Times-Advocate, 1988-03-30, Page 249
ODDFELLOWSS-FRIENDSHIP NIGHT - The Exeter Independent Order of Oddfellows held a Friendship Night
at KChatham,
, Grand ni'Patriarch cht. h of Ontario rWalltterr Que ick, guesle t peakerBev rsons welcomes Grand Master Rev. Roger McCombe of Ingersoll and Brown
of Chatham, Grand P
trict Deputy Grand Master Eric Mansfield.
Exeter Oddfellows celebrated an -
Other outstanding event when the
annual Friendship dinner and dance
was held in the Kirkton-Woodham
Community Centre, Saturday
A large crowd of Oddfellows and
stage Friendship event
their friends enjoyed a delicious
roast beef dinner prepared by the
UCW ladies of Elimville United
Church and an evening of dancing
with music supplied by the Roya-
laires from the Stratford area. This
event celebrates 18 years of fellow-
ship and fun and observers say this
Eightnew members at
Thames Road United Church
Many people attcndcd the Palm
iunday church. service, on Sunday
norning. Rev. Teddy Smits was in
:hargc of the scrvicc.
There were tight young people
oincd the church here and four at
3Iimvillc namely: Deanne Lee Bal-
antync, Gregory Brian Lamport;
Cobert Andrew. Passmore, Thomas
)avid Passmore, Tanya Melissa
tichl, Danny William Rohde,
rayne Eloise Rowe and. Jeffrey
)Mayne Rowe.
The four at Elimville wcrc Susan
CatlilcenGrubb, Sarah Lceannc Ker -
Make, Tina Louise Taylor and.Tobi
_yn Taylor.
The choir sang two Easter an -
hems accompanied by the organist
Niss Agnes Bray.
The two Easter lilies on the plat-
brm were presented by the United
Thurch Womcn and two Azalea
Tants were placed there by the fam-
ly of the late Gordon Stone who
kissed away 10 years ago on March
46. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rice (nee
Dianne Stone) and family attended
he scrvicc on Sunday.
Barry Jeffery read the Scripture
On tate occasion of Palm Sunday,
vhen 12 young members were re-
eivcd for the first time into full
nembcrship, the Rev. K. Teddy
;mils spoke about the cost of disci-
'leship. The text was taken from
it. Mark 8:34b. "II anyone wants
o come with mc," he told them "lie
nust forget himself, carry his cross
utd follow me".
There is in the gospels a story
'bout a rich young man who told
csus that he wanted to join as' a
lisciplc. When Jesus told him that
t would cost him all he had, he
tuietly Icft in great haste. For he
ould not really part with all his
omforts in life!
Many people don't mind being a
;hristian as long as it is painless.
t must fit in with our plans and
Ther priorities, and, if not, we have
D be excused.
A young German minister, Die -
rich Bonhoeffer, happened to be in
he U.S.A. as a guest lecturer when
he war broke out. Friends told him
o stay on as a lecturer. But he said:
sly task is in Gcrmany among my
:hurch people! He returned on the
ast sailing to Germany. He spoke
rot against Hitler and his anti-
';hristian measures.
One day he was arrested, and on
!aster Day 1945, after conducting a
service for his fellow prisoners, he
OS removed, from the prison and
hot. He paid with his life for his,
liscipleship! How much is it worth
o us 10 be a chprch member?
Easter 'events •
Don't forget the Good Friday Ser -
'ice at Elimville on April 1 at 8
i.m. Communion will be served.
On Easter Sunday there will be a'
sunrise service at 7:00 a.m. Day-
light Saving Time at Thames Road
oltowed by breakfast. The church
ezvice and Sunday School will be
geld at 11:15 a.m. Daylight Saving
The United Church Women will
old their Easter meeting on Mon -
lay, April 4 at 8:00 p.m. D.S.T.
Ve arc entertaining other U.C.W.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde of
Mitchell were Tuesday dinner
:nests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roll-
Mrs. Pete Kosi and Justin of
ltrathroy visited on Friday with her
*rents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and
?eggy Anne of RR 1 Blyth, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Dunlop and Jimmy of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne El
ford, Mr. Ronald Elford, Miss Dor-
is Elford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bray, Vanessa, Kristy and Jessica
were Sunday supper guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Donal) Bray.
Mr. and Mrs. Dot:o Rohde, Karen
and Kathy of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Rohde of Kippen, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Rohde, Danny and
Tammy were Sunday dinner guests
with Mr. and Mrs: Bill Rohde.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomson
of Woodham visited with Bill and I
Sunday evening.
one was me asst on re:c:uiu.
Seated at the head table was the
Grand Master Brother Lloyd Brown
and wife Marion from the Chatham
arca, Grand Patriarch Walter Quick
from the Encampment branch, Dis-
trict Deputy Eric Mansfield and
fvbs. Mansfie i representing Huron
District No. 8 100F, Sister Mavis
Atli i r,lob1c Grand of Ptide of Hu-
ron•Rcbekah Lodge Exeter accompa-
nied by her husband Brother
Charles, Noble Grand Be : Parsons
and wife Muriel from Exeter No.
