Times Advocate, 1992-07-15, Page 22E Page 8 Times Advocate New Year's Party eady... Set... Go! Usbome and You in '92 was launched in a big way at the New Year's Lev- ee on January 5, 1992, with more than 470 residents past and present, family and friends in attendance. Guests were welcomed to the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre by Mur- ray and Beatrice Dawson, Lloyd and Shirley Fergu- son, Bob and Pat Down, Lome and Marg Hem, Ken Oke and family, and Brian Haldeman and family. Many participants took the opportunity to dress in period costumes which add- ed greatly to the spirit of the festivities. While visitors browsed through the many historical displays or greeted friends and neighbours, back- -ground music -was provided by Agnes Bray; Jean Hod- gert and the Usborne guild; the Country Cousins Band of Marjorie Johns, Jack Haines, Laverne Rodd, and Stephen Poortinga; Chris Passmore and Ann Marie Mittleholtz. On behalf of the Ontario government. Klopp present- ed a plaque to Gerald Prout, im- • mediate past reeve, who was intro . ' mental in spearheadi ng plans for the celebration of this 150th anniversary. The Sesqui- centennial was officially declared underway by the cutting of the ribbon by Ge- rald Prout and Pat Down. • Guests were provided with the opportunity to view a picture of Usborne in days gone by through the displays of kitchen collecti- bles . of Lois _Hudgins. the Tweedsmuir Histories, and a presentation of history through fashion. This infor- mative exhibit was coordi- nated by Helen Coates, Dorothy Nern, Gladys Cud - more, and Kay Hodgen, with provision of helping hands and/or articles from Lorne and Marg Hem, Olga Hern, Marie Brock, Isabelle Fletcher, Wilma Kerslake, Pat Down, Mabel Henn, Marg Truemner, Ruth Johnson, Barb Passmore, Marlene Rundle, Blanche Rundle, Irene Dunn and Cliff Brock. Rick and Derek Ethering- ton's unique arrangement of antique tractors caught the eye of many guests. Farm- ers shared tales of the John Deere, Case, or Internation- al tractor which shared a home on their farm, sparked by the many mod- els in Rick's display. Karen Etherington, Shar- on Lynn, Isabelle Fletcher, Helen Weston, Nellie Ful- ton, and their "wash-up" crew formed the kitchen committee. Refreshments consisting of hot apple ci- der, coffee, crackers and cheese, tea biscuits com- plete with currant jam, jelly or apple buuer brought an enjoyable afternoon to a close. Celebration of 150 years etween the Fences is the history book that was written with the help of many dedic- ated volun- teers to help celebrate Us - borne Town- ship's One Hundred and Fif- tieth Anniversary. The editorial commiuec: Walter E. Creery (General Editor), Fern Dougall (Associate and Managing Editor), Mary Blackler, Ken Dun- can, Gamet Hicks, Ross Hodgert, Lorne Marshall, Ken Oke, Delmer Skinner, William Dougall (photogra- pher), and many others spent several years of their time to complete this infor- mative, interesting and edu- cational book. Between the Fences is a credit to the spirit of com- munity of Usborne Town- ship residents, past and present. Usborne in 1992 Answers 1) c. Usbome's population has been dropping steadily for several decades as farms increase in size. 2) d. 504 households. 3) a. 43.512 4) d. 8.79 5) d. i...� 6) d. 18.8% 7) The next five top occupations of Usborne residents are: sales, 11.1% managerial/administration, 10.6%; clerical, 9.5%; construction, 6%; and repair work, 6%. 8. Dutch at 2.5% and German at .6%. 9) 545 10) There are 60 more males than females m Usbornc. ;`if CONGRATULATIONS USBORNE • ON 1 50 GREAT YEARS �,: •• Tic am, •bell. • ,'• Lincoln Mercury �, • UNC C,.OLN J Sales Ltd. `; 165 Main Street •N., ;: Exeter. Ont. NOM 183 e. . EXETER 238.1380 WCAN 227.1020 7 Congratulations Elstorut We're proud that John Deere products have been a big part of farming in Usborne for many, many years. The relationship between Usborne farmers and Huron Tractor has been an ongoing one for the past 31 years and it is indeed one that we are looking forward to continuing for many more years. We wish you success in all your Sesquicentennial celebrations. Tractor: Model "OP" wide tread produced from 1929 to 1933. u HURON TRACTOR ,J ri dour ibtsquirentennial P.O. Box 1300, Exeter (519) 235.1115 Blylh(619) 5234244 Watkkrton (519) 881,2231