of the horse, in what is celled a
" ' horse trot,' . to alaorit the whole in-
" tereet, not only of the people, but of
"the managers and officers of the scici-
ni eV. ' The practice of paying the lat.-
'gest premiums for purposes not calm-
3reetel to prontote their .inter at, has a
yraciiiee of paying the highest premium
not to ;few animal which is' calculated to
be oretiegreatett benefit to the farmer,
but to those that are kept exclusively
for show purpose", will not promote
their beet In te r est.
TAX DOIimWU Beard. of "hadeo hoe
candeinnea the Iteeiproeity treater.
it reeeisei revoe newliere at with the
of:ow auu, few of its toadying follow -
fly a now Aot, whieh mime iuto
feet on the lit of gaat n peimIty of
$50 Will be imposed on any petsons
giving or receiving a note that is not
stamped, and the stemP ProPerlY
Tau new election law passed at the
late session of tlie Thannion Parlia-
ment came into force on the let of
41is nonth ; oonsequently all eleotions
will/ ow he by ballot. The vacant
settee at present are Provencher, Napier -
yule and East Elgin, and Hon. Mr.
Geoffriou, by accepting office, has to
stand for re-eleetion at Yeeteeeres•
The writs for Napierville and Vercheres
have been issued.
There ar.e. times when the word
e' politic?' means el/113410es., and there
ate times when. ally -ow of di weuld
burl the ward bacli in th1f hini
who'would dare CO Utter it at eucji
eimeu&ni plete4,.. Certainly, the Grange
betly has aright tocoMplain' of the -
Unjust initialer in which it was treated;
hy the 'pre.anit Government when lit
wished 3 separate bill of incorporation '
poised by 0,1,10 Hens°. But does this
justify etie stateinente made by the Kin:
serdele Review (Conservative) and the
Lneknow .Sentinel (Chit)? The former
one's that, at the celeheatilin iii Luck -
new cia the 18th bate ktev.. Mr. Walker
preaeed himself into pieties en the plat-
fortu 4gainet the wish of the letaettlitteel
4nd i ,trodue,ed politics. The -„61.4,9kanet
,imays that Mr. Oliffe, editor of tite' he -
eke, and Da -Winter 11.14te themselves
flotorio US byheer preeumptien in. wish -
ing t addrese the' audience withont an
invitetioh, and then ink): iuig polities
he Absorbing theme. 'Satan reproving
sin—Rev, Mr. Walker rising to ,xplain
the position wed introducing the politi-
aral element himself. It is high time
gatherings like these' were dOnticaitOd
On somewhat :different priuciples,Li
this village 'a. fair hearing was given
eVery sneaker, and everyone was setis-
hod, Why the difference ?
lirvtitoo Paloer".r.
A circular has l.eon received by some
of the tc.itilmerii from the Council of
.izibh Instratition., which notifies. thorn
. ?hal, their Voting papers mast to ser.4,
on ilth to:the Frith ,kagnst both
,mayb iuIustvs TJ.cue sent ontside of
,iat thnitte in he 'Vold. They unity be
,oht• ottia'ttal Oil paying the postitge of
PeEems may seen/ themselves the
time, paper and postage in writing to
the Judge complaining of errors in the
voters' lists, as lie can titlie no pane)
of complaleas laid in that manlier.
They should give their notiees to the
clerk of the municipality who will then
notify the Judge, „and the latter will ap-
point a time and place for 'hearing.
A RED bug, about half the size of a
an ordinary potato -bug, is 'following
ni the footsteps of that illustrious pest
with a determination to dethoy him.
It feeds upon the eggs, raises trouble
with his family prospects generally, and
when a chance occurs, attacks the
striped descendant of Colorado, leaving
him hors du combat. •In the. west, es-
pecially, the red bug is becoming a
great candidate fote public favor, while
the netginin monopolist, the potato -bug
is being taught to "get up and git."
NEWS reaches us from efenitoba of an
assault of a peculiarly ferocious charac-
ter perpetrated in St. Paul., Minim., on.
the person 'of ex -attorney -General
Clarke. As it appears that the brutal
injuries were inflicted aron the unfor-
tunate gentlemen, in revenge for his of
fiehtl acts in his own Province, it iS
iossible thet the outrage may be made
an international grievance. , Mr. Cleeke
has long been in very deticete health,
Si) the effe.ots of such it shock te his
system may be very serious indeed.
Surely the brutality to which a Cena-
dian official has been subjected through
wrival fly making nee Of the Northern
Pacific Railway furnishes one of the
strongest arguments in favor of a pure-
ly British route.—Mai?.
let hila go when the )ictint had beee
pulled ..on Shere bygenie, ede,
The Oteliets besiel;teg Oteeeca letee
oceupied hotieee in the eaberbs of the
liehtforeemeete for the besieged
ubbeans hare in:lived feme Machin,
the Qity i 1)0110 ll101140*0.11,),
-A YPSILANTI, Mich.; paper tells a
good story o f two prominent citizens of
that town who recently 'swore off' from
drinking, and made a solemn. pledge
that neither was to drink any intoxica-
ting beverage without the consent of
the other. A few days afterwards one
-There he Was beget by the wiles and
blandishments of the tempter, but he
itood up bravely and went through the
ten ibis ordeal of seeing a lot of person-
al friends get very hilarious while he
was equally abstemious. Finally his
friends determined to telegraph to the
oath bound gentleman in Ypsilanti, and.
see if he would not grant a temporary
indulgence. They did so in the follow-
ing terms. 'Jerry is gettine awful dry.
