Times-Advocate, 1988-01-06, Page 16Page 16
Times -Advocate, Janua 6 1988
HELPING HAND - Zurich librarian Helene Ducharme givesa little guid-
ance to Chantel•Gelinas in the construction of a marshmallow snowman.
All the children joined in the singing of Frosty the Snowman while they
Skat�4thon ... at•.arena Saturday
Hay approves county pay equity plan
Hay council decided at its Decem- program if enough municipalities
ber 21 meeting to support Huron join in to make the sharing �of a
sass-- wage-- eountrwide-sutdy eM of ecf t -
equity between male and female
public employees under the Pay
Equity Program.
- The county is suggesting a sav-
ings of 25 percent can be realized if
a county -wide study is implement-
ed, as opposed to each municipality
conducting its own study. A severance application for the
"We were told we have to have property of Peter and Joan Oud on
it," said"councilor Donald Weigand the boundary of Stanley township
about the compulsory program has met with no opposition from
which must be implemented within Hay council.
two years. The project officer's report for the
The Association of Municipalities highway. 21 water line led council
of Ontario will conduct each study to rule that property owners of ren -
at a cost of $2,000; however, Huron tal units be billed the water service
county anticipates a cost of $1,500 user rate rather than billing individ-
to each municipality if enough par- ual tenants.
ticipate. Paul Klopp appeared before coun-
Hay council will participate in the cil on behalf of George Harvey to
Councilors also voted to notify
the ministry of municipal affairs
that Hay township has no objection
to the official plan amendment pro-
posed by the village of Hensall and
Stephen township.
Mrs. Ceve,.t sweeney
' .,no: /16.4702
On Saturday, January 9 members
of the Zurich and arca figure skating
club will be having a skate-a-thon,
with the junior group beginning at
11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and the in-
termediates and seniors will be start-
ing at 12:30-1:00 p.m. so the kids
will be busy this week canvassing
for sponsors!
New Year's dance
All those that attended the New
Year's Eve dance at the arena had a
good time. Terrific music was sup-
plied by Mozart's Melody Makers
- and the wives of the Lions Club
prepared a very delicious smorgas-
bord lunch.
Dave and Melissa Beer and two
children returned home to Ottawa
(Orleans) after a very active and fun
week's Christmas and New Year's
holiday in the area visiting with
both their families and relatives.
Dan and Carrie Eybergen and
daughters of Waterloo spent from
New Year's Eve to Sunday at the
home of her parents Jerome and
Carmel Sweeney and family. We
celebrated our Christmas together
on Friday (January 1) along with
daughter Heather and Paul; Klopp
and Tim.
A good time was enjoyed by
those who attended a New Year's
Eve party at the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Smith, and Bob and
June Fisher. Plus I'm sure there
were many othcrs'who got together
to ring in the New Year,
On Sunday January 3 several
members of the Mennonite Church
enjoyed going to Simcoe for the day
and seeing their famous- Christmas
lights display, at the park and around
the village.
Sister Bernadette LaPorte from the
Pines in Chatham and Sister Rose
Rau from London, bothspentsome
time in the arca visiting with their
families, friends and relatives during
the Christmas holidays - as well as
Fr. Gary Ducharme and Fr. Char-
rette. _ . .
Andrew and Alida Rau spent New
Year's weekend in Windsor with
Buster and Bernadine Regier, and
their daughter Suzanne and Dave
Bell in Tecumseh.
Gertie Fleischauer spent the fes-
tive holiday season for Christmas
and New Year's in London with her
daughters Ruth -Ann and Bill Mills
and Marion and Dr. Larry Rogers.
Holidayvisitors for the past few
weeks with Mrs. Laurcne Corriveau
were her sons Doug Corriveau (who•
returned home to Calgary on Tues-
day), and Peter and Karen Corriveau
with baby "Kyle Douglas" from
Dinner guests were Donna, Anna
and Fred Denomme.
