Times-Advocate, 1988-06-15, Page 33Times -Advocate, June 15, 1988 Page 21A Achieve a vision is goal of Mentally Handicapped group By Roberta Walker • EXETER - A large crowd filled the South Huron Recreation Centre Thursday evening for the cclebra- tion of the 20th anniversary of the South Huron District Association for the Mentally-H:uidicapped. President Victor Knip welcomed everyone to the annual meeting, re- membcring that .the organization was begun in January 1968 by five dedicated people who wanted to work for the mentally handicapped. Rev. Robert Arbogast led the as- sembly in grace and the Association. Prayer, then a delicious banquet was served by the ladies of the Exeter Christian Society. After the meal, President Victor Knip chaired the business meeting. Annie Bocrsma. Chairperson of the Flowers of Hope Campaign report- ed that nearly S18,000 of the 1988 goal of S20,000 has been collected so far, with some- canvassing and mail -ins yet to be collected. It seems very encouraging that this year's target for the fund raising will be achieved. Treasurer Winston Shapton reported a good year finan- cially for the Association, with to- tal assets nearing the S 1 million mark. Four board. members are retiring this year after a total between them of nearly $0 years of active service in the organization, at every level. They will be sadly missed. Special awards were presented to Anne Klungel, Myra Lovell, Jim Dalton and Winston Shapton, in gratitude for their years of service. Also leaving the board, duc to a va- •riety of health/business reasons were Jerry Boersma, Herb Verbeck, Bill Vandenberk, and Dave Gardin- er. Four new candidates were present- ed for the 1988-89 board, Susan Fussell, Ron Walker, Harry Klun- gel and Roberta Walker. They will be joining the present board includ- ing: Ila Mathers, Rev. Henry VanEssen, Pat Campbell, Richard Hucal, Donna Greb, .Ralph Topp, Victor Knip, and Gail Little. The new President of the SHDAMII is Richard Hucal of Ex- ctcr, who read a plaque sent by Hon. David Peterson, Premier of Ontario, to the Association congrat- ulating them on 20 years of com- munity service. The guest speaker, introduced by Association Dircctor John -Gray, was 'John McKnight. Les. Is a pitcher half -empty, or story of how one handicapped man. of their life. That is the job of our Ile. is the Director of Community half-tuli? What do we see? Mr. came to mean a great deal in the life Association, to achieve that VI - Studies at Northwestern University . McKnight ended with a touching of his rural town, in Chicago, and works at a research center studying problem solving in communities. - McKnight complimented the As- sociatign, and Canada in general, on their high level of achievements in assisting thc developmentally han- dicapped to become citizens in the community. He has been travelling across Canada and the USA, study- ing new developments in die field of the mentally handicapped, which requires a real VISION to get all people into the 4ife of thc commu- nity. He feels that, on the whole, Can- ada is farther ahead than, the USA in this arca, concerning school integra- tion, job opportunities in the com- munity and independcnt.housing. A government system can provide ser- vices, but only a community can provide care and a feeling of citizen- • • ship. • and became part SIGN. We must act _as.guides, to inte- grate the handicapped into the main- stream, seeing them as persons with capacities to enrich the com- munity; with gifts and possibili GET LIFE MEMBERSHIP$ - Four life members Ips were handed out at Thursday's annual meeting of the South Huron Association for the Mentally Handicapped. Above. past president Victor Knip presents certificates to Anne.Klungel, IfJlyra Lovell, Jim Dalton and Winston Shapton. • WELCOME GUEST SPEAKER - The guest speaker at Thursday's annual meeting of the South Huron Associ- ation for the Mentally Handicapped wasJohnMcKnight, director of Community Studies at Northwestew,University in Chicago. At the left he is being welcomed by president Richard Hucal, past president Victor Knip and executive director John Gray.. Crediton by Mrs. Stan Preszcator CREDITON - Nice to see so many out for our -137th anniversary service at Zion United Church. The sermon topic was taken from Isaiah 53 and Mark 10:35-45 Rev. Howard G: Zurhrigg, former pastor of Crediton, had charge of thc "sermon. The "I larmony Kings" favoured us .with four beautiful sotrgs. We wish to thank Rev. Zur- brigg and the Harmony Kings, and hope they will come hack again soon. Personals .S'-ympathy is extended to the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Grace Dixon. Mrs. Dixon was the grandmother of Clare and his wife Brenda Marten. In South FluroFl,,llospital, Exeter, is Mr. -Calvin Fatlrncr. We wish Calvin a speedy recovery. June services are June 19 - 10:30 a.m. Children's Day Mrs. Val Hod- gins speaking. June 26 - 10:00 a.m. Cemetery Decoration. Flowers in the church sanctuary were from the funeral of the late Charles Dinney. Also two beautiful baskets of peonies and lupins deco- rated the church. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator were Sunday supper guests with -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farr, St. Thom- as. ?vlr. and Mrs. Steve Dinncy have returned home from thcir honey- moon. Mrs. Lorna Barnes, Kcn Wern- „ham and girls. Thcdford, and Mr. and Mrs. David Isaac and Tdsha were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator. The Isaacs celebrated their fifth.anniver- sarv. Nancy Dawson and daughter Cheryl spent four, days in Las Ve- gas. They had a very enjoyable time. The temperature one day was 103 degrees. •fin location or Studio Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY NEW EXECUTIVE OF SHAMH - The new 1988-89 executive was named Thursday night for the South Huron Association for the Mentally Handicapped. Back, left, Donna-Greb, Susan Fussell, Ralph Topp, Pat Campbell and executive director John Gray. Front, Ila Mathers; past president Victor Knip, president Richard Hucal, Gail Little and Roberta Walker. Missing were Ron Walker. Rev. Henry. Van Essen and Harry Klungel. "I couldn't sell my skills - so 1 upgraded them." .y� Gloria Phair's small business was hurt dramatically by changes in the oil industry. With three children at ppme, she needed another job. For months on end she knocked on doors. Finally, she looked to her Canada Employment Centre for help. Gloria -was thrilled to find a Canadian Jobs Strategy program designed specifically to meet the needs of women like her—to help her upgrade her skills and make her more marketable. Betty Screpnek. Gloria's counsellor, set her up in an intense training program with classroom training in life skills and office management. Then"she was placed with an Edmonton engineering firm, The Blero Group of Companies. for on-site training. Twelve weeks later, she was due to return for more classroom training. But didn't. Instead. Gloria stayed on at the company as Personnel Manager. At Canada Employment Centres, -we don't claim to be miracle workers—but we'll do everything we can to help people who want to help themselyes. We have the skilled people, the programs, and the will to help people like Gloria Phair. I had no idea they could help me so much' —Gloria Phan --Glp ria Screpnek. Training Co-ordinator. specializes in helping women find lobs. ( ("wile( IAI WIDINN(,S P(1RTRAUS CROUPS PORK IVY Telephone 2 i; 1298• 117 Thames Rd.. East. Exeter OnI Best Interest 4 °/0 ' Guaranteed 1 3 0 ee Certificates stmnt • subiect to change . 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