Can't you let him off this once ?" The
noble Spartan's reply soon flashed back
over the wires, and it was thus: ,No
If he must die, let him die sober.'
Jn•ry sent lives, but says Chicago is
very hard place -On a convert to temper-
ance principles.
0.1SrourGs VP.
Friday, July 17.
Loss ab nit $8,000.
Counterfeit bills end coins are large-
ly in 'circulation in •Londen. •
One hundred families of Icelanders
are oe thou. way to Nova Scotia.
Ayoeng man named Ryan was drown-
ed in the Welland Canal yesterday.
Lamothe's appointment as post-
master of Montreal has bee mm confirm-
Lowell, Mass., was visited by a terri-
ble thunder storm on Wednesday.
The Boston and Athletic Base Ball
Clubs sailed from Liverpool yesterday.
At the Liverpool July meeting, the
Liverpool cup was won by Blantyre.
A child was run over byelialifax attest
cars and crushed to death on Wednes-
The annual meeting of the Kingston
Rifle Asicaliation will be held on the
25th prote.
he Cadists have abandoned the:siege
of Puyeerde, after auffealing the repulse
of.a second assault.
Marshal Serrone has deferred his
trip to La ,Grange until the Clerlists
have been driven hem Cuete-:
A woman named Costiganeettempted
to conneitt suicide by jumping in ,the
Ridean Itiverwesterday.
Prof McCandless has resigned his
position as Principal of the Model Farm
and Agricultural college.
The M;amnfitaturers' Associatiotiof the
County 'fie Lincoln, have condemned
tne pruose‘,1 Reciprocity Trorty.
The "Oil refinery of Messrs: A. M.
Ross & Co., Lnimden, was totally de-
stroyed by fire yesterday morning.
The bodies of two men and a child
were taken from the ruins of 461 South
Clarke street; Chicago, Wednesday
day evening, _
Col. Camberland was at 1+fosvmal het
yesterday making arrangenients for the
excersion of his Exec:Honey the Gbv-
The Halifax pianoforte factory Was
cot on fire on Wednesday night, and
damaged to the extent. of $6,000. The
moodiary was arrested. "
Mr. Albert Grand, Member of the
English House of Conan -mons for Ridd-
erminister, has been anseated for cot,
rupt practices in Ids eleetion canvass.
A five fool shaelc eeieed a bathat
Cdney ifilarld,mm Wed -baby, and eerily
the English limo of Commons
last night Mr. Gladstone withdrew his
resolution agonist the Publie Worship
egulations eiti eonsieeretien of
the unanimity of the vote h its favor
on the eeetuad emultug.
The New York, Gestone IIMese Au-
thorities seized fourteen thouearel
lams' worth of diamonds belonging to
8olomon CitWhagen, a passenger on
board Westphalia, who is charged
with attemptieg to smuggle them in his
Don Juan Bellode De Luee, editor
of the Cuban organ La Independence,
was held to bail at New York on Wed-
etesday in $1,000 for sending a chal-
lenge to Don jr se. Ferranao Canto, ed-
itor ofthe Spanish paper El Orowiste.
The challenge was excepted, and a
meeting was to take place in Cattada.
A cable a despatch announces the
safe arrival at Cork of the schooner C.
B, Benson, which sailed from the port
of Toledo in May last, and from Mon-
treal June 4th, with a cargo of 24,000
bushels of corn, This vessel, together
with the Pittance, wasreeently reported
lost of the coast of Newfoundland.
Mr. S. 5, Armitage would inform the travel-
ling pablie that his stages Word every mem-
modation. They lave ralean at 3 p.m., ar-
riving in London in time for trains east and
west; leave Louden, at 8 a. in., arriving in La -
attain time to catch stages and trains,
80-tf. 8, 8. AdlarialaaGE,
W. J. Gilpin, St Mary's is selling Cut
nails at $4,50 pm. 100 lbs, Cooking
Stoves from $14.00 upwards.
Pure Elephant Oil (1.0 cents per gal.)
Castor Oil, Pole Soul and Stock's Oil
at Harstone &Son's Cheap Hardware
Store,St. Mary's.
Window glass at W. J, Gitpiu4s St.
Mary's; $3.00 per box.
Patent Fly Traps, Patent bag ties,
picture Trame moulding, at Barstone
& Son's, St.Miey's.-
Tie ware very cheap ,and eave-trought
leg from 8 to 12i cents per foot at W.
J,. Gilpiu's, St. Mary's. • -
Solid Case Steel Grass Seythes,Hoes,
Forks, Hand -made Rakes, Sitaithes,
radleta an d dlthcr Barvest Tools,
at Harstone & Son's, St. Mary's. u.
'Best Zinc at $8.00 Fee 100 lbs; and
galvanized hen at $1.0.50 per 100 lbs,
and the ” Curtis" plow et W. J. Gil -
pines, St. Mary's.
Best English Double Builed
Raw Oil, James 1st e bite lead, and a
complete assortment of Painters mater-
ials at Harstone et Son's, St Mary's,
e• B.
