Times-Advocate, 1988-06-15, Page 17WIN IN SHRINERS GOLF - More than. 120 participated in Wednesday's golf tournament sponsored by the
Bluewater Shrine Club. From the left are the days organizer Earl Long, low gross winner Dave McLeod, low net Ray
Cook and Shriner Bop Murray.
SPECIAL AWARDS - Bob McKinley, co-ordinator for Wednesday's
Bluewater Shriners golf tournament at the Oakwood Golf Club presents the
longest drive trophy to Peter Kleinstiver and closest to the pin to Bruce
Couple celebrates 25th
KIPPEN - On Saturday June 11
Phyllis and Harold Parsons were
guests at a party held in their hon-
our to celebrate their 25th wedding
anniversary. Phyllis and Harold
were pleased to have all members
of the original wedding party
present as well as many friends and
relatives to offer congratulations.
• Congratulations go out to Bob
and Marlene Bell on the birth of
their second grandchild. Brett Rob-
ert Daniel was born on Thursday,
Junc 9 to their daughter Linda and
husband Dan Crcrar.
Barbara McGregor and Rick Dal-
rymple were joined in marriage on
Saturday, June 11 at Hensaii Unit -
cd Church. Barbara is the daughter
of Anne and Doug McGregor and
Rick the son of Faye and Harold
Dalrymple. The Kippcn communi-
ty offer congratulations to Barb and
Rick and wish them many years.of
Kippen United Church
A regular service was held at St.
Andrews on Sunday June 12. Rcv.
Lorne Kcays presided in the pulpit.
His sermon was based on "The
Way to Happiness".
Next Sunday June 19 Kippcn
Church will host a joint 'open air
service, with Bruccfieid congrega-
tion as guests. Location will be
Stanley Township Complex ball
diamond at 11 a.m.
This will be followed by a pot
luck picnic, everyone is asked to
bring food, cups, dishes and cut-
lery, beverages will be supplied.
Bring your own lawn chair if you
don't wish to sit in the bleachers.
Everyone welcome.
Hely communion will be cele-
brated on Sunday, June' 26.
Co-op contract
HENSALL - Murray Cardiff,
Member of parliament for Huron -
Bruce, announced ,on behalf of Sup-
ply and Services Minister Otto Jeli-
nck, that Hensall Co-op Inc. of
Hensall has won a -Government of
Canada contract worth nearly
S355,000 to supply corn to the In-
ternational Development Agency.
The corn, bound for Honduras, is
part of Canada's contribution to the
World Food Program.
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by Mrs. Heber Davis
SAINTSBURY - Service was
held at St. Patrick's at 11 a.m. Sun-
day, Rcv. Wheeler in charge. Mary
Jefferies read the lessons and Mary
Davis provided music for the
She spoke to the children on
"littering" and asked them to be
sure and put waste in garbage cans
etc. and to try and keep God's beau-
tiful world clean.
She took her text from the gospel
for the day. "The Kingdom of God
is as" and asked how many parables
started with that sentence. Next
Sunday. service at St. Patricks is
cancelled so the members can attend
anniversary at St. Thomas Church,
Granton. The children sang happy
birthday to Courtney MacGillivray
who was eight years old Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis went
on the annual motor bike ride for
"Sight' held at Minden, Ontario, on
the weekend. There were over 5,000
bikers who rode to raise money for
the blind.
Crystal and Harley Davis spent
the weekend with Mrs. Mary Walk-
er, their babysitter at Centralia.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis spent
the weekend at the "Trade Show" at
Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall were
host and hostess for a family birth-
day gathering for Mary Davis on
Sunday at noon. Mary is observing
her 82nd birthday on Monday, June
13. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Greenlee, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Da-
vis, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, Mrs.
Voylc Jordan, Mary Davis, Bob,
Alexca and Robert Tindall.
Master Ryan Carroll attended a
birthday party for Chad Greenlee
Sunday at the home of Chad's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Greenlee,
Mrs. Voyle Jordan and Mrs. Mab-
el Needham attended the barbecue at
the Play House, Grand Bend, Satur-
day evening.
Don't forget the dessert euchre and
bake sale at St. Patricks, 1:00 p.m.
June 22.
Former Blanshard
man passes away -
LONDON - A former Blanshard
township man, Gladwyn E. Hooper
died in his 72nd year.
He was born and raised in Blan-
shard Township, where he farmed
and worked for the Township for
several years before moving to
London. He was employed with
Robcrt Hunt Corporation until his
Surviving arc his wife Leone
(Facey) whom he marricd Septem-
ber 2, 1939. Also surviving are
daughter Ruth and husband Serge
Dubord of Batavia, New York; son
Clare and wife Marilyn of London;
daughters Veryl and husband John
Cocuzzi of Woodbridge and Jeanette
of Sarnia; grandchildren Ashleigh
and Ryan Cocuzzi.
The funeral was held at L.A. Ball
funeral chapel on Wednesday, June
8 with Rcv. William Jones officiat-
Interment was at Kirkton Union
Cemetery. Pallbearers were Wil-
liam Jones, Lloyd Thomson, Leo-
nard Thacker, Rick Rosebush, John
Hogg and Lawrence Quipp. Flower
bearers were Danny Wilson, John
Dawc, Brian Love, Joc Albert and
Don . Flynn.
