Times Advocate, 1991-02-27, Page 24Page 24
Times -Advocate, February 27, 1991
St. Boniface students prepare
for .operetta tonight
B Carmel Sweeney Mother's Time
The next. l � a�'�s 'rime$ct-
�5 from 9:15 a.m. to 1n111::1yS
a.m. at the Zurich Mennonite
Church. Topic will be to plan
ahead for Easter and Anita Ginge-
rich will danonstrate bow to make
a table center piece. Rini Erb will
give tips on planning a large dinner
PM. Tap
The 1991 dog tags _are now due.
Please phone Cannel Sweeney at
236-4702 if you live in the village
and are now on last year's list.
Rest Home Auxiliary
A reminder that the Ladies Auxil-
iary meeting at the Rest Home will
be held on Tuesday. March 5 at 7
p.m. At our last meeting, chaired
by Carmel Sweeney. it was decid-
ed that we buy 30 new pillows for
the Home.
Thanks to Mary -Lou Erb for hav-
ing the quilt set up at her home and
to gveryone who helped to quilt.
Tickets are now on sale for it
thanks to Laurene Corrivcau and to
Jean and Bill Burr.
Loonie Draw
Congratulations to Sally Desjar-
dine who was the first winner of
die draw for 100 loons. Tickets are
on sale for $2 at various businesses
in the village for the next draw
which will be held March 30.
Optimist Club Youth Dance
The youth dance sponsored by
the Optimist Club which was re-
scheduled for Friday evening as a
50s and 60s dance was a huge suc-
ZURICH - The grade seven and
eight students of St. Boniface
school will be putting of their Op-
eretta Wednesday, February 27 at
7:30 p.m. in the gym. Admission
is three dollars and the name of
the play is The Trial of The Big
Bad Wolf.
Thursday evening is Adult
Games Night at the Zurich Public
School in the gym beginning at
7:30 p.m. Cards, darts, volleyball,
table tennis and crokinole are all
on the agenda so come out and
have some fun.World Day of
One last reminder that the World
Day of Prayer will be held Friday,
March 1 at St. Boniface church be-
ginning at 2 p.m. All are wel-
Skating Carnival
The annual Zurich and Area Fig-
ure Skating Carnival will take
place at the Zurich arena on Sun-
day, March 10 beginning at 2 p.m.
The theme will be There's No
Business Like Ice Business. Tick-
ets will be $3 for adults, $1 for
children under twelve, and free for
Skaters are currently selling
chocolate almonds as a fundraiser
to help pay some of the carnival's
expenses. If anyone would like to
help with various jobs at the carni-
val please phone Sheila Miller.
Bus Trip
Anyone interested in doing on a
bus trip to Flint, Michigan from
March 8-10 are to contact Doug
Erb at 236-4052 as soon as possi-
Ski Trivet ,
The St.: • • . Youth Club en-
joyed.a skip Thursday surd 'Fri-
day as they to led to Talisman,
while members of South Huron
High School ei joyed a trip to Blue
Mountain at the same time.
Lions Club
Correction from recent Lions
Club news in that they sent the
same amount of $200 to both vil-
lage elementary schools to be used
for a VIP program on drug aware-
Best wishes to Marc Krane on his
17 birthday.
Ctulations to Bob and Eliz-
abeth Miemer on their 25 wedding
anniversary. The couple travelled
to Pennsylvania along with son
Marty and Lisa Ward to visit with
daughter Kathy, skating with the
Ice Capades.
Happy 15 anniversary to Gerard
and Vicky Duchanne of Wyoming.
Ken and Arlene Seyler spent a
week holiday on an island near Ha-
Tony and Adeline Denomme
along with Lee and Rose Regier re-
turned home after two weeks in
Florida visiting John and Bema-
dette Denomme.
Matin and Teresa Van Raay re-
turned home after vacationing in
Max and Margaret Ducharme are
home after spending two weeks in
Mexico followed by a trip to Orlan-
do and St. Petersburg.
Doug and Audrey Meidinger
spent the weekend with his parents,
Leo and Cecile.
Busy winter schedule for Alhambra
By Rob to Walker
GRAND BE ' - Algarve #168,
Order of the Al bra, has a busy
winter schedule
They enter . colourful float in
the winter C. oval Parade deco-
rated with card • . d camels and
On Sundaythe Nobles treat-
ed their Sultanas ves) to all Ap-
preciation Br ;. •'.t, after 11 a.m.
Mass at th bra Hall. Each
lady was given a c rsage and n-
joyed a full course b • nch, se>
by the husbands.