Largest stock of Nails, Hinges:Locks
Glass, etc., at Hai -stone & Sons, St.
ntzw 130.mr4.--As Most of the villa.
gore are aware, Mrt J. bogg has relir•
ed front the bread -baking business; and
we have this week to ammonite() through
our advertising columns that Mr. Melt-
ard Sanders intends, in the COWS() of a'
couple of weeks' thue, to have an oven
in complete working order'when, we
hope, lie will meet with a .11earty sup
Bommownio,--If See paper is borrow-
ed, drop it ! If you read a local paper
once, yeti, will yearn tbr it oonstantly.
If you, object on principle to subscribe
shouldn'tptller, borrowbecw4isee Iitgess' :':...itekl)Y9
rvoen'''g t
buy, is is worse to hog.'Pa47.." for„yopy
paper. The neWspaper borrover Ikeda
meanest specimen of humanity. Cease
to annoy your neighbor, Subeeribo
for Tim TIMES.
INSTITUTE LIBRABY.—fSeveral teach-
ers have been asking us if we wore
aware of guy action havieg been taken
onttlie tart of either the Stephen or
Hay eouneils, in regal ti to granting a
sum of money towards a library for
the Exeter Institute. All we can, say
is that we were aware a petition was
sent to each municipality in this sec-
tion. Exeter and Usborne answered it
by each granting a sum, but we have
heard nothing from Stephen or Hay in
the matter.
BERRYING.—Berrying parties are now
in vogue.; Loads leave every morning
-.Site-min.—Ripe cherries, 'new "Pota-
toes, green aeples and doctoi's bills are
on the programme for the next few days
Anceiox SE.—Remember Mr. A..
Sander's clearing -out sale of household
furniture at his residence, on Saturday
Bin POTATO. WAS t exactly a big
potato we heard of the other day, but
a big potato -top. Mr. A. mcconnel),
of Exeter, owns it, and he says it is
over four feet high.
Spones.—On Monday last a trotting
match took place between two fast nags
for $7 a side. Diseatisfactiou. A
$150 a side match has been arranged
to take place betweee " Black Reboil "
and 'on
bay horse, in three weeks
time, on the London track. '
went Teen. ---,We were shown on
Tuesday last, a new phocograpme tuue,
Dallmyer make,(which ii, we under-
stand, the best in the world), by Mr.
Chas. Senior. This gentleman hasput
in his gallery during the past few weeks
over three hundred dollars worth of
stock. His trade is increasing rapidly.
PERSONAL.—We have been favored
with a visit from Mr.11eary Armstrong,
teacher, Pickering, Ont., who reports
favorably of evorying, himself in partic-
ular. He has quite a number of pup-
ils before the Board of Examiners,
Mr. j. Toms, teacher, who is home du-
ring vacation, also paid us a visit.
Tnomrsox & WILLIAMS. --This manu-
facturing firm is now turning out
reapers and mowers, single and com-
bined, which eannot be surpassed. It
is said that everyone likes them. To
judge from the number sold, we think
that such must be the case.
CARSWELL.—By reference t "dod-
gers thrown bronelceet it will be seen
that Carswell will lecture on temper-
ance in the W. M. Church, in this
place; on Friday eyening mit It may
be e long time before' the pleasure wifi
again be afforded of hearing this man,
so secure a ticket (25 oetits). To com-
mence at 8 P. M. sharp.
likes to seen well dressed head of hair
but no lady or gentleman can chess
their hair With perfect satisfaction
without the miSc of Be:AIM:E. Its perfume
is exquisite ; it gives to the hair e glos-
sy rich appearamce.
Sold by all Datvgists.
Tmerinrd ExAltutw.rox.—The exam-
ination of public school teriehere foi the
County of Huron is now taking phice
in Godorich. There are more mull.
dates seeking certificates at this than
mit any previous ex.imination for it mini.
tier of years. The applications are,
let &lass, 3; 2nd elas, 25; lirrt elaSS,
77. The members of the Memel have a
lengthy and tedious task be.ore them.
Goon Xtmws Fon Suirons,—Those
who have oecasion to sac in the Colin-
ty or Division Court will be pleased to
know that co the 1st t)1 July the use of
law stamps ceased ia those Courts ; atm
Act of the Legislature ol Ontario, pas-
sed at its last sitting, providing that
from the time mentioned no feeS or
charges shall be payable for the bene-
fit. of the Crown or Division Court, and
repealing so mach of ithy ict, or Acts
intpolfeel any such fee.
hibition has peeved a geeat success
during, the last few years, ;to ,thuch
that it may no* be classed a A. of
great Institutions of the Province, he
people of that region lire pOikessed' of
mare than ordinary enterprise in .ineny
respects, and to this is due -the su'c'cess
of their annual exhibitions. This peat
they offer adzes to the amount' of e1,-
000, distributed over the various class-
es. The show will come off on the
two last days of September and, the two
first days of October.
West Digby, Co., April 4, 1870. eJAMES
I. FEmetws, Esq.,—Dear sira tt have
for many years been -a victim "GO hear
disease amid prostration of the ,eySten
generally. Having hied physiceittne o
eminence, both of Europa and Anielic'a
and obtained 110 relief, T. Was at lesten
(limed to try your invaluable syrint, ant
am happy to say with the best relents'
On using the first -bottle iner jeep
plaint was better, and before thottiertl
was finished I was completely cured..
far Oa - ,E,1%O:t
0 VP' sa saen enl' lb) tgi
CROPS.—We are sorry to iutvt t
state that the spring wheat will not
average anything like what the farmers
supposed it would. The straw is long
and the ear is large, and very- full
But for the midge, which is doinggrea
damage to the crop, the yield would. be
immense. Most encouraging reports
are received from all quarters in. res-
pect to oats, peas, fall wheat etc.,
The fall wheat will average, it is thought
about 22 bushels to the acre. In the
vicinity :of :the lake this cereal 'will'., be
a greater yield than many previou
years. On the whole, there- Irene
cause for grumbling. .
