Times-Advocate, 1988-01-06, Page 21
Page 2
Times -Advocate, January 6, 1988
Get reply on resolution
far sales tax exemption
A reply has been received from
no t rcasurer Robert Nixon re-
garding a recent resolution from the
town of Exeter asking the. province
to exempt municipalities from pay--
ing retail sales tax on purchases.
Nixon said the intent of the reso-
lution is appreciated, but he feels
that a more effective ‘+a) ofp rovtd-
-ing support to muni, il)alities is
tluu4rt h direct grants rather than sale
tax relief..
Nixon•continucd, " In setting the:
levels on wine h _gran ts arc based, re-
tail sides tax payments are included
in the overall expenditures. The sys-
tem for delivering grants is well es-
tablished -and cost-effective relative
to the expense of administering se-
lective retail sales tax exemptions."
Fines issued on various
Traffic Act infractions 2 -
Justice of the Peace Doug Wed -
lake levied fines against three driv-
ers in Exeter court on December 29.
Rodney William Woods, RR 2.
Dashwood will pay a_ fine o*
S38.75 after pleading guilty to fail-
ing to stop fora police vehicle with
lights flashing.
A police officer travelling west on
Decetnbcr 18 on Huron road 4 saw
a snowmobile going east in the
north ditch. The snow vehicle did.
not stop when the cruiser lights
flashed. It took off across the field,
but the of•fiecr was able to get the
registration number.
A registration check revealed the
machine was owned by the accuscd's
Dither. Woods did come to thc.po-
lice station as requested and was co-
operative. - -
Thomas Mallett., Grind Bend
pleaded guilty by lettcr.to charges of
not having insurance for his vehi-
cle and not having. a proper -licence
He was fined S5(X)-and S53.75, re-
spectively on the two chargcs.The
fllallett vehicle was stopped Deem -
her 18 on.sideroad 20-21 in Stephen
township when it crossed the inter-
section stalling four times due to
the inexperience of the driver with a
standard shift vehicle.
The driver wtilldicott Gaiser and
Mallett Was •a passenger. A check
revealed the plates belonged to ve-
hicle owned by someone at RR1
Varna which had expired in Febru-
ary of . 1987. The 1988 sticker on
the plates belonged to a motorcycle.
Wcdlake fined Dale Robert C'un-
Ian, 147 Sintcoe street, Exeter
S53.75 and S250; respectively on
charges of failing to yield from a
driveway and driving while .his li-
cence Has tinder suspension. '
On July 2X, a x'erticic driven by
Conlan revcrsi'd from -a private
driveway on Concession 6-7 of Ste-
phen township_ into the path of an-
other vehicle causing an a Talent:
A. police check italic' ed his li-
cence had hecn ns lxndc mil Au-
gust 4, 1987- fora blood alcohol
count over 80. lois licence has been
suspended for an additional six
months. ,
Briefs of council
At a recent executive committee
mceting,South 11urort Rec Cen(rc
chairman of finance Toin Tomes
went-over--the--budget-Matin ing
the revenue and expenditures and
discussed an anticipated deficit of
SI 3,000 -
In accepting the recommendation
for the town to accept the possible
deficit, Reeve Bitl Mickle said, "
With this -deficit we arc still within
our original budget of S100,0(X)."
Councillor Chapman asked about
implementation of the proposed re-
assessment program for the county
and was told the Ministry of Reve-
nue Assessment Branch will be
presenting studies with respect to
county wide reassessment at 1.30
p.m., Thursday at the cggunty coun-
cil chambers in Gxdcrit.h.
She added, " It's time something
should be done. We will get farther
and farther behind" and said "That's
not fair", when Mayor Shaw said
there is no compulsion on the coun-
ty to go ahead."
A survey of the other five towns
in Huron county will be carried out
to learn of the average 1987 sti-
pends and per diems for council
Town employees will headvised
that the cost -of -living increase is
4.2 percent and will be a considera-
tion for 1988 wage -increases.
To Ben Ho ogenboom's question
about any employee wage discus-
sions; Mayor Shaw replied, " Not
yet. If everybody was brought into
fair line last year, this cost of living
increase should be proper."
The town will furnish any pros-
pective purchasers of industrial land
with official plan= and zoning
amendments if.rcquired.
The county of Huron will be noti-
fied that Exeter is • willing to join
other municipalities in the county
to have A.M.O. carry out a pay
equity study, but would like an in-
dication of the cost prior to the
study being undertaken.
• Deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller and
works superintendent Glenn Kells
will he attending the annual Gcxtd
Roads Assocaition annual confer-
epee in 'Toronto from February 21
to 24.
The town of Exeter will hecome
an associate Member of the Recy-
cling Council of Ontario.
TIME FOR HIS HOBBY - OPP Corporal Dave Woodward has more time
-now to spend in his woodworking shop. He holds two of the butternut trays
he has turned out on his lathe. He is also copying the rocking chair.
Retiring OPP corporal
looks bac at 30 years
Corporal - Dave Woodward, . a
tnenther of the Exeter UIP detach-
ment since 1978, doubts that he will
return to regular duty in the four
months before he is eligible to re-
tire after 30 years service. A heart
ailment diagnosed last November
precipitated a move froru the regular
OPP payroll to the long -terns in-
come protection. plan designed •for
ollicers' ho become disabled.
