Exeter Times, 1874-3-26, Page 2inconie: propeeed elionld giVe '040!,'; liY/i7,00... tPtiil itt ,f/f,j0 introdneed eintilar ineasnre, 'bat 'the amo ant then propoeedwae $000, ho ohjeeted itoy reditetion, , If pole, ,Sone with $400 a year Wei'tt. to littVe votee they its Well, adept man, hoca 3uffrage ittO Otte O. ; After reniarka by Mr, 1?ritiee hi fawn of, ;tint Mr. Boultbee against nortiOns tlie bill, 'llonte • adjouriied, itt . ,Tite• Speaker teoli the chair. at 1,15, T,tIoredith. moved that the 13111 x sneeting atta3lithent tor debt be placed 'et on, public, works. ' e.'`Itykeet protested as the ,effect *W„Olild bark,e, tlee Adjourned debate on lus ',Motion 'respecting ,the Alunicipal ,lond Fund,. Vr. Meredith said he had alloWed his , to, etand over by request, on the xereati,unelerettindirig- that lie should ' no' Opportunity twining it Atter disctission the potion was car - lied by i3o to,;22, c • ' "1bn Mowat moved that private be tak4ii up after Government or, .-dei's; Mid efere publio orders: *to-ditY tb-41. rrew.• ,; keit .daid the Goternment 4-) nem, god the nneinhor'fOV Loxiihm enake't ‘e, MothilliSt earried;," and he noWwin 'yea 'this ;resolution . with' the evic*"..r tti. Vote' thtr" MinticiPal 7endeeneetion:ley apithey.;!eledge. Beinteiennived; that 'in the, opinion 'Abuse the the Fedispesed of: 4:43..enchn4te lo ; ' St by 40 t9 Wm. , that Howse go into committee onthe Bill te make, farther previsipu feethe due ad-- miniP tretienot j ustiee,„ , . • , Uri .Bonitbee ,protestmcli, against OW bill being: .prooe80(1. with at this; stage el the sessien, when two of the ,ablest, j arias inthe country,-Messrs..Canteron and. Bichards. heve heen compelled to Pave thelice-se ciousequenee of the protraetipn ofthe seeeion by the Gov- ernment. Atter : seine disonesion the House went into ,Pritninittee. Some progress had been•• made ,,telfen six o'clock arri- Ted; and.the,•Hoiise, took 'meas. • , After recees the Administration of 01! 0.1(047.000CC,7Arnr taiga -Vora, =Wee, Hon. Mr. Crooks' ineved. the sebond reading ef the bill to amend . the Muni- eipal In Ptitiite Act: Rykert 'Objected to intetforing with the present;lati..'' • • After a slight discussion the bill pas- sed its second. reading. ' • The House adjourned at midnight. . • Torianto,,March The Speaket,ceok the Chair at 11.80. Hap', Mr. lloWat MoVed fer the milli- catiOn of an. Order-in-Coneeil, granting, aid to the Canada Setthern ItailWay for a ,poitiOn 'of 'the lime between St. Themes and the Ritei. St.: Clair, et $194' net,,naile, per yeer, for the next !Al yeare, or by the sum of $2,000 per -mile, ofthe 'Railway Aid Fund. ' The resolution Was then carried'. lion. Mt. Creeks, moved the next res- , plutien which granted an extension of eeette,e4me to the let of Jiller,...to the Prince , Railway, forfurnishing proof of isafficient contract for the 'completion of the works, Carried. Hon. Mr. ;Crooks moved an extension of tune te theist of July ior the North- ern' eitelsion Railway. Certied. Flon. Mr. Crooks moved it resolution, granting aid to the Nerfolketo the ex- tent. of ,$2,000 per mile, or $194,40 per mile, per annum., for 20 years, for a line hetweenBarittfordetnd Port Bur, After seine discussion the resolution vaspassed. • .; , , Min.:Mr. Crooks paseed a resolution granting aid to, the ...Wellington.; Grey and: ,Brinie Railway. for -,a; portion , :of railway -between Palmerston and. Winge hard,' at the rats ef '2.000, per mile, ; or 164;40 pereatunitin per, mile for twenty yeare... "He; proceeded, to eexplain the, claimaof the railway till 1.80i when the; .Hotise'adjeurned. - , . The Speaker took the chair at 8.1Q Mr. Rykert said the ,Ritilway, Siebsidy 7und, Act:was, not paesed, Marelie 1872,. hut thisjesqution,provAed. that, the , railway sb mild: he aided Jierri &Lae , nary, 1.f37g, .,,,ge.thought this was a vio- latien,pkehe ;statutee. woald, 10, 4f the sense ph•the House by Moving the following knendment ;•----.•That while thls Igo 40, PF,c4)447a.n,4 , tO *Aid tdthe,W, elliiagtOW,qre, &13,:ptc,o Coin; panY 'Collie fill' eialit elldwett bi, the Subsidy, Act of,18,72, yet . this 'Honed' gantietColOre td ratify anY:,Orde'r Connell i!..414ieli antliinlites• the, paylitent. of 41'94,..40'per 'for:, twenty yeerS, conitPtitedliiiin'tlie Of,,,Jun.4. lt372;, when suela psernierit is net' atitle9rieed. th 'see eat ablishing, paid act n ot b,eing, peeped Until '''.;hf •Abeeb,::beitig prOVisiore Ithereiit ths,V.eaid . &et Phould'ireire ''a re ',trospeetiVe• effett: TileUidinhers vete called ip end the, 6rnandnielit WW1 lotit. Yeinf,.-1,8; nays, 149. , Thaoriginal inbtiorr was' ,ea,rried. ein the' same divieon: ; , FIeri.l1fr. Crooks moyed a ,resolution, „ gran;ingpxtension„of time to the Credit Talley Railway nritil-theelst of Decem- tler; Cri.rried,• ' , ', • The bill was read a ' seeend time'. '.0ieeteriate on the second reading of the Franchise Bill was resumed. Aftbr ' it long discaseion'the bill was read a • sedend time. ; In concurrence on. Me. Crooks '"enoved:that$121,0,00;foiecriminal Su,stice be, "adopted. , *, ' kr. 13Pultbee Moved an, amendment Pthat this House regrets that 'enotwith. standing the facilitieri 'afforded by the tact respecting prompt and summary ad, ministration or jastic 1 in certain cases, and.eeriSequent, large diminution of mi. minalt" rials et the several Coarts a Aisize, the amount annually phid for the °town Council and Pro ineatione has not decreit;td." . Mr:',,itykert mo.ved an aniendment to the terneadtnent tInit, (while Concurring in the great of $ 121,000 for the ad. ' minietration of criminal jtietiee; the kno.,..,,„1,,,o,,,,,,,ttini, to regret thet the Gtverninent hag hot taken tlie rieceesary procaeedings whereoy nal witness fillOttld be paid. foe their: at. tendance, the game having b eon. dis- tinctly peonli,eed by the Atterney,Clert- `; laSt year 'Ythen file stint of $80,000 r was Voted tor that purpose, but ae- Cho WM 