Times-Advocate, 1988-03-02, Page 11Times -Advocate, March 2, 1988
Page 11
Set for May 10
WI hears of upcoming annual
Lucan Women's Institute met in
the Optimist room with seven
members and three guests respond-
ing to roll call "What Places have
You Formerly Lived In".
Flora Robertson read 1st Corin-
thians, Chapter 13 on "Love" and
gave a meditation on the theme.
Icy road conditions
most mishaps cause
During the week of February 21-
27, Ontario Provincial Police Offi-
cers in Lucan Detachment investi-
gated 11 motor vehicle accidents.
Three of these collisions occurred
along Ilighway 7. Seven of the ac-
cidents were related to road and
weather conditions. There were
seventeen persons involved, with
three people receiving minor inju-
ries and one person receiving fatal
On February 26, at approximate-
ly 6:10 p.m. a vehicle operated by
Margaret Ann Dann of RR.2 Den-
field carne upon a snow covered,
slushy section of Cty Rd no. 28.
The Dann vehicle slid out of con-
trol, crossed the centre line and
• siJ -swiped an oncoming vehi. 1e
operated by Charles Johnson of
RR 2 Lucan. The Dann vehicle
continued across south shoulder,
went airborne and rolled over. The
driver Dann was thrown from her
vehicle and was pronounced dead at
University Hospital in London.
O.P.P. officers investigated 41
general occurrences during the past
week. Included in these were re-
ports of break, enter and theft, as-
:;ault, escape lawful custody and
Again this week, also reported
were vehicles in the ditch. It is im-
portant to adjust y3ur speed and
driving habits accordingly to the
road and weather conditions.
Lucan •
Susan Cook 227-4911
The district annual is to be held at
Parkhill. Tuesday, May 10 with the
theme "Second Time Around". Area
convention is in St. Thomas Octo-
ber 13 and 14.
This is the. 100th Anniversary of
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and
Food and each branch is encouraged
to recognize this event with a pro-
gram or project in 1988.
The 4-H leaders are to be paid for
transportation to training sessions.
Projects for this spring are: Sew a
big shirt and Personal finances.
Achievement day for both will be
held in June.
Tweedsmuir history convener
Flora Robertston conducted a Val-
entine quiz. Mrs. Janie Robertson
told of her experiences living
among and teaching Mennonite
children in northern British Colum-
Our group will attend the Soup
and Sandwich lunch, March 9 at
Lucan Revival Centre. At 1:15 we
will move to 146 Main St. where
our meeting on Family and Consu-
mer with convenor Mabel Froats.
Speaker will be Mrs. Don O'Neill
who is the Middlesex representative
to the Ontario Leaders Committee
of 4-H. She has recently attended a
conference in Halifax.
Reycraft okays
waterworks job
The township of London has re-
ceived $56,198 as first payment for
a water works project, Environment
Minister Jim Bradley and Doug Re-
ycraft, MPP, Middlesex, announced
this week.
The project includes construction
of a watermain on Main Street from
the Ilderton pumping station to
Hyde Park Road.
The money is part of a grant, es-
timated at $70,000 which is a pro-
vincial contribution toward the total
cost of the project, estimated at
The project is substantially com-
pleted except for landscape restora-
tion which will be done in the
HONOUR FORMER CHAIRMEN - Outgoing Ausable Bayfield Conser
nation Authority chairman Gordon Johnston presents past chairmar.
awards to John Tinney of Hay township and Ivan Hearn of Lucan.
Holy Communion served
at Saintsbury church
Holy Communion Service was
held at St. Patricks Church Sunday
with Rev. Beverly Wheeler in
by Mrs. Tom Kooy
Prize winne7s at the Community
Centre on February 22 were high
score Marian Thompson, Lloyd
Ddrr, lone hands Lily Swartz. Wil-
bur Lovie low score, Vi Hendy,
Charlie Rollings. Special score
prizes went to Alice Gilmour,
Marlyn Dickon.
Next euchre will be March 7 at 8
o'clock, convened by Jean Millar,
Earl and Mary Lou Morgan and
Murray Carter.
The World Day of Prayer service
will be held at Centralia United
Church on Thursday evening at 8
p.m. All ladies of Zion West and
Centralia are invited. Theme will
be "Open Doocs".
Von Overholt and daughter
Elaine Hayter of Dashwood, who
were both celebrating birthdays
joined the rest of their family for a
dinner -dance .party at the Seven
Dwarfs restaurant London, Satur-
day evening.
charge. Rose Cunningham was
server and Sheryl Carroll was pia-
nist. Scottie Jefferies read the two
Rev. Wheeler spoke to the chil-
dren on "caters" spectators and com-
mentators telling them to get in-
volved, and take part, not to just
look on and talk about events.