Two Motiens.--Henry Eckardt the
RIF foxiers railil..'SfrtgtafrY
11th inst., charged with shilatiieg
Thomas Stinson. When brought
fore Judge Toms the prisoner. elated
to be tried summarily. The 'evi6nce
fully sustained the charge and prisonci
being remanded till Monday 13th, was
brought up for judgement and set
mice. The judge considering the Yofft
of prisoner and his previous good chara-
cter sentenced him to 2 mouths impels
ailment at hard labor in the County
jail. Mi. Lewis, County Attoeneyeaet
•ed. for the Crown, Alt, Sinclair for the
ler and well known methly, the "Star
Spangled Banner," for August, is re-
ceived. Ai an exposer .of
Quacks and Humbugs, it hes no equal
hedged e,uthorits. The Chieeta Divi
sion P. 0. Department; wi•ites
publishers of the "Baneer"..its follows •
"One special agert has been hard a
work on the case, but von can do-nhot
by means of your "Banner," to beeak
up such concerns, than the who].
Post °fait Department." Sone $1
for the "Banner" and.ewoelegant prang
Chromes. Specimens 6. dents r'tione
free. Address—"Star Spangled Ban
ner," Hinsdale, N. H. .
THAT .P.Aer..—The weather during the
past week was unusually warm; anc
such being a fact a strong plea is en
tered on behalf Of the client in the fol
lowing case. Young 'B., whew Thed
room is situated, luckily or unlitekily
the reader may decide, upon the Sodend
flat of his home, one eveninglwalked rq
and down Main street, wearing 'uPthi
his smooth, pale fee& :itech a *own as
would cause any to -bedeck his
own brow with the,eheiceettoetommalcis
could he but get it totteperlen'PertrtaYed
on .canvass. His ountenande was a
blank, and greatly resembled .the meek
and lowly face presented by a careful.
housewife whenshe finds about twenty
rats playing p om per in her jar of scalded
cream. His cheeks Were like slap -jacks
and his coat-tail resembled the wings
of a wind -mill. In 'short, he grew
fierce, his eyes protruded, and he per-
spired. Passers-by had observed a
"ladye faire" clinging to the arm of a
gent in the'glooreydistalice, but did'nt
imagine this action OD her part was the
cause of the tumult in the bosom of this
wandering Lothario. He Went home,
vengeance in his so I end. heat of the
weather in every other part of his body.
He retired, brit balmy, eweetrepose had
deserted him, and rest ha eetdd find
Thinking to bathe his wearied
brow by the cool, refreshing breezes
which permeated the atter atmosphere
he adjourned Co the raised window of
his dandier, and Placed' himiMelf ceiito
less, panties's, and vestless In 'main -
rig posture, hinder the. eongeg. heel
soothing inthienees, the hurning.s'Uow
wile soon overcome, and sleep the re-
sult. Had you been itroand that -Image
about the hour at whieli ghosts perant,
Atlate, you might have observed it Soy.
on foot eighter in the front yard Rath.
ening close the fey yards of calico:goy,
ering, look around, and then describe
t hurried circle toward the kitchen
The wicked fellow I lie says that
widow always reminds' him of Jacob's
ladder, arid that that girl May go—
with that other fellow,
GOPD Winexr,—Yesterday we were
Shown a saMPIO which was grown On
the farm Of M. Caleb 'Veil lot 6. eon 21,
Stephen, It is oft' a fiew of twolv
acres and,, will yield nearly thirty hush --
els -to, the twee. Other farmers in the
vicinity have about as good props.
Dmynnu's MARBLE WORKS„,.... -W()
WRY9 feel it ow duty to welcome with
os iii our village. ,A.n:[ wo may
say that'scarcely any projeet,,,if legal in
it nature, if started on 11,0.11Q't
Wiest and conducted on business -like'
basis', if 'started here but will sue -
need. The business to which mye Would
xefea (Me readers at the present time is,
"that of Mr- Wm. Bmtsrdeu. - This gen,.
deinan has inveJed a largo capital in
the marble business, and is now doing
an extensive trade in that line.—
On visiting his shop the ether day, we
were shown some beautiful marble mon-
uments and tombstones, nearly all of
which are ordered, and now the men
are busily employed in englaving them. ,
We understand that, without any exer-
tion me his part, he has ingratiated
himself;, through extra workmanship
and material, into the vicinity of other
shops. Judging from the workmen -
yard we bespeak for Mr. B. a good bus-
ie:ileil:displayed on time stock now in the
XErtCP trit.121)Ici
The following report was Crowded
010 Of THE TIMES some weekgagot
we now. -publish it by request.]
The Council met pursuant to ad-
journment at the Court room, Exeter,
June 29th, 1874.