8t680,1120,atly taken in reepee,t to the earne, diactiseiclh eentinti till six The 1/Eittiiti 0100 t'tioesi,i Wit> ilii.lOttO WES l'isSiuneti, The 'tense divided on the aineud- Mout to the rtnencheent, which, 'was loet by 80 to , 1\tr. Clow 'tweed in innendoteht to 010 ittiletialliOlit Unit tlii$ ITOOSO itt satielied with the explanaiions of the Govern- ment in referenee to payment to ertiel- nal witoesses, Ceerted by 85 to 14. The originel niotion Wes cerried the same divisiou. On the item of $4/,(390. for tho Cien, tral Prison, * - Mr. -Lauder moved" Oat $25,000 be subsided for sum mimed- . Mr, 'Gotham., moved 'in amendment, that the action ,of the .Goverunientwas, hilluenced by a desire te serve the pub- lic ititereste. The ,antendnient to the amendment was carried ,bv 04 to 17. origiati, Motion, ae amended was On the item $188, -494 foe iminigia- don, • Boultbee moved',"tde the effect that the House regretted that the pub - he; accOunt$ Showed it tendency to the exces'spf expenditure -over ; the, "revenue and the House was of opiniOn that the financial affairS ehould be so condnated 'that 'the expendieure should.nOt 'exceed' the reventie. •• • e'' ; Mr. Hardy Said that theliense wish- ed that; the "Governined 'should:, not e. lax, its- efforts' to entionragiVezhigralibh to this •PeOvince. The tunerelluent' the aniendinent wee catried by 'td none. • , * ° The rerriaining.'eSeltitiens Were car: riedwithout diseussione.".5"'"; ' ' Hon, Mr.' •cr6oks 'moved!. that 'the House go into Committee' 'of supply. Mr; , Rykert ‘moved an' amendment' expressing regretthat Ponie don bad not:lbeen 'made ,•in'the' Leen Fund Act, wheteby minder- prilities Might invest appropriations in'. aid 1st:heels. . • ' eniendment' wee lost by 0I to , • ; The House then -Went --into Corinnit- tee du supplententry esitimatea;•.' Res, olutions 'were addpted and 'ebnciirted cerriPd. . • The Bill reipecting the7sttle of ...pine trees by the free grantsettlers in Muskoka and Parry Sound, passed7a third,reacting., • ' • • ' The Bill to cOnsolidate the Public School law, and toponsolidate the laws of nnblic instrUction and HiglISChool passea weinertre;00•411 e - • The Bill incorporating the munici polity of Haliourton passed it third read hag. The 'following bills passedgierseebnd reading i-Aniending the Public Works Act ; regulating public aid Of charitable institutionae respectinge dramage„ y - Same prititte bills were' advended a stage. • , The House adjourned at 1 o'clock. Toronto, March 21. Aid waa greeted. to the Toronto Grey & Bruee Railwey, the Midland RailWay, the Hamilton & NorthVestern railway,, and the Victoria railWay. Hon. Mr. McKellar moved'the House into Conan -Atte on the Franchise ' . Mr. •Wood . suggested that the 13ill should not come into force 'until, January next. Hon. Mr. McKellar wee willing to acquiese in the Words of Mr. Wood. Mr. Meredith Protested agaiust this aolay. The House had ocane to the conclusion that cottain classes should have the franchise, and it was not fair that they should be- deprived of the privilege for the next election to the Local Assembly. Mr. Bethune did not think it possi- ble to let the Province know of this bill in time to allow' voters to have their names placed on the assesiment roll for this year, therefore delay wee, des- irable. Mr. 'Deacon said they had heard a great deal about -the Government being friend °film Workingtnan, When he 'wished. the country to know it' was the Government i'„who' -were depriving the workingmemof a vote for five' ypars td come. • • ,.. Mr. 'Meredith inoVed threee residence in the Province as' neeeseity to entitle Manta vote. Mr. elykert 'Meted that en 'eieetifi. =et 'hate paid taXes for the amount he was'aSsessed before being entitled ie vote, Carried: ' The reniiiiiift.'elaueet'iyereeatried:' Hen. Mr. McKellar added a clatieto the effect :that the bill do'met• come -in- to force until the 1st of January, 1875. • Mr. .pykert ;reeved that. the,Apt go, intelforce iminediately uPon itii; being ;pp:ailed, Lost-APas, 6 The bill wee- refurs setondliinef • . McKellar, moved aethird reading,of ••' • 7 Mr. ','tRykett; mewed Lantendnient that ;the, bill. go,:into operation = forth - with: " ; - ; ; - The bill yea read thiri time'and passed. 1 • L, , The House went hate"' coMmittee on the:resolutionit respecting aid to chitrit. ftb10:pstitutions, whith were carried:: ; The Billxespeeting Voters'-iiista, was - passed through ,committee, read a third dine and 'liaised: , Toronto March 23, , , The Attorney -General, in :reference to the boundary question. moved „that the House approves- of the reference -of the question 'of , the Western 1)0 unclary of thie Province to arbitration, or `the Privy 'Council, according as the Lieut. - Governor in Council May see At, and, approve :of is; provisional line in the meantime. pa such terms as may be aereed upon between the Dominion Grioverninent and the Government of this Province. Carried. • ; The Bill to provide • for the better government of that portion of the Pro, vineo in the vicinity of the Palls of Nis- gara was iimended• -in committee; read the third time and passed: • ' On the motion for the third reading Itylfert movedin aniendment that the hill be, ti;uit haek to the' Committee to introduce• it clause pr8viding for ,the establiehment of a Board' of Police ,Commissionere. Losf--Yerte, 7 ; nays 29, ; • ; The bill was read a third .thne and passed The bill reepeetitig the ettaehment of wages of Mechanic§ end others, (Mr. 1VIeredith,) paned throagh committee, was read a third time and passed, ' ' On niotion resume the debate op Mr, Ilykert's resolution municipal loan ceoutit, 1878, the Speaket xilled that is the variations proposed by tlie res. lution moved by Mr. Ityliert Would be ut of eerdete, propeeed hi the hill; he tiled it out of order, The bill reepecting allowancee to sur - ties and 0XedlitOliS and administratorS BOtillT110) WEIS 1)ftsgeti through commit. e, lead third time and puffed.; 0 t e ".