Times Advocate, 1989-01-25, Page 13RSB council briefs • GRAND BEND - Village coun- cil was introduced to Allan Walper, their- representative on Ausable ▪ Bayfield Conservation. Authority at council's regular meeting last - Monday night. Walper, a resident of Stephen Township, will represent the vil- lage and the township on the ABCA. Stephen had previously had its own member but under new regflations, they must share one member with Grand Bend. Reeve Bob Sharen said Walper should report back to council every two or three months. * * * * * Council agreed to a minor vari- • ance application from J. C. Ivey, 743406 Ontario Limited, to permit a second floor at 47 Ontario Street, to be used a self-contained apart- ment complex. Sharen declared .a conflict of interest in this matter. A letter from the Ministry .of Transportation stating that Minis- ter Ed Fulton has authorizeda sub- sidy allocation for 1989 of $4;200 was read before council. 516,100 of which is for construction and $26,000 is slated for maintenance. * * * * * R. A. Palmer Real Estate, who has been appointed as agents to sell or,develop the arca known as Grand Bend Airport, approached council to possibly think about changing the zoning in that arca from Airport to Airport related with some Agriculture for all or. part of the land but council said they were not interested because it was outside their area. ' Councillor Bruce Woodley was appointed as Grand Bend represen- tative on the Sarnia-Lambton Eco- nomic Development Commission for 1989. - * * * * * Council passed a resolution to allow the members of the Multiple • Sclerosis Society of Canada to conduct silk, live carnations and pin campaigns May 12 and 13 in 'the village. Council also passed a motion to declare'June 4-10 National Envi- ronment Week along with the rest .of Canada. • • After getting quotes as to the . price of carpeting the .OPP station on Main Street, council passed a motion to tell Government Ser- vices the ..lease on the station would be 55,521 for 1989, if they want just the main office. re- carpeted or $5,721 if theywish the entire cafeteria and small office done as well. A motion was passed stating that developer James Hevey must pay any outstanding bills with regards to the bcach property before he can have any -further meeting with council on the issue, Councillor Bruce Woodley said he should be held accountable for his debts -and should be paid up. -* * ..*.* :* Council granted use of the coun- cil chambers after to request from Irene Kennedy, for a charitable ?group of Grand Bend women called OPRAH. They want to meet in the 'council chambers the first month of the month bat -that. proposal was granted subject to,the availability of -the council chambers A by-law was passed by council authorizing borrowing of $150-,000 over the next 10 years for Public .Utilities Commission Hydro Sub- station, subject. to approval from - the Ontario Municipal Board.?. Another by-law; for appointing various officers for 1989 and estab-: lishing rates of pay. for them, was passed by council, which thereby. appeals by-law 2138.of 1988. A temporary sign permit was granted by council for Grand Bend for 15 days in January: WI meet at Museum By Roberta Walker: GRAND BEND - For their Janu- ary -meeting, the ladies of the Grand Bend Women's Institute met at the Lambton Heritage Museum on Thursday, January 19 at 1:30 " p.m. Nola Taylor introduced mu- seum curatorBobTremain, who brought them up to date on the material gathering project of the museum.Often summer visitors bring in articles, post cards and pictures, or recalled early incidents around Grand Bendy The curator stated that they were pleased with .the sales of. their book, "Grand Bend - Images of Yesteryear" during the summer. The staff at the museum would be happy to enlist helpers in their endeavor to gather more material. On display were several booklets, files, scrapbooks, research material and numetous posters advertising events at the old Casina over the years. - , 'Tremain explained to the ladies how their Tweedsmuir History Book would be handled if theyy de- .cided to leave it at the museum for safe -keeping. The book would be preserved under controlled access but would