Times Advocate, 1992-02-12, Page 33FAMOUS BRAN AMES ATAMAZINO 816 V PRICES! *It,* SPEED STICK , .Speed Stick 759 •Spend Stick Plus 70c •Lady Speed Stick 50y •Teen Spirit Stick •Crystal Clean Deodorant 45g each 0444.7 "Ri .61 7F50 NOW thnj SAT. FEB. 15 ,ecf�ppR,l rilt 00,PLUS the prlc 0rul40O0 p 0 4�Om1 °u CLEANS GENTI.1' OR DEEPLY, THE RIGHT AMOUNT EVERY TIMI. • NETTOIE EN DOUCEUR OU EN PROFONDEUR, LA BONNE QUANTITE A C UAQ F 7NIN(, \GIN(' RHAl1 RIAI31 I siCHi bylPat • -?`` 0 IR It • 'FINESSE " J shampoo or conditioner 400m1 (300m1+100m! Bonus) ,d 4ar711r- 4°44rvr REACH TOOTHBRUSH OR Johnson & Johnson DENTAL FLOSS 60 yds. each „kr each PLUS receive a FREE Aqua -Fresh toothpaste 25m1 when you purchase a Roach toothbrush or Johnson & Johnson Dental Floss 60 yds. . ' 4m1,. Qtlps cotton swabs 216's (180+36 Bonus) Selsun Irestrnent alwmpoo 200m 11 9 Johnson & Johnson . Band-Aid Brand BANDAGES *Sesame Street 30 s *Sesame Slreet Spot 10 s *Plastic 60 s (50 + 10 Bonusi *Fabric 50 s /404 10 Bonus, Goll tablets 100's Tampax •regular 30's •compak 24's 699 A each Nivea •creme 120m1 regular or light •moisturizing lotion 300m1 L Uredt Studio Line Products •t ,,, .,.:r ; 1 •Pumpmy CIIIIS ??511 *Mousse 1509 *Sore/ 2?5mI *Gel 12Snd *Anti Inn 1 /5ml *Gelling Curs 1l5m1 •Smooth Move 200m1 •Spnnq Curis 150y •ach