Times-Advocate, 1988-06-22, Page 27Times -Advocate, June 22, 1988 Page 15A
Graduations this week
By Carmel Svreeney
ZURICH - The grade schtlols
will soon be out for the summer
months. The grade eight graduation
will be held.at. Zurich Public
School on Thursday June 23 with a
dinner for the students, teachers and
parents. -
On Wednesday evening the grade
eight students of St. Boniface
School will hold their graduation
ceremony beginning with massat
7:30 p.m. followed by a social
evening at the'school.
Twenty-one St. Boniface grade
eights enjoyed their year-end bus
trip to Ottawa last week along with
their teacher, Mrs. Rideout.
They visited the Parliament build-
ings, the art gallery, and went on a
boat ride on the Ottawa River, en-
joyed shopping at the Rideau Centre
and went to an Indian Reserve.
All returned home tired, but very
happy after a terrific time.
Zurich Lions last mectinwas
held at the Dominion Tavern on
June 11 which was also ladies
A gift .was presented to Lion,
Norm Koehler by Wayne Melding-
er on behalf of the club as he and
his wife Cathy and children have
recently moved to London.
At the meeting on June 22 the
last one before the summer, instal-
lauun of officers was held for '88-
'89 by Lion John Stephens of Ex-
eter, with the following slate: past
president Isidore LaPorte, president
Carl Finkbeiner, first vice John
Becker, second vice Joe Kenda Jr.
third vice Doug Turkheim, secre
tary Wayne Maidingcr, treasurer
Ron Davis.
The Lions' slo=pitch ball tourna-
ment will be held June 24-26 in _
Bean Sprouts
The children from the Bean
Sprouts Nursery School enjoyed
WORKBOOT OLYMPICS - Hensall volunteer fireman Pete Zwaan ends
up on the wrong end of his hose at the workboot olympics on Sunday.
Zwaan was responsible for providing the water for the bucket brigade com-
petition, but not all the water ended up in the tub.
BUCKET BRIGADE - The Willert Connection team battle it out with the
Nabisco Brand's Daze team in tough competition at the Hensel! Kinsmen,
Workboot Olympics on Sunday.
Donations sought
for refugee teens
By Susan . Hartman
HENSALL - Please contact Diane
.Gerstcnkorn 262-2446 if you have
any of the following item:L.-aud-
wish to donate them for the refugee
family who are on their way here
from a refugee camp in Thailand.
All five members of this family
teenagers ages 19, 18, 16, 15 a....
14. They need single beds, dressers,
bedding, towels, warm clothing,
toiletry items and any other useful
items. Cash donations arc also
needed to purchase winter clothing.
United Church
Jerry and Helen Drysdale were
transferred into membership at Hen-
sall United from Trinity United in
Audrey Christ* met worshippers,
at the door and ushers were Wayne
Scotchmer and Jim McGregor.
Following the service next Sun-
day there will be a reception in the
Fellowship Hall to honour Belva
Fuss. Belva is retiring as organist
and choir leader. This is your op-
portunity ; to thank Belva fQr her
time, talent and faithful service to
the church.
Nursery School
The Hensall and District Nursery
School children took, a trip on the
train from St. Marys to Stratford on
Tuesday, June 16. Many. thanks to
Sue Beard for organizing the out-
ing, the bus driver who waited so
patiently, the parent volunteers and
to the children who behaved so well
and made the trip enjoyable for -eve-
Nursery School classes are over
for the summer and will restume in
September. •
Thc UCW met on Thursday even-
ing with a dclicioys pot -luck picnic
supper held on the church lawn.
Kay Mock reported on the bale
that was packed and sent to Mission
Servtces in London.
Thc Regional meeting will be in
I-icnsall on October 24. The Devo-
tion was given by Hazel Corbett
followed by hymns. Hazel talked
about how "All things come from
Thee". Rev. Wright was the gucst
speaker and he spoke about The
Wonderful World of God.
