Times Advocate, 1993-03-03, Page 6* S$-Advooete, MN JN3.
Ford - Avalos
Elaine and Irvin Ford are
pleased to announce the mar-
riage of their son Randy to Ali-
cia, daughter of Lucia Avalos.
The wedding took place in
.Las Vegas. They are residing
In Edmonton, Alberta.
Memorial service
observed by
Kirkton Wi
ICIRKTON --The Kirkton Wom-
en's Institute 4teld its meeting on
Thursday, February 25 at the Kirk -
ton -Woodham Community Centre.
President Elaine Stephen opened
the meeting with a poem "My
A memorial service was observed
for the late Elsie Shute, with a
lighting of a candle, a reading "A
Human Rose" and the 23rd Psalm
repeated by those present at the
The roll call "Why do you think
Canada attracts immigrants from
other countries was answered by 20
members and six visitors.
Donations were made to the Sr.
Marys Fair, the Kirkton Fair, Town
& Country Homemakers and to the
Children's Hospital of Westem On-
Perth County is having a Safety
Meeting in Sebringville on March
18 at the Centre and anyone may
attend at 7:30 p.m.
An Educational Workshop on re-
flexology is being held in Mitchell
at the Ontario Street Church on
' March 31 from 7:30 pan. -9:45 parr.
The cost is 55 per person and pre-
registration is a must. Anyone inter-
ested should contact the president
or secretary before March 19.
Anyone making Merry Bears or
articles for the Neo -natal should let
the Institute know so we are able to
have a count on these.
Eleanor Williams gave our mono
"It takes patience,wisdom and toler-
ance to handle freedom". Doris
Spence was our Citizenship and
Legislation Convenor. Spence had
told of many happenings in our
country as of late, with many clip- 00
pings for us to read. Spence intro-
duced Leslie Switzer as the guest »
speaker. She told of her experienc-
es while in Russia with many chit- I•t
dren and was presented with a gift t•
on behalf of our Institute. •
The Institute grace was sung and •
lunch served by the committee in •
charge. _
Annual meeting of Stratto
Presbyterial of the W..
EXETER - At the annual meet-
ing of the Stratford -Huron Presby-
terial of the Women's Missionary
Society, Jason Fisher of Listowel
showed slides of Nicaragua and
gave an excellent commentary on
the work that he, as part of Youth
in Mission was doing in that Cen-
tral American country last sum-
mer. -
Mrs. Gordon Alexander of Lis-
towel presided for the meeting
which was held in Knox Presbyter-
ian Church, Stratford, on February
23. Following her call to worship,
Monkton W.M.S. gave the devo-
tions with Mrs. Ralph Adair read-
ing scripture and prayer and Mrs.
Morris Smith giving the medita-
tion on the scripture.
Morning Has Broken was sung
and Mrs. Lorne Proudfoot wel-
comed the ladies on behalf of the
Mary, Martha and Gordon W.M.S.
Helen Chalmers brought greetings
'from the Knox Session, and Rev.
'Chambers of Molesworth brought
greetings from Stratford -Huron -
Perth Presbytery.
Mrs. John McMillan, Atwood,
read the minutes of the last annual
meeting, and Mrs. Alex Nichol
gave the correspondence. A 47 -
passenger bus will be going -to the
Synodical in St. Thomas on April
20, and those wishing to go must
have their names to the phone cap-
tains in time to be forwarded to
Mrs. Larry White, Goderich, by
March 29. The cost will be $30 for
the bus, noon lunch, and evening
banquet. Mrs. John Gibson, St.
Marys, reported on the funds
raised for mission work in 1992.
The Presbyterial objective of
$64,700 for 1993 was accepted.
The Area Educational Consul-
tant, Margaret Greig, explained the
movement of clothing companies
to close factories and use cheap
home labour to sew up garments.
She led a discussion on the pamph-
let, Concerns of Garment -Workers'
Working Conditions in Canada,
which isbeing distributed to
W.M.S. groups as part of the study
material this year.
The meeting closed with Stand-
ing in the Portal followed by grace,
God Is Great, to a rock music tune.
The afternoon program began
with a sing -song led by Mrs. Eve-
lyn Matheson and Mrs. Alex
Strathdee, Avonton with Mrs. Mar-
garet McIntyre at the piano. Fol-
lowing the call to worship, Mrs.
James Evans, Mrs. Alister McIn-
tosh, and Mrs. Oliver McIntosh, of
Motherwell-Avonbank, gave the
afternoon devotions. Who Is on the
Lord's Side was sung. The roll call
was answered with one word to ex-
press our feelings when we give or
receive from being "in mission".
Florence Fawceu North East -
hope, gave the In Memorium using
a candle and a rose. Rev. Turnbull
.of Harrington sang several solos,
accompanied by Mrs. Robert Dun-
The speaker, Jason Fisher, told of
the great contrasts they have in
Nicaragua,the political struggles
they've had, their recovery after a
devastating hurricane, the street
children and their lack of educa-
tion, the intense heat and humidity,
and the work being done by our
Donations handed out
by Ladies Auxiliary
EXETER - The Ladies Auxiliary
to the R.E. Pooley Exeter Branch
167 Royal Canadian Legion held
their regular meeting Monday, Feb-
ruary 22, 1993 in the Canadian
Room of the Legion. 1st Vice Pres-
ident, Dorothy Pfaff opened the
Three new members were wel-
comed into the Auxiliary: June
Lather, Rita Morrison and Helen
The lucky winner of the mystery
prize was Barb Hearn. Donations of
$500.00 was given to the Provincial
Bursary; $400.00 to Exeter Minor
• •
Soccer Association for team uni-
forms; $100.00 to the Canadian
Mental Health Association Huron
County, South Huron Big Brothers
rand Big Sisters, and Alzheimer So-
ciety of Huron County.
