Times Advocate, 1991-03-06, Page 8Page 8
Times -Advocate, March 6, 1991
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Mendelin ex-
changed wedding vows on Octo-
ber 6, 1990 In St. Timothy's
Church, Ottawa. The bride is the
fanner Kathleen Speziale,
daughter of Mrs. Ruth Richard-
son of North Bay and Mr. Harry
Speziale of Ottawa. The groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Mendelin of Terrace Bay. The
maid of honour was Vanessa
Thomson and the bridesmaids
were Vanessa Knox, Sandi Pratt,
Laurie McDonald, Ruth Clarida,
friends of the bride and Wendy
Mendelin, sister of the groom.
The flower girl was Eleisha Rich-
ardson, sister of the bride. The
best man was Kevin Regis and
the ushers were Kevin Seidel,
Ron Stortini, Ron Freedman,
Bruce Nugent and Cornelius Po -
sine, all friends of the groom.
The ring bearer was Gregory
Milo, friend of the bride. After a
honeymoon in the Caribbean,
the couple is residing in Ottawa.
Meat draw
New from Exeter Unitecl
EXETER - March 3 was the third
Sunday in Lent and the flowers at
the front entrances of Exeter United
Church were placed in loving mem-
ory of Mary Cornish and in memo-
ry of the late Bill Mercer.
Bev Robinson spoke to the chil-
dren about being at one with our-
selves and our church family. Peter
and Linda Snell sang From a Dis-
tance, Michelle Ross read the scrip-
ture lesson, the choir's anthem was
God Bless The Master and Rev.
Hawley's message was entitled
Spring Cleaning.
It was reported that more than
$3,000 was raised for the Medicine
for Brazil project and the Outreach
Committee hosted the social time
following the service.
This week in church the UCW
will be making meat pies Wednes-
day morning, the Sunday School
teachers will meet in the evening at
7:30. The Gone Fishin' group will
meet at Kicks at 5 p.m. Thursday
and Time meets at 9:30 a.m. n -
The Christian Develert t Com-
mittee are hosting aand
Games Night, Sunday, March 10,
6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the church. Ba-
bysitting for children under 6 will
be available so bring your games
and your family and join in.
Alr band competition - Exeter Public School students took part in an air band competition last Friday.
Seen here are Natisha Fairburn and Julie Darling doing their rendition of Opposites attract which took
first prize in the junior division. Intermediate winners were Jenny Ellison, Jennifer Graham, Krlsti Ahrens,
Erin Workman and Melissa Brock.
Nursery school
Learning about community helpers
EXETER - Winner of last
week's R.E. Pooley Branch 167
meat draw are as follows;
steaks and chuck - Jackie Post -
ill; pork chops - Ray Snell;
steaks and chuck - Elsie McDo-
nald; ham and beef roasts - Peg
Hunter-Duvar, and the mystery
draw winner was Mike Cush-
By Vanessa Cook
HENSALL - The children at the
Hensall Nursery School have been
learning about community helpers.
In the coming week they will be
visiting the Fire Hall and will be
having a dress -up day around the
theme, What I Want to Be When 1
Grow Up.
On Thursday, March 28, the chil-
dren will be having a hop-a-thon
for Muscular Dystrophy. The chil-
dren will be dressed like bunnies
and will try to hop for two minutes.
Pledge sheets will be sent home.
Host a foreign student
MONTREAL - AFS Interculture
Canada, one of the country's most
important student exchange organi-
zanons, is once again launching its
annual recruitment campaign. It is
looking for families who are inter-
ested itt sharing their life with a for-
eign student duringthe coming
school year.
By hosting a young student from
another country, families discover
another part of the world without
leaving the comfort of their own
The father in a family who is cur-
rently hosting a young student from
Thailand explains, "We are really
living a unique experience, she
quickly became a part of our family
and, through her eyes, we are redis-
covering the beauty of our world
and learning about a new culture. It
will be very difficult to see her go
home in July."
Interculture Canada's hosting pro-
gram lasts 11 months and is open to
all kinds of families, with or with-
out children. The students are be-
tween 15 and 18 and come from
about thirty different countries,
among them Australia, Japan, Bra-
zil and Sweden.
These young people are carefully
If you are approached by a child
from the nursery school, remember
it's for a good cause.
The high six game winners ins,.
shuffleboard were George Dowson
with a score of 425, Dave Wood-
ward with a score of 333, John Pep-
per with a score of 330, Ellen
Coutts with a score of 318, and Ei-
leen Dowson with a score of 317.
Due to the Seniors meeting, shuf-
fleboard will be held Monday,
March 11, instead of Tuesday.
Brenda O., Strathrgy
Don't forget about the Hensall
Figure. Skating Club's Winter Car-
nival on Saturday, March 9 at 7:30
at the Hensall arena. The theme for
the carnival is Muppets.
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selected in their own country sod
that they will be able to quickly
adapt to the family with which they
will be matched.
The families who decide to par-
ticipate in the hosting programs are
not paid; however, the satisfaction
they get from such an experience is
invaluable. Further, the students
and their host families can count,
during the entire year, on the sup-
port of the volunteers and staff at
Interculture Canada.
The families who are interested
in living this unique experience
must register without delay. There
are over 275 students waiting to
know the family that will be host-
ing them during the coming year.
AFS Interculture Canada is a not-
for-profit organization whose goal
is to promote intercultural under-
standing and international develop-
ment. As a member of AFS Inter-
cultural Programs, it is part of the
largest student exchange network in
the world.
Families wishing to obtain fur-
ther information can ,contact Jim
and Janneke Murn --rlt (519) 345-
2407, or the national office at this
toll-free number: 1-800-361-7248.
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