All the members present. The kifiti-
utes of previous meeting read. and con-
Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by
J, Ross, That orders lie granted for the
following sums, on account for labor,
Whitlock, $9.87; W. Lukre,
$9; Thos. Rollins, $2.81 ; W. Brown-
lee, $8.44 ; Elia Mills, $8.44; Mr.
Carr, $1; Richard Horn, $9 • Henry
Horn, $7.81; Thomas Thompson,
$22.50; Robert Webster, $21; Lewis
Towers, $2.50; Ralph Kilpatrick,
$25.0; Thos. Dearing, $22.50; John
$lei; Mr. Folland, $12;
Robinson, 50 cents • Jacob Webster,
$3.37+; Thos; Bissett, $9; W. Quanee,
$7.50; Thos. Horn, $5.06.—Carried.
By-law No. 7, to authorize the Board
of Teustees of the Exeter public school
to lierrow $4,000 was duly read and
;passed on motion of J. Piekinal, secon-
ded by W. H. Verity.
Oi motion of 3. Trick, seconded by
J. Ross, By-law No. 8, to agree with the
township of Stephen as to census of
1871 was read three times and passed.
Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by
j. Ross, That a certificate to obtain a
tavern license be granted to Mr. Wil-
liam Hawkshaw.--Carried.
Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by
j. Ross, That this Council adjourn un-
til the 16th of July, at half -past seven
o'clock p,m.—Carried.
TIMI TA1314,
AE, A;
Oolao 'later, 1,47; 12.10
°else Wree 4.15 • 1.13 5.10
Limewa, May 26, 1874,
a`ron4 our own Correspondeat.)
All orders, lett at tleswortik's brag and
Bookstore (next doer Ilteaemes Made,
for Printing, Advertising, Subselliptiola
etc, will receive prompt 442.111ign. laten:n
subscribers in future receive the Tinge
at tke aletve-nemed $tore,
A big time was -hail at sea on Domin-
ion Day, on hoard the Polynesian.
The New Era says Clinton is to have
a new bank Building.
Mitchell is in a quandary—the water
money cannot be raised on them.
. Mr. Alex. Davidson, of the "Com-
mercial," Seaforth, is home aonin'look-
ing much better for his trip to the "old
Workmen :are busily engaged upon
the county buildings at Galena. The
Court house will undergo a general
AcemENT.-'-A cow belonging to Sem-
uel Flannery, of this village happening
tostray on the railway, traokelast Friday
morning was struck by a passing train
and had her leg broken.
Fiere-e-The dwelling house of Mr.
George Mayo. township of Biddulph,
was totally destroyed by lige last Fri-
day night. A defective stove pipe is
supposed to have been the cause, There
was no insurance,
feeling of indignation fills the minds of
the people here at the treatment ex-
perienced by Mr. John Davis and fami-
ly in going by the Dawson route to
Manitoba. There can be no noubt of
the intention of Mackenzie to make
the route as unpopular as possible, and
thus assist American railway interests;
it is no use blaming the contractor, who
was obliged to give security for the due
performance of his contract, and whose
amities if he were not acting in accor-
dance with the wishes of the govern-
ment would have been made to smart
'eret,this, But John Davis and his wife
with twelve children, British by birth,
and British by feeling are treated worse
than cattle, and half stagyed, because
a lot of disloyal men who have acci-
dentally acquired. power in Canada
meet show the gratitude to their Yan-
kee a2lies who are strongly suspected
of itssietiug them into power by de-
bauchhig the electors.
The New Era says the letters writ-
ten by Mr. Ferguson, of Brucefield,
are masses of verbiage, and not worthy
a perusal Mr. F. has very properly
taken up the cudgel of Dr. Sangster,
and is .well ale to use itjudging from a
pertain- of his letters.
An inquest was held, on the body of
dencluetor John Routledge Who was
lilted between Clinton end Sea -forth.
The jury's verdict was that his death
iwoaflu. ,r,,errtliaocveeiedsensit,:earlelyt, abillmteh.at. none4i. irsinax4waufee.
Eally.on Thursday =Milner last a
Molsons Ba
The Exeter Branch ofldolsons Ban
Ymolx41,11(ca5kalTeesb, Se•c,,St. advancesJo}ohne iN)r,oldLticaen,d, all the
Buys and sells Sterling Ezelianw),
Discounts Notes.
A Savings Bank DepattnientaMeleten
Breech IVIolsone Beath.
D P 0
from one Dollar ($1)
Payable on Demand' with interest.
Exeter, May 7, 1874.
BASE RAJA: Mseren.--A match be-
tween Lucen and Ark no, clubs took
piece last wee e- 'at Arkona. The re-
sult was an easy v:ctory for Liman who
beat their opponents by 80 runs.
VmtpAarr Youlais•--The adventure of
two young men of this'yiNage "who did
a. wooing. go" last Suimealy afternoon
has created. considerable One -of
the youuggentlemen rejoice e ia being
the possessor of an astoundheg shirt
dollar while the other is, for hie eke.
