Times-Advocate, 1987-02-18, Page 22Page 10A Times -Advocate, February 18, 1987
SPECIAL BOXES - - Grand Bend Nursery School teachers Sharon Kyle
and Connie Hodgins held Valentines parties for three different
classes._Here students Chris O'Brien, Maggie Illman, Sarah -Rae Lovie,
and Bradley Turnbull prepare mailboxes for their special cards.
WINNING JUNIORS Team eight of the junior snow sculpture com-
petition won first place Friday with their snail and dragon entry: at
the Grand Bend Public School. In the front is Melissa Milam, Bryce
Kadlecik, and Bobi-Jo Whiting. Standing in the back is captain Cullen
Kobe, John Beemer, and Travis Shepherd. Honorable mention with
only one point difference from second place winners, was Dove
Maguire's team who made a large head of their principal.
Pastor returns
from holidays
Parishioners 01 1inmaculate Heart
of Mary Church were pleased to
welcome back their pastor. Father
Robert Morrissey, after his vacation:
. He celebrate;! all of the masses this
- weekend. Rose Van Bruane was the
reader for the 11 a.m. mass,- with Paul
.Diet rich as both:organi't and cantor.
Rose and Jerry Van Bruaene. were
the Eucharistic Aliniste'is. The choir
performed " Ifere 1 am. Lord" at
. in- his sermon. Father Morrisset-
discussed the hypocritical standards
of the Pharisees. Is our Morality like
the law-abiding goodness of the
Pharisees, only skin-deep'' Jesus
wanted more from His disciples and
from us. the spirit as well as the let-
ter of the law. We must not kilt. but
Jesus says we must not hate. We must
. not steal. neither are we to covet their
possessions. We must reconcile our
•differences with our brothers. for tru-
ly good people care more about others
than they do about their own
4-H club meets
.Iembers of the Grand Bend 4-11
Club no. one .m ` 'Janda
February 2 at Mrs. Peckitt's hone to
form the group 'Surviving with
Style". They had an election of of-
ficers: president. Krisli Van Dongen:
vice president, -Jackie Vandenberk:
sceretary. Lee Ann I'eckitl and news
reporter Tammy Johnson. The presi-
dent chaired the meeting beginning
with roll call • Why did you join this
.r----- .- ��[•hltl r... .1 •n t `;aria le'LrrleLbow......,
to handle various emergencies. like
Toss of hydro, broken water pipes. and
obscene phone calls. •
The second meeting of Grand Bend
no. one took place on February 9. once
again at the home of their leader.
Mrs. Peckitt. The girls answered the
roll call "What is your favourite meal
when eating out''" Steve Turnbull as
guest speaker showed them three
types of wire. and demonstrated what
to do for a running toilet. and other
simple repairs. Aflet•wards the girls •
baked some pudding.
Press reuurter: 'Tammy Johnson
held at
Olde Town Hall
Feb. 16 6:45 p.m.
Trivitt Memorial
Anglican Church
Main St. at Gidley
For further information
Scores from the legion dart league
The dart league has continued a_ t
the Grand Bend Legion, but there's a
bit of catching up in order, The win-
ners of darts for February 3 were Bob
Voisin and Marg Hedley, with Dave
Lovie and Viviane Wilton coming in
second. Some 24 people came out that
'night, but Dave Lovie won the 50/50
draw anyway! -
. On February 10. Don Wilton and
Betty Price got first place in darts, as
Jim Price and Mamie Parkhill got se-
cond. Valda ('lark was, Ihe lucky -win-
ner of the 50/50 draw, with Ib our that
There was also -a goixl turnout tor
the Friday meat raffle. the winners'
were: Fred Jones. John Dunnigan,
Shirley Pole. Celia Ilugties. and Jim
Pice. Helen Noble won the door
For their; part --in the -Winter Car-
nival. the Legion hosted a steak
barbecue and aSweetheart dance.
Both events were so successful that
they finally had to lock the doors at
9 p.m. to prevent further crowding,
All tickets were long since sold out.
At. leas) 1.25 people enjoyed the
steak barbecue, a delicious meal -of
mouthwatering steak. potato. tole
slaty. and bum :A special thanks goes
to Gib Roane. who single-handedly
grilled all those steaks. from 5 to 9
p:nr.. outside the legion, wearing a
sninvnlobile suit in those freezing
temperatures! 1te had to roast •
himself. along with thesteaks, just to
keep warm!
A D,1 pr•otided a wide variety of
music for the Sweetheart dance that
followed. as people tripped the light
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fantastic into -the wee hours. Paul
Crigcio, Celia Hughes and Brenda
Mathers were the lucky winners of
the three door prizes. "Handy, the
piano player" won the 50/50 draw,
after providing music tree all after-
noon .
Thanks to everyone who helped in
any way. to make the evening such a
success. Another special thanks goes
to the For Goodness Sakes Shop,
which provided over 10 dozen Valen;
tine cookies for the dance. - hearts,
lips, and penguins, they were all gone
in a few minutes!
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Employers, take up thechallenge!
Take up the challenge in '87. The Government of Cana( h,ic
money available to help you hire a student this summer.
• Under Summer Employment/Experience Development ('-'F )),
substantial wage subsidy assistance is available for arr`rr,v,
proposals to create positions that would otherwise not 11P POW NC.
• Proposals 'are evaluated on their potential to i students
for our future labour market, with particular emon career
• Businesses, municipalities and non-profit organizations are all
eligible to apply for SEED assistance.. -
• Your summer students will benefit from the experience you
have to share'- and•you'll benefit from the energy and enthusiasm
they bring to their work.
Apply now, to become a Challenge '87 SEED employer.
Applications are available from your Canada Employment Centre.
They must be postmarked no later than March 6, 1987.
IGovemment of Canada Gouvernement du Canada
lurr Minister of State for Youth Ministre d'etat l'i la Jeunesse
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