Times-Advocate, 1987-02-18, Page 31McMaster Siemon INSURANCE BROKERS INC. AUTO • BUSINESS • FARM CALL COLLECT Bus.: 348-9150 or Res.: 345-2050 CaII us for a quote on farm insurance No rebuilding clause on buildings in use. 68 Ontario Road- Mitchell - - - - Appeal ------ OPTIMIST ESSAY WINNERS - Kirkton-Woodham Optimist club president Don Richardson presents prizes to winners in a recent essay contest Sonya Van Allen, Cheri Cox and Sue Selves. Sonya Van Allen plac- ed -second in a district competition in Kitchener. T -A photo Institufe meets at EIimviIIe By SHIRLEY COOPER The Elimville Women's Institute mel Wednesday evening at the Elim- ville United Church. Members enter- tained husbands and friends. The evening started with a bountiful pot luck supper with Marion Skinner and Millie Fulton in charge. President Mrs. Philip. Johns con- ducted a short business meeting. A thank you was also extended to all members and husbands that had helped with -the sportsmen's dinner. Mrs. Elson Lynn was chairperson for the program, which opened by everyone joining in a sing song. The study of Prince Edward Island was started by watching a short movie ••My Island Home" depicting life on the island and some of.its history. A paper with some more informa- tion was handed out and some of it discussed- The Ontario Women's In- stitute men -triers are twinned with the Bullets win two games The Exeter -Bullets pee wee II team won two of three recent Lambton- Middlesex league games: The Bullets swamped Belmont 10-1, blanked the Exeter Macs 3-0 and dropped a 4-2 decision to Ilderton. I(yan Lindenfield was the top scorer for the Bullets with a four goal performance. He added a pair of assists for a six point night: Jeremy Brock also picked up six points on three goals and the same number of assists. Scoring in single fashion for the Bullets were Brad Thompson, Brad Elschner and Al McFalls. Lindenfield again led the scoring in the win over the Exeter Macs with a pair of successful sots. Brand Thomp- son was the other marksman. Brett Rideout was the top playmaker with a pair of assists. Helping on one goal apiece were Brad Elschner and Jermey Brock. Ryan Lindenfield notched both scores for the Bullets in the loss of 11- derlon and both came on unassisted efforts. Scoring for Ilderton with single goals were J. Webb. C. Diamond, M. Giannelli and J. Hatt. Women Institute of Prince Edward Island for two years: Delmar Skinner gave several recitals which were much enjoyed by all. Floyd Cooper then reviewed for all of us how to use the fire ex- Centralia x- Centralia By MRS. TOM KOOY The Centralia United Church held theirs annual meeting Sunday with a potluck lunch following the morning service. Rev. Deborah Carter chaired the meeting and opened with the reading of Psalm 23 and a short prayer. , Secretary -Etta Powe recorded the minutes. Various committee treasurers presented their annual reports along with the church treasurer presenting the 1987 budget. The session, stewards and trustees were all re-elected for another year. The Parsonage com- mittee added two new members to the committee. - A short discussion took place on this year's projected -Mt -Fa arch repairs also - a discussion on the objection for the 1987 Mission and Service Fund. Special thanks were given to Don- na Smith, Brent Caslick and Rev. Elder for all their work in the past year. The euchre in the community cen- tre had 10 tables playing with prizes going to: high score. Marjorie Steeper, Joe Carter; lone hands. Margaret Carter, Charlie Rollings: low score, Freda Rollings, Harold Harness. Closest birthdays Mildred Hirtzel and Cleve Pullman. The next party on February 2:3 will be convened by Ed and Kay Arm- strong, Jean Millar and Murray Carter. A two minute silence was held in memory of the late Roy Swartz, a regular attendant at the euchre party. Earl Dixon, Tom and I attended the 80th birthday party for Andrew Dix- on al- the Lucan Community Centre. Sunday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon visitors with Tom and I were Andy and Marian Thompson, Grace Dixon and Elizabeth Conlin for an afternoon of euchre. We all had dinner at Keegan's Inn. A simple answer to your complex RRSP decision. You're looking for the hest KRSP And you're not finding it easily. But here's a simple derision. Pick the RI1SI' with the top long -tern; performance record: Industrial Growth Fund. Over the past 19 years, Industrial Growth Fund has achieved total j iowth of almost 20(0%ar (with dividends reinvested). We don't know oratryitTiTi iRSP= 41giMe•invesiment-that.cau make that claire. In Tact, lin nearly Iwo decades. it has chalked up an average - annual compound rate of return of 174%. Consistently. Thanks to the conservative but growth -oriented money management strategy of Mackenzie Financial Corporation. Yon cavy' go wrong selecting the hest. And; in our -view, that's Industrial Growth Fund. For &hill package 01 information, including specific comparisons with other investments, return the coupon below or call. Industrial Growth Fund MM OEM MOO OMB IMO Ili. Mil IIMM IMO IMO 11111.1 MEI Looking both ways. To 11I,.11J 1si your IZRSI' 0 Please send Inc more intormdliou on an Industrial Growth Fund RRSP and its 200011, growth record. NAME • ADDRESS CITY PHONE • PROV POSTAI Coni Qlurne) (14th1ne�e) 'AOI figure. to Det I, 1986 wall dividends reinvotetl 19 year artal growth (99 l►ne cr,rr n'it nr 8115•' Any utrr rrt.rda only by !Hosp.