Times Advocate, 1992-03-11, Page 21i1 LUCAN - On Saturday Kub Kar lacing communities from as far north as (ioderich and Blyth to the southerners Ailsa Craig and !Actin, front their best Cubs and Scouters to the Lucen Community Centre. Their goal was to participate in sonic good Scouting fun, and if they did their homework well go home with the "hardware" and the title of fastest Kut) Kar in Huron District. Exactly 153 hopefuls made that trek, and "exactly" was the key- -Word of the day. The 1st •Lucan Cubs were using a beautifully cok- -structed new six -lane- track, cOmpu-. terized race manager and electronic timer. This allowed all Kars to run in each lane, (with no elimina- 'tions), the winner being decided on the fastest average time. -That --butte was -exactly-27836 ly.- 2 7836 seconds and it belongs to the '92 Champ Ben Bedour of Zurich. Right behind him were Joe Debus (Zurich) and Mau Redmond (Gode- rich) who mated down the track at 2,7911 _and 2.7959 seconds awpec- 4ively. If you think they were close con- sider this. Suppose your Kar was a little off the pace and you ran 172 second slower than the winner. You'd be in 147th position! Kub Kars are unpowered, wood- en vehicles hand carved each sprang by Cubs all over Canada. The vehicles must meet strict size and weight requirements to be :al- lowed into the competition where cars coast down a wooden .track to the finish line. The goal for each Cub is to design, build and tune a competitive car. Rolling resistance and.aerodynamics play a large part in determining the winner. Next year's Huron District Kub Kar rally will be hosted by Grand Bend. Ali Local tabu were able to get a front -row vfew of the handmade cars as they crossed the finish line and trapped the electronic timing troops, eliminating the need for judges and heats to race cars. HOME BUYERS. INFORMATION NIGHT All you need to know about... ming a Home Recent Government Incentives such as 5% down payments and use of -up to-.S20,000.of your RRSP's tor J downpayment make this an ideal time to purchase a home. Paan to attend this informative meeting to team the details of these programs and how they can benefit you. Marsch 11,1992 7:30 p.m. 147 Main St., Exeter 235-1449 Aff r Officials say there were 190 Stab Kars registered for the Huron District Rally in Lucan aturday afternoon. Twenty- five of those cars were raced by adults. A well prepared resume will help you get the job you are looking for! A resume detailing an applicant's •workhistory and education is extely iielpfullo an eellpioyyer who is :seeking a limon dor a atpeoific job 'vacancy. Your personal veaume should acooaqaany lour letter of application. Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume: U Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer than two pages U The resume should be typed on 81/2" x 11" white paper with enough white apace to prevent a cluttered look U Start with your name, address and phone number U Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order - that is,.last job first. U Use a separate paragraph for each position and precede it with the dates you held that position. U -State the job'title, a brief -description -of the responsibilities - and the results you achieved. LJ The next section of your resume should ,come under the sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the name of the institution at which you studied. Follow this with previous education attainments. At the end, list any specific instructional courses you have attended in conjunction with your work. U Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships and/or offices held in professional or industry associations. U Under the nub -heading "Personal Interests" list any activities which you ferrel will be of.interest to the employer - ouch as volunteer work, etc. WeecistNerotappliaidienand,paur assume loabogie ofefl ttardwflesh/losersisftideahrifsar.*Otshert raistrllsu fornniateadew.Sosso e Ka, hdpiraolos as -you Awn -AideAlek&othe Amts. We can i olp You get .an limpressiti ,idle Pnalessionsi-haohingresume 040ta;Dalli4ie lord at 424 Main St. Exeter _ (519) 235.1331 Dirk Coolman Pat O'Rourke 235-1950 237-3762 Ron Cottrell 235-2473 Feel Free Canada TrustRealtiy to Drop In :Y% CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - TTS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONJTRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenic Trent-Sevem Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state -rooms, meals, free brochure; write Captain Marc, Box 6, Orillia, L3V 6H9; (705) 327-5767. SUPER SPECIAL. QUALITY vacation $185. per person, 4 days incl. dinner, breakfast & accommodation. 