Times-Advocate, 1988-06-15, Page 30Page 18A Times -Advocate, June 15, 1988
SENIOR WOODWORKING - Projects for the grade 11-12 woodwork-
ing class this year at South Huron District High School included this desk
shown by Rob Hern, a clock held by Terry Thiel, and a table shown by
Steve Greb.
Lucan Villa news
LUCAN - hello! Once again
from the "Lucan Villa".
Our residents have been busy
again this week in preparation for
the big day on June 25.
What big day you ask? Well, the
Lucan villa is presenting its first
annual garage sale with a bake
table, white elephant table and craft
table. Also on this day we arc hav-
ing an Open House. Fun for all!
Won't you please join us!
Our weekly bingo winners were
Rolando Turgeon, Shirley Middle-
ton, Percy Williams, Dell Kimmer-
ly, Mary McCarthy and Verna Hill.
Thursday Evening, June 23 .at 6:30 p.m.
at South Huron Rec Centre Agricultural Bldg.
We will be dispersing the contents of a Hensall estate along with
additions from a Centralia home - includes antiques, fine china,
furnishings, appliances, etc. Watch next weeks paper for a full
Jack's Jottings --
By Jack Riddell
Mpp Huron
r- Expanded role for
health facilities
New community-based health facilities that will enable patients to
undergo certain surgical procedures without being admitted to hospi-
tals will be developed as a result of legislation introduced in the leg-
islature recently. '
The Independent Health Facilities Act will ensure that patients re-
ceive quality care at facilities other than hospitals.
The legislation will also allow already existing community health
centres and health service organizations to develop expanded roles.
The government recognizes that new technology has made it Tossi-
blc to safely perform some medical procedures in an out-of-hospital
setting. A number of independent facilities have already started to of-
fer such services.
The Ministry of Health wants to ensure that such facilities are
properly located and that procedures are performed in a safe, effective
The act also ensures that preference in the granting of licenses for
new facilities will be given to Canadian proposals and those operat-
ing on a not-for-profit basis.
This preference will be given despite -any international treaty or ob-
ligation to which Canada is a party - including the Canada -U.S. free
trade agreement - and despite any federal legislation implementing
such an obligation.
"Sexual assault: It's a Crime" campaign launched
Prevention of sexual assaults through public education is the ma-
jor goal of a new c:unpaign launched by the Ontario Government.
Announced by the Hon. Gregory Sorbara, Minister Responsible
for Women's Issues, the campaign will feature bilingual TV adver-
tisements and a brochure. Both are designed to challenge widely -held
myths that blame women for being sexually assaulted and allow as-
. sailants to avoid responsibility for their actions.
As part of the $600,000 campaign, a S120,000 fund has been allo-
cated to 69 community groups across Ontario for local public educa-
tion initiatives.
It is time to put aside the fiction and take a hard look at the truth.
The government wants to increase the public's awareness about what
sexual assault is, and the fact that it is a crime.
Ontario celebrates senior citizens' month
Just a reminder that June has been proclaimed as Senior Citizens'
Month, as announced by Minister for Senior Citizens Affairs Mavis
"Opportunity is Ageless" is this year's -theme. It expresses the en-
thusiasm and creativity with which seniors take advantage of the
choices around them.
When we celebrate Senior Citizens' Month in Ontario, we show
our appreciation of the collective wisdom, experience and service of a
growing and vital segment of our population.
Grants to riding
Minister of the Environment Jim Bradley has announced a grant in
the amount of S 106,800 to the Township of Goderich under the Fi
nancial Assistance Program to assist in implementation of a waste
management strategy.
Two hospitals in the riding will receive grants from the Ministry
of health for assistance in upgrading their facilities. South Huron
Hospital, Exeter will receive S46,664 for replacement of the roof,
and Seaforth Community Hospital will receive S439,039 to upgrade
their mechanical and electrical system.
* From London and 2 local estates. Ilderton Fair Grounds, Ilderton
Friday evening June 17 - 6:00 a.m.
* High back side board with mirror, Reproduco organ and piano*
* combined, (really different), piano stools, Atwater Kent radio *
* (old), treadle sewing machine, tea caddy, oak buffet, old radios,*
* chest of drawers, bureau with tear drop pulls, blanket boxes, *
* kitchen cabinet, boiler, perfume and milk bottles, jugs, irons,*
* some dishes, copper waterless cooker, this is a partial list of an- *
• tique pcs. only. Automatic Frigidaire deluxe dryer, Magic Pantry*
* deep freeze and fridge combination, chest type deep freeze,*
* old fridges, 2 chesterfields and chairs (like new), couches,*
* chrome sets, dressers, beds, small tables, odd chairs, small dish- *
* washer, ladders, tools, pumps, electric sewing machine, cup- *
* boards, lamps, hall mirror, wardrobe, etc. etc. This is a very partial *
* list. Large consignment sale to be held at Ilderton June 25th. *
* 1979 Datson Car, 310, new paint, good running cond. Selling as*
* is. *
*TERMS: Cash sale night. Booth *
4ETom Robson Hugh Filson
* 666-1967 666-0833
mains r et
Summerfest '88
June 18 & 19
Events all weekend
At both locations
Hotel Mainstreet
Saturday Night
Crocodile Dundee
Look alike contest
Sat. 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Nerf Ball
Sun., 10:30 a.m.
