Times-Advocate, 1988-01-27, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, January 27, 1988
HONOUR SCOTTISH REPRESENTATIVE -The Exeter Eastern Star Lodge hosted a celebration in Dash-
wood Saturday night for Carl Mills who is the Grand Representative of Scotland in Ontario. From the left are Carl
and Jean Mills, Ontario Worthy Grand Matron Marie Woodward and Ontario Worthy Grand Patron Henry Davis.
ESTARL REP HONOURED -Bernice Boyle of the Exeter Eastern Star was honoured in Dashwood Saturday
night as the Estarl representative for the province of Ontario. From the left are Exeter's Worthy Matrbn and Wor-
thy Patron Donna and Don Webster and Bernice and Hugh Boyle.
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Grant for Talking
The Huron County Library Board
is pleased to announce that theLi-
brary will be receiving a grant
from the Ministry of Culture and
Communications for the purchase
of talking books.
Talking Books are professionally
recorded readings of books on audio
cassette. This free service is availa-
ble to any library patron who is un-
able to read print due to a physical,
visual or perceptual handicap.
The Ministry of Culture and
Communications is matching funds
raised by the Library through dona-
tions from local organizations and
service clubs, book sales and col-
lecting Zehr's cash register tapes.
Talking Books will he purchased
for patrons of all ages and reading
Winter Sale
50% h
All Winter
Blouses, Coats
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Plus a roll of the dice for an
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Also London and Sarnia
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.% off In Stock . A
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tastes. The sc.'all collection of talk-
ing books for children will be ex-
panded to meet the nee:Is of the
young handicapped patror.
The Moron County Library Board
would like to gratefully acknowl-
edge the support of all the local or-
ganizations who generously donated
16 the purchase of talking books and
the Government Of Ontario through
the Ministry of Culture and Comu-
nications. The total amount availa-
ble for this project is $5,265.99.
This increase in the talking book
collection will result in a signifi-
cant -increase in service to handi-
capped patrons.
ENGAGEMENT - Fred and Alice -
Deichert of Clinton wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, 'Ann Elizabeth to Peter
Karl Hans Bornath, son of Horst and
Gerda Bornath of Exeter. The wed-
ding will take place at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Zurich on Febru-
ary 6, 1988. Reception to follow in
Ileal/Is apici
Basic allowance
up five percent
All social assistance recipients
received a five percent increase in
their basic allowance, effective Jan-
uary 1, as part of the Ontario Min-
istry of Community and Social
Services 1988 rate increases.
It is basically a five percent
across the board increase, Huron
-County Council learned in the Ad-
ministrator's report at the January
7 meeting.
The increases include: a five per-
cent increase to the maximum and
minimum boarding rates; an eight
percent raise in maximum shelter
subsidy for all family sizes; winter
cloihing allowance will increase
$84 from 580 per child -and will be
paid in November of- each year;
pregnancy item allowance goes
from $26 to $28 per month; maxi-
mum discharge allowance increases
to $500 from $450.
' Monthly foster child rates have
also increased, with the first child
receiving $172.(up from $163), the
second child, $141 (up from $134)
and $116 for each additional child
(up from 5110).
by Sheryl Feagan, Health
Education Consultant
Huron County Health Unit
Do you smoke besause__.you
dila it makes you relax? You
may think that smoking calms you
down, but, in fact, the opposite is
really happening. When you inhale
cigarette smoke, the nicotine enters
your bloodstream and, like any
other chemical, stimulates your
nervous system. The body re-
sponds to nicotine the same way it
prepares to repond to any stressor.
Your heart rate increases, your
blood pressure rises, your pupils
dilate, your mouth may feel dry,
and your stomach may cramp. All
of these changes occur because
your system is adjusting to a
"stressor". So in contrast to what
most smokers think, smoking
doesn't relax you. It puts your
body into a stress reaction. If you
think about it, it's probably the
"time-outs' you take from whatever
you're doing while you smoke, and
not the cigarette, that makes you
feel relaxed and ready to get back to
If you really want to relax, there
are a number of things you can do
instead of smoking a cigarette. The
next time you start to feel
"uptight", try some of these sug-
1. Exercise regularly - swim,
walk, bicycle, ski - any of your fa-
vourite activities will help you let
off steam and work out stress. You
can have fun, get fit, and enjoy
good health.
2. Talk it over - when tensions
build-up, discuss the problem with
a close friend or with the people
involved. Sometimes just talking
about your problem makes it easier
to find a solution.
3. Be realistic - people who ex-
pect too much of themselves get
tense if things don't work out. Set
practical goals and expect to be
,4. Take a break - but not a cigar-
ette break! A change of pace no
matter how short, gives you a new
outlook on old problems. Go for a
"walk" break instead of a coffee
5. Plan your work - tension and
anxiety really build-up when work
seems endless. Plan your work to
use your time and energy more ef-
fectively. -
6. Practice Positive Health Hab-
its - you'll be healthier and feel
great if: you eat regular meals that
include a variety of nutritious
foods; get enough sleep each night
to keep you alert and ready to meet
stressful situations throughout the
day; exercise regularly; quit smok-
ing; and use alcohol in moderation.
7. Have an escape activity - par-
ticipate in a hobby or pastime
Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge
held their regular meeting Wednes-
day evening with N.G. Sister Mavis
Atthill presiding.
Sisters Beatrice Richardson, Hazel
Corbett, Evelyn Flynn, Olga Chip -
chase and Brother Ernie Chipchase
transferred their membership from
Amber Lodge Hcnsall and they were
welcomed to Pride of Huron.
The next euchre party will be held
February 10.
Birthday greetings were sung for
Sisters Marg McBride and Beatrice
The program committee conducted
a penny sale and lunch was served.
Quality Care Nursing
Our nursing and homemaker
personnel are available to
comfort and care for your
loved one at home or in
Grand Bend
673-3360 London
24 hour service
which is strictly for your own en-
joyment and make time for enjoy-
ing it.
8. Avoid stress - whenever possi-
ble, plan to avoid too many big
changes at the same time. You can
control the stress you experience
each day.
9. Practice deep breathing, stretch-
ing and other relaxation techniques
throughout the day - deep breathing
can help relieve the tension that you
may feel when trying to quit smok-
ing. It mimics the action of inhal-
ing smoke without the ill effects
and is an excellent way to relax... at
any time.
Try to practice these stress man-
agement tips regularly. During peri-
ods of extreme stress or depression
use these tips to cope more effec-
tively rather than reaching for a cig-
arette. You CAN get through any
situation without a cigarette - peo-
ple do it every day, just for the
health of it.
If you smoke and would like help
to quit, call the Huron County
Health Unit at 524-8301.
ItliSs Day
sg .
Pr' rcts
Gree' tP
Touch the hearts of those you
love this Valentine's Day with
one of the many beautiful cards
from DaySpring. We're convinced
that you'll find just the right
design and inspirational message
to express your feelings and
share God's love on this tender
occasion. Come visit our card
department today and discover
what DaySpring has for you!
Oh. .40
"When You Wont to Share
Your Heart and God's Love"
Family Books
291 Main St.
Exeter 235-0571
All Winter Fashion
merchandise reduced to...
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