She took the text from the Holy •
Gospel according to St. Mark, "For.
what does it profit a man, to gain
the whole world and forfeit his
She announced the Day of Prayer
Service to be held early at Mrs.
Wayne Carroll's on March 3 at 8
a.m. Following the service the con-
gregation met in the Parish hall and
enjoyed refreshments provided by
Mary Jefferies and Nadine Bedell,
assisted in serving by several mem-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis and
Mrs. Murial Coblcigh attended a
social evening at Coldstream recent-
Mrs. Nadine Bedell accompanied
by Mrs. Hazel Davis attended a
meeting of Pcrth Deanery Great
Chapter held at St. Pauls Church,
Stratford, Thursday evening.
Mrs. Merna O'Neil, Mrs. Muria!
Coblcigh, Mrs. Mabel Needham,
Seniors plan
hobo dinner
Lucan Seniors and Busy Buddies
met in the Scout Hall, opening
with Oh Canada.
Harry Noels chaired the meeting
and welcomed two visitors Gordon
and Grace Fraser of Parkhill. It was
announced the Hobo Dinner would
be served to the Seniors by 4:30.
We were reminded of the Dessert
Euchre at Saintsbury on March 15.
Hamilton Hodgins spoke to us
of the history of Lucan and area he
is compiling and asked each one to
tell him of an event in our youth
which would be of interest.
Mildred Hirtzel gave a reading
and Marian Noels read a poem.
Entertainment for March is to be
looked after by Florence Hodgins,
Jean Miller, Murray Carter, Char-
lotte Barker.
Adrian Bax is in charge of cards
next week.
Members adjourned for cards and
crafts, the winners being: lady's
high Jessie Lewis; lone hands Gla-
dys Atkinson; low, Elsie Gibson,
man's high Harry Noels; lone
hands Mary Davis; low Gertrude
Hodgins. Crafts Gote Wenner -
Mrs. Voyle Jordan and Mary Davis
were dinner guests with Mrs. Greta
Gibson Wednesday.
Miss Lisa Carroll spent the week-
end with her friend Miss Pamela
Mrs. and Mrs. Nobel Ward and
Mary Davis were Sunday dinner
guests with Mrs. Voyle Jordan.
Mrs. Jim Barker returned home
from hospital on Tuesday, her
daughter Jean Richardson accompa-
nied her and stayed for a couple of
Scores from bowling lanes
,vionday Ladies - Joan Finkbcincr
227, 357, 226-810, Donna Over-
holt 262-730, Sue Johnston 295-
693, Audrey Watt 244-680, Pat
Riddell 233-666, Luanne Herbert
262-650, Pam Hodgins 273-649,
Joyce Sovereign 240-644, May
Murphy 227-612, Sandra Disher
218-606, Diane Williams 214-600,
Hazel Williams 260, Marion Hod-
gins 250, Kit Hearn 250, Marg El-
son 246, Carol Willems 245.
Tuesday Y.B.C. - Jason Wo tow-
ich 221, Chris Smith 210, Sarah
Culbert 195, Scott Smith 190,
Lyndsay Dick 182, Jason Wyatt
182, Laura Culbert 178, Becky
VanGccl 176.
Colleen's - Lori Hodgins 256-
718, Shirley Rees 275-685, Linda
Hibbert 271-685, Alice Hodgins
232-665, Janice Dauncey 246-619,
Elaine McNair 216-602, Margie
Austin 291, Pat Hodgins 231.
Medway - Russ Rush 266-667,
Mary Pattison 254-665, Marion
Barr 237-629, Marg Carmichael
238-606, Bob Jeffrey 228.
Senior Citizens - Charlie Grieve
241-613, Jim Burt 221-612, Gord
Higgs 287, Vi Iliggs 246, 200, Ed
Armstrong 212, 208, Muriel Ken-
nedy 231, Harry Noels 210, Frank
DcBlock 210, Chris- Goddard 125,
Robt. Densmore 119, Jason Daubs
C.A.W. Local 1620 - Basil Short
289-750, Gary Wurm 286-716,
Mike Neil 310-661, Sue Wilson
223-617, Brian Hobert 230, Mary
Keenan 229, Tracey Riley 223,
Debbie dolt 208, Anne Wilson
Wednesday Mixcci Gary Dunlop
298-681, Bob Pipe 278-652, Steve
Thomas 263-641, Alcatha Brown
234-601, Paul Williams 241, Pat
Jones 228, Bill Cornelissen 223,
Cord Jones 208.
