Times-Advocate, 1988-03-09, Page 12Page 12
Times -Advocate, March 9, 1988
Huron library to be computerized
Since February 1987 Huron
County Library has been preparing
to takea giant leap into the world
of electronic information. In the
past the library has catalogued its
books and information .on 5"x3"
cards. These cards were produced
manually, filed manually and
searched manually.
These were time-consuming oper-
ations and in some cases not com-
pletely effective. If the librarian ca-
taloguing the book did not
successfully guess what words the
patron would use in searching for a
book, the patron would never find
it. Or if the patron slightly mistook
the wording of the title, the search
again would be unsuccessful.
An electronic catalog will remove
most of the manual labour of main-
taining a card catalog and will give
the patrons many ways of finding
Conservation Club
to meet March 21
The Huron 4-H Conservation
Club organizational meeting will be
held at the Clinton High School on
Monday, March 21, at 7:30 p.rn. in
Room 117.
The club's emphasis this year will
be soil conservation. The club will
be looking'at the nature of the soil,
its importance, the effects of water
• and wind, the problem of soil com-
paction and an examination of our
future in agriculture and society if
we do o not manage our soils proper-
The club will have several field
trips in the local arca and outside
the county. The field trips will be a'
practical application of the prob-
lems and good soil management
practices examined at the meetings.
Our meetings will be led by Ray
Hanna, Dave McClure and Ian
Scott. •
The Achievement Day program
could include a visit to a conserva-
tion tillage farm operation or possi-
bly a field trip to the Conservation
Farming Day to be held at the
• Woodstock Research Station on
June 28 and 29, 1988.
Nick Gchynse
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Ontario NOM 2J0
Industrial Fences
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the information tncy want very
quickly. .
For the past year Huron County
Library has been using a new tech-
nology called CD ROM (Compact
Disc Read Only Memory) to con-
vert its catalog into an electronic
format. Under the Jog Development
Program of Employment and Immi-
gration Canada, two workers were
employed to convert the catalog.
Under the provision of the Job De-
velopment Program, these workers
had to have been unemployed for
over a year and the program had to
include a training course for them.
The whole program of database
conversion and job training was co-
ordinated by OLC Ontario Library
Consortium. OLC membership
consists of 15 counties, four cities
and two town libraries. The Consor-
tium has converted over 1.5 million
catalog records in the last. 12
months and completed the process -
on January 30th. This has been the
single largest conversion in public
libraries in Canada and has been
completed in record time.
A total of 49 workers were hired
in libraries across the Province to
input the records. Lambton College
ran a series of correspondence cours-
es for the workers entitled, comput-
er concepts, Business Uses of Com-
puters, the Automated Office and
Small Office Systems. 34 of the 49
workers stayed the whole year and
completed the courses with average
marks of over 80 percent. These
workers will receive a certificate
from Lambton College. Of the 17
people who did riot complete the
course, nine found full time work
and one left for full time training.
OLC is monitoring the workers
who are not looking for work to es-
tablish their success rate. Since
these workers arc not proficient in.
the use of microcomputers and
some of the most popular business
software packages (Lotus 123, Mul-
timate, PFS file data base) and have
a year's hands-on experience, it is
anticipated that their success rate
will be high.
Locally, our workers reflected this
situation. One worked with the pro-
ject during the full year, and com-
pleted the training course. Another
started the project but left it in May
to accept full-time permanent posi-
tion with the Huron County Li-
brary. Two others worked for a
short time, one leaving to take a
full-time position in her field and
the other choosing to stay home
with her family.
What does all this mean for the
residents of Huron County? By May
the library will receive a small sil-
ver disc which will contain the cata-
log records of all the books in the
21 libraries in OLC. This disc will
give- users the ability to search by
author, title, subject or by any other
word in the record. The user will be
able to check not only the records in
the local library but what isavaila-
blc elsewhere in the Province. The
system is simple to use and very
"use friendly".
ion County Library will have a
demonstration unit this spring and
will make a decision on the number
of units to install in 1989. These
Public Access Catalogs could be in-
stalled in the eleven larger town and
village libraries, bringing to Huron
County branch libraries a level of
access to information equivalent to
that available only in city libraries
such as London or Stratford.
On the compact disc will be the
Ontario Library Consortium's over
1.5 million records, including
72,000 from Huron County Li-
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PRECIOUS BLOOD ,SPEAKERS -- Exeter Legion representative
(right) was on hand Thursday to reward Precious Blood Separate School
students for their public speaking performances. Back row, left; in the jun-
'or division: Julie Koricina (first), Toni Dejong (second), Linda Jacob (third).
Front row, left; in the intermediate division: Erin Kraftcheck (first), Stepha-
nie Cook (second) and Rita Bilcke (third).
• March & April is the time to apply clover because it will get a
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PUBLIC SPEAKERS -- Legion representative Clay Murray (back, right) presents awards to the wigners of the
Exeter Public School public speaking contest. Standing from the leff are Jacklyn Wright(third, Jr.), Derek Beckett
(first, Int.), Robin Poole (second, Int.) and Anne Walper(third, Int.). Seated are Melanie Phillips (second, Jr.) -and
Jeff Bowan (first, Jr.).
Centralia World .Day
The World Day of Prayer in the
United Church was well attended.
when the UCW entertained mem-
- Gladys Buswell was the leader for
the service with music supplied
throughout by Glena Tripp dressed
in Brazilian costume.
Those taking part in the prayers
were Etta Powe, Vcrda Lightfoot,
Audrey McFalls and Lois Wilson.
A skit was presented by Janet
Hicks and Iva Blair based on the
life of Ruth. Rev. Carter's message
was "Open Hearts, Open Doors"
which was very inspiring. Lois.
Wilson sang a solo followed by
Prayer by Rev. Carter. A lovely
Lunch was served following the ser-
Card Parties
When we met at Hcywoods Re-
staurant February 29 prizes weirt to
Iligh score Jessie Lcwis, Murray
Carter, Lone. Hands Glace Wurm,
Joe Carter, Low score Irene Culbert,
Ed Armstrong. Next euchre will be
March 14 at 2:30.
Prize winners at Neil's school-
house February 29 were High score
Grace Dixon, Murray Carter, Lone
Hands Dorothy Darling, Tom
Kooy, Low score Marg Thompson,
Ed Armstrong. Special score prizes
went to Marlyn Dixon and Otto
Darling. •
Next euchre on March 14 will be
convened by Bill and Marlyn Dixon
and Mrs. Von Overholt.
United Church
At the United Church on Sunday
Rev. Deb Cartcr chose as her text
"Zeal For God's Temple". Junior.
Young People are going bowling at
Zurich from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on
Thursday evening of this week. Vil-
lagers are asked to meet at manse at
6:10 for a ride. Plcasc plan to pay
your own costs.
Zion church Messengers will host
a crokinole party at Zion West
Church on Tuesday March 15 at
of Prayer
7:30 p.m. Plcasc bring crokinole
boards and card table. Pot luck
Reserve Palm Sunday March 27
following worship at Centralia. The
Confirmation class will host a spe-
cial meal to raise money for Mis-
Tom and Mary Kooy celebrated
their 53rd wedding anniversary on
the weekend with cards on Saturday
cvcning and dinner out on Sunday.
Their bridemaid Helen MacDonald
of Lucan was with them Saturday
cvcning. -
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