4 Star Resort Tapatoo, Parry Sound (705) 378-2208, 1-800.461-5410. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN &.BONAIR Camping -traders, Hardtop- Foldown, Fitthwheel, Travel, Truckcampers-Caps. Park Models, Royal -Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. 1-(519) 343-2122. Come sae us at K.W. Camperama R.V. Show Mar.5-8/92 and Stratford R.V. Show Mar. 13-15/92. COMING EVENTS CRUISE CANADA'S CALM -WATER 'RIVERS onboard elegant overnight replica steamboats. Romantic cities, 1000 Islands, international seaway/tocks, whale -watching & fjords. $629. +. Dial -a -brochure 1-800.267-7868.. 11TH SPRING FOREST CITY nostalgia & antique show and sale March 14th & 15th. Saturday 12-9. Sunday 11-6. Canada Building, Western Fairgrounds, London $3.25. 60 dealers. (519)`679- 1810. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Chtisuan.peop1a across Canada: all denomirt¢lons, all nationalities, for oompenionship or marriage? ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE IMO. OUT OF TOWN.FROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid .taxes. Clown Land availability. For information on both write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 6380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1 REAL,.8TATE UP TO 12,000 MOVING ALLOWANCE to purchasers of Residential Property in Melita,,MB. .For iniometion.calk Town of Meiite, Melita, MB ROM 1L.0 (204)5224413. BUSINESS POR SALE PROFITABLE- BUSY PRINTING :BUSINESS for sale. Splen $326,0004360,000. Fully . All offers considered. Write to Box 242. OntarioLOL 1L0. STEEL BUILDINGS BEWARE OF LOW PRICES. Before you buy, check the size ano depth of the panel, the overlap and Thickness (gaugs) of the steel. For value, quality restintegrity kali Future 1-800-6684663. BUIWbNQS - 'ONE PHONE CALL CAN e IVE you a tow costerection." by direct t• • • • a •t. •r from Mamdactuter...40 x 80 Value 55,400, N• 62, If pt ice is no object why not spend a 48e loss - 1 4684422 Pioneer first In Steel,auledirvis sice .1880. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x54-$7344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15,882: 60x126 $22,972 - other sizes available - winter works program - Paragon • 24 Hours 1- 800-263-8499. ARTICLES FOR SALE BUY MEMORIALS DIRECT FROM manufacturer at wholesale prices. Write or phone for free brochure to Young's Memorials and Stoneworks. 4348 Main Street, Winnipeg, MA R3C 4A3 Ph (204) 338-3938, Fax (204) 338-1049. FREE CATALOGUE- incubators, feeders, waterers, brooders, egg candiers, poultry pickers. Wide selection of instruction books. Berry -Hill Ltd.. 75 Burwell Road, St. Thomas, Ont. N5P 3R5 (519) 63;- 0480. 3:- 0480. HELP WANTED JOBS. JOBS. JOBS. FullAimeipart-time Watkins need people to ram serious money ay selling and marketing. Call collect, after 4 p.m. (619) 627-1337. SELF EMPLOYMENT AS DISTRIBUTOR. PROVEN concrete repair products. Protected market. Comfortable income. Financing, training by 20 year manufacturer, Minute Patch, 427 Garrison Rd., Fort Erie, Ontario. L2A 1N1. MORTGAGES FAST MORTGAGE MONEY available for homeowners. Pay bilis, credit cards. Example: Borrow $10,000., repay 5100. monthly. No qualitying hassles.- Call intransicon Financial --Group, ToK-tree - 1.800-268-1429. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DON'T READ THIS. Unless you want to join the FAT CATS as part of Canada's hottest music and vacation program sweeping the country. Protected territories, 1-800-263-1900. DISSATISFIED? DISILLUSIONED? LOOKING? Then become a FAT CAT in Canada's lastest growing Book and Vacation program making huge ,profits. Full training, corporate support. Call 1400- .4854400. SINCE 1976 we've been Canada's 01 display wholesaler. We seek 2 reps to service established retail stores in your area. Earn 63.00.11100 weekly. 4416) 766-2166 or (416) 766-3174. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED: The one -million dollar - bill. EAGeilent gift for any occasion. Wholesale, retail. Write Ontario Woodlands Lid., Novelty Div. RR. 1. Enterprise, Ontario KOK 1 Z0. EMPLOYMENT OP.POR IES EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE IN THEU.K. Oontact the.International AggrriculturalAssociation 6O1.174ve. S,W., Calgary. 1 . EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES BUILDING CAREER. Pat Me Log 8trking Sof career oases beg uig Apn1 131h. Teri weak, *9200, tour weak, $1,100, tie week, $360. (613).43.96.31, lyra area. Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! ..w