Times-Advocate, 1988-06-22, Page 14Page 2A
Times -Advocate, June 22, 1988
Sports Spotlight94! , -.:-.
The fine art of
folding under pressure
Wednesday 1 committed the biggest social blunder of my life.
That may be an understatement.
It happened at the seventh annual Dave Scatcherd Invita-
tional Classic held at the Oakwood Inn near Grand Bend. I spent
a pleasant afternoon with thc likes of hockey hero Paul Henderson,
golf champion Gary Cowan and Al Eagleson Jr. (though I didn't
know the latters identity until the end of the day). But the guy I was
really looking forward to meeting was Darryl Sittler.
Sittler was always -my biggest NHL hero -- a tough but virtuous
player who had the respect of those he played against as well as
those he. played with. Above all else, a nice guy.
I decided to do an interview with the former Leaf captain as soon
as an opportunity presented itself, but as the day wore on, opportu-
nity went missing. Sittler eluded me.
I had spoken with Paul Henderson earlier in the day about an inter-
view as, %vcll, and we planned to hook up after he finished golfing
and before the dinner but, as great plans often do, that particular plan
fell through and I found myself fretting away as the steaks were be-
ing served. .
I tend to pace when I fret, so there I was fretting and pacing among
more than -200 diners when, just as cantaloupe with icecream was
being served, Mr. Henderson spotted me in the crowd and beckoned
me to the head table.
Apologizing for ,missing our earlier appointment (actually it was
my fault), he suggested 'wc do the interview right there at the head
table -- during dessert. He arranged for an cxtra chair, offered me an
extra dessert which I polite .�clined, and we got down to business.
The interview went well, my subject being both charming and in-
When we were done, I had more than enough material for an arti-
cle, so I decided -.o abandon the Sillier interview and settle for a brief
meeting when the festivities were over. •
At that point I started to get nervous. As the evening progressed,
as Sittler (who was sitting at the opposite end of the table from
Henderson) and his peers roasted Al Eagleson, I got more muddled.
Booze had nothing to do with it. I was drinking gingerale.
As the moment of truth approached, my composure began to slip
away until 1 was a nervous wreck.
Now, when I originally planned to do a full-fledged interview with
Sittler, I somehow got it into. my head that after we had become fast
friends in the course of witty conversation, I would jokingly ask
him for an autograph -for my mother. I would.ask him to sign some-
thing along the lines of: "To -Dot, I think you're cute too. Signed
Darryl Sillier" and then we would both giggle uproariously.
As I went up to the table and stood beside him, this little tidbit
had somehow workcd its way through thc muddle in my head. I
waited nervously for him to sign a few autographs and then he
fumed and smiled in my direction.
I put out my hand to shake his -- and completely fell apart.
The words come to me like a bad dream now, spilling out of my
"Ili, I'ni Mark Bisset from °the Times -Advocate," I blurted. "I was
going to interview you but I interviewed Paul Henderson --" He
looked at me as if I was from Jupiter. I began to stammer. I couldn't
think of a single syllable. Then 11 came to me: "So -- uh, I -- could -
- so -- could I get your autograph?"
He. looked at me for an unbearably long time, then said: "Ya,
sure," the way you might speak to a guy in a pink tuxedo who just
tried to sell you life insurance.
Then, as if some terrible being had taken over my body, I gave
him halting directions for the autograph: "To Dot", etc. He didn't
laugh. .
I thanked him and said goodbye. He nodded.
Having met the great, Darryl Sitticr, I stumbled out into the park-
ing lot, seriously considering a career change. It had poured rain for
an hour before and the ground was nicely soaked.
With my ego in tatters, I got into my car, opened the sun -roof and
had water dribble all over me.
Ironwood men
EXETER - Ironwood Men's Club
was sponsored by MacLean's Tues-
day when Dave 1-Ioltzzmann topped
A flight with a low gross of 37. He
was followed by Randy Evans. Low
net in A flight wcnt to Stu-Homuth
with a 32. Don I lcywood followed.
In B flight, Mikc Brintnell shot a
38 to claiin low gross. He was fol-
lowed by Larry Broscl. Gerry Smith
took low net honours, followed by
Roger Wallis. -l
Brion Pcnhalc won Sow gross in
C flight while Perry Knee was run-
ner-up. Divisional low net went to
Bud Preszcator who was followed
by John Wuerth.
Don Keeping took low gross in
D flight. He was followed by Ron
Low net went to Peter Hrudka
who edged out Barry Mills.