Equite a ladles' man'. It appears"tliet
one Of themewas introduced some take
I the arch was construsted, which, bow -
months to a young lady from McGill:.
avor, could have been more securely
yray, and being either smitten himself
dote by burning them out. He had
or imagined he had affected her tender
bort, he resolved to see her at her succeeded in removing two or three of
these when the arch, consisting of brick
home andrenew the pleasant aliquain-
mortar to the thickness of about 12
Waco: Accordingly, accomeained by
or 14 inches, feil in on him. The next
his friend he went to the house, walked ,
Saved his heed from serious in -
boldly and saw—not the maiden
jurye and was probatWee the means of
but her mother, and Artemus Ward
keepen Cr him froth smothering to death.
ballAfobt.rzelAilnuf tr Y's
f "The
The Yacht Foam 'which was lost
in Lake Ontario last week has been
found near Niagara. She was sunk;
several citizens of Toronto had her
raised and brought to Toronto. No tid
big of the crew, and all hopes are los-
.A. Base ball match for the junior
championship of the Dominion is to be
played in St. Mary's and Woodstock
clubs, on Saturday next.
p. m., the whole community was start-
led by the cry that Mr. George Ross
the 9th, inst.,shortly after four o'clock,
of North Elinor° mills, had been acci-
nI pretty well advanced, as the Spetng '
dereenettaeldfoerrims nbeil nt
new bakery. oven
.Hastening just
tening ' wheat and :oat e are nicely headedout..
to the spot as rapidly as possible the I noticed, several fields of barley al -
condition of the poor man was readily
most ready for the sickle. Upon ea--
comprehended, and a SCOTe of willing riviving at St. Mary's the firetwithing
hands set to work to remove the layers that attracted my attention was the
of brick and mortar which had caved solemn tolling of the bell, which te-
m on him. In about five minutes at. minded me that, one of the prominent
etenit. theaccidentto
t anadampistrtoutetehoepfsre cal;
to his long resting place, followed by a
citizens of that place was being borne
uretaecohrinjvollinliatNeVrasea'ifftneeteedd ahnids retitle- largo number of friends, as he (Mr.
from a very unpleasant and Perilous oltti roorlsee hoefatal )0 gazinet amnteuet, s having.Durai,Bglaorguer
position. •A mouthful of water and the stay in St. Mary's ,I put up at the
application of the same liquid, to his Empire Hotel kept by Moore & McLean
face timidhead revived his spirits, after
leaving St. Mary's by he midnight
Toronto at whieh Place I
amination of the oven and its surround- arrived about five o'clock in the morn-
ings showed that Mr. Ross had a very tee. On aceount of this portion of .the
narrow escape. Had the chimney fah journey being made at night there was
arch, too, nothing to pass away a weary hour, if
len wouldon pbayi'yeb
we except the different eh:tea-eters that
corpse! His object in entering the ov- are common in every well filled tailway
en was to remove the boards uponwhich train. After remaining one and one
half hours in Toronto for refreshments
the COncluetor's wellknown "all aboard"
mutilated us to take our seats once
more for Port Hope at which place we
arrived about 0.30 in the morning.
This day being Sahirday, Port Hope
presented a rathee lively appearance,
as the market was crowded with al-
most all timings one naturally expected
to find: there. This place appears to
do a thriving business and does not
appear to have a rival in any of the
'other places' passed through on the
route after leaving Toronto. I wended
,my way from the station to the Queen's
Hotel where I determined to remain for
a time before starting further. Crops ,
generally are not so far advanced as 1
they are up in the west but they have
lis,c1 itemmber of small showers .-dueing e
the past few weeks, which have- 1Seen
pv4,0.4.1.,1.3 in tiltair buckwara crops but
rather the reverse to the hay crop, as
farmers have mule some progrees in
cutting it but not much thus far in say-
ing it, tis the weather has been un,avor-
able. The -celebration of the Battle of
Boyne took place in this part of the
country at Lindsay at which place there
was a splendid turnout from all parts,
as the young Britons are strong in this :.
0 _
place and were "rigged" in a very neat
and becomin t manner. The pleasure
of the pay were considerably marred
by an accident which proved fatal im-
mediately. A. man a resident of.
Lindsay was performing on the tight
rope when by 6 ome means he missed
his hold and fell to the street with a
head and dashing out his brains at
heavy thud striking on the side of his
The Comet.
The great cornet is no* the cental
attraction. It is called Goggle's, after
its Burr pean discoverer. It is ap-
praoching our system rapidly. The ob-
server can easily find it by the folio*.
ing diaeram.
Dipper star.
k issues Drafts on London, Eng., New
PrieeiPA1 cities ,and tewns in 'Ontario
New York Exchange, Greenbacks,
pr...4 ,,,:on4t4.4 loth the Exeter
pvt fuels received.
8 ^Y1.4. P7134' STR:1171:1Y‘
by the ....ail.
To the Editor of the Exeter Thom
Having a few days of leisure at the
present time, and as I made up my
mind to spend them in visiting the
shores of Lake Ontario, and taking
mutes as I:went along, I thought that
I would present them to the public, us-
ing your valuable paper as a medium
in so 'doing. After travelling through,
a Portion of ITsborne township and al-
so a portion of Blanshard we were in-
duced to partake of the hoepitality of
Mr. Dinsmore and I should say from
the manner in which we were received
and entertained it is rather a hospitatt
ble part of the country. Crops in this
vicinity look remarkably well find are
says "this is where the laugh comes
in" lie mistook the mother for the ...-
daughter and introduced his friend to
Miss—The lady having an eye for
the ludicrous, rather encouraged the A special from Kansas City,, giving
illusion, and drew the youths out, one of
them being a man of letters t lked aii" extract from a telegram from add°,
Indian Territory, says that a fight cc -
glibly enough of love in a cottage, fond congenial tastes &c. &c., while curred between the Sixth Cavalry, un -
the other sat buried in deep reflection. der Col. Carpenter, and a large body
of Comanches, near Fort Sill. Six
Happening, however, to glance over men killed; Indian losses unknown.