Waiters Race
Tug of War
Pitch and Win
Sunday 1:30 - 4 p.m.
Nerf Ball
Visit our new Roof Patio
Beach House
Hotel Mainstreet
In the lounge
Live entertainment in the Cafe
Bring Dad out for the weekend
Father's Day Specials
both Locations
Hotel Mainstreet
Grand Bend
4,--11411111141, 1141k-.140 dik
FIREMEN'S BREAKFAST - The Exeter Area Firemen kept the grills ho
on Saturday morning to serve a pancake breakfast to a hungry crowd.
Firemen Peter Hrudka and Ken Triebner were among the volunteers help-
ing to raise money to fight muscular dystrophy.
Biddulph chessmen sweep
BI_DDULPI1 - Slonths of train-
ing and noon hour games paid
great dividends for members of the
Biddulph -Lucan Public School
chess team.
Competing May 28S at Ccnten-
nail Central, under the direction of
coach Brian Lewis, the Biddulph-
Lucan youngsters defeated all
schools from across the county.
The Biddulph team, made up of'
five groups of three ,players, took
all three top prizes for team com-
Placing first overall in the tour-
nament was a team made up of
Greg Boshart, Rob Waters and Lar-
ry Hitchcock. Second place was
awarded to the team of Robert
Stotesbury-Leeson, Doug Hotson
and Darryl Boshart. The team or
Darcy Maguire, Jessie Waters and
Joey Hitchcock finished third.
in individual play, Greg Boshart
won first place, Rob Waters was
tied for second and Doug Hotson
ended up in third spot.
Other members of the chess team
competing in the county -wide tour-
nament were Don Earhart, Aaron
Shil.son, Chris Rcvington, Brent
Slills and Kurt Mills.
Special thanks go • to Biddulph
staff member Brian Lewis who or-
ganized the members of the team
and provided 9,142ortunities during
noon hour breaks for the last six
months to allow members to sharp-
en their skills.
TiiTrime Stoppers
A rock the size of a hardball
broke a side window at the LCBO
store on August 8, 1987. The
thieves then reached through the
security bars and took two 750m1
bottle of Gailino at S26.95 each,
two 7501111 bottles of B&B at
S30.75 each and two 375m1 bottle
of Glayua at S 12.95 each. Damage
to the window cost S700.
The Godcrich Police Force and
Crime Stoppers are appealing to the
public to help solve this crime. The
window which was broken faces
Huron Road (Highway 8) and
someone may have seen this event.
If ybu have any information
about this or any other serious
HURON COUNTY toll -fret at 1-
800-265-1777. You- call will not
be traced, nor r ,rded and your
anonymity, is guaranteed. if an
arrest is made you could earn a cash
reward of up to S1,000 You will
not have to identify yourself nor
testify in court. Remember crime
doesn't pay, hut Crime Stoppers
illFor Mr. and Mrs. Milton Talbot on Stanley side road #1, lot 23, 1
1/2 miles south of Bayfield on Hwy. 21 and 2 miles east or 1/4
Q mile west of the Goshen Rd. 0
IGE. " , p e, , me
table.244 chairselect., woodstovetable71/2 withcubic pull drawerft.dee, cherfreezry tablefridge, dresserchros,
chesterfield and chair, coffee and end tables, mirrors, beds and
° dressers, wood chairs, rocking chair, lamps., large sideboard, °
PARADE - Leading the parade to begin the Special Olympics on the play sewing machine, copper boiler, coal skuttle, measuring scales
ing field behind SHDHS are Phil Campbell, Exeter Legion, Carl Verbeek and with weights, milk cans, 5 gal. gas measuring. cans, Sunco oil
Mary Lou Masse who later recited the Special Olympics oath "Let me o quart, butter bowl with ladle, quilts, blankets, drape and curtain 0
win...and if I cannot, let me be brave". material, hooked mats, 1928 L.F. Press and Clinton Record pa-
pers, cups, saucers, plates, dishes, elect. iron, toaster, kettle,
pans, 8 H.P. Briggs and Stratton lite self-propelled lawn mower,
— — o Honda garden tiller (like new), lawn trailer, wheel barrow, lawn 0
tilpert. spreader, chain saw, cable cutter, axe, hammers, vise, han-
dyman jack, wrenches, saws, shovels, racks, horse collar, hay
0 knife .locks with keys, tool boxes, ext. ladder, sump pump, gar o
den hose, pulleys and lawn ornaments , wind chime. White pine
cedar boards and planks.
