Times-Advocate, 1988-02-10, Page 29By JACK RiDDELL
\I131) Duren
In a speech to the Canadian -Swiss
Association in Zurich, Switzerland,
Premier David Peterson predicted
that the Canada -U.S. trade agree-
ment will emerge as the main issue
in the next federal election.
to a renewed attack on the pact,
Premier Peterson said, "I believe
this deal as signed isn't in the na-
tional interest of Canada. The feder-
al government would have only
marginal protection from any future
protectionist trade laws in the Unit-
ed States. Furthermore, Canada
would give up sovereignty on the
energy issue."
Among other criticisms of the
- agreement, the Premier said that
Canada should work toward multi-
lateral approaches to world trade
rather than seek bilateral measures.
Premier Peterson noted that the
agreement reached last fall has not
yet been ratified by Congress, ad-
ding that it will become the domi-
nant political issue in Canadian pol-
itics for some time to come.
Promotion of land steward-
ship at local county level
The Ontario Soil and Crop Im-
provement Association (OSCIA)
zaaes .v fF
Jack's Jottings
Step up trade attack
has signed a $3 million agreement
to deliver and implement this gov-
ernment's Land Stewardship Pro-
The three-year grant will enable
the OSCIA to establish local coun-
ty committees to review fund re-
quests and help promote and imple-
ment the program.
This unique agreement, between
my ministry and OSCIA, allows for
a grassroots approach to delivering
this program; local committees will
be sensitive to the special condi-
tions that exist in each county, thus
providing a more effective program
that suits the area's needs.
The $40 million Land Steward-
ship Program provides financial in-
centives for farmers who adopt man-
agement practices to improve the
health of their soils. The program
includes incentives to diversify row
crop production, grants to retire fra-
gile lands, assistance for maintain-
ing good crop cover after planting,
and funds for renting, modifying, or
purchasing special tillage equip-
Brochures, inventory and action
plans, and application forms are
available at ministry county offices
and from the local OSCIA commit -
L Cs.
Incr�ased funding for treat-
ment and testing of AIDS
• Health Minister Elinor Caplan an-
nounced that four Toronto hospitals
will receive additional funding to in-
crease their AIDS treatment and
testing efforts.
Speaking at the opening of the
First Canadian AIDS Research Con-
ference, Mrs. Caplan also an-
nounced a re -allocation of resources
within the ministry's laboratory ser-
vices branch, in order to meet the de-
mand for increased Human Immuno-
deficiency Virus (HIV) -antibody
"People suffering from AIDS need
constant and compassionate care.
And the hospitals providing that
care need our support," Mrs. Caplan
The Minister also announced a re-
allocation of staff and resources
within the laboratory services
branch to meet the greatly increased
demand in lab testing for the HIV
Four additional staff have been
added to the AIDS section at the
ministry's central laboratory in To-
ronto. As well, additional testing
sites and three additional staff are
planned in regional public health la-
boratories in the spring, beginning
with Ottawa in early February.
Facilities for the isolation of HIV
have been completed at the central
laboratory in Toronto. The lab will
now have the ability to actually iso-
late the virus in those special cases
where it is clinically required.
"These enhancements represent a
significant re -allocation of resources
and staff," Mrs. Caplan said. "It -)
shows that the Ontario Government
is, and will remain, flexible and
sensitive to the ever changing na-
ture of this disease."
Grants to riding
I was pleased to learn recently
from the Ministry of Culture and
Communications that the Town of
Scaforth has received a grant in the
amount of S1,885.33 under the
Community Facilities Improvement
Program, to install super slate on
the reconstructed town hall porch.
The town of Wingham has been
the recipient of a Wintario Develop-
ment grant in the -amount of S1,625
from the Ministry of Tourism and
Recreation, to purchase equipment
for a track and field program.
Times -Advocate, February 10, 1988
ON AN AMT - Huron Tractor salesman Tim Shute watches as Brian Dixon
checks out a bale of hay on the new All Material Transport vehicle at this
week's farm and industry show.
WARMING UP - Using hot chocolate to warm up during Thursday's Winter Carnival at Biddulph Central Schoo
are Heather Glendinning, Miranda Doner, Debbie Greenlee and Bev Dauncey.
Plan trade seminars
A series of free trade seminars
will be held across the province to
offer a sector -by -sector analysis of
the free trade agreement, Agriculture
and Food Minister Jack Riddell an-
nounced this week.
"Farmers have told me they don't
understand what the free track deal
will mean to their farming opera-
tions and to thcir incomes. These
meetings will provide basic infor-
mation on the trade agreement so
individual farmers can make up their
minds," said Riddell.
' :'V
'�• 1846 f,°
Township of Hay
for Fuel
Tenders for the supply of
furnace fuel. diesel fuel and
gasoline for a two (2) year
period commencing
May 1. 1988 - April 30, 1990
will be accepted by the
undersigned until 12.00 noon
Monday, February 29,1988
Tender forms are available
at the Township Shed. R.R 1.
Zurich. Ontario. or at the
Township Office
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted
J M Ducharme
Clerk -Treasurer
Box 250.
Zurich. Ontario
At the seminars to be held across
the province, Riddell will discuss
the overall impact the trade agree-
ment is expected to have on the ag-
riculture and food industry.
Bob Seguin, director of OMAF's
economics and policy co-ordination
branch, will provide explanations as
to what each commodity group can
expect under the bilateral agreement.
His analysis is based on studies by
ministry staff. A question and an-
swer session will follow.
The series of meeting to be held
in February and March arc: at
Kcmptvillc, February 15, New Lis-
keard, February 23; Lindsay, Febru-
ary 24, Mildmay, Fcbruary 29; An -
caster, March 1 and at Trenton,
March 22.