^72.".• nletit preetices upon or by hotel keep, ere, tavern heepmee and ()there (Mere - WOES' pitiikied through continittee, read third time. and pu,seed, Mr. Lauder then moved for all papers and doenments connected with drainage works. °aerie& ; OLSON S BANK. PAID,TJP CAKTA,L„......$2,000,000 ... . ..... .... 200,000 A Exctor ltranch of Molsons Hank issue's Dritto on,Loudom Now 'York, II, S., St, Obbn, H. It., mot 1,E tic principal Dittos anti Towns. hi Oot trio mia ' Aftileoil on writotiitos: • ' ' , itIld 0014 stinging Ecintogo, Now Yelit Exolicogo, Urcoubsolis, etc, Discounts Naos. o pci)p.sit nop6ipto. roi4,ise,„4,teep.,in,;8cturdity froni'le a. el. to ' ' Edwg.W. WRATHY; Exotor, Feb. 13,1574, . klituaget• pXETDR, THURSDAY, 111ARCiri 26,38,74', SII4OE 'TREES. , • The people et. this Canada of ours. are 4\10 growing put of that state of an- tiquity and.,semi-eivilization 'into, which 'they were some. few years back' hopeles: ly 'chilling. It is all vely Well to 'attend ;,4) the_gte,affl Ilicrartii'Ke as PesSible; MaY .eveni!spend:every moment of ,our livee • iU this very nocessaty end; ' Will be le' be no 'kJ. iiot, thonghe se„tediense tireSome, irk- some and, mou itonous life 2 „, Nowe whatiwewhili to'kle Is make •a fluggee. tiori *Wolin -My help to de away With:it Part tilts Ponetony. We ,are" etrect 'produced by' light and shade upon the, , mind., There ate those Whoa° tastes differ-sonie prefer- ring•clatker ant othere 'lighter shadee. Wellthe tact is it,is hardto; suit ale -- There is also the hypochendriao-e-a per- son we hate to meet witle--who always wantieeverything around to look • as ,dark end gloomy as, he himself feels. -7 Of this quixotic bided we ,Wish to eay nothing. What i3, more pleasant 'or •what more agreeable than to have our Streets mica -with, shade ' trees: !which may' be pnrchneed cheep and are ;Iasi- lyinurtured into aetive grOWth. where you will, you will nolfind vil- Jage more pleasantly situated than. Ex- eter. Nature haredone her shake, now let art, With our assistance, take up her share of the wort and complete the task. By phade trees being plantedin rows on each side of our streets an en- tirely different appearance would. be at once noticeeble. Then, „instead of strangere renaarking, as they 'nciw do, "a very pretty village," they will say, without exception, the prettiest village in Ontario." , •And there is nothing to prevent that being said of it if with one accord Rome decisine step be taken in the matter. True, there are those in the village:who we are pleased to say have taken the initiative in thismatter, net, when benefit is general, we do not think it right that the cause of the benefit should be so lii.uited. Now, would it not be wise it our Council were to follow. the example of other corpotations in this matter, and. grant say 87f cents for eyery shade tree planted, on it being shown that such tree has been planted for one year and is living at the dine the request for pay- ment is made. We hope thie may be deemed a At subject' for thought, hy lour village fathers end also,hy those whoie .private;residenees look the picture .of bare loneliness without: the slightest live "or Phrub to break the monotony. ' TILE it.reo.1.1E wie4.,FreJurlsE 1141flo• ° , McKellar's: Income Francliiie Bill has become ! law. .Xt was.' introdueed 'ileitlie.ft'..,:tie**efliving' the :mechanibe, Clerks", ,and '040 'iv*? bk :salari, the right to ieritit'ih;Olit legie,letiye,elec7 tionsilt Jliblreve;,..th...4 Kid?. a! layet'ihay 'be .hpeii telobjeetion 'on Marty pointeeit ,the' , Statute witfilthi)*ll,t.hat.'W,9 fthoseeWhia-"Imay" still 'fondly %Imagine We' haye s 'Iteforth%Gotierzi'ineitt-- in*"Oh- tariti.' 'Was' Yety tile ;Welfare bf `pciok,, Work 7 ,ifiganinean„,dhadAhiabill,raehedteroteg 'this session in: a treniendous, hutry,fof , - eoureettiraheietheworkin,gritan tliat ;Wititheir-ftioh4 and eltaraPitene.i*a had Ohthe.°;:third radi.4g,,f4Jtko beini,oFdeie,d1 Bethilneepresuniably at .the,,inetance of 'MCKellar, Puggested,Ithet aS ' the yeat,was,,,,ap, far ,adyieriepd, it "'Wait Mit, adVisiible that she'll& take 'a!: feet iintil,January, A$75,, , To thia"Mte Rykert very proPerly objected, pointing mit that' :these. feu: 'whose benefit till§ bill had. been passed; Would be Virtnally they,nOW are:: for theY'•wetild net bp able to vote:untiI.18,79 ; se, that, in re- ality,Aliere•Was fibtethe slighest benefit' ia the AU, '; Whatean ,tibeiird idea to haye , through the Honed, la gi:eat litiriy; 'and' then Preventing provisiOns •fr,oni"eonaing into 'Pragti= dal:effect Milli 1879 1. , Syniplithy for, the mechunie. Fittighl;;WIlitt q.ateli 1 ThatthiS VieW'of the affair 'Will be telt.; .en,heetine, workingtnen gePerailly 'there baniiot bp the slie,litest,,dpitlit, for Mr: 0.•D oil oglrue,t1te only workingman mem- ber in' the 'House, littongly, stepported the ,Opposition, haVe. itirtliet reniark to offer on the subjecte bet Would•aiik the people to study over the affair fen' tiletneelvere, 'and they cannot ,eOine fp any ',Other ooncltision than that tho devernMent Were reallY Playing a telutitt garne, and trying' to enlist the itympittinee. ef , the winkinginen with lotid,peatendee While they are' actually offering them a grave insult, A 1,14,Tttfolkt 1,16W being ditchlation in Ottawa pledging the signers to re,, train ftom treating, and is meeting with 'I he hill tio prevent trend end e!t sucesa, Tun following resolution was pa, at the latp meeting hold iSeaforth 111r, Dewier, the proinoter of the lino of railroad from the scalier( Moved by Win. M. Gray, seconded 1).. D. " ',list this mooting IP proves. of the scheme HS laid down by Nr. Fowler ; they consider it feasi- ble, end that; eerried out, it wonldhe of great benefit to this village and. Oco- Hon of country," A vote ef thanks was tendered to ,Mr, Fowler, wheathe meet, ; lug eannite a close, tie4 by ow by THE I3iiti8h ViSitex emnprieiog tbe 0, W, Investigating Committee, lo company with the lion. John Carling and the leading officials of the line, . • , . made a tour of inspection throuel the new, eel. shops, the new yards and sid, lees, on SatuidaY forenoen, and in, the afternoor held a conference with' the directors of the 'London, Huron Bruce liailyay, ,yelative to the construction Of the line, The Committee left for Hamilton on Monday. , " JIMUEL Bemos, D.13„" wes !aridly as. "saulted, in Toronto, on Saturday lila, by Joe Kerby, of St. CatherhiPse for -an allitision he'iniade in the Naifoisgl'• to iterby,'and'it bOdthlacli. joe didn't like it :at all, inal? so willinglypaid" oyer' to the magnate $5. damages.. , ' "' ' , ,Tut Liberal .."OonservatiteS of WiSt ,Durliarn; .