The above is a partial listing. Plan to attend. Terms cash. Property
sold. Lunch booth. 0
Auctioneer John Finlay 236-4814
101 101
101 101 101 1E1
Furniture, Household
and Antique Auction
Saturday, June 18 at 12:30 p.
At Pinery Auction Barn,
Hwy. 21, 4 miles south of Grand Bend
Thursday, June 16L 6:30 -p.m.
Household and Nursery Stock
We will be selling the contents of a local home plus additions in-
cluding modern and antique furnishings, appliances, lawn furni- .1
ture and equipment, snowblower. Also a nice selection of quality 1
nursery stock such as flowering shrubs, spreading and upright
' junipers, evergreens and flowering baskets. This is an auction '
well worth your attendance.
LAuctioneers Pat and Phyllis Lyon 243-2713
Estate Auction
*Of property, barber shop and pool hall equipment for the estate*
*of the late Clarence Lewis, Main St., Lucan Ont. *
Monday evening June 27, 7 p.m.
*Property will be sold at 8 p.m.
*Consists of main floor shop and 4 upper apartments. Building is*
*basically 34 x 80, being part lots of 157 and 158 plan 188. Apart-*
* ments are electrically heated. Equipped with fridges and stoves.*
* Town water and sewage. All presently rented. Property #2 - Pie*
* shaped piece of land behind Drug Store properly 50' x 41' x 65'.*
* Terms - 10% down, balance in 30 days subject to a moderate re- *
* serve bid. *
* Barber Shop Equipment - 2 barber chairs, clippers, razors,*
etc. Old National Cash Register, adding machine, 6' glass coun-*
* ter, g rbage containers. Hat rack, pool table 6' x 16', new cup-
* board' *
in excellent condition. Snooker table 6 x 15. Pop coolers,
* gum and peanut machines, shelves, ladder, tools, chairs, radio,*
* misc.
* TERMS on Chattels, cash sale night
* Auctioneers *
* Hugh Filson Tom Robson *
• 666-0833 666-1967 *
101 101 101 101
Piano, antique furniture, appliances, glassware. duck decoys, rear tyne
tiller, antique gas engine, Honda lawnmower. radial arm saw, tool chests
like new, tools, etc to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn Clinton,
for the Estate of Cliff and Viola Proctor of Clinton and Grand Bend
Saturday, June 18 at 10 a.m.
30" electric stove, harvest gold fridge, good wringer washer, clothes
dryer, 2 antique Victorian dressers w/large mirrors, one is stamped G.
Diehl. 2 antique Victorian beds, 3 large antique chest of drawers, side
board w/mirror, small antique chest of drawers,'Doherty upright piano
and bench, high back piano stool, Targe blanket box, washstand, side
board bottom, 8 Ontario chairs, antique blanket box, 2 old rocking
chairs, 2 wicker arm chairs, hump back trunk, old childs sleigh, Victori-
an platform rocker, parlour table, china cabinet, buffet, 7 duck decoys
stamped Victor, copper boiler, 2 brass jelly pails; 2 electric sewing ma-
chines, odd wooden chairs, drop leaf table, folding rocker, upholstered
chairs, paintings, pictures, oil lamps, crocks, jugs, large offering of
bedding and linens, dishes and glassware including antique pieces,
O'Gee clock, 3 new bikes, bike repair parts, fishing rods, tackle, 12'volt
trolling motor.
TOOLS ETC. Honda HR194 lawn mower, like new, fertilizer spreader,
Craftsman 5HP 22'aear tyne garden tiller, Goold Shapley & Muir Co. 2
HP horizontal gas engine, 3 HP tiller, pull law n roller, edger, grass whip,
DeWalt radial arm saw like new, large tool chest, work bench cabinet,
bench grinder, router, saw blades, Carbon tipped blade, 6"#3 Dado set,
electric drills, saber saw, drill bit sharpener, Premus camp stove. vise,
electric stapler, Educational electronic books, battery charger, wood
planes, a few drafting instruments, plus much more. Note: Due to large
offering household items and tools will be auctioned at the same time
starting at 10 a.m. TERMS. Cash or cheque with proper I.D.
Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb 482-7898 Clinton
Thursday Juno 16 at 6 p.m. Household Auction at 67 North Main
St., Seaforth.