67, cmc'.: A. Garnet Hicks and wife
Olive nr..i +hv speaker of the evening
Rev. Roger McCombe an Anglican
pried. from Ingersoll who chose
friendship as his topic. He empha-
sized the many ways we may prac-
tice friendship imong our fellow-
man. -
Many visitors expressed their ap-
preciation to the conunittee for
bringing this outstanding speaker to
this arca. During the intermission
thc,following names wcrc drawn in
the ticket draw, Bob Rowe, Exeter;
Doug Cooper, RR 3 Exeter and Ken
Ogden, Exeter.
Times -Advocate, March 30, 1988 Page 7A
Spring theme at Cromarty WMS
taught by Eva Laing, and the mak-
ing of Russian icons and Slavic
crosses by the children. The event
was planned by the minister and •
Sunday School Staff, Alice Gardin-
er, Eva Laing and Cathy Elliott.
Spring was the theme of the
March meeting of the Marian
Ritchie W.M.S. when they met on
Tuesday afternoon. EdnaStoneman
presided and opened with a reading
Woodham UCW
host husbands
The members of the U.C.W. en-
tertained husbands and guests in the
church basement at their March
meeting. Thirty-three people en-
joyed a tasty potluck supper at 7
p.m. Following the meal Verla
Copeland led in a contest on energy
saving questions.
Jean Copeland introduced guest
speaker Anne Marie Heckman, who
conducted a contest of questions re-
lated to the Plowing Match, past
and present.
She gave an interesting talk on
behalf of the speaker's bureau with
regards to the 75th International
Plowing Match and Farm Machin-
ery show to be hosted by Perth
County in September.
There are numerous committees
working diligently to make this a
memorable show. The group was
told of special events prior to the
Match - one being a church service
on September 18 in the Shakespear-
ian Festival Theatre. Grace Brine
thanked I1rs. Heckman for a very
informative report.
President Orrie Hartwick wel-
comed everyone and conducted a
short business meeting. An invita-
tion to Thames Road U.C.W. was
,read and accepted. The members
were reminded of the invitation to
Zion West U.C.W. on March 30.
There will be a silent auction at
the April meeting. Crafts for gifts
to be used at the Plowing Match arc
to be brought to the May meeting.
Mrs. Hartwick closed the busi-
ness with a poem called
Lent was the theme for the wor-
ship service. Jean Copeland and
Grace Brine gave responsive read-
ings from a Lenten Meditation.
Vcrla Copeland read the scripture.
Jean Copeland read a story called,
"The Man With the Brown -Paper
NEW CkIDEONS -- New member Bill Ferguson was welcomed by the South Huron Camp of Gideon International
Monday night in Exeter. Back row, left; Earl Miller, Bill Ferguson, Peter Reinsma. Front, left; Ann Reinsma, Doro-
thy Ferguson and Jean Woodward.
on Spring. Agnes Lamond led in
the devotions, interspersing the
meditation with unison readings
from Numbers, chapters 27 and 36
which dealt with the inheritance of
their father's property by the daugh-
ters of Zelophehad.
May Elliott read an account of
the bale sent to Labrador three
months after the Marian Ritchie
Mission Band was organized in
Sarah Elliott played a delightful
piano instrumental followed by the
roll call, Spring, which was an-
swered by 10 members. For her
topic, Grace Kerslake read "In
Grandrna's Attic".
Hazel Harburn presided for the
business when invitations to Sea -
forth on March 29 at 2 p.m., and
Thames Road on April 4 at 8 p.m.
were accepted. Further plans for the
75th and 85th birthday party in
July were discusscd. Members were
reminded to make an Easter hat to
wear at the annual Good Friday din-
ner to which all women and girls
arc invited.
Roberta Templeman was in
charge of the . study book and
showed a film strip, The Sights and
Sounds of the (" '.rchec of the
U.S.S.R., assist.. . Zim-
The meeting closed with "What a
friend we have in Jesus" and the
Lord's Prayer.
Special event
On Tuesday morning a Russian
Event was held for the children of
the community. The program in-
cluded a study of Russia's land and
peoples, and a story of a Russian
Scrgei, and his Slavic Cross,
by Ruth Laing, Russian Songs
Elimville UCW
cater banquet
The Elimville United Church
Women catered to the Exeter Odd
Fellows Friendship Night at the
•Kirkton-Woodham Community
Centre. A number of people from
the community also attended this
During the Sunday Church ser-
vice Tobi Lyn Taylor, Tina Louise
Taylor and Susan Kathleen Grubb
joined the church. Bruce Delbridge;
clerk of session, presented each
with a. certificate, a member of the
session presented each girl with a
lapel pin and Sharon Lynn present-
ed each with a Bible from the mem-
bers of the United Church \Vomen.
Communion was also served during
the service.
Good Friday_ service will beheld
at Elimville church at 8 pan. The
Easter sunrise service Will he held
at 7 a.m. daylight saving time at
Thames Road church. Breakfast will
follow. The regular service will be
at Elimville at 10 a.m.
Congratulations to Gerald and
Carolyn Johns on the birth of a boy
on tvlarch 26.
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