Times-Advocate, 1988-01-13, Page 15TROPHY PRESENTATION - Bob Seaton, organizer of the Roc League
minor hockey tournament played in Hensall, presents Pete Glover, captain
of the High and Dry Centralia team,with the B championship trophy.
rand Bend
and district news
Lynne Desjardine 238-8768
Roberta Walker 238-2471
enjoyed at Shipka
Another progressive euchre party
was held at Shipka Community
Ccntrc last Wednesday evening.
_ ._Winners were ladies high - Ruth
Sheppard, Parkhill, ladies low -
Mary Rader, Dashwood, Mens high
Clive Pullman, Exeter, Mcns low
- Brad Breen, ladies lone hands -
Lily Swartz, Exeter, mens lone
hands - Norman Breen.
There were 13 games played with
eight.tablcs in play. •
There will be another euchre in
two weeks on January 20.
The Shipka cast group were in
charge of lunch refreshments.
Beverley, John, Sherri -Lynn and
Stephen Keller, spent the Christmas
holiday -weekend with her parents
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirk,
at Rothsay..
After a holiday visit with her par-
ents, Harold and Lucille Vincent,
Mike and Michelle, Lori Vincent
has returned to her studies at Warner
Southern College, Lake Wales, near
Orlando, Florida.
Drop in visitors with Hugh and I
in the holiday season have been
Tom, Rosanne, Jackie, Jenny and
Michael Russell, Cottam; Don
Jackson, Hensel', and Sue Anne
Schroeder, Ottawa.
Belated "Happy Anniversary"
wishes to former neighbours, Lorne
and Lorccn Devine, of Zurich, who
last Sunday celebrated their 40th an-
niversary. We understand that staff
at the Bluewater did some fancy dec-
orating in their apartment for the
big day.
Ken and Ortha Baker, visited New
Years Day, at his brothers, Earl and
Minerva Baker, at St. Thomas. •
Ferman and Lcota Snyder visited
Saturday in London, with Ric, Es-
ther and Scott Storey, and helped
grandson Scott celebrate his first
Hugh and I were dinner guests,
Sunday at my sister's, Mary and Art
Finlayson, at their new home in
Sehiors go
to new meeting time
Hear yc. Hear ye. All you Hood
Companion Senior Citizens. The
ncw time for the meeting is 2 p.m.
Monday, January 18 at the Dash-
wood Community Centre. President
Alma Gcnttner invites you to come
and bring a friend.
Dashwood WI
The Dashwood Women's Institute
meeting was held January 5 at the
Community Centre. A mailbox was
used to welcome members and
friends. From it Womens Institute
information was read. Each member
was urged to show greater apprecia-
tion for the service received from
our postmasters, rural carriers and
village delivery girls and boys.
The roll call ."Do You Know" was
answered by 16 members and two
visitors. A donation will he given
in April -toward the preservation of
the Community Centre. .•
Other business of the evening was
the euchre nights, the .first one is
January 13 at 8 pan, at the hall.
Conveners arc Mrs. Alice Ticman,
Aldenc Wolfe, Mary Weber and Ver-,
na Becker.
Date books for 1988 were com-
pleted. Members discussed the new
handbook and levels of organiza-
tion. Everyone participated in draft-
ing a four -gore skirt.
A contest "Ring in the Fun"
proved interesting.
Mrs. Weigand reported on the dis-
trict board meeting held at Hensall.
It was voted that Mrs. Katherine
Becker be on the Medical Centre
Several displays were shown.
They included information received
from U.S. Christmas towns; sam-
ple of collars and patterns; notes on
pattern making; photos of rural
mail boxes, and gifts from the se-
cret pal in Tasmania. Ih was
Person,' is
Mrs. Aldeno ►led home
from a week i..„ day with her fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wolfe, Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Wolfe and Mr. and
Mrs. John Parker, London.
Mrs. Jean Walper is still a patient
at University Hospital, London.
Times -Advocate, January 13, 1988
Playhouse subscriptions sellin
Subscription sales are booming at
Huron Country Playhouse. Already,,
sales' are at 75 percent of what the
Playhouse sole at the end of last
year. What's even more encouraging
is that there is an,increasing number
of new Subscribers. •
Artistic Director Sandy Macdonalli
believes "this enthusiastic response
to subscriptio¢saJes reflects the ea-
gerness and enthusiasm of the gen-
eral public towards the 1988 Play-
Obviously, the Playhouse staff,
Board and membership arc delighted
by such"a response to subscription
1988 will mark the 17th Anniver-
sary for Huron Country Playhouse
and the entire 1988 season is cur-
rently being planned to provide top
quality summer entertainment for
everyone. Keep your eyes peeled for
details of'Playhouse. II, the Special
Events and Concerts scheduled for
the 1988 season.