At the March meeting will be the
annual penny sale with proceeds
going to Easter Seals. This year the
:annual outing will be to Toronto.
.Each member has their choice of at -
.tending a Blue Jay game or a thea-
-ire production.
The zone convention will be held
in Hensall on April 25 with tickets
being sold to help defray the costs.
enjoy bingo
HENSALL - Once again the
women from the Kippen United
Church came to visit and sponsor
the Queensway weekly bingo. All
the residents enjoyed the friendly
competition as well as the treats
they won.
On Tuesday the residents
watched a televised edition of a
church service from the Christian
Reformed Church in Exeter. Rev.
VanderMeer was the officiating
Lida and Harold DeVrics provid-
ed the tape to the home.
This week the residents celebrat-
ed a number of February birthdays
at the monthly birthday party. Eve-
ryone had fun dancing and tapping
their toes to Max Ducharme and the
Townliners. Birthday greetings go
out this month to Mabel Chowen,
Harold Penhale, Bruce Cann, Mar-
guerite Baker, Mary Buchanan,
Christina Taylor and Kay Hovius.
Friday morning was the monthly
Resident Council Meting. Resi-
dents are busy helping make plans
for the annual Volunteer Apprecia-
tion Party. This will take place on
Wednesday, March 17 from 2-4
p.m. at Queensway Nursing Home.
All volunteers who help with resi-
dent activities, provide entertain-
ment or assist with church services
are invited to attend.
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Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miateilo
Weiners and bologna are thought to be a less expen-
sive source of protein than beef. In fact, the reverse is
true. It takes four 1.5 oz. weiners to equal the amount
of the protein that is in 3 oz. of cooked, lean beef.
Presbyterian missionary, Joe Reed.
He was thanked by Mrs. Larry
White. The offering was received
and dedicated by Mrs. Glen Allen
North Mornington.
Jeanette Laing presented the
McKerspey and Helen Gowlett
Awards to Avonton C.O.C. and
Explorers. Following the installa-
tion of officers, the courtesy re-
marks were given by Alice Dykstra
St. Marys and the meeting closed
with Forth in Thy Name, 0 Lord, I
Go, and prayer.
Margaret Greig installed the fol-
lowing slate of officers for 1993:
Past president - Mrs. Stuart Ste-
venson, Brussels; president - Mrs.
Gordon Alexander, Listowel, 1st
vice-president - Mrs. Robert Ed-
munds, Mitchell; 2nd vice-
president - Mrs. Larry White,
Goderich, recording secretary -
Mrs. John McMillan ,Atwood, cor-
responding secretary - Mrs. John
McMillan, Atwood; treasurer
Mrs. John Gibson, St. Marys. Sec-
retaries: - press - Mrs. Robert La-
ing, Mitchell, adult groups - Mrs.
Hugh McKay, Stratford; children's
groups - Miss Jeanette Laing, New
Hamburg; youth - Mrs. Oliver
McIntosh, St. Marys. Friendship
and service - Mrs. Chester Earl,
Atwood, glad tidings - Mrs. Pat
Scott, Stratford; historian - Mrs.
Leslie Knight, Brussels. Without
portfolio - Mrs. Shirley Aitcheson,
Stratford, Mrs. Stuart Stevenson,
Brussels. Auditors: - Mrs. Fred
Kipfcr, Stratford, Mrs. Gerald
Richards, Stratford.
Bela's 1:Uty9ho4
234 Sanders St. E.
Call me, the
price is right
Euchre pia "or tonight
By Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - There will be another euchre here tonight March 3 at the
Community Centre. Time is 8 p.m.
Ferman and Leola Snyder visited last Wednesday in St. Jacob's with
Friends who attended a birthday party last Friday afternoon at the
home of Melvin and Gertie Stade were Oscar Miller, Katherine and
Emil Becker, all of Dashwood, Harold and Doreen Finkbeiner, Hugh
and Annie Morenz. In the social time we visited and played Solo
games. During the supper lunch, the group sang "Happy Birthday" to
the two celebrants, Emil and Melvin, who both had February birthdays.
Bill and Allen Janzen, of Leamington, visited last weekend with his
sister and niece, Annie and Angie Zielman.
Clark Adams, of Stratford visited his parents, Don and Liz Adams
last weekend.
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No Payments until Jui,1.993 (to Mar. 13)
Shivering is the result of your muscles' contracting to release chemical
energy which produces heat to warm your body. One estimate said that
if all this energy were collected, It could boll a litre of water for one
Good dietary sources of potassium are bananas but also baked pota-
toes. Potatoes that are baked contain more potassium than boiled pota-
toes because much is lost In the water they are boiled In.
A reminder those stopping cigarette 1-noking using the nicotine patch:
Do not smoke! It seems obvious but there have been reported cases of
life -threaten nicotine overdosage due to -patch users continuing to
smoke. The e to smoke usually passes in 3 or 4 minutes. Don't give
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