-cheisen upnii Thi;s. lVfcClung merchant- of 13oWinanyillato be theifstandard bearer during thee mu, inkeenteste Mr. geblung is la strong 'map; and will give his opponent all be can do to, defeat hire, it. sinah is ; abl" honor a Y PaPCTAfiet tr, Up:now-ft:clays, but we read eighti';',Uirie, er tem accounta Of burglaries; incendite: ries ,•ete. Surely something .T.04 be materially wren°. When suche etate. of thingais allowetrto.exist. ' Tria leliviii..CanadianV.•iniiie come inenced a series, of meetings, pra for an. amnesty' to' Rieli • Retaq. Kenzie will soon think,the whole a is a'real danger.' ' " ' TABLIP. 01, N. meant ()Mk 11/0iST. 12'47; $'06; A. 0'. U. 1'7 74. OWQ Wrii;ST` 5'05 ; 111; 151.2. P" JiiINN1NCS, ho'sau, Naroli 14, 1374, FOR LONDON 1 Mr. 8, ling poi modation. riving west ; leave 4101 to 61114 to , 304f. $, eltMlire0E. , , ',Armitage woald inform the' travel, - that his stages afford. eAery a000m, They iodve'Znotin at 3 4001.) Br* 0000 001010 • for trsion vast end ondon, at 8 'a, re., iving LA. toll stages and trains. • • • anal qj • THE AssEsemu r. --Our •AasesSer will lievetninitileted „fna work in ,al'etitdaye: TIOUGHT0-4-M Wm; 13ii,fieettjuks ob4i:ea. balf. harp of Mr, 1.1,9dsena'iiii'... the ,eteek,,, ever): east* ing Intel horse rari Mr: Dente death, Temeett A* (.11, 444'6! , • been. aPp 41:4t04 by the,Ontario ;Temper,. itnce!Pro ibition, League tO•'''-stetkas leeL turer t e bounty:of Union (bring .the'ebniin "ssimnier: , .; ee, • ro Sami.-,Te;Are glad :PAM the ferinete dye -at last hegun tohise the •colntins of the: TINIEN,freelyltit ef trig „known the puhlie.::4 'eitity•chie vranti4,-S'Ais; 'pose of a feria .s ItavOtilie in this , ..! ;, .ie iinportant- .that il'ewtefty,Ye:Intgarsd:iY11,1g11):1;iewga.6114is, iff harroWlY. (3.Seapect,,-instaiit 171 v PeetatiOne have been. far mere than rea- 11.4ed, "With thie numig.47 of the ToIns if; completea the 131.st 'Amber. 131 Welts ago- at which date the Tnimo first ,eaw the light of daY.--we werked 810"c0eplrePe,ersw'llielliiidasilw•leveilki Ilivdtirt‘t 9bier' ail elmost Apparelled illerease-an itYcr- age pf 10 eubseribere aweek, Some may doubt the) genninese:,9f fdic above, but a glance at our , books, which. aro free for. inspOetion,, will eonvinee, It must be, borne M nundthattliis ia with; a: irg4 eot i:itte, 0" :iisiosi id8u:rt` W4elilwtelnei Ipafoa`ai'tel,; )r,,n':$'1:)'311'n. t, .ti ir v, , i°14, 1,1:1111$',:i114) re , get,ing up of what 'vve igohsidered 't6 IA a paper of, ' general' iti4 leear interest, There 'are htuanY „inaltionp" of "eetiritrY, Wiiere''e.like.exiterprise Might liati5ileen /tatted, and ' signally' felled:: ' ' Bid' Our m Ott) .tvea '..t Rein 1, 6,, liVe,' 1,, iiiid'the pi39 4 le ' (Of ell"' 'pOlitical I' shadePy 'Of the piir, roiiiiding'lowneliipte eehl i ' o Ai feefinga. and "sec:61'14 enr'effettel" the"'reeillt w'e :it -1194;e, r.tf41.6.lroCatidty,:l.ii:11,74.1',,.0,,e; 6At tioli par" iiii' 'will lield adVeitrig, tlitengh tike":18641' 'Medi itintilLtlite Titike.' t'EviityViiiirstitiY. morning „ it gie3s,abroad -iin'it4'.,,ivekly -Visit,fte'.'nearly`eir,°(4,,pOSt offide. In', the '00i0-itX, ittici.iiiforiningite'readets'of thP. 'dpiligii..if, thilqilay';!"..L'and telling' theii ii,teiiith'eyniiiy6Phi"elia4e:Sheliand'Sifch '44, article,"whieh may be el. juat'What. tho.ereeeliiieeee vee orre,, eiera aee,: eee " „.. , ,e,..,..ee,...„„,,i,•,eel,„,,,,i, re,„,„&,...r,e, p.,,,,,H.,,,e1 , .., ,. , ,t, .. 9 r ,, "D„ceette, or, -OP: . 'kis:in sed.dutytwe have i;to4pertOim 1 0, :0'04 ,-f .01.1?..'.• li mIzsd.,,, „..1.,L. , plc`00 ttliis week. " ono of theinotWrefiriected, and, most'behitela` of.' ...int •,711.1iii1gets hal: • ii .0 .,,,,e.•.,.0....) 4 t,4,4) 4, ,S U445: , 1g4 ,r,., ,,,,a4,,?,p...,,,,, om,44,s?aPPP,TVM9%.. ec'M 1 w!titn.i.9e,r49 ltatiY„filit,X1 WA 1, ret*Atie'r Shig ' pent iltt irly.fitili tpedeacribelrf,ithekfthrill4 of hoiXP 'and' artgai 4 reltlkhar,..ivu, Tub'iciii;rilifit'.1if iiiid t4WVey'ril,',Ai.iiii , - . .. QiiPiiii13311it4e,;,xP.1, 41,i,,,4,;43*.440;400: Of 'Dir.' yiri4ixit.' ;,;4iiparent,liii::aripxong,' . able-bodied man,,of strong ccinatitutiOni, the;bri Wed theught to' he ' inie''''itble"‘. tiO paper,, as'intend g purchasers eagerly scan its ,coliimns,, • • .., • , LEG Buorra:e.h On .'Saturdity, lest° while le Coarde ot lads were Wrestling OP stare thil$gr,!'kniOlistet Mit of 'ecitinten7 - - " • • • the street., ctial 11(11€1. aii°6-14,,n,t,"P' ..Ye4'Tif.tcl P41.40. yo -1; "If;Drs. Moore and Yildnien were speethlY beencouiplaining, of.lepainibut he was iBn,isaitettetnh4aa:vheijs:1 hplten in th9 tuss!.e., few dive lereviOies,' death•Ite," Irma 0,744 thipatient. is., now, . , dOing aS. wellatoiw; -eil)T3ted. , . 400bIAL.