About town
The temperatures may be low,
but at least there's no snow. That
means we can all go about our daily
routines without a worry, and noth-
ing to shovel in order to reach the
car. (So far anyway) There's hardly
any point in spending all that mon-
ey to go down south now, is there,
especially since temperatures way
down in Florida haven't even been
all that warm.
The usual round of monthly
meetings, card games, sports and
study groups have resumed and the
high school kids are cramming for
of where they would like to live if
not in their own homes.
On the social program, Marjorie
Mason read two articles "A Good
Cheer Poem" and "A Dream of Re-
tirement". Beulah Holt read a New
Years' recipe, and conducted a con-
test on guessing what certain places
in Ontario are famous for. Games of
euchre, crokinole and solo rounded
out the afternoon, followed by lun-
cheon refreshments.
Ncw members are invited -to the
Golden Agers. Meetings -are held on
the first Wednesday afternoon of
each month.
Legion news
Grand Bend Legion Branch num-
ber 498 has resumed its activitiesin
the New Year. There were .13 out
for the Tuesday night darts games,
with Kevin Primer and Velda Clark
taking first prize. Al Going and Pat
Hoffman got second and lucky Vel -
da Clark won the door prize too.
Winners of the Friday meat raffle
were Jack Hoffman, Bob Hedley,
Linda Fischer, Lou- Hamilton and
Shirley Pole. Lucky Lou Hamilton
also won the special prize for the
building fund. The regular door
.prize was won by Cecilia Hughes. •
On Saturday five dart teams from
the Grand Bend Legion went to the
Corunna Legion for Zone darts. The
singles prize was taken by Jim
McKay of Legion number 498
Grand Bend, good work Jim ! Co-
runna number 447 won the team
prize, and for doubles. Tom Holmes
of the 'Forest Legion won 76 - a
perfect score of 180. A good day for
their exams. The only ones-out-of—all.
creation; the old has gone and the
new has come".
The singing of hyrrfis was led
by Millie Desjardine, and she taught
the people a new chorus "I Just
Keep Trusting My Lord". During
the offering a piano solo was played
by Eilleen Desjardine: A hymn was
sung by Janet Desjardine "He Lov-
ingly Guards Every Footstep":
The pastor's sermon was taken
from Isaiah 1,:18-20, where God
will forgive and remove our sins,
no matter how serious they are,
when we decide to ttust Him.
The evening service was led by
Bethany Desjardine. Ivan Sharrow
gave a reading "Aren't You Glad He
Came?" The evening message was
from Hebrews 10, where people
were told to draw nearer to God,
profcss'and hold fast to their faith
and continue to encourage each oth- `
cr in love.
The Beaconnaires met on Janaury
3 and enjoyed a delicious supper in
the church basement, followed by
their meeting. Rev. and Mrs. Bob
Sinasacefrom Dashwood were their
special guests for the evening. •
The Women of the Church of
God will have their monthly meet-
ing on Thursday, January 14,at 8.
p.m. in the church,
Catholic News
Sunday marked the *Feast of thc
Baptism of Jesus in Immaculate
Hcan of Mary Church at Grand
Bend. Rev: Paul Beck was cele--
ele-brant at all Masses. Mrs. Mary
Tones was reader at the 11 a"m.
Mass, and both Don and Mary -
luck are the skiers and snowmobil Bible class •--"Tcrnes- core -Eucharistic Ministers
ers, but cheer up winter isn't over
yet. The kids that got new sleds at
Christmas arc still waiting to try
them out, after -all. •
(;olden Agers
The January meeting of the Grand
Bend Golden Agers was .held on
Wednesday afternoon, January 6,
with 19 in attendance. President
Lorccn Gill opened with all singing.
"0 Canada" and reciting the Lord's
Prayer. A singalong of old favour-
ites was enjoyed by all,. with Nola
Love accompanying on the piano.
In the business ,session, two
•thank you letters were read; one
from the Lampton heritage Mu -
scum and the other with a club do-
nation from Pearl Hendrick, who is
in hospital.
The seniors were asked to think
of a project that they might do for
the community and to bring their
ideas to the February meeting. Lo-
rccn Gill reported that she and Beu-
lah Holt attended a meeting on No-
vember 26 at Huronview, where
discussion centered on the housing
needs of seniors in Huron County: -
Some of their ideas concerned: cen-
tralized versus de -centralized; size
and type of facility; special needs of
residents using wheelchairs and
walkers; homes for nursing staff;
use of earphones; and the question
There 'were 12 ladies out for
Bible Study at the Sauble Court
lounge last Tuesday morning. Nita
Sinclair opened the meeting with
prayer, and Millie Desjardine led the
hymn sing. The theme of thc lesson
was "Who Plans My Life? " from
the "Women's Workshop on David
and his psalms."