A flor fl,n eoht the Indians came upon
U eteeetageoeueneeding sheitee, yelear.lidilseedred
he has found a topic of conversation the stage driver and his wife, kitting
him in let- preseoce, and carried the
and he -talks freely of the Webster ina- woman into captivity.
chine; it can alleviate the lot of women
The miners in the Seminole Mines
and hints that he intends soon to be the
have been fighting Indians for two
owner of one. Music is next mention- days. Particulars are looked for.
ed, he adores it, and spends agouti deal On Friday last, the Rockport Gran -
of time practising. She asks him to Re Co. were making a blast in their
play, but unfortunately heelmetplay sa- quarry; while a. carriage 'containing
cred music; she it not particular, anw City Treastrer Collies, of Glouchester,
kind will do; the youth a cornered ,
and, with a poor grace he admits he and three ladies were passing. A large
stone thrown in the air descended
play. At this stage through the top of the carriage, and
the daughter comes in, and introduced struck Corliss on the arm, inflicting a
by thio mother, who heartily enjoys the, slight wound. His sister was strict( on
nonplussed looks of the pair, one °Ir the side of the head and instantly kill-
-whom remembers he has to go and see ed.
Dr. Sutton. It is reported that one of • , •
Beecher s statement is now ready for
the young geutlemee was presented . .
a the. public.. He denies ever having
with a jewshaap and the other with
t M
stick of candy as they were leaving for IHR410 any improper overtures o • is.
Tilton acknowledges that 'Mrs Tilton
complained to him of her husband;
snake of his going with strange women,
end Droved that the statement was true
and finally begged him ( \Ir. Beecher)
to advise her as man and minister what
to do. Mr. Beecher after long deli-
beration and considerable hesitancy,
advised her if she felt she could not re-
claim her husband, to leave him. Af-
ter a time Mr. Beecher felt that he had
made a mistake in owing this advice
He thought that, perhaps, if
left the imendse of hisown generous na-
ture, Mr. Tilton would have abandon-
ed the strange women after whom he
had been been running and return to
the peace of his own household. He
apologized to Mr. Tilton for whet he
had done. Mr. Tilton's forthcoming
statement will, it is said disappoint
the public greatly. It is understood
that he has resolved to remain reticent
in regard to his own family, but will
attempt to show that Mr. Beecher out•
raged not the Tilton's but Some other . . . . . * Comet.
household. Samuel Wilkinson testified Run an imaginary line from the low -
before the Beecher committee lastWed- er stars, forming the dipper, as seen in
nesdey. He said he was the agent foi the dotted Iles above, anti a like line
getting up the celebrated tripartite from the North star. The comet will
agreement of 1872, between Beecher, will be found where the two lines in -
Bowen and Tilton, and intimated that tersect. 'We advise all our readers to
Tilton was finally induced. to sign on look for it. A good glass will prove aim
C011/7ition that the amount due him assistance to those whose eight is tie
from Bowen be paid. While the , ne- feetivo.
gotiations were pending Tilton stated [Since the foregoing was pub in Vp
expheity to Wilkinson that the only the comet has rushed ahead without
wrong Reedier ever did him was to ad- any regard to the diagram, and is now et
dress improper language to his wife. visible, about the length of our thumb
will declare all State offices vacant Ina
A epecial from Little Rock. Arkin).-
(some millions of miles), below the spot
order a new election. • indicated above—En TEVIES.,1
Cuts, Says the Constitution Conveumon
Nathan Isaacson liar been arrested
in Ghicagn charged with firing the
buildings that caused the fire on July
14. The testimony taken goes to show
that the prisoner offered Wolfson $100
to set a house on fire. The peddler
mode atm unsuccessful attempt to do so,
aid then boasted that he would have
better success next time. The hear
hug of the case has been adjourned.
Fear Delhi, Ill, a child of MrstlroFrael
Chapman was nm over .,y ain
train and cut bm two, The, mother up-
on viewt:
viewing thernutelated reimaihe be.
bathe a raving maniac.
A serious ew„ant occurred near Io.
ma on the Detroit; Lansing k Lake
Michigan Railway on Saturday last.
A leaded gravel train was backing whet
a Innning tree fell aeross the rails, just
before the engine, throwing needy the
whole train off the track. S:x ineti
were tilled outright ; one has sleet
died (.4111j:tries1 and 14 or 1 others 'revenge for his Acacia its. it pubhe Pro
seriously thieved. I seeder hi thet Weir,
laboring man named J. Henderson was
found lying near the railway crossing
at Widder, with an ugly gash in his
head, supposed to have been caused" by
the cowcatcher of some engine in pass-
ing during the night, The doctors re-
ported his recovery doubtful. He was
sent horn to London in care:of a, com-
panion. The two men appeared to be
very much intoxicated when last seen
before the accident ,
The annual mowing match of the
Huron Farmers, and Mechanics' Reap-
ing and Mowing Association was held
at Seaforth on Wednesday last, and
was in every respect successful. The
number of competitors and spectators
was large and the work done was ex-
cellent. In the single mover class
prizes were awarded as follows :-1st,
Harris, Son, & Co.; 'Brantford, Kirby;
2nd, Patterson'Bros., Patterson Carl-
ga Chief; 3rd, Watson, Ayr, Humming
Bird. Combined class, let, Harris,
Son & Co., Brantford; and -Crawford,
Londou ; 8rd, Sherman ,& Foster, of
The .1reto Commission of the
Peace '
A new Commission of the Peace has
just been issued from the County of
Huron. The following are the names
contained thii
ereiu for this Section:;.