---Thb" ThatheS kcipt die 'hOUSU' RdiAWSlir'klaY0 141t ' TEE Ponere Accounts Cemmittee have. cut short their investigetiork and there- fore leave them over untiInext sessiOU. Road S. of T. hclild a Pedal o,n ThuesdaY feeling Some better on .Monday znori' eveninelest,' *Bich proved a sueeee's In- ing, he •ietteeeleted to split 46*- 0 vg.p.di. every way; Cieritfain Gibson was .....'erlieoc•!3te,yaT, cbruetam;;eads tfhoor5isb4ai n't 0. giireo0;inealitipy,e;,avet6i.:eitii.e; tiiiil iitonfid11.1;tehere caildiiiissciRtietvh:eMituedissernee. or? Ot,l'ar. Die Pat'uP, as. 1131131; wit1.1,', 10';',0 0.,91ciii gentlemen 13' elient ' wete called upon: 'and leedeee*:cereioteck5beeoie#,Reieing; lipt The Eketer 'Mr was present: Miss .:l . He, oirever, Passed a .reetless. night,' A. Verity' p esi a at th organ d M in n arl -0 '1 S GENERAL Wolseley . xeceive.d a perfect 'SIPNIFI•c01,7---4. '-fe,* 4.'aPi.w.,a447,41:41E....r:, ,Ii;:rr4.3:1.i'7,144,;(i.,..41::!tts11,9114,11:' ,'"Sibhottalpys'elif.tiehtf-3' ovation on reaching London, On, the 21st head coniMon ischool teacher bea'-ropm 4,00r„ ea, he migh't then be'en-.; inet. , . ing inquiries of the 'scholars in regard •a bled to ebtain semi) Sleep. '' Pii.'13. feri ; aplIMM,MWMMOM,. . TEM Exposioi deelareathe yerdict of the jury on the Komoka disaster tohe in unjust one. 3,3h, tt. Pt rose Y ae daY„ CANADIAN •• The port at Sarnia is nowopen. Merrickville cries for prohibition. A' little girl named Purcell, died on the 18th inst., while sitting ;by the fire at her heme near Niagra. 4 Hamilton grocer hap lett for parts unknown, and left numerous creditors to mourn hi3 departure. , Berrie post office sheltered in alleged letter thief. Wybridge hacl a burglary on the 19th inst. One of its merchants lost Con- siderable flour, wheat, etc. , A'. man about fifty yam/ Of age was arrested ha Uxbridge, on:Thursday last, for passing counterfeit Meney. ° Robert White of Cobourg lost a fine team of horses a few days ago, while crof3sing the ice. Hiram Thomas was arrested at Bow- manville for stealing a horse from an Oshawa Chubb. Tile remains of the party who vas so burned at the Kombka holociinst, as not being indelatiflable, have at last been found to be those of :Mr.' Marlatt of Therold, who was on his way to Strath roy to'visit,sonae feiends. Scott has been elected:at Algoma by, a Majority of 65. Captain Norris; M.P., Waitlamiquett. ed Beamiville a few days The usual toasts; were indulged in. • Businese Thornhill,lias, again as- Pinned,On appearance ofebrieeleneee after ithh9a fierwel,da.luoll. wee oe fk so n4i tii,hllal,ohxels.,,, to g t That. Streetsviile thief' nitist he'-dne who thought " smell cOntriblitidns •,would he thMikfiilly received„" neYer would have broken into theelitirch and' Carried offthe,elilldreiiii collections' for a yeer past, •• ,,P9Pardine Tlf.G.:At•b4.4.37,1Plea.PaPt' fibigtin 010 W ..g1 'Arch,' on Wednea 'day, eVening , lastl The• chuech'imas l'itnYded. , • , .••,3 Elijah ',Pennock, .: a' ':Wiiitchurchite ,smaithed the •jeW ef Thos.''J. Denial ,eliief constable .or stouffille; fir,kllaye figo; because -he did. liot.'eare aboutte- ceiVing ''s•-"suerirnona. thel.fi•offiCer, thS law waS him." Dehgallrliesin' s eritiCat stats., ' " ' !' Incendieritse • " tried on 'Mr, 'Ganld'it Uxbridge resideneeLatetti daYS ago, kit the attempt „proVed, abertiVie _ Sweatim rorid'JaS. Shinner's Stet -ea; Carleton Place, *ere iireiten into the 'other *night. Nothing of any arneurft Was taken. , Mrs. 'Daniel Leppitrd'et Ea'St bury fell ,from her buggy,." lier, husband. was tying hiehote,e. in front of' Dr, 'Witidifield's Pffiee; Iktekvi'harket, ; The ,Kineardine Review eays Speaker Wells,manipulated.by some' lioeas, pools Means, for the purpose of uPing for• el6ction purposes in Smith ,Bruce, a petition sent by the Clounty Council Of Bruce to -the Ontario Legiilature. It "Wits scarcely just the Speaker of the ,,House tcy, 'enter 'an election' cam- Pni.gfl, either for or against., This- all 'will candidly adnait. , Tile Post says there are a nninber rtiffiens in. Mbrris Who are 'pr,efeeSedly ehristians. The gents make night a terror and day to ,be feared, *- . , , . , ,qpring 8hows, for the exhibition of entire stock, will be held as follotve: North Huron, at Clinten; , Tuesday April 2L South Huron, at trueogeld, Wednesday, April 22, , StAepii)rieltnialri,d Ilsbornie, Exeter, Friday, Grey, and Brussels, Tuesday; April 14, South Perth, St. Marys, 'Wedrieetlay, Staffa, Thnit'day," April ."ga. North Perth, at Stratford, Tlittrsattyl to the, several, tailroads 'and t eir nanutes'she heard him snoring 'end ches. One'of the smart uns' reePone dia'lioffor an instant: think that he ded answet to the gnestien Is there was Vettebtfilly .sleeping :nate ,the sleep any her ?" Tes;the PaCific S6'111184,1 of death. His death Was not, known Road.'' That boy's for a feW *.nrites. after it luippened•.-- iidt the fellowing po- V4.414ea'ail.ned the doctor Was, and metered thelied- etical eflusiOn suit the :tveabh,e'r we ate rooin r hat trpose. What a greet - now having • gar& had a little Iamb theplef.sentand op. iv countenace, there That didn't care a button) lay the once manly:frame of the doctor at laid down by the lion, cold and icy in deethi,1 From the peace - And got served up as mutton. ful expression of , his countenance he di cl ire 1 wi hd , ing I Instead of the well-known sitile This also tells -of March : • .. The first bird of Spring attempted to sing, But 'ere he bad sounded a note Helen from a limb -a dead bird was him - The music had friz in his throat. ARTISTICL—On visiting Mr. Senior's photograph gallety en Saturday last, we were shewn some specimens of his art: It is our candid opinion filet his work cannot be excelled, even in the cities. The outlines are: all ,portrayed with a very particular:nicety. ..As "the proof of the pudding is in the .eating,", we would advise you to call on, Mr. Se- nior, and we guarantee he will verify by his work our every statement. Mr, Senior has lately undergone a course, of instruction from one of the hest ar- tists, in the Dominion. .A. Seetie.