be available to those in- • tcrested in.doing research concern- ing the _history of the Grand Bend community. Clara Hamilton thanked Tremain and presented him with a small gift in appreciation of his time and in- formation. •- Chairperson Millie Dcsjardinc then took charge of the meeting. The roll call was answered by the members presenting house. logs (records) of their homes. - Several "ladies volunteered to work in the afternoon and evening at the Sportman's"Banquet, to be held at the Recreation, Arena, Exet- er on . February 7. Several mem- bers also volunteered. to makedes- serts and deliver Meals -on -Wheels, -to help the Lioness Club for the month. of April. After reports were given, a social .time was enjoyed with a delicious lunch, served by Bcrtie Keys; Marg Love and Olive Webb. Lioness again sponsors By Roberta Walker _ GRAND BEND - The Grand Bcnd Lioness•arc_ oncc again sponsoring a collection for Ontariq March Ey Dimes this year. I For the first time, the Grand Bend Girl Guides are helping out, as part of their community project badge work. Last ycar the Lioness col- lected S613 from mail -in donations, and S150 from the coin boxes. left at arca businesses during the sum- mer. The Girl Guides and Lioness were busily stuffing envelopes for the mail -out campaign last night (Tues- day) at the Anglican church hall. Coin boxes will be placed in vari- ous local businesses too, for collec- tion by the end•of summer. The statistics are shocking, but • one in' 10 adults in Ontario is phys- ically disabled in some way. The March of dimes can help by provid- ilA Wheei chairs and orthopedic braces,, just to name a few needs " nch summer March of Dlmes sends 300 physically disabled adults to specially equipped camps around the province, for those who would normally not get the chance to.ex- periince the joys of outdoor camp- ing. Make this their best year ever by returning your donation before March 15, 1989. - New Cub and Leader - District Commissioner Tom Seip of -Exet- er at the left recently invested Grand Bend Cub leader Don Ha- gle and.new Cub Levi Lane. Invest Grand Bend Beavers Anumber of new- Grand Bend Bea- vers were invested recently. Back, left, leaders "Tic Tac"' Bev Brown, "Bubbles" "Marlene Lane and Service Rep Larry Taylor. Front, Christopher O'Brien, Brandon Walker, Shawn Lane, Jason McCann, Shawn Becker and Michael Raeburn. Missing was Mi- chael Gutsel. Church activities - Catholic News . GRAND BEND Father Paul Beck had a guest for the weekend Masses at Immaculate Heart of March Church, Father Brad Krick, who gave the homily was "Joy, The Joy of the Lord is upon your Stronghold."- -he spoke of the Joy - of savoring the gifts of nature, the joy of justice in the, body of Christ, and the joy of the Spirit as - a girt from God: - - The reader for the 11 a.m. Mass was Walter Costello, joined by his wife Madge, to serve as Eucharistic Ministers during Communion. Organist Paul- Dietrich was also cantor for the psalm, and choir di- rector Dolores Tighe led the choir in "Gift of Finest Wheat" at Com- munion. - There is choir •practice each Thursday evening after 7:15 p.m. Mass, and: soon work begins on music for Lent and Easter. Don't forget the Young People's Meeting at Father Beck's home on - January 29 at 3 p.m: with refresh- ments and a slide show. Bring a friend. In Alhambra news, the monthly meeting will be held on January 26, at 8:30 p.m. at -the Alczar. Some of the topics for discussion will be the annual wagon ride for the ARC Industry adults, and the possibility of the Alhambra enter- ing a float again in the Winter Car- nival Parade. . There will be a special Bowling'. Night for the Alhambrans on Feb- . ruary 25 at 7:15 p.m. in the. Zurich Bowling Alleys, and prizes will be • - The CWL will be skipping their - usual monthly meeting for Janu- ary, so the next meeting date falls on Monday, February 13. - • Church of Cod The "morning worship service at .the Church of God, Grand Bend, began with the congregation sing- ing the chorus "I know a font where sins are washed away...". Millie Dcsjardinc led in the sing- ing of the hymns, and Lucille Vin- • cent performed a solo "Jesus will walk with me". P astor Stan Dcsjardinc