Mrs. Scleda Steckle, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Stecklc and Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Stcckle all from Zurich, along
with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stecklc and
family from Petersburg enjoyed
spending the Christmas weekend to-
gether (from Saturday to Monday) at
the home of Esther Stecklc who
was hostess to the family group,
who all travelled by mini bus and
had a fun trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finkbcincr
and Mrs. Annie Finkbeincr of Zu-
rich along with Dorothy Finkbcincr
of Exeter were Sunday dinner guests
in Scaforth at the home of Frank
and Leona Nigh in honour of their
mother, Annie who was celebrating
her 84th birthday on -January 5.
Visitors for Christmas at the
home of Gen Doyle were her chil-
dren, Patricia and Bill Knapp from
Sundre, Alberta, Evelyn and Danny
Huston, Montreal, Kimberly Hu
Ston and fiancee Shawn McNaugh-
ton of Toronto, Catherine and -Les
Glanville and daughter Veronica of
Walton, Doris Glanville, Dublin
and friend from Brussels, also Bar-
bara Arnezerder and friend from
Goderich Township. And Steven
and Kim Amezerder and great grand-
son Ryan from London, Annette
and Stuart Spracklin and children
and Gennette and Chris of London.
The family of Clarence and Beat-
tie Geoffrey all got together for
Christmas at their parents home and
had a good time, with visitors from
Windsor, Detroit, Germany, Till-
sonburg and Zurich.
On Boxing Day they all enjoyed
spending the afternoon skating at
the arena. Daughter Mary -Ann and
Jim Vanos and three girls arc back
home to stay from Germany as their
tour of duty is finished and will
now be moving to Toronto.
Drain builds heat
A short meeting at the Zurich
Arena Monday evening for the court
of revision for the Zurich drain.pro-
posal prompted some heated discus-
sion from residents opposed to the
The third and final reading of the
drain project provisionary bylaw
will be read at the next Zurich coun-
cil meeting on January 14.
The estimated costo the drain
project has been reduced from -the
original sum of over $173,000 to
$167,690. Reasons for this change
include the use of rock chutes in-
stead of pipe drop structures in the
construction of the one -and -a -quarter
mile drain.
The purpose of the proposed drain
is to relieve flooding and poor drain-
age within the village of Zurich,
but several Hay township properties
arc assessed as benefitting from the
improved drainage and must share
Vie. --' Rlr- , - '•
SPECIAL LIBRARY HOUR - Zurich and area children gathered at the library on December 31 for a special
program featuring crafts, singing, games and poetry. The program.was co-ordinated by librarian Helene Du-
' AM.' C V. i4 "i? 03<xm `: i `'imia;V 7 rm,a -&r'x kt 4w.,
Monday night ht ladies` bowling
lows: first McI Cooper, second
Donna Webster, third Thelma Thicl."-
S&M - 81 pts., Pat Noakes 513;
O&E - 296 1/2 pts., Trudy Roose-
boom 707; G&G - 261 pts., Vcrlie
Lavery 724; H.G. - 208 pis., Sher-
rie Stade 728; T&C.S. - 304 pts.,
Hilda Vandcrhock 658; P.P. - 160
1/2 pts., June Fisher 603; S. - 252
1/2 pts., Elaine Deters 601; k.D. -
288 pts., Hilda Lanisbcrgan 677; P.
- 278 1/2 pts., Elaine Wcido 652;
A.O. - 220 pts., Judy Rhode 520;
J.S. - 131 pts., Zelda Inthout 611;
B.C. - 219 1/2 pts., Sharon Lager-
werf 589.
H.S. 333; H.T. 869; H.A. 236 -
Sandra Dickert. •
The winners . from the Monday
The average pencil i3 seven inches
long. with just a half-inch eraser - in
case you thought optimism was dead. '
. IA %.„N..% TIM*
Just because a rumor is idle doesn't
mean it isn't working.
Night Ladies Bowling League for
the Glass Bowling Balis arc as fol -
Huron Apothecary Ltd.
PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST.. EXETER, ONT.
We accept most major drug plans
Blue Cress, Green Shield, Drug Benefit, etc.
Mon. Tues., Thurs. & Fri.
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
"Your Independent Pha,rntacis1
some of the cost. Tttisencouraged
some Hay township residents to
speak out against the project at
Monday's meeting, citing a lack of
need for the drain and high costs. .
However, the meeting did resolve
the issue of Henry Hendrick's bene-
fit assessment. Council agreed that,
the projected benefit of the Hendrick
property froma new culvert was
overestimated and decided to reduce
his -assessment by $500.
Residents wishing to appeal the
drain project bylaw have only 40
days after the date of mailing of the
notice, which. was December 8, to
submit appeals to Zurich council.
Appeals will be heard before the
Ontario Drainage Tribunal. If no
appeals arc made, Zurich Council
anticipates work on the drain could
begin as early as this spring.
request an extension to the deadline ficer to discontinue water services to
on installationf a owater_peter-on—The--Hafvey•pr�operty�rDi cEriiber"
3'Carvey's property.
The deadline of December 22 had
been set at the December 7 meeting
of council and council did not wish
to extend the deadline any further.
Council instructed the projects of -
23 if the meter was not installed..
Projects officer Barb Rau has
since confirmed that the meter was
installed before the deadline and Har-
vey's water connection remains in-
tact. •
® 411111=r
(BILL 154)
The Pay Equity .it. t i lull li i i is etfccti‘e as of
Januar%' 1, 1988.
The purpose of the At t is to remove gc1 disk ri nl
nation from the wage -setting process
The Pay Feµtits act obliges th, public sector. and .
private sector firms with 111)) cntplrn e•e•s or more. to
de% clop. post and implement pa' Nun) plans and to
make a age .tdlustntents w here pan ine•quitics :Ire
Thr 14)114 Ing titnetabtc applies
I'ul.11. sector IImplos-ccs
t'rn ate hector L:mplo)crs
ith 5011 - c ntplosc�s
Private Sector Fntplo'ers
with 100-109 employees •
*Private .ccfor l.mph t'rs -
with SO- 99employees Jan 1.1102' J:nt I. 1095.
Private se•Ctt)r Employ crs
Frith 111-i) employees - Jan. 1.199- Jan. 1. 199 i
1-1',,sIiiig 1' \/1I .Irl fur 1511%.1[( 5(4 a:r cmplulrr. N 11)4 1cacr 1)1.111
11111 Clllplulcc' I
The legislation co%crs lull -time and.permane•nt part-
time employees hut docs 001 cos Cr casual '.s orkcrs or
Private sector emplo)crs w it It tuss•e•r than 11) c•mph)'
c•es are exempt
For further information concerning the .pct. plca'u
contact the I'.1. Equity- at
lit) 1:gltntun .%x emit. fast
5th Fluor
"lime into. l )nt:trio
ip pH{
Thune 181. 116 1 1 li to auo art :o or
1 -HU()
Posting Starting
Date Date
1.111 1.1')9(1 Jan 1:II)')0
Jan 1.19911 J.in 1 1991
Jan 1.1991 Jan 1.1992
Honourable Gregor' s44r14.1r.1 George K l ,tlrc•baru
Minister of Labour
( unttnt„u>tx r
. K
I' ,.. '
It's a welcome thought.
The more you know ,
' about energy conservation,
the more money you'll save
on heating bills.
That's why the
Government of Canada has
put together the ENERGY
SAVINGS KIT. It has valuable •
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efficier,7 into r:. /our' horde
rr'nrhvatinns and increase
the resale value of your ••
home. •
. So if you rc' planning
toslx'nci m£)ne, !)r. your
home this year. why not
1).an )n saving, ;c)me' Get
Py- /our free- 't)p i. rnali this •
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Energy, Mines and
Resources Canada
Hon. Marcel Masse.
Energie..Mines et '
Ressources Canada
L'Hon. Marcel Masse.