Times-Advocate, 1987-02-18, Page 18Page 6A
Times -Advocate, February 18, 1987
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THEY CELEBRATED 100 = - Grade one students at Lucan Public School celebrated. 100 days of school
for the current term. Shown around o coke with 100 candles are Robbie Silver, Taro Hackney, Lindsay
Hardy, Corey Smith, Jenny Zaplator, Deanna Peperides and Lori Wood. T -A photo
NewSfroin Revv
Nello Ronnagnoli led the song ser-
vice Sunday morning. Rev. Roger
Mason introduced 11r: Paul 'Lockman
to speak on behalt'of the Gideon In-
ternational. The Gideons have been
operating since 1917. Last year the 25
millionth copy of the Bible was
presented to Prince Minister Brian
Mulroney: Bibles are distributed in
motels. hotels. hospitals. tnedical of-
fices. nursing homes. and to Grade
five students.
Gideons in Canada -have been
assigned South America to distribute
Bibles. with a. great need in Brazil.
Rev. llasou ministered from 1
Peter 2:1-2. Envy. is a sin that must
be set aside. Rev. Mason sununariz-
cd a man living beside a neighbour
►►•ho seemed to have so Many
material things hedid_tut have. If he
sees his neighbour receiving a ticket
and takes delight in that. that is an in-
dication of the sin of envy.
a� Centre
Joseph's brrithers to sell him into
The lie of "one cannot be happy" if
someone else is more successful than
one. or have more talent than one
leads to envy. The cure for envy is to
first acknowledge one has the sin of
envy. Challenge the lie that leads to
envy. Repentance comes with .the
cure for envy in helping that person
one is envious of to do better. This is
love in action.
Sunday evening Rev. Roger Mason
conducted the service. Rev. Mason
spoke front Mark 3:1-6. Fault finders—
_ are blind to the needs of others just
interested in finding faults. The
Pharisees did not care about the man
with the withered hand. They were
watching Jesus to see if Ile would heal
on the Sabbath day. Jesus will
minister to peoples' needs if they let
The fault finding Pharisees were
careful to look for faults in Jesus.
They watched Jesus intently in hopes
He would heal this -man so they could
accuse flim of wrong. Practicing
medicine on the Sabbath day was
against the law of Moses.
Fault finders are legalists that hold
people to the letter of the law. The
Pharisees lived up to the letter of
their interpretation of the law: Like
most fault finders they watched
others more than they watched
themselves. Fault finders are not in
terested in (he truth.
Jesus challenged them on their in-
terpretation of the law. Jesus asked
the man with the withered hand to
step forward, as Jesus was concern-
ed for him. Sometimes people have to
If yo(1 are miserable to see another
succeed. that is envy. An envious per-
son cannot tolerate seeing another do-
ing well. Envy is -a sinthat makes a
person unhappy. as it can become a
-None of the money given goes for ad-
ministration, as workers donate their
time. Mr. Ilockman showed cards us-.
ed to express sympathy, and in honor •
• of someone. Mr. Hockman read Mat-
thew 24:35• staling God's word will
never pass away.
trait in-one-tturt-is-hard to discover,
Low self esteen perpetuates envy,
Roman 1:29 lists envy as a sin. \IaI-
thew 28:18 stales Jesus was delivered
to be crucified because of envy.
Romans 11:1:3 tells -Christians not to
walk with envy. Envy caused
BONHOMME WAS BUSY - Bonhomme is not only the mascot of
the Quebec Winter Carnival, but he was at McGillivray Central School
for their carnival. Wednesday. Here the Iocakarnival mascot alias
teacher Drew Robertson is shown with Jennifer and Jamie Cornish.
Friendship club meets
The I40an,1011 Friends1111) nal) ►w:Is chairman Ins• the program.
incl Ft br•uao 8 with an attendance of Mar'garel Facey played the piano for
#t - - a sing song. I'1hel (hose gaverea 11 1,
\da S-.iu„
hutt►_ pilL ilimj-{►w-4,1
n►t (Irnf! in the absence of Audrey Margaret Facci and her daughter
Nlt•fiobert,. She read a poem Ifappy Shirley'. Du/ton played piano duct
\'a lent Mrs Day.•Meeting opened with �u►d Margan•1's grandson Ryan Dui
the singing (l1)('amid:twilitDor•oth,► Ion played 1ainl,ourine. Beth
Bullock :,I the pianoI3uchanan showed pu•lures of thee,'
birthday was sung lot• Per- Californiatrip.