"Do we think that we plan our
own lives, or do we see the hand of
God at work?" was the question for
the session. In considering the sec-
ond book of Samuel 7:1-17, they
found that David was concerned
about the fact that, while he himself
dwelt in a fine cedar house, God's
Ark of Covenant was placed in a
tent. David wanted to build a temple
more fitting to be the House of
God, but God had other plans for
David. After considering David's re-
sponse to God's message, the ladies.
were asked, "What evidence have we
seen that God was designing a pat-
tern for our lives?"
Vera Brown led the lesson and
closed with prayer; remembering the
sick and shut-ins.
Church of God
At the Grand Bend Church of
God, Rcv. Stan Desjardine opened
the morning service with the words
of 11 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if .
anyone is in Christ, he is a new
Grand fiend-Bosanquet
negotiations continue
Representatives of the Grand Bcnd
Village Council and the Bosanquet
Township Council held their sev-
enth negotiating session on Thurs-
day, December 10 at the Pinc Dale
Motel. •
The Township•of Bosanquet pre-,
sented a brief concerning a number
of issues such as the nature of the
"local community, its financial
structure and its administrative
structure. A. detailed discussion en-
• Representatives of'hoth councils
reconvened at the Pinc Dale on
Wednesday, January 6 after a short
Christmas break. The Village made
a presentation concerning financial
aspects of certain scenarios that they
. have been studying. The Township
presented a preliminary reply and a
discussion ensued.
The next meeting of the Grand
Bend-Bosanquet Negotiating Com-
mittee will take place on Tuesday,
January 26 at the Pine Dale. Further
questions, answers and discussion
will take place concerning both Vil-
lage and Township presentations.
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REWARDS AFTER BOTTLE DRIVE - Dana Vvright gets a donut and
hot chocolate from Janne. Petersen and Vanda Miles following Saturday's
Scouts and Guides bottle drive in Exeter
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� SunLife
at Communion. Paul Dctiich ac
companied the choir on the organ,
as they sang "Only a Shadow" as
communion hymn.
Father Beck's sermon was based
On the baptism of Jesus by John:
The account, differing somewhat, is
found in all four gosPels, stressing
its importance.. The baptism an-
swers the question "Who is Jesus?"
• During the baptism ceremony,
God spoke through the Holy Spirit,
who descended upon Christ in the
form of a dove "This is my beloved
Son, in whom I am well pleased."
St. Peter declares that Jesus is Lord
of All, anointed by God with all
power, to heal mankind and save
them from the power of Satan.
Docs God make a real impact in
our daily .lives? The goodness and
caring of Jesus points to the good-
ness and caring of God. Are we
willing to believe it? • - -
Prayers and best wishes arc still
being offered for the continued re-
covery of two parishioners; Carl
Rood; recovering from a heart at-
tack, and Greta Vlemmix, who is
doing well in hospital following
open heart surgery.
Immaculate Heart of Mary church
is looking for a ncw choir director.
There is a good choir here, awaiting
a new leader. If interested, please
see Father Beck.
United Church
There was a special installation
of the new United Church Women
officers (1988) at Church at Grand
Bend. The ladies were all wcicoincd
by Duannc Rice, clerk of thc ses-
Rev. Peebles' sermon topic was
Page 15
"That Was Yesterday.' Live today
as God wants you to live, but use
past experiences as stepping stones,
to thc future. Forget past hurts, and
if tempted to criticize, remember
the old saying "There but for. the .
Grace of God,"go l!"
During the children's time, Rev.
Peebles' story concerned Abs. A
young man looking for work was
hired, despite the fact that he re- -•
fused to work on Sunday in order to
attend church. The employer felt
that 'his beliefs made hint a more
reliable, honest prospect for em-
ployment. Rev. Peebles encouraged
the children to stand by their relig-
ious convictions"
The door greeters were Alan and
Norma Walper, and the ushers were
Sid -and Eleanor Duric. Next Sun-
day, January 17, will be a com-
munion service.
The UCW will meet on January
14 at 1:30 p.m. in the Sunday
School rooms. Please attend.
Piano music
at GB concert
The Grand Bend Concert Associa-
tion will present the award-winning
pianist, Claude Webster, performing
a concert of piano music on Wed-
nesday January 27 at -tire United
Church, Grand Bend.
Born in 1961, this Quebec -based.
young pianist has recently garnered
numerous scholarships and awards
including the second prize in the
1985 Montreal Symphony Orches-
tra competition and thc prestigious
second prize in the 1984 Leschetiz-
ky competition in New York.
He has been heard frequently on
CBC radio, including a "Young Art-
ists" broadcast from Montreal in
December, 1986 and has recently
performed with the Montreal Sym-
phony Orchestra.
Claude Webster is the recipient of
several Canada Council awards in-
cluding grants to study with Andre
Laplantc and Adele Markus in Ncw
York City.
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