'Thc September meeting will pc
held on September 5 with a pdt-
luck super. Bring your mother or
grandmother. Diannc Gcrstcnkorn
led the group in a few games and te-
• lay races followed by a lovely even-
ing pent out doors:
Three Links
Thc Three Links Scnior citizens
met for their June meeting last
Tuesday evening with president
Evelyn Flynn in the chair.
Evelyn reported that we raised
nearly S150 frOfln the bake sale in-
cludinv donations. Arrangements
were made for the birthday party at
1-luronview on August 17, nine la-
dies volunteered to make cookies.
Thc Seniors enjoyed their lun-
cheon -and concert at Huronview on
June 8 when the Londcsboro
School entertained. Fourteen mem-
bers attended.
A report of the nominating com-
mittee was read by Ruby Bell.
Thc next meeting will be h,eld on
September 13 at 6:30 p.m. whcn
there will be a pot -luck supper.
Shuffling scores for Tuesday,
June 14 were John Pepper 463,
Walter ' Knowles 445, Dorothy
Brintnell 435, Annie Reid 424, He-
len Anderson 409, and Gertie Moir
DIRECTORS - The Blue Water Rest Home directors for 1988-89 are "as follows: frontteft Gerard Ducharme, Jo-
sef Risi, Paul Steckle, Anson McKinley, back left tan McAllister, Wayne Meidinger, Robert WOstlake, Mozart Geli-
nas, and new directors Fred Haberer and Art Bennett.
beating the heat last week by go-
ing swimming at the horhe of Jen-
nifer Miuleholtz and were treated
to refreshments by her mom, Syl-
via. They have four pools on the
The nursery school staff held a
year-end graduation ceremony ay
the Township Hall on Thursday.
On May 31 a Brownie flying -up
ceremony was held at St. Boniface
School so six girls will now be
ready for Girl Guides in the fall.
The Zurich club hopes to join
the•Guides in Grand Bend.
If any girls wish to join up
please phone Debbie Overholt at
On June 7 the Brownies enjoyed
spending the day at the Pinery Pro-
vincial Park and going on a nature
On June 14 a joint end -of -the -
season banquet was held at Zurich
Public School along with the Bea-
vers and Cubs.
An enjoyable five-daybus trip
went to Montreal and uebec to
visit the Shrines of St. Anne de
Bcaupre, Cape De Madleine, St.
Joseph's Oratory and to Notre
Dame. Going along on this excit-
ing trip were Virginia and Doreen
Denomme, Madeline Rau, Mary -
Lee Ayotte, Mary Ducharme and
Annette Overholt and Fr. Gary Du-
charme both of London.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
are extended to Joe Kenda Sr. who
is a patient in South Huron Hospi-
tal and to Margaret Munn who has
returned home.
A horse show was held at the
farm of John and Marilyn. Geiger,
RR 2, Zurich last Wednesday even-
ing which was put on by the 16
students who take riding lessons at
the Geiger's. Lessons will begin
again in August.
Seniors' picnic
ZURICH - The Zuricti Seniors
town picnic held Wednesday June
15 boasted an attendance of 115
who turned out to hear music pro-
vided by Mozart Gclinas Sr., Clare
Masse and Max Ducharme, and to
sample barbecued beef prepared by
members of village council.
Listed are winners of the many
games and contests: guessing but-
tons in a jar - Russell Granger;
mystery box - Gert Durand, Maple -
woods; oldest lady present - Laving
Miller, 88, Maplewoods; oldest
gentleman present - Lloyd O'Brien
,89, (who also spoke of his -experi-
ence as first reeve of Zurich); most
grandchildren - Madeline Gelinas,
Maplewoods; couple who recently
celebrated their anniversary - Mac
and Jean Klopp; birthday closest to
,picnic - Rcta Thiel; baldest man -
Ed Gascho.
Numerous prizes were awarded to
other seniors throughout the pro-
DANCE SHOW - Parents of students in the Anne Mullen School of Dance were treated to a demonstration of
their daughters' talents Wednesday as 44 girls from both the Exeter and Stratford clubs put on a performance at
South Huron District High School. Classes begin again in the fall and interested parents can contact the Exeter
Dance Committee's president Cindy Reaburn.