cy llhonu•. Amu, Tt'udgt•on, Roger Gams•, were played. winners were:
Trudgcon and \larjor•ie (►'Neill who scrabble •- Dorothy Trudgeon.
have February birthday, Beth arta c•rokinole . (;ate Wennerslt•um and
Nllt liuchan:v, have a I• i•hruar} nee Fred Trudge on. euchre high Jean
ding -anniversary Elliot! and Percy Mamie. low Rosie
. Beth Buchanan reported on one and Aldrich and Edith McPherson. 11'111'
•1' ay has crit),. II was decided 1(1 hands /IOWA1cHoberls and Elliott
go in June to(*bathan). a ball crui.c \I1' Rohcr'l,. lucky plate \label
on Thaines River to the maid) of Needhan,
Lake Si ('lair. dinner al 1 ighlbouse A delicious lunch was served 1» the
restaurant and a tour of Uncle Tom's committee and a social hall hour was
Cabin and a Iwo (lay trip to enjoyed. Next meeting to he held
Manitoulin in September. \larc•h 4. Committee for Fehruar►
'There "„. an exchange 1'1• \'alc•n meeting ►i•as \\ill and. Beth
tines and you !OMNI0111 who your- Buchanan. Roger and .Anna'1'rudgenn
secret Ain ir,'1' «as. Roger'I'rudgcon and Ethel Grose.
-Valentines at VC fil
a entities
OPP cheek seven mishaps
During the week officers of the
Lucan detachment of the Ontario Pro-
vincial Police investigated 48 general
occurrences which included seven
motor vehicle accidents.
Three Sunday mishaps were caus-
ed by the extreme winter weather
conditions. The first at 1:05 p.m. in-
volved vehicles driven by Terry
Anger, Wingham and James Ostler.
London on Middlesex road 23. Cor-
poral Munro set damages at $1,200.
At 5 p.m. the same day, a vehicle
driven by David Siddall, Denfield
struck a stranded and unattended
vehicle on Highway 7. Constable
Vance listed damages at $925.
An hour later, Constable Holland
estimated damages at $12,500 when
vehicles driven by William Kilby.
Ailsa Craig and Timothy Baer, Den-
field were in collision on Highway 7.
Monday at 10:95 a.m., vehicles
operated by James Riordan. and
Frederick Wideman, both of St.
Maryscollided on Concession road 7.
Damages were set at $3.500 by Con-
stable Stables.
Constable Wilcox listed damages at
.$2.800 when vehicles driven by Shar-
ron .Gibson, Lucan and James
tIc•Letxl, Iluron Park were in collision
on Highway 4 al 5:20 p.m., Tuesday.
Wednesday at 7:25 a.m., vehicles
driven by Veronica Manders and
John Storey, both of. Lucan collided at
the intersection of Richmond and
Main streets in Lucan. Constable
Wilson set damages at $L,100.
A vehicle driven by Adrian Vos.
Blyth went out of control on Highway
4 at 11:30 p.m.. Thursday and rolled
over in the ditch. Constable Briggs
estimated damages at $2,000.
General occurrences also included
two thefts from motor vehicles; three
instances of break, enter and theft:
two of wilful damage; one harassing
phone call; one theft under $1.000 and
one of cheque fraud.
Two male persons were charged
with assault causing bodily harm and
one charged with escaping lawful
'custody. Two persons were charged
with Violations of the Liquor Licence
Act, one driving suspension of 12
hours was issued and one person was
charged With impaired driving.
Leanand district news
Susan Coot
Seniors enjoy
crafts, euchre
President Hamilton Hodgins
'.elconred everyone. O'Canada was
sung with Muriel at the piano. There
teere no birthdays. Mrs. Charlotte
Barker was welcomed hack after her
long absence. Mary Kooy reported
Harry Noels was in hospital in
Florida. Mary Davis reported that
-toyle Jordan was also in intensive
e•, rein hospital We wish_them all a
speedy recovery.
Hamilton thanked all -who helped
collect names for the Seniors Apart-
ments. Over 500 names were col-
lected. The Lions will be calling a
meeting on same at a later date. A
sing song was held then an exchange
of Valentines was also held.
Craft and euchre was played. Win-
ners were: High score. - Marjorie
-Steeper and aI i Seott playing mans
card: Lone hands - Merna O'Neil and
Joe Carter: Low score - Mary
Whelehan and Ed Armstrong; craft
winner - Gayle Cronyn: card con-
vener - Mabel Needham.
step forward in obedience to have God
minister to them.