F of A to meet
A Huron County Federation of
Agriculture members' meeting will
be held Wednesday,. June 15 at 8:30
p.m. at Hcnsall Public School.
The topics will be "Changing
Rules" and "Dealing with the Lend-
ers in the 1980's".
The speakers will be O.F.A. Ex-
ecutives tioug Garniss and Ken
Kelly and Ron Phillips, Kings
Mount Group from Arva.
Bring your ideas, concems and ex-
periences and join the meeting.
Varna seniors club
enJjoy s year-end meal
need help in selltng•tickets, setting
up (which includes bringing in
stage and picnic tables), cleaning
up after the dance, parking cars, ad-
mission, bartenders and running of
two food `booths. Remember all
proceeds go to Community Recrea-
tion, so if you can help in any
way, please call Lowell Mount at
233-5876 or Jim Kirton at 233-
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - The Stan -Lee Club of
Varna held its final meeting of the
season on June 7 with a delicious
pot -luck supper. Approximately 40
members were in attendance with
two guests. The next meeting will
be held on September 6.
Ruby Treibner won the door prize
and Jean McEwen gave a report on
Moon Walk and Fitness Week; 12
members walked a total of 225 1/2
milts, including -the Bannockburn
Guest speaker was Mr. Jeff Sabin
of the Goderich O.P.P. Jeff works
with the Crime -Stopper Program,
having his office in Clinton. He
showed slides and gave information
on the program.
Elichre finished up the season!
Congratulations to Sandra Cole-
man who received the McCarthy -
McCarthy Award at the University
of Western Ontario Faculty of Law
Award Ceremony on June 7. Sandra
placed secohd in her class upon
completion of fust year law.
Summer recreation •
The Stanley Township Recrea-
tional Committee held their month-
ly meeting with many summer pro-
jects on the go!
Baseball is well under way. Go
and watch your favourite teamwin
and children can play on the play
ground equipment. Home games
are: Wednesday June 15 - Squirt
Girls vs. Auburn at 7 p.m.;
Thursday June 16 = Mite boys vs.
Colbournc 7 p.m. Front Diamond;
Thursday June 16 - Squirt boys
vs. Goderich #3 7 p.m. B.D. and
Wednesday June 22 Agricos vs.
Zurich Ball Busters at 7 p.m.
The swimming program will be
held during the weeks of July 11 to
18 from 1:00 - 3:30. The cost is
$30 per child which includes swim-
ming lessons and transportation.
The bus picks up and returns at
Varna and Brucefield. For further
information or registration contact
Sandra Johnston at 263-2623 or
527-1910 or Debbie Rathwell at
233-9153. This program fills up
very quickly, so register scion.
Plans for the big double dance are
also underway. Mark your calendar
for July. 16 at Stanley Complex.
"Player" from London, who played
for our big sesquicentennial, will
perform in the Work Centre, while
"Mozart's "Melody Makers" will
play in the Complex. This will be
a great evening for all ages, but the
Rec. Commi•t_tee needs some
"Sesquicentennial Spirit", they also
When you notice some of the body
shapes today. it adds credibility to the • •
theory of evolution.
Sunday School •
Varna Sunday School Recogni-
tion was held Sunday June 12 with
Sunday School Superintendent, Joe
Laurie in charge. All children must
attend 32 Sundays before they can
receive a seal or diploma.
The nursery (youngest class)
taught by Debra Rathwell and
Joyce Dowson received their awards
first. Brian Webster, 4th year seal,
Andrew Laurie second year seal,
Graham Laurie second year seal,
Danny Rathwell second year seal,
Jason Beicrling first year diploma
and second year seal, Melonie Cul-
bert first year diploma.
The next class (primary class)
taught by Carol Simons and rlaine
Stephenson received their awards.
Valerie Laurie fifth year seal, Darcy
Rathwell fourth year seal, Michael
Stephenson third year seal, and Dy-
lan Culbert 1st year diploma.
The Junior Class taught by Joan
Beierling and Lorraine Taylor re-
ceived their awards. Heather Beicr-
ling 8th year diploma, Heather Lau-
rie 7th year seal, and Kim Taylor
her 3rd year seal.
The oldest class (Senior Class)
taught by Joc Laurie and Barbara -
Anne Parker received their awards.
Mary Ellen Webster and Susan Kir-
ton both received their 11th year
seals, Mark Webster his 9th year
seal, Raymond Bcierling his 8th
year diploma, Sandra Coultis 7th
year seal, Tony Coultis 6th year
seal, Shelley, Cheryl and Suzanne
Stephenson all received thcir 4th
year seals.
Congratulations to all these boys
and girls. Rev. Sam also thanked
the teachers and the superintendent
for their teaching throughout the
Youth Group Year End Celebra-
tion is held Friday Junc 17 surfing
.at the Ball Diamond at 4:30. There
will be swimming in Vanastra from
6-7 p.m. This will be $3.00 a per-
son. -
Remember tickets arc still availa-
ble for the annual Pork Barbecue
held in Varna at .thc Complex, on
June 22 from 4:30-7:3b p.m.
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