continued his study of the book of Titus in the New Testament. • His sermon was centered on chapter 3, verses 4 and 5, where Paul tells Titus that we arc saved through the goodness and loving kindness of God our Sa- viour; not by good deeds that we have done, but by His mercy. Paul reminded . the early church, and Christians today, to avoid quarrels and controversies in the Church. In his everting message, the pas- tor challenged the congregation to. HAY -'H'ER'S:. TURKEYS Featuring • Ground Turkey • Wings • Patties • Filets • Smoked Turkey • Breast Roast • Cutlets • Drum Sticks • Sausage Store Location Hwy. 83, just west of Dashwood 237-3561 Fresh Frozen P• Winter.. Hours: CLOSED Monday Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 5:30 SPECIAL THIS WEEK BURGERS 2.191b. (while quantities last) Turkeys available Gay Lea Chairman -TORONTO - Fred Meier, R.R.4, Brussels was elected Chairm tfle Troard or -Gay ea • i • s Co- operative Liinited at a meeting of the Board of Directors on Decem- ber 8, 1988. Meier replaces John Campbell, R.R.3, Bayfield who held the of- fice for the past three years. Mr. Campbell will continue to serve as a director.------°�_ �•'"'* ` G Meier held the position of .First II Vice -Chairman prior to this elec- tion. Also elected to the executive -« were John Stafford, R.R.1, Wrox- eter, First Vice Chairman and George Pinkncy, R.R. 3, Listow- el, Second Vice Chairman. Howard Wilson, R.R.3, Owen S tnckwired as dircetocibis year _.- anwas repjaced by John Hill, ''- R.R. 4, Owen Sound, elected at our Zone 2 Annual Meeting held in Owen Sound on December 6. ' The Co-operative's after tax earn- ings of $1.8 million were similar to the previous year and sales of S158,534,000 increased by 3 per- cent. Generally, thc'Co-operative is in a sound financial position and shareholder equity increased to fig- ure one half total assets. The Co=operative was able to pay down debt, increase equity and pay dividends to its member share- holders. Emphasis in the coming year will continue towards building sales volume, improving technolo- gy and gross margin. Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Limited has operated for 30 years in the Province of Ontario begin- ning operations in 1958. be witnesses of the love of God to those around us. Theannual business meeting of the Church of God will be held on Wednesday, January 25 at 8 p.m. Thought for the Day: Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, for all the people you can, while you can. United Church Door greeters last Sunday morn- ing at the Grand Bcnd United Church were Brian and Sue Pearen. Rev.` T. Smits' sermon topic was from Matthew 19:4, "Come s ith Me and I will make you. .fisher- of men". The scripture readings were from Amos 3:1-8, and Matthew 4:12-23. The choral anthem: -was presented by 19 of the Sunday • School children singing "His Name Will Be" accompanied by pre- recorded music, and they received hearty applause for their perfor- ..mance. - . - The children's story, as told by Rev.- T. Smits, was about St. Ber- nard dogs. In the Swiss Alps,'be- - tween Switzerland and Italy -there areoften treacherous snow slides. These dogs, with their keen sense of smell, loyalty and strength work to save many people's lives. Membership classes will be held -- on Thursday, January 26 at 4:30 p.m. _ Bible study - - There were 14 ladies out for the Bible Study at Sauble Court last Tuesday morning: Discussion lead- er was Annabelle Walz finishing . their study on the third part -of "Hospitality the Healer." • . They noticed from Luke L39-56, about the three months that Mary and Elizabeth shared hospitality ,with -each other 'in Elizabeth's home. Each was strengthened in her faith. The angel told Mary .she would give birth to the- Messiah, the Saviour, .to all who would trust Him as their Lord. - In Mark 10:1,4=Jesus said "Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God." God love us, and we should know and love God with a child's simplicity. Pat' Dcsjardinc closed with a prayer for sick and sbutins. Times -Advocate, January 25, 1989 Page 13 Winter Carnival plans GRAND BEND - The, Grand - Bend Winter Carnival organizers are to be congratulated! They have enough