Gorden ijlimpses
ZURICHn Tuesday evening,_
the 23rd an al meets of the
home was held. Aftcr the business
part of the meeting, the Ladies'
Auxiliary served refreshments to all
Resignations from members of
thc Board of Directors were: Mr.
Lee Erb who represented Blake
Mennonite Church, Mr. Michael
O'Connor, representing the Zurich
Chatrtyller of Commerce and replaced
by Dr Fred Haberer; Mr. John Eck-
el representing Goshen United
Church and replaced by Mr. Arthur.
Extreme as the heat may seem,
residents still enjoy their card games
and other forms of entertainment
during the afternoons. Some even
feel the need for a sweater.
On•Thursday evening, the ladies
of Goshen United Church hosted the
June birthday party. Residents en-
joyed the variety program of music
and readings followed by a delicious
lunch. Residents having birthdays
during the month of June and re-
ceiving gifts were: Mrs. Marcella
Dietrich, Mrs. Ruby Hoggarth,
Mrs. Magdalene Jantri and Mrs.
Norma Parkins.
Several of the residents attended
the Talent Show at Queensway
Home on Friday afternoon and re-
ported a very enjoyable time com-
plete with refreshments. We wish to
thank Mrs. Cecelia Farwell, Mrs.
Catherine Shantz and Mr. Marc
Chalut for supplying the transporta-
tion to Hensel'.
We thank Mr. and Mrs. 0.. Buck-
land of London who have conti-
nously been paying a subscription
for the Dawn Magazine to be sent
to thc home for the past thirteen
The Sunday evening chapel ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Doug-
las Wright of Hensel! United
SENIORS' PICNIC - A hundred and fifteen Zurich seniors, gathered to-
gether under the pavilion to avoid the rain to celebrate their annual picnic
with music and a barbecue prepared by village council. •
HELRING OUT - Lil Baker.of the Queensway Auxiliary he ps serve the
lob guests who visited the home Friday for a talent show. Guests came
from Exeter Villa, Blue Water, HUronview, Seaforth and Maplewood to see
the show which capped Senior's Month. A video of the show will be availa-
ble for thqse who couldn't attend.
Queensway Vjws
HENSALL - Thc highlight of
Monday was a bridal shower put on
by the staff for Julia Knip in the
Activity Room. Our wish for her is
a beautiful wedding day and much
happiness in her upcoming marri-
On Tuesday afternoon Earl and
Dorcen.Ocsch and Curtis and Mary
Gingcrich all from Zurich led our
church service. We certainly appre-
ciated having them and arc hoping
they will join us again.
Friday morning the Activity room
was a scene of much activity as res-
idents made the final preparations
for lunch at our aftcrnoon Talent
Show; one of our "Senior Month"
activities: We welcomed guests
from Exeter Villa, Maplewood
Manor, Seaforth Manor, Blucwater
Rest liomc and Huronvicw. The
+theme of "Seniors Month, Opportu-
nity is Ageless" was proven true
through talent that was very well
presented by the seniors involve.
We were pleased to have Tom and
Alex Desjardine sing two numbers
as well as a recitation by Alex.
Mabel Crough of Maplewood Man-
or did two humourous recitations.
Lorne Johnston of Queensway sang
the Gay Cabelero " and Lloyd
McDougall whistled Mocking Bird
Hill and Pretty Red Wing. Aaron
Gingcrich of Blue Wateriest Home
sang a bcautifu' solo unaccompa-
nied by piano. Thc Queensway
Choir sang several old-time favour-
The • program which. was thor-
oughly enjoyed by everyone ended
by singing, 'Till We Meet Again".
Everyone certainly agreed that it
was great to visit old acquaintances.
Thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary
members who helped serve lunch.
Queensway coming events are
June 24 from 2-4- p.m. our annual
Strawberry Social with donations
going to Alzheimer research.