Woodward joined the OPP in
April, 1958, and spent the next 13
years on higliway patrol and general
police duties with the St. Catha-
rines- detachment. Ile was commu-
nity Services officer with the public-
-rtelations branch of the Niagara Falls
• •OPP office lrfore being posted to
1 peter. •
�� Woodward has seen many changes
during his police career. Police
work has beetome nt<tre dangerous,
ancf trauung now indudi s crowd de
control techniques, self fence, and
personal safety. A one -ay seminar
is held annually on use 01" soft Ixxdy
armour, approaching suspicious ve-
hicles or persons. and use `of fire,
arms. Possible situations officers
may .find themselves in are acted.
out. -
Now every officer is.traincd to
each_ of the weapons carried -by the
"Violence on TV and in the. media
affects the public: There is a greater
possibility these days_ that. police
may have to use their -weapons",
Woodward noted. -
Woodward derived greatest satis-
faction from the public relations as-
pect of his duties., He was -a famil-
iar sight at schools and playgrounds
and meetings elf N.arious organiza-
tions. Ile could be demonstrating
bus safety to children preparing to
start school, conducting a bike ro-
deo as part of a summer playground,
or talking to a (group of Scouts, a
NEW YEAR'S VISITORS - Nils, Leon and Nathan French enjoy the music protiided by Exeter Heritage Foun-
dation president Bob"Heywood at Friday's New Year's Levee at the Olde Town Hall.
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Just behind Bank of Nova Scotia
A quiet week
Officers of the Exeter detachment
of the Ontario Provincial Police en-
joyed a very quiet week as far ag-ac-
cidents are concerned.
The first of two accidents occurred
Thursday at 10:15 p.m. when a ve-
hicle driven by Raymond Hutchin-
son, -RR 2 Dashwood struck a tree
after leaving.Fluron road 5 in the
hamlet of Mount Carmel. Damage
was listed at S18,000.
The next day at 5.40 p.m. vehicles
operated by Robert McKnight, Nor-
wood Village and Carolyn Doxtaior,
•RR 1 Southwold collided on High-
way 4, south of Exctcr. ,
Local officers slapped 490 vehi-
cles during theholiday season
R.I.D.E. program. Three persons
were charged with alcohol related
driving charges and three other driv-
ers received licence suspensions of
12 hours each.
'omen's Institute or an inaugural
Block Parents session.
Woodward is devoting his leisure
time to some of his interests and
hobbies. He has hecn a member of
the Gidcons for a number of years,
and recently accepted the job of sec-
retary -treasurer on the area execu-
tive. •Hc intends to attend as many
annual conventions as. possible,
starting with this year's in St.
John's, Newfoundland. He is also
an active member of Emmanuel
Baptist Church.
- Woodward can often be found in
his well-equipped workshop, fum-
ing out such things as butternut
.trays and candle sconces. • He is cop-
ying an antique -rocker, and has
most of the pieces ready to put to-
Cooking is a fairly recent inter-
est. Ilis specialty is chicken -Caccia --
tore. (A few probing questions elic-
ited the confession that the dirty
dishes are left for someone a sed)
After so many years here, Wood-
ward said Exeter seems like home to
him. Ile now has more time to en-
joy all this community has to offer.
Amend bylaws
for cemetery
Exeter council Monday night
amended the ruels and regulations of
the Exeter Public Cemetery.
The changes include that no inter-
ment should take place on Saturday
aftcmocn, Sunday or any legal stat-
uory holiday.
Interments during the winter
months shall take place at the dis-
cretion of the Cemetery superinten-
When Dorothy Chapman asked
by Saturday morning burials were
being avoided, Tom Humphreys
said, " 1 think it's because of paying
overtime to employees."
Name town committees for
ne w upcoming year of 1988
ExetE1 ccRurteil-Mondtty-night ap= --
proved appointments. to standing
committees and special boards and
committees for the town for 1988
as recommended by..thc executive
committee. -
Mayor Bruce. Shaw is an ex -
officio. member of most commit-
tees, except the South Huron Rec
Centre Board where he is an -active
ex -officio.
Appointments are as follows:.
Executive committee - Reeve Bill
Mickle, Deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller
and Councillors Dorothy Chapman
-and Gaylan Josephson.
Public Works - Chairpcwn Full-
er, councillors Ben Hoogenboom
and Morley Hall and Mickle.
General Government Chairper-
son Josephson, councillors Peter
Snell and Tom Humphreys. and
Police - Chairperson Chapman
and Josephson:
Planning Advisory Committee ,
-comm/tree -of' Adjiistmcnt .and
Property Standards Committee -
Bruce Eccles, Dave Newton, Robert •
Russell, Robert Spears, Dave Wer -
Tett, Don Winter, Hoogcnboom and
Josephson. Secretary -treasurer Brian
Johnston is a non-member.
Cemetery Board - Reg McDonald,
Robert Sintspon, Olga Davis, -Hall
and Humphreys.
Exeter and Area Fire Board -
: Shaw, Mickle, Fuller; Josephson.
Ausable-Bayfield Conservation
Authority - Ervin Sillery.
Economic Development Commit- .
tee - Gord Nichol, Peter Darbishire,
Dave Urlin,.-Mike Soldan, Gary
Bean, Jean Papple, Karen Pfaff,
-Robert ,Spears, Niall Straw, Doug • -
Ellison, Mickle and Hall.
-South Huron Recreation Board. -
Kathy Whiteford , Phyllis Johnson,
Pat Down, Tom Tomes, Ken Oke,
Chapman ., Mickle and active ex-
Ctfficid Shaw. - -
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Preparation for
Huron County Board of Education
Elementary Schools
is being made.
Children born in 1983 are eligible to enrol -
Exeter P.S.
Hensall P.S.
Huron Centennial P.S.
McCurdy P.S.
Stephen Central P.S.
Usborne Central P.S.
Zurjch P.S. '
N 262-2833 '
Allan Taylor
David Kemp
John Siertsema
Pat Soldan
Donald Finkbeiner
William Stevenson
Donald O'Brien
Huron Public Education
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