-On Monday nield.last several Of those so.inclined. indulged, in what they terined- a " bit of sportiat the expense ef a couple of strangers. -- Mari and "wife,who happened to be= come ", a kind. ef so so." Jemmy Mac- greger would. neesist, in,proteeting " Wife,"" e4en at the Ppint ()Ibis knife, but sklastelosedit and Put -it in. his pocket. Mr. Jamei lth1•174 lificteeifthe eapabitY 'WOW 691i!" :etablei the...16'411g lib • an *mum. of glery,,clown.icads- het& $rtict 'etithit;;'•Wlieretn' e app nt y t ut strugglee-1 There was:no:lack ,of sympathy shown the Widow in her deep distress. The greatest_emount of sympathy is expres- sed for the woman who has went through the painful, ordeal of burying. thiee stalwart pons, and now will'.fol- low the grave the remains., ofthe par- tnet of allher•joys and.sorrowa. •. By birth, the. docter Vita alCanadian; beinghoin in the town of Simone, Long. Point -Country:. • 1. At the' time of his‘ death; he Vas' in his 62nd year: At the age of 17." he , ,gave himself ;• up to Christ;• became .a 'converted' man; Tor • fOr,tY-four •• years' he lids -beeli cciristant anigsteadfest folleifer of : johnj .Wesley, ybeview in .3 all. that time ,Ocoupied'evety'Office whieli it is in the power of • • the -ohdrelyte., be. qiieeth. In'theyeer '18,37' he inarHed 'his present wife, thou Mies, MilliSon Ann Carson, an ew Alas, ilved ' one ofthehapPieet of lives. ," T,hey,:had five 'children; hnd novrthere is. lint one left tems'olethealtnest hehrt-latoken mother•Milee.A.•,,,A„Ere.einan,,.. of towel. . He Wits !fill actiVe nienetet. of he to' s einparanee-whief. see,: tyihe has. belenged te for Omit- twenty, yearse=alititckheY:. P. PA.. .Elev:eni iffimilyaremoVer1.1 to sineei4 eDutiaehis '''!.611,?iXurne' heti; ° th'e AdeitfliriludinitianeArfieSt'friAlia! hi fleck ,,wei4i.etielitlafe;tok:etit&I that ;the* ,iter never ententninallz medetangeneni azialtitdlithie ithey„, were 'epeetilly, , ;SeVeiii• *ars nio ;ye, gi'Veli co,inefortaebile'heodi'ltinngr.4, •••14Sifitil 411 ' leruclineetirtit.o;ithidtan4;iteldift,,61'tftdi;xi'efivsitle.b'tibi;(ittilitle. :rithe'r than' , • ; )11, eVeiy.ittitionliMitils4"gihei` ',6UVer49,11' 'Dnivirea, uhtleritandetliat" the; movenient .• of ;tliegiiseen th4"Sfiettie 'enieri Of th 1--laniV"TiVIiiiiiii,bAiir3toi (16 '7,htikV , have been 'Considering :the Advielibility and'1,1flOwic.d44'oltailiedlami,10 able fuThe T.P10.tell0;ittt,!* of estChliShing, the, exivi he 4 their, e raz mon hl meeting on village. poo4 ; that „ tpjle er. Tneadaytiglit :the' Our poor, heart 'Wilt now, beat with,its, deadi- The •funeralleilltaka place to.1 nsuitl measure ivlilleetve cross; tliestreeit. itliit(thifraday,fit dreleitk 'Ae M. No fear now dtliaVinga' horse',quiettY " hut forciblY trainPlinef teet. ,There is yet, another step to he taken., ' .1' 4 " That is,. the., piirehasing of suitable . • 1. ii"..F.0,13Par, corf'coPcmisat.. gronnd. The aclyantagea of a park of 4")°R4 MP• 4344'4-T74h' ii11664'1111,4s16'1' ehie lame `,../iee inatireolit... we, ii -ave 6•••iii,• Sons of TeinPeranee held open meeting' 24th, of May ,celebration, Oneg fieA of •la'st„Mondity+ eVening;att „Whieh,tabOnt 250,,,people,Werapteedeite.. •Tliemeetirig, july:rCelebtlititer," ete.; and placet6' vvitS presided -over by, Rev, . Mr •iflyer - hold them but on our ; streets If tifihootiseeye ,eilsebtrof ,t, ,tilngftilvi,huhitiltotmh;xrig,;hic),?n, rd iti;cee, i esti° heg,seipwiteerapregiu,„ ego e e ,fluite.,,o,,,,,suctedsl, ' ' I, - ,, ' ".., ',. ..:..all, - d." d't b ' " ' " ' ' by the Misses McAli twhhecyrewiiilolnheavineatyo,i,,itet'olti7uttilili;88.;80ttilheeyihilaaveee, liater'.6ruild7'' and,"M6R°berts." as well riA by Measrs.';,(0Teil,,,1VIatheson, Stewl' the necesSary 'Shilling, ' it vviiiiild. be •min antl Br`p*atrx''Ileardings 'w°r&givea' Messrs. Manley#rSiitton'15.: Stanley; - Well fer those who take suffiCient in- 1"Y toehtry,ae,I;atstili 4wn ,otthaltleedn mbpeatitit.temeirltfte" ;it:, ftrhsoeex neg. hr. dotoitt7on i he& he, iy1 tas.n.n;:tatimie,y,t49,..kmi j3silio:‘16.61‘.1,gtlatiistfasenditi:vh,einod:b:sfr amni";Nil t'', 0'..: „ , , ._e.„ ,., ,I., „e ,, pieces walie, alp.; tendered by 'genial Ovn CfroontatioiV.-Many 'people of yOungittities„ auk gentleMen, connei3t d an inquisitive'turn-and Who ft're ,thOl'e ‘VittVithie,46,1geoftiffa „while holding in , , . -. L'',1 e th f 1 ' 'thoaveknnosovi ttil'ilaet•e4icuilrelii*i?7ef6oe't6irtfie,81,1ilvititilue:Visie:ttici`. 'hP-iel,tgutilteds:110::6:acis'ilerae:ott("rmi":1vstfeihtiletiattla'd71,\'Vfbbilrbtirl'illtilli)°', . We are happy to know thakege..11 n in, me /eit'f' iefise ./ye'' (Allister reang ni;Anna, terest has beetle and is still' eing taken pie Lentie", iii.the, feeling manner in hi the circulation of the eee, On erre. 'Which Oat the, gong elleeltt be ellbg, t firiting in the ttead 6.1,,,,, ),.of JO. ailitilinl, Itp,ivi r,,,,,Dow,,lit in, liis..Dilutelt,songs Ai, /0 in the 'village of Freter, -',vi 0 were "Ware t°4;meuatt'"'nlelell'ireettoist,eNotritlY;ttiortvgitt'r'i,';' that We had an 'llnllto t3a, Amount of bitg,A keen:appreciation .: of the °Tiara°, 1 opposition o contend WI h in the lin. ter of " Miss Vlore, Morlimsey, '• and in ton, and Lind' ;aline ne, • We at hearing and seeing the itebnirabloimi, talons of,that lady's tone aiidOstures; pleased that offorts hate . „ a person inignt imagine inmsen in a been so app '6°146 '61 fashiPliable niansion , in Fifth Avenue, this neighbor townehips ti e'SV VOrk., „Tho,,fact that Mitch'. of RV' ea to matters of more public intereet, prevents OS giVI/13` lt MIME 4t.ittlite 40' 4041)4 of the entertainment, whieli was trYot:IftehAtttoldrAzs3109Zleadt laiyboMutiols1 G4. re 1111°Zilky' and Nr. Stewart, eingiiig"Ged Save the Qule)le:1;0"NS.---Pigeelie bPattll make their appearance in this neighborhood last Week, and sportsmen began to see to their guns. The cola *cattier h4si h()Aws°s7srs'ocah.--ocicOenar8Pf19114e 4iiiseSSM: ha; pearly completed his tash. • , 110,uoirro.