% hi, - Dominion Securities Inc. 344 Andrew Street South, Exeter Ontario NOM 1S0 (519) 235-2231, 1-800-265-3478 Times -Advocate, February 18, 1987 Page 17A Eagles extend streak 1017 Friday night action at the South Huron Rec centre had the Exeter Eagles host Strathroy II. The Eagles chalked up their sixteenth straight win in convincing 3-0 fashion. Exeter took a quick one goal lead at 2:20 of the first period on a shot from Derek Schwartzentruber, assisted by Henri beBruyn. The rest of the first period and the second period saw fast, hard play with both teams held scoreless. It wasn't until 8:07 of the third that Exeter put the game away. Derek Schwartzentruber pocketed his se- cond of the game, assisted again by Henri DeBruyn. Brett Borden added Hold communion at Saintsbury By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Rev. Braby was in charge of Holy Communion service at St. Patrick's Sunday morning. Sheryl Carroll was pianist and Margaret Carroll reader. Rev. Braby took his text from St. tinguisher. There were several items Matthew 5. At the close of the meeting and books on display picturing -the Nadine Bedell provided coffee in the province of Prince Edward Island. parish hall. Service next Sunday is Personals planned for 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, Chad and ACW Meets Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tuesday evening Carol Greenlee Cooper, and Joan and Doug were gave her home for the February guests of Mr: and Mrs. Robert Bray ACW. The roll call was, to be and girls when they celebrated Kris- answered with a Valentine verse. ty's third birthday. ' Mary Jefferies read a story on how Valentine's day started. President Staffa resident back from west -me with two red roses for Valentine- - day. By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN - The president lead in prayer, Lorne Fell has returned home from Nadine Bedell read the meditation, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where he thesecretary Mary Jefferies read the had been attending a seed meeting. minutes of the last meeting and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daynard are Nadine Bedell gave the treasurer's home again after visiting for a few report. weeks with Gavin and Heather It was decided that each member Quiney and boys, Adam and Brandon, make a donation in place of the at Victoria, British Columbia. August barbecue. • Enjoy pancakes Viola Atkinson conducted a contest Members of the Hibbert United and I was the winner. Plans were Church Women, were treated to a made for a February dinner to be pancake luncheon prior to their served at the community centre, Cen- February meeting held in the Fami- tralia. The meeting was closed with ly Life__Qentre_ The luncheon was planned and served by Ada Pithier-daughterer s served refrefreshment;freshmend, the kostess and her Nancy Dearing and Mary F. Dow. I _ onats - Margaret Christie chaired the pro- Mrs. Greta Gibson, Mrs. Mabel gram basing her study period on the Needham and I were luncheon guests Bible woman Dorcas. Mary F. Dow with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott McRoberts led everyone in a sing song, with all in Exeter, Monday. learning some new songs. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Love and A film, entitled a tribute to some girls, Varna were Sunday guests with outstanding United Church Women Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis. through the years, was seen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacGillivray, enjoyed. Stokes Bay. were recent guests with Ilia Barker presided for the their son Mr. and Mrs. Bob business portion, when plans were MacGillivray and Iris. made for the World Day of Prayer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis were tis service which will be hosted by Hib her guests with me, Sunday evening. bail United Church Women. ( .Mrs. Ron Carroll is a patient in St. Plans were also made regarding Joseph's }fes Ual. Londn. the U.C. W. speacial events to be held Ryan Carroll s nl. the weekend in Kirkton in April. The date for the with Chad Greenlee. annual Strawberry and ham supper Nadine Bedell and Hazel Davis was set for June 10. represented St. Patrick's con rcga- Some music books will be purchas- edtion at a meetingal the rectoryin and storage facilities arranged for Kirklon. Monday the Sunday school. Rose Cunningham said she wasn't any good on poetry, so she presented Lucan bowling scores Inter -low's Ladies: Lucan 5, Exeter Dauncey 110, Jennifer Corless 110, 2, Audrey Watt 268-725. Edie Burt Erica Wilcox 109. 