Times-Advocate, 1988-05-25, Page 12• 1 Page 12 Times -Advocate, Municipal Hy Ross Baugh EXETER - Proposed amendments to the Ontario Municipal Elections Act were discussed at Thursday's spring meeting of Zone 2 of the Association of Municipal Clerks May 25, 1988 clerks, treasurers discuss Election Act changes and Treasurers of Ontario. The meeting was held at the South Iluron Rcc C'cntrc with Exet- r's deputy clerk treasurer Laurie Dykstra as chairman. In attendance were 130 representa- tives from 173 municipaltics in.the 'counties of Huron, Perth, Bruce, Grey, Wellington, Dufferin and Simcoc. John Maddox, an advisor with Municipal Affairs_in London high- lighted amendments to the Electron Act which have received first read - WELCOME TO CLERKS - Prior to Thursday's spring meeting of Zone 2 of Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers, chairman Laurie Dykstra,. Exeter's deputy clerk -treasurer talks with Linda Oliver of Stephen township, former Hensall clerk -treasurer Betty Oke and Exeter's clerk -treasurer Liz Bell. A MAYOR'S WELCOME - Exeter Mayor Bruce Shaw welcomes Tuckersmith clerk -treasurer Jack McLachlan, Gerald Morgan of the Ontario Assessment Branch and Huron Warden Bob Boll. Bell Canada reveals local tax contributions EXETER -.Bell Canada's munic- ipal tax contribution totalled $85,866.73 in 1987. This includes $4,129.06 in Real Estate taxes, $80,501.1 n Gross Receipts tax and $1,23 in Business taxes. Bell also spent -5329,000 on im- proving and maintaining local tele- phone services for the 2,471 cus- tomers in the Exeter exchange and over S2,484,500 in payroll expens- es for the 80Bellemployees in the Stratford arca. The Gross Receipts tax is set at five percent of all telecommunica- tions revenue from Bell operations in Ontario in the preceding year. The amount apportioned to each exchange is based on the number of Bell telephones in use. In 1987, this was $29.20 per telephone. In 1988, the Gross Receipts tax is S83,944.20 for the Exctcr ex- change. In 1987, Bell spent a total of 51.991 billion in capital improve- ments. Of this, S1.199 billion was spent in Ontario. The forecast for 1988 is 52.150 billion, with $1.325 billion of the total to be spent in Ontario. Local improvement highlights in 1987 include S329,000 spent on: rebuilding facilities at Sanders and Main; placing cable to serve subdi- visions on Huron East; adding trunk equipment to the switching centre. Local plans for 1988 include S947,000 to be spent on: placing fibre optics cable from Exeter to Hensall and from Hensall to Clin- ton; placing cable to serve new subdivisions at Sanders and Pryde, at Williams and Alexander and on Pickard; building conduit and man- holes on Main Street South, Car- ling South, Huron and Main; ad- ding lines and extensions to the switching centre. 11 your fa1her is a doctor you can be sick tor-- nothing. 11 our lather is a minister you can be guod for nothing. The worst thing about being a mud thrower is ground lost. • Food Disposal Unit Special Purchase Now from 139 95 7.5 cu. ft. Chest Freezer$29999 Almond ... 12 cu. ft. Chest Freezer $36999 Almond..._ 23 cu. ft. Chest Freezer 6995 All prices picked up We nave a great selecbon of upright freezers available - Also gas 30' ranges. Priced from 6599.95 and trade e Service What We Sell IYSDA MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD. Hensall, 262-2728 OPEN DAILY, FRI. NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. "THE PACE TO BUY APPLIANCES" • ing in the Legislature and are ex- pected to become law this summer. Zone 2 will be sending some of their concerns about the new legis- lation through their representative on the provincial group's legislative committee. Delegates agreed most srhall mu- nicipalities did not have any prob- lems with election expenses. The amendments call for all candidates to reveal their municipal election expenses up to $1,000 and over that amount a financial statement would be necessary. The Act also calls for two ad- vance polls for this fall's elections. They would be held on November 5 and 10 prior to the regular election on November 14. Facilities for these advanced polls must be