Nearest to the pin on number
three was Jim Russell while Ross
Ferguson came nearest to the pin
on number four. The longest drive
competition was won by Brosel'on
number two and Russell on number
- five.
Lucan 1 downs Grand Bend
LUCAN -.Goalies on both teams
played outstanding as Lucan 1 de-
feated Grand Bend in a 5-2 game re-
cently. •
Thcrc was cnd to cnd action as
players tested both goalies.
Jamie Riddell almost scored his
first goal of the season. Jeremy
Brown and Brent Bellamy werc able
to scorc the Lucan goals with the
help and support of the other team
Three man scramble held
•EXETER - A team made up of
Rob Bilcski, Francis Chadwick and
Monty Scott scored 33 to take first
place in a three man scramble at
Exeter Golf Club Monday night
when Labatt's sponsored the event.
In second place was a team made
up of Steve Dubarry, Dave Grundy
and Mike Veal. They turned -in A
34 for their posting.
A group made up of Al Bell,
Hans Gcrstenkorn and Doug Pen -
hale claimed third with 36.
In fourth position was the tcam
of Gary Kyle, Gary Koehler and
Brian Brooks with 39. They were
tied with Paul Ritchie, Ray Webb
and Dave Hunt.
Tied for fifth spot were the teams
of Joe Regicr, Frank Dubarry, John
Batten and Kitch Pavlich, Bill Arm-
strong, Bill Chadwick.
Glen Ford, Bob Reynolds and
Scott MacPherson rounded out the
scoring with a 41.
Steve Dubarry was awarded with
the longest drive while Doug Pen -
hale came closest to the hole.
Ironwood Ladies
EXE'T'ER - Ironwood Ladies held
a Sccrct Partner Night June 20
when they were sponsored by Na-
bisco Foods.
Bernice Thompson and Grace
Drummond topped the list of com-
petitors with a score of 102. They
were followed by Karel Chisholm
and Liz Ilodgins with 103.
The teams of Liz Taylor and An-
gela Clark, Donna Hoffman and
Ruth Mercer, and Betty Coates and
Kelly Holt -mann- all tied third spot
with 104.
Joan Heywood captured low gross
over the course of the evening
while Marg Prout was named most
honest golfer. Mary Lou Hyde and
Marg Baker shared the most putts.
Barb Whiting and Marg Baker had
trouble with the sand traps. Skins
went to Hazel Beaver.
Next week, Ironwood Ladies
Night will be sponsored by J.M.R.
Electric and Campbell's appliance.
Lawn bowling
EXETER - Stewart Mincr topped
the lawn bowling list of 19 players
last Tuesday when he notched two
wins with a score of 30 plus one.
Miner was followed by Charles
Hcndy who managed two wins and
a score oi' 28.
Olive Hicks and Ernie Chipchasc
tied for third with two wins and a
score of "27 plus one each. John
Cooper followed with two wins and
a score of 26.
Twenty bowlers took part in the
action Thursday when Gordon Hog-
garth led the scoring with two wins
and a score of 27 plus two. Mar-
shall Dearing camesecond with two
wins and a score of 27. Hicks cap-
tured third spot 'with two wins and -a
score of 26. Chipchase and Miner
tied with two wins and a score of
23 each. -
Saturday saw the biggest crowd of
the week when 27 golfers were
topped by Miner with two wins and
a score of 30 plus 6. Nelson Squire
placed second with two wins and a
score of 29 plus one while Vic
Hendy scored a third place finish
with two wins and a score of 28.
Shawn McFalls and Anna Ballan-
tync tied with two wins and a score
of 25 plus five each. Ray Smith
rounded out the top five with two
wins and a score of 25 plus one.
MOHAWK TOURNEY CHAMPS -- The Huron Park Sluggers defeated Mitchell Grizzlies in extra innings to
claim the championship title of the Exeter Mohawks Slo-pitch tourney Sunday. Back row, left; Tony Underhill, Rob
Funston, Scott Miller, Cam Stewardson, Bob Finkbeiner. Front, left; Dianne and Jeffrey Finkbeiner, Cathy Dudzic
and Kris Finkbeiner, Dianne Dearing,'Brenda Wilds and Corey and Stephanie Jones.
FINALISTS - Gabby Mol recogniz-
es Mitchell Grizzlies captain Bob
Cheoros for making it to the A final
of the Exeter Mohawks Slo-pitch
tourney on the weekend.
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