A ,slide: show ,wasp gesen by
two special gjtesis' ilii nape,
Director of Residential Services
and Barbara Vermeer, Board
Member of the Lambton County
Mentally Handicapped Associa-
tion. Knapp outlined the progress
in Lambton area, around Petrolia,
Forest, Wyoming and Thedford, in
building new residences - group
homes and apartments, for handi-
capped clients. They now serve 64
people in residences and 80 in
• workshops, with four more houses
to be built for 12 more clients by
September, 1991.
Grand Commander Ron Van
Bite.pte4 KnagttandNerm-
eer w a cheque for $5000 to -
St. Pat's Winter Carnival
•• es 4ee� �`•+•'0+t,Fto :♦•.� �ioboto1
'wards the construction of a new el-
evator to be installed in the new
adminstration office/Community
skills workshop facility. A cheque
for $500 was presented to Roberta
Walker, Board member for Com-
munity Living, South Huron, for
the Huron Resource Library now
open in Clinton at the Women To-
day house.
On Saturday, March 2, the Al-
hambrans will host their Annual
Hay Ride for the adults of Commu-
nity Living, South Huron. Sultanas
and Sir Nobles serve a hot lunch
and snacks, while the handicappe
adult; AN staff members envy bayd
rides through the cbuhtryside.'
holic Womens League meet
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Immaculate
Heart of Mar Council of the Cath-
olic Women's League held their
monthly meeting in the Alhambra
Hall with 25 members present.
President Roberta Walker opened
the meeting with prayer. Treasurer
Margrit Breuer informed the ladies
that religious articles sold like ro-
saries, prayer books and crucifixes,
will now include the G.S.T.
In the correspondence, thank you
letters were received from Save -a -
Family in India, from organist Paul
Dietrich, from Lambton Right to
Life, and from a parishioner Joe
Van Dongen.
An invitation was read to the
"Annual Brother Bob's Bingo" on
Sunday, ,February 17 from 2 to 4
p.m. in the Zurich arena. It is a mi-
sion fundraiser hosted by St. Boni-
face CW.L. The World Day of
Prayer service will be held on
march 1, Friday, at 2 p.m. in the
Church of God.
Details were read regarding the
London Diocesan Convention to be
held April 30 to Mav 1, Tuesday
and Wednesday at the Holiday Inn
in Windsor. The theme of the 1991
convention is "Parish - Family of
the Local Church". Members wish-
ing to attend must register by the
end of March.
CWL chairman of Parish Activi-
ties, Toni Vandenberk reported
four get -well cards sent out this
month to parsishioners in hospital,
and 15 Christmas baskets were dis-
tributed to the sick and shut-in of
the parish during the Holiday Sea-
Final arrangements were made
for the Meals'On'Wheels to be run
by our CWL for the last three'
weeks of March. Plans were also
made to host a Pancake Breakfast
on Pahn Sunday offered free to all
parishioners after the 9 a.m. and 11
am. Mass on March 24. A quilt
will be handmade in April for a
CWL raffle, held annually, prob-
ably on August 24, with the quilt-
ing bee held at the hem sof Wilma
President Roberta Wallen(
thanked the 13 members who at-
tended the Huron -Pertly Regional
Fun Night on February 6, and gave
a brief report on the Regional Meet-
ing held at St. James, Seaforth, on
January 19. This included an up-
date on an increase in capita fees,
the GST to be added to the Nation-
al per capita fees, and updates re-
quired for a new constitution in
1993. Each league council is also.
asked to review the manual of poli-
cy and procedure and to set up a
committee to list policies of our
own council. Members are encour-
aged to attend the Diocesan Con-
vention in Windsor. The next Re-
gional Meeting for Huron -Perth
will be held on September 17 in
' Seafoith.
Under new business, an elections
committee will be formed, and a
list of officers at the meeting on
April 15. The next meeting will be
held on March 18 at 8 p.m. Lunch
Group H, with a guest speaker from
Save -A -Family of India. Refresh-
ments were served and members
enjoyed a slide show of two trips to
Ireland, shown by Philip Walker.
Fast rids - Brett Fairweather and Brett Gatt
rick's School winter carnival in Lucan.
were getting a good workout Thursday morning at the St. Pat
Tugo-War - Avoiding the mud and pulling hard on this thick rope were students from St. -Patrick's School
if) Lucan. On Thursday they had some outdoor fun at their winter carnival. Other events included snow
Shoeing and outdoor games.
