Times-Advocate, 1988-03-30, Page 2Page 2
Times -Advocate, March 30, 1988
Easter time celebrates resurrection and new life
By henry \'anEssen
':aster is everywhere known as a
least of joy. It docs not matter
• wbcre you look, everywhere the
note is positive, the colours cheer-
ful. Why?. •
Sunday school children know;
"Because Jesus ruse truer the dead
on Easter Sunday." t):ath has been
defeated once for all. But where is
the -joy -of -the -resurre;tion:►- The
message is that all who believe in
Christ will also he resurrected. But
that is alter this lit.. Meanwhile we
have to "cope with the here -anal -now.
can be a very hard and difficult
. experience. :
Survival game
When in hospital two years ago 1
became the owner of a Walkman.
. During sante sleepl:ss nights I lis-
- toted to radio music. l low little joy
there is today in the popular songs,
how nau.h longing her a happy,
As believers we need no longer
be worried about survival. Instead
we can enjoy today. Our Lord ad-
vises us, "Therefore do not be anx-
ious about tomorrow, ...vs. 34
That tlocs.not mean being careless,
but rather carefree. We may thank
God for today. Raid trust Hint for to-
morrow. That takes a tremendous
• load off our shoulders. Even when
-wc. ca►tncit sec daylight, -Ileeis in
control, for to hint all authority in
!leaven and on earth has been giv-_
Nothing shall separate us from
the love of Christ; Ile is risen and
Ile will work all things our for
good. Therefore we need not be
anxious about .anything, but • in
everything by prayeand supplica-
tion with thanksgiving we may let
our. requests be made known to
Clod and the peace of God shall
keep our hearts and mint's in
nteaninglu1; existence. Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6,7.
All they were rally singing This is the joy of Easter. This is
about was the survival game. Thew what it means that Jesus has risen
survival garuc... that is the game from the'dead.
we are all playing. Some of us al- ,lay thrctiugh death
ready have our hacks against. the Resurrection faith changes a per -
wall. Others are saving money fur son complclely. Joy instead of sad -
the future. People all over the world Weis, confidence instead of worry,
are trying to 'survive, driven by a assurance instead of fear, being re -
Will to live. But circumstances and laxed instead of uptight, victorious
age do not always allow us ti) do instead of defeated. The great bur -
++•hat we think ought to be done. • den of trying to. survive by our
And so we worry. own efforts is gone.
Now the Easter n)essage of the 1 aria now kept in His love. There
• resurrection Of the -Lord Jesus is pose:e: in the midst of set -backs. 1
Christ out of the grave sounds great ant now• part of the victor} --game,
for .those close to death and• for the conning of God's kingdom on
those who have lost at loved one. can't.:\VL gladly serve our risen
But what help is Easter for today? Lord no riga ter what llerasks us to
Is not. Easter for when we have lust 'u through. We simply pray each
the survival gamic:' No, faith in the da+ "Lural give us this day ourdai-
'resurrection of the Lord Jesus Iy bread." 11'e accept 1 tis plan and
Christ deliver us from the survival purpose. for this earth, for this
game. world, for our family, for Our
Enjoying todaychurch, and yes for ourselves. We
Every tardy is now invited to play no longer exist. for ourselves for we
the victory game. Why'? Because have tiled to sett. We h"ve now en -
Lord Jesus in defeating death
into Christ's plan and anti-
thehas defeated him who has the }ower pose. We now live: for 1Iint and not.
of death, the evil one. To our Lord fur uurelve s. \\'e now want what
is now given all authority and pow- 1 Ie
Cr in 1 leaven stmt on earth. We are Laster joy today
invited to be united with Him \What 1le wants rs c early w•riuen
faith, and be freed from all fear. down it 1 lis "wort". -1'h: Lord has
What worries us in our haute for tnld us the kind of life. He expects
survival is the fact we can not con- from us. "How can a young man
trol everything. But when cite Lord keep his way pare? By guarding it
Jesus Christ rose bodily from the a:cording to thy word." Psalm
grave he was "dcsignatet1 Son of 1 19):9. The East: r victory can only
God in power," Rona. 1:4. Jesus he experienced by us when by faith
Christ is Lord over 1leaven and we obey Hint. We receive the Eas-
earth. We have his.i>romise that he ter joy only by Faith.in the death
\cares for all who follow thin and and resurrection of'the Lord Jesus
will provide for them. He tells Christ. \1'e continuc.in this joy and
them not to worry about the things
peace of the resurrection through
needed for urvival. "Do not be obedience to ills word.
anxious, saying, "What shall we Why then do many Christians
cat?' or "'.what shall we drink?' or live without the Easter joy? Re"
"\\'hat shall we wear?'... your flea -cause after believing on the Lord
venly Father knows that you need Jesus Christ they continue with
them all. But sock first His king their survival game, They -want le
dom and His righteousness, and all `us to look after them when they
these things shall be yours as !lac. Ilia they ref use to let f line look
well." Mau. 6:31-33. • Rutter them ti•hile they live. That
causes worry.• through the survival game. lnsteao
Jesus is risen! It is no longer ne-•. everyone who comes to Him in
ccssa for an ,one to struggle faith uta ' live and share in His Eas-
ter victory as it spreads all over tae
earth. For the Kingdom of. God
once the
we realiie this we opal -
full joy of Faster.