HAv.—Robert Brown, Wm. Case,
Win, Carrick, Walter Fee, Robert Fer-
guson,, Nicholas Foster, P. G. Geiger,
J. B. Geiger, Daniel Hemma cher, lingh
Love, Sr., Thomas Lamb, Duncan Me-
Ewenjoint Potty, Win, Turnbull, Jr.,
Win. Wilson let Zeller.
Senenna.--Issac Carhng Heiiry
Doyle, Thomas Gidley, Thomas Green-
way, S. Hogarth, boob Heist, George
Lewis, Richard Manning, James. Ma.
chasm, P. mcphiiiips, John Parsons,
Richard Sweet, Win. Sweet, Lewis
Stohl, Joseph Tetreati, Themes t,
John White, .
GOOD FOR' BLAN5HARD.-7-011 time 9th
inst.'while the Volunteers were at
Guelula an inepectien of the 28th Batt.
took place, When two prizes were LIM atd-
ed to the Cleanest Company, i. e., as to
arms.andaccootrements. The Blansh-
ard Company under the command of
Capt. White was the lucky ofice
On Thursday evening hat, about 4.80
o'clock,' as a gang, of men were engaged
in digging a drain on Albert street, Ot-
tawa near Growan's 'hew opera house
building, the earth caved in, burying
two men named Brady and Jag. Reeves.
Their companions at once dot to work,
and by viperous exertions secceeded. iii
extricating them from their perilous po-
sition in about half an home The men
were po-
severely wounded, Reeves
being however, considerably cut about
the fade', and Brady's knee being badly
bruised'. Aftersome little difficulty
circulation was restored,' and the men
were 'able to walk.
Mr. IX F. Ititiadonald, who accompa-
nied Mr. Hazlewood, C. E., on his ex-
ploration for a route of Pacific Railway
from Parry S.ound to within 20 !titles
Cf Lake Nipissibg, and from thence to
French River, has returned. Mr. Me -
Donald reports the country from the
Nip.issing road to the leroneh river, a
clistanee f 75 miles; to be a totally lov.
el country, c omposed mainly 'of fiat
rock ited sweetie, and timbered- with
scrubby pins, hemlock and pine, and
qUite unfit for agriculture" purposes.
Mr. McDonald left Mr. Hazleton and
party at the mouth of the French rivet,
from which point they return by way of
Lake Nipissing to the depot camp.
The II. C. Bishop's palace in London
Was entered and robbed a few nights
since. The perpretratOt only Walked
Iii, and Walked out, cativing along a
Tecunaseurte—liobeat -idly James bundle. The Bishop in a few days,
treadetoe Jr., evegeeeie.‘exenty oleo, dieceeeeed he had lost a pair of pants,
ney, Robert Cainochan, .E.1 Croswell, Desertion is said to he iildalged in by
:Melee Dallas, jethe Doig, Vranels row, the mounted pollee in a wholesale itau-
ler, G Ph. 'Jackson, ;fames Lang, j, nen It is reported. that .twenty-seven
Landsborongin It. McMillan, , Wm. of that'll ha" take" French leave, imn
ivreminiat,,Georgc, sprOat C, venEg. eluding the majority of time horse -sheers,
!nentis(11:George Walker.0/3,N„A.rehilisn. m James,force'n'tltlie itchny in time moVement of time
occasioned by the hutch of pump.
13ofithron, Robert Croons', ThonetsCaq, trained hors_es.
Robert Dew, Alex. Dutton, jnenee, The fleettenotetieneret has started oh
Halls, David Johns. DaVidkirk, George his tour west, And will 'isit. Leke Su-
UOIlteith':James Nitgle4 George 8.rimt. perior dining the last of the mnonth,
well, Alex. Smith, David Walker, probahly calling at the Lake Huron
George Willis, , ports on his •6tlitit trip.
.11111,'1143^1.1" 4SS.tt ULT.'
St Paul, Minn., July 20.—Ee-Attor-
ney-General Clarke, of Mithitoba, was
stick twice on the head with Sr slung
•shot, last night, in front of the Moteop-
&item Hotel, by sonic persen. te:! hint
unknown. This mew/ling a5.Mt Clarke
was leaving for the East 'lie
was set upon by a crowd of Wuffuths
feint' Mineetwialie, headed by Mike gay,
Chief of Polico of that city; NithubeitI
and kicked Mr. Clarke savagely, Alia
but for the interferenee of one or two
of tow eitizeas he would doubtless have
been kilted, Mt. Clarke was falcon
to the railroad car, dangerously hurt,
being in poor health. Hiiey tVas arreSt-
ed and held for trial. Ile ls ono of the
Minneapolis party who were hepeisetit
ed last ,y04 4 Winnipeg for au alleged
attempt to kidnap Leh" Gthelont Arta
the trieneteetwie Attila cmi Claelte is hi