--',,,Liiaan,piaYtid a friendly game of draughts" 'telegraph with Sarnia last week. , won„ C.:44#0.0414 The ustialL,''.e.OarferlY 44111" nfttion the..,Sehoph e seetion.No.e6, ;Usborne began on,..Tinei3ditY Meaning March 17th, and 9.4.40cV P» 'rXitlftY,188t. The examinetien':pepers'Wereprepar,ed hY 1st class teechetareiadingenye,fthe tOwnshiP. Th'0'-f4/10:.0(11.1i.,4,4-0A0,44W,es Of the three,,,best :each ..eless , who 'stood. the examination) itogether.,"with iheir marks : "`'-'" ;Tioltta31. 011btm'aitniVielraZZT,,;g:.%rgkeerle. 441 I oianr B 1761,8f f:a _t; , G5epi 1:1:60 trt ,46(20 tit 0., :1;9, I '6 2 -Gra le,Htinterie0g41,-*AWlavt.-1.01.1-. lt, 468 ; JOhn Hallse4604:3zOlass,157+ per cent. Form °Mein:Able niarks, ''4drews, 402 $4.411.91XNsi..i"AP' glass, 701-5 per cent.: Olititinatilet1119X1184"4184440370401t0 ",N11Shbilr11; 808';',•"TOt.'llovolji.f.cOp ; peorge Andrew, 2$3:',,;.0'..#4,,C# ilk et. Rise Skean's DEskaeHievi:-Forni H. ,jUnior.-Tetal. obtaineblemnititke;490 :1100oks-e... MTiontearl; 856; hens Sarah 1.74 Knight,168 ;• ,Willie Hails, 150. . Forne•LilsiditOdk" "Tietial Obtainable antitka454 tnitlintec*h..014.23,g; Delbrig, SCHOOL Eiterineirrop.:-An examination .of the pupils et S. -S. No.01Q,, USborne, -tinder the tetteliing OfMr. Was held on Thtiticiii&litit. l'ikeY"WPire• eXamined. 'by Mr. -Mobray, froitt written exiaminatienpapers, prepared byteerch,, ere bathe neighboring sections. ...„Thap,„ Mr: had'ilo'l.chancc 'or what' ,qiieitieria, -fete fip be a:eked:the', Aktli '1 he'. day 'Of i,:7/aniiiiatiOn. Takini to: eciiistideration a re- markable 'inieihtintei5f exactness WaS eiin- ,of!edneation in hisclistrict, Seliore *re 4llin, uses. every" effeirt tO advance the cense are 'She* 'great 'interest theneselVes thee'inittir;.' ad Aifin uses the 'tire Of great .assistancs to, both pupile spa teacher., The sliowe the iiaailcs given `,eacli"!tb,rm e•--e;FOi&- 1r;! -:-Marks tainable, .511.74Henry Horton, 417. .801-.."' TILL -Narks ebtainable,,220-,J. ; John ',St eau; 144 bet. sey'SleaeY; 142: Iiiii''.11I.'e'-ilarks.pb- tainab,le,176,--EmilyEtlferitigttin, 174 ; Carlinda, BowerMan, 178.; .Kattie, Me - Riven', '172. Marks' ohtainable J.t6 --James Etherington,' 58 ; TrinieS,Xe." Atter,„ 58,;., Mergeze.t'. McArter. 52. Sen. 'I BoOk...l.st, Margaret Menu-, law; 2nd, WilliaM Daw. jun. IBOOk. --liit,.Mary Steacy ; 2nd, Dunes -1,1i Ewen. PrO0 — Goop Tea WOODTIABIG-The Woodhitin diyision 'Eh of T:Ptirriose building a new duringthe coming snmmer. 'Phis• speaks volinnestor the temperinesprin, ciplee of the Woedhamites. , • Ytein..'---We • Pee a •Ptitte; nient Pnbliehed'illiowitie the" 'average yield 'Of 'gitiiii -.per acre: ,sTlab &hewing are'the,fig,tateP*for the •.lf drib 'tiding cif Hiiron : Winter wheat 29„Spring wheat, 18, cos „ Barley ' Peas '',415. 215;, Wheitt..t5; bats '50, Barb*" 18q.: Ont any inthe Piiavinee rbeiifg 'fieti4 °twos. in 'seine 'ettaes.' • ,• ' 130inos tsi, "iiiitiois 1'zciiice ,alid ;L.i • - • ' •• '•,',•,,pepitii.,'• - " ,c.!..".., ''' ' ''' ! ' ' • ! "' a r' ! ' ',i'' " , , , , ;' • ' ' iti,!;' 1;7 1;41, ,.,fia, -,,u iolt,,ri, ,, , !,. ,,.; ,.44.? . Flq1,1" ,,v..(1,41tP.T. Ofifj ArrOyf; '4-43.414,1,it,..ReAkup,i,siticitl,Ipu' the, 10th iiir4:;,,PrOi7ers, grand' su'acess:1;;..b. '' , , ,,,, i-,4, ....e...., I.% . ,,, .. .4. { .,,..01, I , , 4 't 47 i P *tag* b a ;4 -3!)/0.0.ir euteredfageinst, Mt..41,9,,ntOithl•kekttetiOneiFinigel•i -,..,,,,,i . . am py4a,w,tkotAvii givatithieitd iti,ohlik 'ffortt DoVeiv-afitttaili*Thii8n 1007" art.' 4a!si,,.heed 'le''''' Ie• " ,': -'4.i- -i. .., "4. 1, ' qg -.., lature ' ,.) ' ' •:ii'iii trAtit'lliciittr liti. ' 4, . 4 , Nvetile 'ill, i) 3Alittie, It atteV ilgafiniar" utiderjhe',M,Ciakeidiffelie eftthe gie.,1044 thk1r6YiddiAellinl. hd,'"intiiii3O#11„taii490i;Nsithi% #40,11;(.? tiv(f.lt;mingfil he's weik s h- 1E44/41iiiqhe frielide caiirditOe Wingli-ain Time; thinke „the° 1,t,"•14 eel ir„ and Aefea-,,,,, a, afPn iiOwi)leforefthe •Hou'se, in, regaa to the iltrth'idfetteland Waidtilyeelebra-, te ktlititOnbtoitke. ,;1:80,sit.dOwn.st• tabre4 Kinge-Eiq. .tookthe. Des.'"VitreodelotiSeaftittli,. trittford; and' D Moran ;' .the „S,ettfortlipoet,e epkieches. rein the Oceattio,n,, ;„ „, ,; ;, ,; illqiiitiiteiviciits` etor .1)r • :6; reititiYedtP tfl.c; tiquor'' erila ,,enfeiped, ffhilelif",'Stratt,Otd jes- Matters in Ste:143)11'4 'pie not)°, faVen1S4bly spciken hOwever. , Although. terninSpeefpre.were: here, appointed hy "the'",:lOwn '0, 4, there ,apPetteS ,to 110° becA, la30Y:41, oarqing 011t of neither', Sli'e Offieere, sta,te,of , affairs, are Said,t0 ist Seatort)i, ' , Vfitehell'haS," titian Piayer Meetings, I'Vtitehellitee,-Peter'MutiSinger and Th(' s.' Mulheron---were , arrested 'as being the parties who burned ,Aboll"s , Woodbridge fetuidry, An , was proven,'' and theY were 'aeon riet at liberty; • . .;; , , , On Friday, the 18th inst.; Mr. bavid lIepperrioacheri shot bear in" the TeVni3hip Aitiabel. ; being, efficient in hie etiee." About imeknow would like to have a cattle fair 80 VOy ' A torepeny has been foreand for the purpose of sinking ft mit Or oil well at e space nithO bao beAettet., 0(001311140,, Torth -! e Lucknow AS'en el says n knPWs 'when the W , G. 44. IL 4, opened. " Family jars,"_ein Dungannon played by Lueknow Pramatiete, John Clarke, of Cu/roes, wae 4 tree A few days ago, and now his fo 15 despairwl of. The tree fell him on the head. -, The Manitoba Free Preis of a• late date, publishes AL Ape9111.1t 301 the or, ,.,, eumstanees connected wit, `,,,thp murder coof I: nTiihrkiti,nislis'gnSe01994tyi'z',i'ir-•° .!).414'f, lailiing .4P4.4•04neott, - li 'Campbell; GeO, IL; Young,.,and, Arobi:, P, *eVietty, 40,*083. ,.tovlatt, ' D.:'iflq. ibeld Wright.- Amongst other details,, it"centeins the following hen.ible statp't:'•. ment ';•;:e',-..".Seetti WaS ehot: at 0;86 4); aiir Te,is sfkia that •abmit 5 o'clock in''•tho'' -"' eyening, Bell, Alfred Selitt ithd,others ', entered, the; bastion' into, which' Seett ",„ hadlqeen cOnveyed, and were' saluted ' inv.qet4ontlitC671.91:1•11::::111C;!M;'14.'Thlie4Y14,:h*t'teankg•,‘;' , beck., and sheitly afterwardil lapersen-,.,'. entered ithe '.