activities planned to cater to the tastes of nearly everybody, and it promises to be a made whirl of events indeed. There are some new things like the jigsaw puzzle contests, and the dog sled races to be' held at the Pinery, which sounds exciting: The Grand Bend Concert Associ- ation will be presenting "The Great Lakes Quintet" on Saturday, Feb- ruary 11, at the United Church at 8 p.m. for music lovers who would rather listen than dance.. Yes, there will be dances, and the fashion show: the Carnival Queen will be chosen; and there will be another wintery parade, but the highlight remains the snow sculp- ture contests. Motels and restau- rants are gearing up for business too. It'll be a great party for the whole area! The Grand Bend Lioness will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, January 26 ' at Oakwood Inn, with dinner at 7 p.m. meeting at 8 p.m. Area grade eight students and their parents got their first opportunity . to tour South Huron District High School last week. They met with school guidance counselors to dis- cuss their course selections for Sep- tember 1989, and to receive a pep talk about achievements and sports activities awaiting them at high school level. Most of the kids are looking forward to September with excitement and parents are feeling a bit older with a Child in high school To host Fashion Show GRAND BEND - TV actress Barbara Whccldon and CKSL morning show host Rich Grevin will be back this year to entertain -guests at the 1989 Grand Bend Winter Carnival Fashiqn show Fri- day February 3. The were to .ocular as om mentator and M.C. ast year,tnat the Carnival Committee had to in- vite them to rcturrr at the request of so Many who attended the event in '88. Clothing featured this year will be from Haggarty's Fashions in Parkhill. The show,- at- 8 p.m, will _be rounded out by segments from other suppliers and stores. Models for .the show will be con- testants for the Carnival Queen Contest. Tickets are on sale at -Abe Barefoot Pedlar in Grand Bend. Beaver Winterfest. GRAND BEND - Most of the Grand Bend Beavers, their leaders and several parents drove to the West Wawanosh Conservation Area on Saturday for the Beaver Winter Fest. The "weather man cooperated with a cold, crisp, sun- ny day, and nearly six inches of snow in the, conservation area, al- lowing all of the planned activities to take place. The boys and their parents en- joyed tobogganing, hiking and even a trip on snow shoes! They made bird feeders during craft .time, and were provided chili and hot ci- der for lunch. Susan Kraftcheck, music teacher at Mount Carmel school, led the group in a sing song after lunch. There were Beavers and parents from Clinton, Godcrich, and arca out for the days' activities, an eve- ryone got a workout in the cold, fresh air. They left at 9 a.m. and were home by 4:30 p.m. "tired but happy after a great day," says leader Marlene Lane. 11 CLINTON PET WORLD Valentine Specials now til February. 14/89 at 6 p.m. OI' off O.Lovebirds •Canaries •Budgies •Cockatiels • Finches O off Q BIRD CAGE With purchase of Bird. 20 7 Albert St., CLINTON 482-5333 • 97re wda We appreciated your support, co-operation and assistance for our-SpringlSummeir Bridal Fashion Show at the Red Maple Inn. $fiecutl '%lanky to 0w? maddo, '-'Aaranda Blake r Verna Kane Fraser McMahon - Lesley King Joel Pollock Norma LuCkhart Traci Taylor Priscilla MacDonald " Henrietta Boon Jennifer Pollock Kim Cook i o„is,,,,,,,., Chris Caldwell Marc' Schoenhals Cindy Fleet Pam Shaw Jay Hogg Sandra Shirton !'ilea 4 SlfrtCietl 7 aak.) ra... *Karen's Aesthetics •Exeter Flower Pedlar •Parfums Givenchy •Lee's Shopping Centre *Wiliam Mason Photography , •Russ & Ev Archer •Bud Gowan's Formal Wear t- ,*Don Pletsch-Robert O. -Travel Mart Geoff King 'Video ,•Pat Taylor •Deb Flynn - •Emily Coultis •Karen Snow •Janet Cameron •Jack Colquhoun •Bill Crawford •Wayne & Bonnie •Dreamweavers +Bairtifff's Bakery & -. Restaurant Aileen Wesseling Marie Langdon Craig Caldwell • Neil Elliott Dave Emslie Pat King Tom McMahon Cal Pollock Bill Vast Wyk •Linda Postill Heads Up •Mary Gail Czaja •Stacey Fleet •Dana Taylor •Marilyn McMahon; Pollock 9 Rattenbury Street East Clinton, Ontario ( 5191 482-3088