Times Advocate, 1991-03-06, Page 9Varna teen wins 1U -day trip By Joan Belernng VARNA - Congratulations to Sandra Coultis on receiving the United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth Award Certificate sponsored by the Odd Fellows and,;Rebekahs. Sandra was chosen to represent Central Huron Secondary Schdol in a public speaking contest held In the Clinton Public School on March 1. Sandra was chosen first out of four competitors for her speech on "Divorce". They were also given a topic to draw from and she drew Ghost Stories and was given two minutes to think about it and she was awarded an honourable men- tion. As first place winner Sandra re- ceives a 10 -day all expense paid trip to New York City in July as a dele- gate for the United Nations Pil- grimage for Youth. Thursday March 7 Varna and Goshen U.C.W.s will meet in Var- na for the World Day of Prayer Ser- vice at 8 p.m. On Thursday March 7 the Trends Youth Group will meet in Bruce - field Church at 7 p.m. Congratulations to grandparents Bill end Helen Taylor on the birth of their granddaughter bests to son and daughter-in-law, Matic and Shar- on Taylor. Congratulations to grandparents Bill and Joyce Dowson on the birth of their fourth grandson Jeremy born to daughter and son-in-law Bonnie and Patrick Groot. What a beautiful winter day last Sunday when the Varna Sunday School children and teachers ven- tured through Bannockburn. gunday School superintendent Joe Laurie pointed out many differ- ent interesting points about the trees in winter and about the ani- mal footprints which were very scarce. ld �isoned clue 11-24. 111 Following this excursion every- one enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies at the Church. Plans are underway fora bowling piny in the near future. The teens group meeting for February 26 has been postponed due to Presbytery meeting the same day. The crokinole party held at the Varna church last Friday evening brought in well over $100 towards the Clinton Public Hospital Funds. Peter Wiley took the prize for high man ane high lady was Joyce Dowson. Barry Taylor took the prize for the most 20s During the social hour of lunch happy Birthday was sung to Barry Taylor celebrating his birthday that day. Thanks to those who came out and supported this worthwhile event and to those who arranged it all. Some of the members went to Godes Little Theatre to see the pla) e,...Jed Bedroom Farce. The play ran from February 27 to March 2 and one of the actresses was Linda Linfield of Goshen. c ROLLS doz.1. '.9 FRESH BAKERY BUYS -r* PRE ACKAGED BULK 4.8NACKS cel►dles; i' `°eking ;. ,Supplies • , • c.. rt Bran MUFFINS so3XRES 6 for 1.79 6 for 1.99 CANADIAN & IMPORTED CHEESES Frc Ii Off the Block Prices in effect 'til Mer. 9 astyNu Bakery & Cly House Goshen St. Zurich 236-4912 Mall St. E Exeter 235-0332 HAVE A WIDE VARIETY OF Delicious DONUTS and FRESH COFFEE The Goshen U.C.W. met at the home of Linda Linfield on Thurs- day evening. Linda and Anna Keys were in the charge of the program. Reverend Phillips conducted an in- teresting Bible Study on the Lord's Prayer. The ladies are selling Gweneth Whilsmith's new cook book. It is made up of recipes that her mother and people of her gener- ation used. Gweneth has included many little anecdotes about some of the recipes and of the people of that era. One would enjoy reading through the book even if you never used a recipe. It sells for $12. Gweneth lives near Zurich and many of us have enjoyed her book "Hear the Pennies Dropping" as well as hearing her speak on differ- ent occasions. Speech champs - The Crediton and District Public Speaking Contest took place last Wednesday night at the Crediton Community Centre. MacGillivray Central Public School's Darren Young took first prize. It is only the second time MacGillivray has had a contender take first home in 14 years. Also seen in the photo are Heather Davies (second) of J.A.D. McCurdy Public School and Sara Szabo (third) of Usbome Central Public School. The Crediton and District Social Club hosted the event and the Judges were provided by Southjluron District High School. Crediton and area 4-H meets C. W.l. CREDITON - At their February meeting the Crediton Women's In- stitute were joined by the 441 girls of the area and their mothers. After a pot luck dinner the girls who had completed their sixth club, were presented with a cup and sau- cer. They were Liette Clarke, Rose- mary Glavin, Lesley Pfaff and Nina Pritchard. The club leaders Glenda Wuerth, Beth Clarke and Margaret McClure were thanked for their help. Lorna Finkbeiner then introduced Terri McRobert from Creative Af- fairs in Lucan who demonstrated how to use dried flowers in a crea- tive way. A business meeting followed. A 4-H conservation club for boys and girls will 'begin March 21. Leaders will be Dave and Margaret McClure. The organization meeting will be held at the Stephen Town- ship Community Centre at 7:30 p. m. Church news At Crediton United Church Sun- day moming, Rev. Ed Laksmanis entitled his sermon, "What is richer than gold and sweeter than honey?" Junior choir practice is this after- noon, Wednesday, after school and senior choir members will rehearse at 8 p.m. A stewardship workshop is being held tonight, Wednesday, at 8 p.m. at Dashwood United Church with Craig Railton of the London Con- ference in charge. The Stephen township hall board is sponsoring a ham supper on Thursday, March 20 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Crediton hall. A family plan will be in effect for those with a number of children. Centralia by Mary Kooy CENTRALIA - The sympathy of the community is extended to the family 4;Bertl1Bodand..,M flbto' :land passcd'away l'Mst$4 ;'1'' •Mr. Borland 'was tke'Zwne a .. machine chop in Centralia for many years. He had retired at the end of 1990.' Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Rae Atkins on, the death of her hus- band George. The Atkins' were Centralia residents. for many years before moving to Exeter Villa. The community is pleased to re- port that :Tom Somerville has re- turn J$ home followin: sur: i p 'r is wished a . y'ib."! ' oto Euchre 'jV toms Prize winners at the euchre tour- ney at Heywood's Restaurant were; high score - Helen MacDonald and Harry Noels; lone hands - Jessie Lewis and Ed Armstrong; low score - Mary Moser and Stuart Campbell. The next gathering will take place at 2:30 p.m. on March 11. Entertainer coming to South Huron Rec Centre EXETER - He's funny, he's silly and he'll make you laugh. Major Conrad Flapps, alias Stuart Newlin, will be landing in Exeter on Thursday, March 14 at 10:30 a.m. to entertain children of all ages at the South Huron Recreation Cen- tre. To help chase away those March Break ho-hum blues, Flapps fea- tures a combination of humour and music that is sure to make you laugh. You may have caught his act as 'Airman Extraordinaire' on Sharon, Lois and Brain's Elephant Show, The Paul Hann Show or on Just for Kids. Conrad Flapps is a dashing, leath- er -helmeted grinning aviator with red nose and an 8 foot long flying scarf. He is an actor, musician, and a clown who has been entertaining audiences of all ages throughout Canada and the United States. Admission for the show is $5 and tickets are available at the Rec Cen- tre. rikl©L::: All Winter Stock 70/0 up to 5 off Sale ends Saturday bIhflh1'tY' IIijfil0Vl1 tal 373 Main St., S., Exeter,. Ont. * MIMI Ce.p•pvwercfr nolie"el repietrotiern lot Ow 124trrwA perbd drovek Orewdnr 1990 let CMHaMt and 0fAC kvdti coa Med.