ac- cessible to the handicapped for this year's election and for all regular polling stations by 1991. Huron .clerk treasurer Bill Hanly said he thought AMO was in favour of having the second advance poll .as an option. Vice chairman Frank Mangan agreed, but said, " It should be left up to the discretion of the local councils, but shouldn't be haphazard. l agree that every person should have a chance to vote. "- Tuckersmith clerk treasurer Jack McLachlan commented, " The first one should be mandatory with the second at the option of councils." Set deadline in beef marketing TORONTO - The deadline for completion of the Ontario beef mar- keting task force study has been ex- tended to September 15, 1988, Minister of Agriculture and Food Jack Riddell announced recently. "The original June date for com- pletion of the study has been changed to September at the request of the task force, which needed morc time to review the written submissions, and complete its re- port," Riddell said. "the task force is now analysing more than 200 writtcn submissions that it has re- ceiycd. Several farm organizations and in- dividual producers had expressed conccrn that the task force would not have enough time, with the June deadline, to complete the study. Formcd in February, 1988, the task force is reviewing the changing marketing needs of the Ontario bccf industry. The task force has the support of the Ontario Cattlemen's Association and the Ontario Beef Producers for Change. The beef sector is the largest seg- ment of Ontario's agriculture and food industry. Agrichemicals for a growing world As many rural municipalities have polling stations in private res.- idcnces and do not have ramps or other facilities for the handicapped, it was suggested they could be ac- commodated by floating polls. In other discussion, Bayfield clerk treasurer Pat Graham suggest- ed tax notices should include a sep- arate box listing the county levy. Vice-chairman Ron Shaw indicated those forms were already available. Bernie Picard from AMO ex- plained details of the new GASA- MO energy grant program which has been accepted by many Ontario municipalities. Delegates were welcomed to Ex- eter by the White Wonder, Mayor Bruce Shaw and Huron Warden Bob Bell. Afternoon entertainment was pro- vided by the Paul Brothers 'and Shirley. The fall meeting of the associa- tion will be held October 6 at the Hockley Valley Resort in Mono township. TALKING ELECTIONS - Chatting during intermission at Thursday's spring meeting of Zone 2 of the AMCTO. are clerk -treasurers Bill Hanly of Huron, Stanley township's Mel Graham and Charles Ellis from Bruce town- ship. ATTENTION AREA FARMERS McGavin's is Huron County's newest authorized headquarters sales, parts and service for Ford/NH. Come in and browse around our new sales and parts showroom and talk to the courteous staff at McGavin's acS on today. nS\ \dd�ctoktor pwSaw tde1a yal\ owl aM FARM SUPPLY LTD =E■ 527-0245 WALTON 887-6365 Patoranand Poast The best sequential program for total weed control in dry beans BASF Patoran FL • consistent control of key broadleaf weeds such as lamb's -quarters and pigweed, including their triazine-resistant strains • • safe for use in triazine-sensitive bean varieties • no soil residue to limit crop rotation flexibility • convenient -to -use application rates as low as 1 L/acre Start your sequential program with BASF Patoran FL — proven preemergence performance on broadleaf weeds in beans. Continue your sequential program with Pongt proven postemergence grass control of demonstrated value. Agricultural Chemicals Poast • kills foxta ls. barnyard grass, I irge crabgrass. volunteer corn, proso millet and witchgrass • delivers seasonal control of quackgrass while beans get a good start • • affords the widest range of application timing — the 1-6 leaf stage for annual grasses. the'1-3 leaf stage forquackgrass • safe to crops at any growth stage. with no residues to limit crop rotation flexibility Ask your local agrichemical supplier for BASF Patoran FL and Poast now. • a'O4 stere) "a rle,,3'. CO BASF AG 'Patoran ,s a 'egstered trademark ry Cba Gegv Canada Ltd INFOLINE 1-800-387-4857 BASF