Huron County Housing Au-
thority has openings for the
positions of security tenants
for various buildings located
in Huron County.
Criteria specifies that appli-
cants be in good health.
Rent will be paid by Huron
County Housing Authority in
lieu of wages.
For further information re-
garding these positions
please call 524-2637 or 1-
800-265-1720 or write to
Huron County Housing
48 The Square
N7A 1M5
Godbolt sang the national anthems
of Canada and the United States at
the recent Sportsmen's dinner.
BEANS FOR A SNACK - Darlene Hooper and Pauline McCann dish up
baked beans at the Cook's display at this week'g'Huron Tractor farm indus-
try show.
Heritage Week starts
`our at a Heritage Week reception
sponsored by the -Waterloo Region-
al Heritage Foundation and Heri-
tage Cambridge, a branch of the
Architectural Conservancy of Onta-
rio Inc.
St. Anthony's School in Chalk
River, Lakewood Intermediate
Heritage Week '88 will get off to
a flying- start with a flag -raising
ceremony at Queen's Park.
On Fcbruary 15, Minister of
Culture and Communications Lily
Oddie Munro will raise a specially -
designed Heritage Week banner in
front of the Ontario Legislative
Building to officially launch the
province -wide celebrations.
Ontario Heritage Week, February
15 to 21, is designed to increase
awareness of the province's rich
heritage -- architectural, historical,
multicultural, archeological, and
natural heritage -- and hundreds of
Heritage Week events will be held
in communities, large and small,
acroes the province.
In Peterborough, the Local Ar-
chitectural Conservation Advisory
Committee is presenting its sixth
annual Heritage Week Walk and
Treasure Hunt; the Kcmptvillc and
District Historical Society is stag-
ing an exhibition in the town hall;
and all owners of designated prop-
erties in the Regional Municipality
of Waterloo will be guests of hon -
The readers write
Dear Editor:
Every year the Junior Farmers
have a project which we do. It is
called the community betterment
project. In the past, we have decided
between ourselves what to do for
the project each year.
"ibis year we decided that the com-
munity might dike to help us pick a
project. If you have any ideas for
what we could do for a project,
please inform any of the Junior
Farmer members, or call Karen Eve -
land at 228-6493. Your help would
be greatly appreciated.
Karen Evet and
Estate Auction
Bob Heywood,
Saturday February 20 at 11 a.m.
We have been favoured by the executors to offer by public auction,
the property and contents of the estate of the late Mr. Birtle M. Fran-
cis of Exeter. The property will be offered on location at 44 John St.
E. at 11 a.m. thence to South Huron Rec Centre for dispersal of the
furnishings and collectables at 12 noon.(full listing of contents in lat-
er issue)_
DESCRIPTION OF`PROPERTY;, An excellent location - situat-
ed on pts. of lots 51 and 52, according to Plan 376 of the town of Ex-
eter consisting of 75' frontage and 101' depth known as 44 John St.
E. An attractive single storey home (with full basement) plus a large .
detached garage and workshop . Located 1 block from the post of -
,fico and downtown. Selling subject to reasonable reserve bid, 10%
down sale day with the balance owing in 30 days. For viewing contact
the auctioneer at 235-0874 or 235-1278. -
School in Kenora, and other schools
across the province are planning
special Heritage Week programs.
In Cambridge, some 50 landown-
ers of Carolinian Canada properties
will be honoured with Natural Heri-
tage Stewardship Awards at an
awards ceremony hosted by the
Grand River Conservation Authori-
ty. The Carolinian Canada program
is a cooperative effort between gov-
ernment and non-government agen-
cies to protect 38 critical natural ar-
eas in Southwestern Ontario.
Page 13A
1985 Cutlass
after six p.m.
for the
Tenders will be accepted
until 12:00 p.m. noon Mon-
day, February 15th, 1988 for
the installation of new pre-
painted steel roof to be in-
stalled on the main building
and front addition only.
Specifications can be ob-
tained from the Stephen
Township Clerk's Office dur-
ing business hours.
Wilmer D. Wein
Township of Stephen
P.O. Box 100
38 Victoria St. E.
Crediton, Ontario
,k -
County of Huron
Tender for
2 - 4 Door Sedans
Contracts HC -88-103
& HC -88-104
forms and in envelopes avail-
able from the office of the un-
dersigned will be received
until 4:00 p.m. local time on
Thursday, March 10, 1988
for the supply of 2 - 4 door
The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Denis B. Merrall, P. Eng.
Huron County Engineer
Court House,
Goderich, Ontario
N7A 1M2
The Board of Health of Huron County
Invites members of the public to a Public Meeting
from 2 - 4 p.m.
in the Clinton Town Hall on
Tuesday, February 16, 1988
to hear the "One -Stop Access" Review of Proposal
Members of the University of Guelph Research Team will be present 10 answer
4 Usborne & Hibbert
I Mutual Fire Insurance
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Policyholders of the Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Kirk -
ton -Woodham Community Centre at 2:00 p.m. on Monday
February 15, 1988 to receive and dispose of the Financial and
Auditor's reports; to elect Directors and to transact any busi-
ness that may rightly come before the meeting.
Nominations will be received for the election of two Directors
for a three year term. The Directors whose term of office ex-
pires are John Hodgert and Robert Gardiner, both of whom are
eligible for re-election. Nominations will be received for the
election of a Director for a two year term, necessary because of
the resignation of Robert Chaffe.
President Secretary -Manager
Any person wishing to seek election or re-election as a Direc-
tor must file his intention to stand for election in writing with the
secretary of the Corporation at least ten days in advance of an
Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting called for the pur-
pose of electing Directors.