Thursday Men - Kevin Lightfoot
319-789, Ray Hands 309-779, Gary
Dunlop 295-779, Wayne Smith
272-757, George Robbins 277-753,
Andy, Mclntytc 294-724, Brian
Ankcrs251-718, Larry Atkins 245-
715, Pete Smith 252-716, Evan
Butchart 278-712, Doug Lee 251-
705, Colin Brewer 319-700, Brad
Taylor 269-699, Bill McDonald
288-689, Jim Burt 273-633, Car-
lyle Thomason 290-03.
Frith:), •Y.B.C. - Desmond Rod-
prs i� , Steven Smith 153, Larry
Smith 151, Julia Harrigan 139,
Bob Smith 136, Wendy Jansen
Friday Mixed - Bob Smith 329-
747, Al Robichcau 308-696, Harold
Smith. 278-660, Eve Smith 248-
660, Paul Smilf, 241-658, Chris
Smith 228-658, Ray McRohert
256-646, Brenda Smith 248-641,
Doris Corless 257-621.
Sunday Y.B.C. - Steve Snider
243-614, Pieter Molenkamp 225,
Angela Perry 181, Steve Coblcigh
174, Jason Herd 169, Tabatha Perry
169, Art Hodgins 160.
Ladies Inter -Town - Lucan #1 . -
15 pts., Lucan #2 - 15 pts. - Glcna
Tripp 281-669, Deb Pearce 253-
657, J6an Finkbcincr 231-634, Jan
Capitano 256-632..
Sunday Mixed - Jim Smith 310-
778, Cheryl Smith 260-662, Glcna
Tripp 241-644, Lloyd Rimmer
239-654, Geo. Wilson 235-652,
Linda Webber 235-683, Floyd Ri-
ley 278-609, Rob Riley 231-604,
Fred Wells 261.
FIVE STAR SCOUTS - -Commemorating the birthday of Baden Powell, who established the Boy Scouts in
1910, the Scouts and Guides of Lucan held a "Thinking Day Service" and many presentations were made. Pic-
tured above are back, left, Cub leaders Armin Schatzler, Ken Rees, Peggy Prefontaine, Lynn Heckman, Bob
Moore. Front, five star Scouts Brett Gatt, Chris Goddard, Sean Lawrence, Jason Mawdsley and Gteg Langendyk.
WM of Revivial Centre meets
The Women's Ministries of Lu -
can Revival Centre held their
monthly meeting Wednesday oven-
ing in Graham Chapel. Mrs. Marti
Butler played tier guitar as she led
in chorus singing. Mrs. Butler
taught a new chorus from Psalm
After the business session, Mrs.
Butler again led in singing. Mrs.
Gail Damon, as guest speaker,
talked about her past few years ex-
periences. When her husband and
she broke up four years ago she
found she was spiritually, emo-
tionally, and physically drained.
She felt to be in a desert place spi-
Jesus went into a solitary place.
in Mark 6:31 to receive from God:
Mrs. Damon felt she was there too
long. Moses in Exodus 4:1-2 went
into the desert where he met God at
the burning bush. God did not
leave Moses in the desert, but led
him on. Miss Damon felt she had
to examine why she was in a desert
place for three years.
On February 28, the Sunday
morning service was conducted by
students from Christianview Bible
College. Rod Anderson led the
worship in singing while playing
his guitar. He taught a new song,
Father in Heaven. Mr. Wilfred
Skilling led in prayer. Miss Susan
Tull, playing the piano, accompa-
nied Miss Lauren Harrison, with
Verle and Jane Bende as they sang
His Name is Jesus.
After they cleared the platform,
the students acted out a skit. Mark
Fox and Tammy Lawson discussed
the good sermon they had just heard
on reaching people. Two young
men came along also discussing the
sermon but just ignored their greet-
ing. More people came along from
the church, but also ignored their
greeting. An old man simply lec-
tured them on young people coming
to church. Mr. Fox then laid down
to sec if someone would help him.
But the minister and his wife just
stepped over them while saying he
had preached on reaching people.
Christianview Bible College stu-
dents conducted the evening service.
Tony Abbott led the worship. Joey
Covey read Psalm 91. Rod Ander-
son led in prayer, after leading sing-
ing Touching Jesus. Verle and Mrs.
Jane Bende sang Abundant Life, as
Mr. Bende played his guitar.
Rev. Roger Mason introduced
Verle Bende as first guest speaker.
Mr. Bende ministered from Ro-
mans 1:1-6. Verse 1 tells us Paul
was called to be an apostle and was
separated unto the gospel of God.
Upcoming events: Friday,
March 4, 7:30 p.m. the World Day
of Prayer is to be held in Lucan Re-
vival Centre. Franciscan Friar Fa-
ther David is to be guest speaker.
Sunday, March 20, A.I.D.S. up-
date with David Ellyatt. All wel-
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