231-633, Ilelen Hardy 225-628, Marg Wednesday mixed:Bob Pipe Young 243-605.Men:Lucan 2712 - St. 315-695, Larry Hewitt 284-685, Tom Marys 2012, Brian Ankers 324-1334, Dobinson 2:36653, Pat Ryan 255-635. You still have time to appeal.your 1986 assessment if you Don Watt 319-1295, Roger-BennowdGuenther Bock 230-634. Bob Cornish feel your home or business property has been improperly �-'Donna Evans -229-606. Jackie the clincher a few seconds later, assisted by Shawn Heywood and Pete Lerikos to put the game away at 8:31 of the third. Justin Charrette played an ex- cellent game recording his second Plan hockey clinic at Huron Park Fundamentals in Action ( FIA ), the national hockey skills program, will be conducting a one day clinic with a former N.H.L. professional providing the instructiion. The clinic to be held in lluron Park, at Huron Park Arena on March 14, 1987. Persons interested in meeting our former professional or viewing the clinic are invited to drop in at the arena. For more information contact your local Canadian Tire store or Pepsi bottler. The number of associations involv- ed in FIA last season reached 576, this season Wean plan -to service approx- -imately 600 communities throughout Canada. The program is run by FIA in -cooperation with Canadian Tire and Pepsi-Cola and has gained na- tional recognition. FIA is a series of drills that were carefully prepared by sports educators and our 18 instructors, all former professionals. The challeng- ing and enjoyable drills emphasize game -like conditions and permit players to improve all facets of their game by competing against the drill, not other youngsters. FIA growing yearly since it was founded by former Chicago Black -Hawk -all-star -defenceman—Pat— Stapleton, is a- program designed to help players; their coaches and parents get the most out of hockey. The goal of FIA is to provide con- sistency and continuity in skill development by maximizing the use of practice ice -time. shut -out in as many games. Saturday morning saw Exeter travel to Strathroy to play Strathroy I and jumped out to a quick two goal lead on goals by Todd McCann and Henri DeBruyn. In the second period Exeter added two more on goals by ,Jamie Bedard and Henri DeBruyn. Strathroy tried to come back but excellent defensive play by Andy Thompson, Laurie Chalmers, and Jamie Tomes held them just short. The final result had Exeter come out victorious by a score of 4-3. Henri DeBruyn and Todd McCann lead Exeter offensively with two goals and one assist and one goal, two assists respectively. Jamie Bedard also had a good game with a goal and assist. The Eagles extended their streak to 17 games and are in first place in the standings with four games to play before playoffs. This week's action has Exeter in Mt. Brydges Tuesday night and Parkhill, Wednesday night. Exeter will be looking to extend the string to 19 games and keep the momentum go- ing into the playoffs in March. Tweens win over Forest The Exeter Tweens ringette team scored an. easy 11-2 victory over Forest in -the Lambton county. town.- Saturday - Becky Morgan. Giselle Charrette . and Janel Papple led the Exeter scor- ing attack with two goals apiece. Scoring in single fashion were Jayne Rowe, Julia Webster. Bryden Gryseels, Carrie Lovie and Julia Merrier. Carrie Lovie was the top playmaker with five assists to her credit. Jayne Rowe, Julia Webster and Julia Me rner•-were next with two assists each and helping on one goal apiece were Giselle Charrette and Chris Chappel. LIONESS BOWLERS Lioness. member Louise Pincombe is ready to bowl with o' Little Sister, Terri Kerr in Sunday's Big Brothers and Big Sisters Bowl for Millions. T -A photo LET'S KEEP IN -MUCH Jack Riddell MPP HURON -MIDDLESEX CONSTITUENCY OFFICES: EXETER 235-0170 GODERICH 524-9444 If you're outside the toll-free area: call free of charge by asking the operator for Zenith 14730. WANT TO APPEAL YOUR ASSESSMENT? 2234;0'7 389 1233. Arnold 234. Bill Cornelissen 286, Monday ladies:Deb Thompson 205. Kathy .289-726, Lorraine Mosurinjohn 263-698. Thursday Hewitt 205.men:ul Smith :335, 259, Joan Scott 310-686, May Murphy 242-836, Don Watt '289r 791, Bill 269-677, Heather Smith 268-641, Helen Hardy 254-628, Sandra Disher 228.635, McDonald 346 -766, -Bob Smith :301 765, Brenda Smith 272-627. Janice Brad Taylor 274-734, Ron Dickey Vanderploeg 278-622, Audrey Watt 269-721, Brian Ankers 312-721, .Jeff 225-617. Glena Tripp 224-614, Donna Park 257-713, Russ Smith 243-706, Hodgins 230-608, Donna Liley 246. Sue Mike Wraith 293-702, Kevin Lightfoot Johnston 245, Mary Jefferies 240. 