•.bestion", -and•;.out', Scott'a '' tpi:iiirirtty% , '',,erliet,s, p:sght,:ei,r4gin 6,4, iillotiAtittf. u.,Ii:,,,oi Er tlie body iri,"`"itlli#Pballiilityliiii4htalor ' ; the refusal tosrve, 014 31)04, 4p,,,to tho RiiiY. ,Ge9tge-Young-,who had applied ''• '• • fOi'i.t;".*.ltil',,a ii0K..f., grso#K.,,4,4;.9,,lauttz:.,* ' beirl;teU:-labliali‘ur::::::i::', T-' tP'n'ail' m:'6';'11;4':::t v;hi:te;::'11:tilif;d11.3 •:',''''k iC4.0ttin'i•elcr4:::::kb;:dfnli'71:, 1'1;41:: ' ' '-.11'n'Wiliiih ,104140„.4kL '''''Ott'18,4t14klit'YO' '1 , re; r $ five' thilk; theialitintvas- gi'Veie i';''i ''''' ,,,, ipizesksenbgeilierlitclitt, x.- fiiii;diae:;,;5;joliev,ber i,Wenttlit"„pgH;olitt:10 peteon'4116-44', ilea: 'A' tifilfrie leh Fad beentied' ore had. been- c at. offie is.rho-',,t' driver returned tet.c.104)(1.01illsi ne'clite tel Mthee teunk 61"iii let;4014, be. ha& : 04, IIX9,,q,Q4e;40.00.0t.4#0. *i,',16444.07 ,J•ltklaffi, fi9#14;Pui.,,090.rk,* t4§ pat* apatite. had -beeii taiten'cnt road'hrOketi:eion.'ilVede;tic '' d:,,,dis'a - , .tidirigs„,of.„theAR.951trOor.'! ,,'' ,.,:,„„, :I' ''' ox4i:Phiel_)::::0:11:11 ttv '6' 4. .hltil: t'sc':1:nle: 1:4' ::;',1, 371;:iat it :41*IeStlgc!fi:t l' ,7ti .: :e4a i:Ac :#11 ki : ..'. can.P. ;' '''". •.' ' „ ''.. „ 1 :11"a''rt''' ford', Conn.; '14treh 23.; -The 2Htna Cutlery Werke, of the Lagteu; . ' Fia44;&faatile'CO., in New Britein, ''•!. were hurned te-day. •:It is. supposedette,: '1•, hi; : the. WOrk -Of an ,inCendiery., , '500,,,, , Edmil are, thrown •out of elppleyment"iy,' „: Many, of .t,he. girls , escapectout of the., :,, L wl.n40.*fa,, , 4400),,SRQQ,991/;,,insuriklive;;;;'';' 450,090,in,fifty=eightednapanie Hatt4' tot& ,Companiee,tose $45,-0,00., In all,'- '': the 4rest it is divided .aniong Nevi -Tor -le .ankfeteign.eompenies. , ., , , -i- .',, 4 ' Belleville, Ill., Marcir22.--Yeateirdav everting' the' Citiselat of Ceritteyill4; he this countyi, learned that. a. horrible, raurderhad been .connititted foir miles. liOnth ',of that town on a family nanied • r Stelitziede'....ne-rtiot ,%1;3ii:4*ofiiii,41,,:y .•;,;'' ,,, peiglihora *hp..Went to their.house,,to"..,1.; :: precure -vegatithles. : 'Aepert " .boli;'ig4.: • . vwbee6n anIRS;i4Clexotostitgliitetsi,a01.4it'l;;;itinioine?,C", e.;1.14,,ti:,4e.,ii 1. ,,,f. fainilY; copeieting; of Stelzurede, sr., ‘75 • " ., .:: years old, Stplzurede,,jr., ,25 yeltri.,c-ad, • , 4. his wife and two children, teeteetfullYr: '. .three:years andeeight heduths,eld„. were 'found dead. The murder Wee eVidetite 4y; committed ThuiadaY • night:',:. ''".The :. body .of the young man evasfound twd :,* stepationi his sleepint:'apartment with, •-• , the, throat'', cut 'and Skull:split:with an • ' • '' axe; and, haiicls, eat ;with, a keife; Show- •".. ing,that he had Made a. desperate strati- gle. Hiiii :Vita:was. killed in bed while asleep,„with,ilie"...infaut in her arme. , Her Skiillwas smashed ab4 throat -ciit. The ;'ehildrenla . skulls . wereeerushe&., . - The old gentleman slept in an, adjoin- ing '..:toorte." 7 ind '. apPears '', te heve.been . , aroused by ' the' conflict • and ., to, have . been -pulling on- ajackei ;When .the mut- .. . clereirkilled :him, ., lie : tvas, onecof the 1 eldest' 'German settlerie":respeeted - by . - ,,, . the , whole community. -, Tlie„ bounty ''''''.' Courts ,offere, $1;000,1reWetil for tlie dile!: • coVery, arrest and. conliction 'of the ..',,:. ,intuelerer., The Motive:: ie' benied, to be . e a .,fainily 'fetid, and a larether4n;laWeet ' ' :' Mr....Stelzur,ede;.•,jr.,,,isi. stranglY „suspect,-.„,,,'' 'elf., ;Media setiedthein Monegiseld ilieid :•i' , 4,f e:r1 id ni :.! _' .,e142t ip s„, t, te: 1.1,' b.l:ttwe 64eorai'ir'tlitiieolt;,;10..0.•;:oTh::•- ','I'e.--;:li. -c1):7,6....:„.8,1,,i,,,1!1,..7:::1:'::....4.1:.e,t,, :b..„1:6;.u.....:15,3:::i iii.(;;ia:.:3.:: ( l'irs. p..R1, p.,Arocz wRITEs:-While0 .I ..-.,..4.4 - e Wei.; undee:the 'ProCePie Of ' l!iyaiielas' :,., 14'0::::116ii; .proida ,Tii4E,,ble;,:-:,,I.,.4,;!.' . ii:01illd:4.,,iitigi,:46i":70,1,,,i,:ot'froi:i.,iii:tit:,:i:.040,:;r4,,nlifo:43;%; 2.' tttilia' ' . e: 1' - :si 121 a:. 8, .1'. 6' ' : ;„ ni:: ' :lilt: . ): I?::;:' 1 jt: .1 1:9!:;' filX.'' sr' j i'.:' ' I:1( i :St: 4:1;4; ::;11: gl:i 1 r'i,' ''' hi 't:i I nee, impertahe :organs Pfeenvsy .015a4mi li'oti,"AiiiigOt.,*it '..,.. iiky" " ' :1:m1;:479itigui:4:g1 a41'' t Ltit°g!: ii*? 41. 4 ibbeitibffig,136,:taleakopttlivklictrith447, un enancti;: ,lineW' it %I! 4 • inikes an',Old'P'ersiondkeiritthf:Y4ere- 'younger. • tbateko-01, it known 446ng thay its itrreeterk liv,e efee,the happy fruite of hia",inventimi., • •4e , ALEXANOtit' CLARKE, niniq Alnly8;ritt Jane,cke;of 1Vtilwatikee,isappar. entli,one'tf,thoSe wornen,,*11P.rotight tpreeil theirettinedentlefiecharnie from m1161419'. Etoiti ., of this' epro-'io. caution; yonnt 'il11111•;'),,Wbo ef )104' 19,ok"at roomfilhe had,ielet, ,ipto the, ,greetionseerrpe pf Mitt; 4'7T 01214,.whein'hiS. was in:trained paid iis ne wi h great eon en i,arAirr$ ing that "she was sopretty he Ciftilifhit heheeit.,- " , ,*";." "'j; 411.7.11/Yrifil D.6701301000.777-iti Vitero of the th1 . wife of 1...t...24...„„lethth., of mon, • ' otatotratows, Piterteredele-reettie3WEis..—, At :8t. themes, eri• the ;hat big; by itt6 Day:. 8V.. Imott, 'tiler of thir bride Wm: Petherick 'of Sparta, to Mrs. kettlewell, St Thomas, ;,- Bissett Vosper,=-Iti!.'the teeldt'lleo, of the , bridtes± parents,Marah the 25th,hy'iliii ' 13,oerAft, Albert T,BiSsett,,ef.Elis.,•2: ter, Miss, Elizabeth Vesper of Usborne,..:-;-- 0,11441,410 0 , ' ' ' littPtieet arra 'feel; Aiid• ' • metitS; the proPeitY TliS50,'"Itiidgbia;",,,..101„,,' r 0. etim p'eatis ,3, ' 1$11feaut, stoOk-itia. of Pae .,‘Vaikor;,let tclio 'Stoplitie tlielithg, 4161e at, 1 Spaolcinrin, 886. .1.. 'Messiah), , Artift;4.;.-;Villiiire''lete 4 mini: preportyof Ceettei, ..$*10 , tioini One° at 2 oeleek itellithee, • Ate,, fifet"inAe,!. 8.--ilittro*0 and 13aggiA , Ifok p, Saleat,2,6'eleeklt.M. •