THE WAY OF THE CROSS Taking part in one vignette of the Easter drama "To See a Miracle" performed at Exeter P, t•cc
March 26 and 27 are Jennifer Geilnik {left), Nathan Stahle, Kevin Rogers, Rick Thornton and Kevin Wallace. At right is dr ••, 3 <, , . cr ! Tr:ebner.
Taking part.were a 40 -voice children's choir and 30 actors.
_oorn.icle on
PALM SUNDAY - Youth pastor Kevin Rogers plays the part of Jesus in
the musical drama "To See a Miracle" presented March 26 and 27 at Exeter
• Pentecostal Tabernacle. With him are Karen Kipfer (left) and Stacey Pur
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EASTER BLOOMS • David Steckle, co-owner of Huron Ridge Atres,
displays some of the 900 pots of Easter fides at th,„kursery. The bulbs
were started in early December, and the warms- will be sold both at the
greenhouse and in some area stores.
LIT TLE LAMBS - Four-year-old Gordie McMor;aid cuddles a young Iamb at the W
Continues Ukrainian Easter tradition
By Yvonne iteynolds The artist decides how many co-.
Each Easter for the past seven lours w11 house d, and which design
years, Cindy Realurrn has painted will he in what colour.- Red and
intricately designed eggs as gifts black aro perennially popular.
for family and friends. Work begins with a ."kistka" or
Making "pysankay" has been a stylus warmed over a candle flame
Ukrainian tradition for generations; ;ard dapped iia beeswax to cover any
Cindy learned the art from a (Arai- part of the design which will remain
than friend while the Reahurns white•. the egg is then dipped into
%voce living in Coronation, Alger- they first d e colour, the deign that
ta. will F.: that colour is covered over
in Ukrainian homes, the pysan- with he::se•.ax, Oho egg is immersed
kay are displayed all year round, in the •uc 1 dye colour, that colour's
being moved to a more prominent el: si,tn as covered over, and the pro
spot during the Easter season. Ve- cess .„rrl,nucs until the pattern is
gcrville, Alberta, has erected a comp':tett. t`sually this process
huge wooden pysanka on the out:goes from light colours tri darker.
skirts of town. Cindy brought her
r.; wly acquired skills back to Onta- A simple design takes about four
rio when the Rcaburns bought a and
more detailed
eggs take
home in 1lcnsall. hours or to
The first step in painting eggs 'Ytiu should try to do as much as
Ukrainian -style is to clean and stet --}you can at one time, as stopping
iliie the raw eggs in a bath of vin- breaks • your train 'of thought-,
egar and water. Each egg is held in Cindy said.
a paper towel while the artist Cindy advises that pysanka-
works, to keep the natural oil from making should not .be done while
the human hand away from the small children are around. Both the
dyes. egg and the dyes arc inedible.
The design is drawn on the egg While ('indy was learning the craft,
with pencil. Each symbol .has she and her friend would get •togeth-
nleaning. A cross -hatch design er for an evening of egg painting.
signifies knowledge; spirals stand They would listen 10 some of their
for immortality; wheat means a fawruante music as they worked, and
good crop, and *the oak Icarsyrn- take a break to- have a bowl -of 9
boliics strength. burse ht and uncramp their fingers.
The dols representing Mary's The reward comes when all the
tears harken back to the legend of beeswax is cleaned off, and the vi -
Mary, who supposedly offered brant colours of the design seem to
Pontius Pilate a gift of eggs white conic alive. Cindy has, discovered
pleading for mercy for her Son. that lighter fluid docs an excellent
Beautiful colours suddenly appeared Job of removing the wax. Each -egg
-on the eggs wherever her tears had is then given a coat of lacquer. to
fallen. seal and protect it.
• The combined symbols deliver The white and the yolk do not go
messages such as "Good fortune in rotten; the jr_ slowly shrivel and
spring” or "Hope God smiles on eventually disappear altogether.
you Cindy describes her hbbhy as rc-
. axing, and she especially enjoys pie 111rtur;:,te caa. ,. tt to he• rc•ctp-
the end product. So do those poo- ient< of lt.'.I ansa ! .,,i; ►
PAINTED EGGS - Clndy F3eaburn uses a '•s.'' -•a" c,r -, 'ace a de-
s gn on an egg with beeswax. In front of "cr ave boa.' ~, y ;;,s ted eggs
she has made for past -Easters.