Upcoming events
February 20-21 - Youth Seminar,
about various issues facing youth.
Brian and Angela Richardson of Lon-
don will minister from. Friday 7:00
p.m. to 10:00 p.m. nightly. There is no
cost at Lucan Revival Centre.
Friday's winter carnival at Biddulph Central School. From the left are
Craig Williams. Jeff Campbell, Shelly Maguire, Bev Dauncey, Tina
Verhey and Tracey Mitchell. T -A photo
Seniors hear humorous
' Winners were named in a poster contest for
poern.-on. volunteers
The Lucan Women's Institute met
in the Optimist ('lub room with presi-
dent Bernice Lockyer conducting the
Ode and Collect. She welcomed
everyone and read a humorous poem
on "Volunteers".
Dorothy Darling read Psalm 40
followed by the Lord's prayer in
unison. Our craft article to send to the
90th anniversary celebration of W.I.
'at North Bay in July wilt to beads and
'ear rings made by Elnora Raycraft.
'A donation of •$50 was voted for
Education Project of 90th anniver-
sary.' District Annual will be held May
1.2 at Beechwood Presbyterian
('hureh. W.I. day at London Farm
Show is \larch 6, when Janet Horner
will speak on self confidence.
Isobel Haskett; Agricultural (..on-
vener read an interesting paper on
owls. Members answered roll call by
naming a kind of owl. Keep in mind
the Red Cross Blood Donor's (Clinic to
be held at Lucan Arena April 30, 5
p.ni. to 9 p.m.
Next W.I. meeting will be 2 p.m. in
the Optimist Room on March 11. Roll
call will be "the most unusual food i
have eaten and what would you like
to retire to'!“
Valentine weekend at !mean United
('hurc•h. The ideal time for lovers.
Maybe that valentine that says "Be
Mine' should have added "for how
long" one husband. one wife: for one
life time - heavens concept - -Wonder-
ful" and •r surprising number of
couples believe in and practice this
.way sof living.
This was made evident by some 28
couples re-newing their marriage
vows• someseven beautiful brides at-
tired in their original virginal whites,
looking just as radiant and eye cat-
ching as they had years before. •
What a lesson for the children, who
were assured by Rev. Darrell Shaule,
that Goil had already picked partners
for each 01 them and would in clue
course reveal His choices - providing
the still small voice was still there, in
their hearts. and they were still obe-
dient to His directions.
Three couples shared their ex-
periences ip the sermon. "What
makes your ►narriatr( Work" - Dale
and Linda F'roals, Wes and ilelen
Stanley and Horace and (:race
Rev. Shaule added the following
guide lines: try to build each ether
up; share honestly with one another;
learn to say you're sorry even though
it may not be -your fault; have fun
with your partner; dbn't be jealous;
either of friends or of their
achievements and share your faith in
a positive way and allow God to ce-
ment you both together.
Marriages are not divorce proof.
The scripture passages read by Jane
Holden were 1 John 4:7-11,.1 Corin-
thians 13:4-8, Eph. 5:21-33.
Each Sunday morning we, of the
congregation, experience a true uplif-
ting of our spirits. a thankfulness to
God for everything Ile is to us and a
warm rush of love for each .other.
Please try to attend, the week will go
much better for you because of this
1 Ottawa, Ontario, K I A 0M5.
A X /87
o Vote
The Ontario Election Act, provides that every person is
entitled to vote who, on Electionbay, has attained eighteen
years of age; is a Canadian Citizen; has resided in Ontario
for the six months n' xt preceding Election Day; and is not
disqualified by law from voting.
British Subjects who are not Canadian Citizens do not
have the right to vote in -Ontario Provincial Elections.
Applying for Canadian Citizenship.
If you wish to apply for Canadian Citizenship or if you have any
doubts about your status as a Canadian citizen, please contact:
The Court of Canadian Citizenship nearest you listed under
"Government of Canada" in the blue pages of your telephone
directory, as follows: Secretary of State, Citizenship applications
and inquiries.
OR - You may wish to write directly to the Registrar of
Canadian Citizenship„ Department of the Set rotary of State
of Canada,
7'his information is published as a Public Service and issued
by the Chief Election Officer of Ontario in co-operation with
the Registrar of Canadian Citizenship, Department of the
Secretary of State of Canada.