Lord Baden-Powell Week for Scouts
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Lord Baden-
Powell, founder of the Scouting Or-
ization is honoured each year
sting Scout Week in February.
This year -in Grand Bend, boys
and girls from all groups invited
phfamiliesto attend the annual
• Over 200 people attended, includ-
ing Sparks, Brownies, Guides and
Pati riders from the girls, and Bea-
vers, Cubs and Scouts for the boys,
and Beavers, Cubs and Scouts for
the boys, plus parents and siblings
to a potluck feast. There was plenty
of food, luscious desserts, and a
huge cake decorated with the em-
blems of each scouting group
Special guests were an Withers,
the Blue Water District Girl Guide
Commissioner, Prosper Van Bru-
aene, Lions Club President and
scout sponsor, and Larry Taylor,
Service Team Representative for
Fkst puce - the Exeter Tyndall Karate Club won first place in the ie -
cent tournament held at the South Huron Recreation Centre. The Ex -
ter club topped the teams from Holriesvllle, London and Strathroy.
the District. leaders, marched into the church in
There was some participation by full uniform for the event. There
area Scout groups in the recent were selected to do the scripture .,
Winter Carnival. The Brownies readings, Guide Julie Hicks, Path -
won first place for best club or or- finder Elizabeth Russell and Scout
ganization in the parade, and the . Ryan Taylor. The service was well
Beaver/Scout float won second attended.
prize. The Cubs also entered two The Pathfinders included an extra
snow sculptures, a Wolf Cub Head event for the Scout Week, an over -
and a Globe (World Harmony) in night of Midnight Madness, hosted
the local snow sculpture contest. by Sarnia Rangers. The group
The leaders were all introduced drove to Sarnia on Friday evening
and thanked for their time and ef- for a night of swimming, bowling,
fort in working with our area chil- soccer, horror movies and a scaven-
dren: For the Beavers, Marlene ger hunt, which took them into the
Lane, Ann Marie Parks and Judi wee wee hours of Saturday morn -
deLange; for the Cubs Simon ing. After a few hours of sleep,
Baarbe and Larry Parks; for the they came home, to plan a Murder
Sparks, Valerie Martens; for the Mystery special. held at leader Pau -
Brownies, Margrit Breuer and Josie la Taylor's home on February 25.
Britian, for the Guides, Zelda In- with special guests invited. What a
thout and for the Pathfinders, Paula lot of energy!
Taylor. There are several Scouts The Cub Scouts are conducting
who must attend other Scout Parks their Kub Kar practice rally on
as there is presently no leader avail- Thursday. February 28, at the
able here in Grand Bend. Grand Bend Public School. The
On Sunday; a special service was Huron District Kub Kar Rally will
held at the Grand Bend United take place at Huron Centennial
Church, led by Pastor Colin Stover. School, Brucefield, on Saturday,
Members of all groups, and their March 2.
ORPHA club has meeting •
By Roberta Walker are injured or ill. Dorothy Cutting
GRAND BEND - Members of read Bare Facts" then she and EI -
the Grand Bend ORPHA Club met len Coutts told some jokes.
at the home of Marg Hedley for
their meeting on February 18, with Irene Kennedy conducted a
12 ladies present. Ellen Coutts scrambled word contest about
opened with a reading about the fruits and vegetables. Cutting
poet Wordsworth, when he and his closed the meeting with a reading
sister would walk up to 10 to 15 "Heart's Gift". Shirley Pole and
miles through the English country- Greta Luther saved refreshments
side in spnngtime, past countless and a social time was spent. A
fields dotted with daffodils, the in- "Lucky Number" was formed un-
spiration of some of his most fa- der Pat Ravelle's tea cup, and she
mouswon a prize for St. Valentine's
All the members signed two get Day. The next meeting will be
well cards for fellow -members Ev held on March 18 at the home of
Gowing and Jean Clapperton, who Pat Ravelle.
Back to normal
thing back to normal now the
Winter's A Beach" is over, Febru-
ary is winding down and Baster
Break is coming.
At Tuesday night darts Bob
Chapdclaine was 50/50 winner
with first being Marie Hudson and
Jeff Leatherland, and second Mary
Monteith and Ken Hudson.
On Friday afternoon Comrades
Marg Hedley and Shirley Pole at-
tended the funeral of Past Presi-
dent Pauline Dyck of Br. 167 Ex-
eter Ladies Auxiliary in Exeter.
At the meat raffle, the winners
were Mary Lou Wight. Ron
Crown. Marie Hudson, Glenn Bry-
son, Bev Buller, with Remi Van
Pratt the mystery winner.