275-703, Gary Dunlop 253-695, Wayne Audrey Scott 238. Smith 294-689, Doug Lee 298-688, Mike Tuesday Y.B.('.:Jason Woytowich Geoghegan 293 684, Larry Gibson 215, Chris Smith 201. Stephanie San -241-681, Jim Smith 255-673. Bill Neil dison 196, Desmond Rogers 196, Mat- 236-672, Jeff Van Haarlem 300-668. thew Dickey 188, Dylan England 178. Bob Snell 324, Bob Graham 298, Doug Shannon Thomas 167, Michael Daubs Ilalladay 303. 162, Josh Appleman 156. Aaron Friday mixed:Bob Smith 258-723, McFarland 154, Kevin Moore 150. Pat Holland 277-720, Wayne Smith C'olleen's: Deb Wonnacott 348-704, 261-709, Eve Smith 265-664, Jim Burt Lori Quinn 264-706, Elaine McNair 289-674, Brenda Smith 273-655, Chris Anderson 230-643, Edie Burt 216-609, Winnie Kcibiaeau 259 -Gayle FooR14T-'--' Darlene Fevery 250. Sunday mixed:Cheryl Smith 332. 205, 251-786, Fred Wells 287-776, Jim Smith 319-752, Brice Harris 282-70:3. Linda Webber 250-686. Rick McKin- non -253-673, Ron Mason 278-670. Larry Gibson 267-662, Jim Sweitzer 242-659, Bill Smith 243-647, Sharon Halladay 247-627, Rob Riley 266-607, Jackie Wells 232-604. C'.A.W.:Gary Wurm 255-669, Joan Finkbeiner 262-649, Cheryl Smith 258-632, Larry Smith 238-622, George Wilson 235.621, Wayne Wilson 239-604. Luanne Ilerhert 221-602. Vicki Ilor- banuik 242. Wanda Fauber( 240: Lyim Smith 231. Kirby Berdan 230: Smurfs:Aaron Holland 81, Joey McNaughton 81, Donnie Park. 70. Kristen Hickson 69, Jason Smith 69. Tyler Silver 66, Korey Hodgins 66. '—•259.6887-Jan-Capitana252 1$1., -Dianne Faubert 265-644. Margie Austin 227-621, Janice Dauncey 224-614, Val Neil 230-607, Jean Hickson 225-605. Pat Hodgins 243. Medway :Marion .Bere 250-663. Willard Smihert 252-652, - Myrt Hastings 263-640, llanney Den Otter 224-633. Marg Carmichael 211-609. Jiri Jelinek 267-655, Erica Jelinek 231-605. Senior citizens: Vi Higgs 241-629. Edie Burt 244-609, Muriel Kennedy 269, Frank De Block 250, Betty Ankers 243. Howard Currie 222, Charlie Grieve 212, Jilt Burt 211, Gord Higgs 211, Hilda O'Connor 209. Wilhelmina Den Otter 195. Wednesday Y.B.C.: David Damen 165, Chris Goddard J48. Tammy Graham 145, Chris Hielalahti 136. Michael Brady 122. Jonathon Morgan 122. Lisa Ilietalahti 120, Amy Damen 114, Sarah Culbert 113. Sara -Lynn assessed. Your assessment is import ant because-the-amountof____ property tax you pay depends on it, in that the assessed value of your property is multiplied by your municipal and school mill rate to determine your 1987 property taxes. - Notices of Assessment have been mailed to property owners and tenants whose assessments have changed since last year. Open houses have been held in your area to answer questions and amend assessment information if necessary. Open house dates and locations were announced In a previous advertisement. The Assessment Roll has now been delivered to your municipality for the purposes of calculating the amount of tax you must pay on your property in 1987. For informa- tion on your assessment, the Assessment Roll is now available for review at your Municipal Office during regu- --tar bosiness--hours-•ff-you--feel.- ouL,gtopiwty has been improperly assessed, and you have not ye m tie -your— -----.- appeal known, you still have until February 26, 1987 to deliver or mail an appeal to the Assessment Review Board. And remember, even if you did not receive a Notice of Assessment, you still have the right to appeal. deadline — February 26, 1987 The Assessment Review Board is an impartial body reporting to the Attorney General of Ontario which pro- vides you with an additional opportunity to have your assessment reviewed if, in your opinion, it is not fair and equitable with similar properties in your area. The Review Board is more informal and relaxed than a regular court of law. You may present your own case, retain a lawyer, or ask a relative or friend to speak as your agent. To help you in filing your appeal, Notice of Appeal forms are available from the Assessment Review•Board, your Regional Assessment Office, or your Municipal Office. As well, you can use the reverse side of a Notice of Assess- ment or write a letter stating the property address and roll number together with your reasons for appealing. Appeals should be forwarded to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board listed below. Ministry of Revenue Ontario Reional Registrar .ASSESSMENT REVIEW BOARD MINISTRY OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 426 Third St.. 1st floor London. Ontario N5W 4W6 4,